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New Doctor Wanted

posted by C. Wilson on 02 Feb 2010 at 2:32 pm

Hi I am to new to Bexhill and would like to register with a Doctor in the area, that being central Bexhill and would like some recommendations from residents. What I am looking for is a lady doctor who has the old fashioned style of willing to listen to your symptoms and have the modern learning to act on them ,but also hasnt a closed attitude to alternative therapies

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posted by L. BAKER on 09 Feb 2010 at 10:34 pm

I have lived in Bexhill all my life and have always been with the practice that has a surgery in Albert Road (in the town) and one in Turkey Road in Sidley. It is currently headed by Dr Lawton and there are 3 lady doctors there at the moment. The previous senior partner was a superb doctor (he actually saved my life) and he said to me on more than one occasion when I thought I was wasting his time, that I was never to think like that. My family and I still feel that even though he has now retired that the current senior partner continues to promote that ethos. You are registered with a named doctor but if they are not available, you are offered an appointment with another partner and can specifically ask for a female doctor. They also have an excellent and very experienced female nurse practitioner who is a very good listener too. Hope you get registered soon and enjoy living in Bexhill as much as I do.

Good And Bad

posted by E Williams on 24 Aug 2011 at 9:43 am

Have been going to the Albert Road surgery for years and have seen two doctors in that time. I am currently with Dr Lawal who is very attentive and doesn't rush to give you advice/diagnosis until he is certain. Very good doctor.

However, my partner attends Old Town Surgery opposite the Manor Barn car park, and where do I start... Maybe with the dragon on reception who barks orders at you rather than asking what you need, or perhaps the doctors that can't wait to fob you off with painkillers and get you out again? The doctor my partner is registered with is almost always unavailable due to holiday, to be honest just not very impressive generally.

I must second the above post by L Baker, as this surgery is well run and very well staffed. In comparison, the Old Town Surgery really loses points...

GPs/Sexual Health

posted by chrissy on 22 Oct 2011 at 8:31 am

I am looking for a doctor with interest in sexual health issues as one of my children is gay. I need them to feel comfortable as this is a difficult time for them. Thank you.

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