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Bexhill Seafront Works 2010

posted by Yaz on 06 Jun 2010 at 12:42 pm

As i drove along Bexhill seafront, I saw that there was work being done, and I am wondering WHAT they are doing. I am also very interested to know WHY they are doing this work in the summer because many more people use the seafront more in the summer than in the winter.Thank you


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WHAT Are They Doing Indeed!

posted by Ashley on 05 Jul 2010 at 2:16 pm

There is a picture on the west end of the promenade (by the public toilets) showing how the development is supposed to look when it's complete.

Every time I look at it I ask myself


Wasting Our Money Again!

posted by Julia on 07 Jul 2010 at 4:36 pm

If i am repeating myself its because this system decided not to play ball with me.
Anyway, yes what are they doing apart from wasting our money? You cant see from the plans at all apart from the fact that they are installing ugly benches and the odd coloured concrete ball for decoration which will result in kids climbing on them,falling off, parents sueing and them having to be removed again and the odd umberella. Apart from the fact that there is no parking and if you have kids you have to either stand them on the road to wait for you then cross over and then back again, or park miles away taking the fun out of going when the kids are tired from heat, and i am niggly with having loads to carry. Dont you think that the pot holes actually need this attention, not a seafront that was perfectly fine as it was. You cant please everyone i know but apart from the inconvenient time the works have been started i personally cant see why it needs doing or where we are all going to benefit and say 'wow it's amazing'! If the government are tightening their belts it seems crazy that millions are being spent on these un-necessary projects and the money spent where its acutally needed ie: the roads, which is costing us drivers more in damaged cars.


posted by Racharoo on 14 Jul 2010 at 10:09 am

Basically the council screwed up again.


posted by John on 15 Jul 2010 at 10:38 pm

What is wrong with people in Bexhill?
Money wasted on a load of balls in Devonshire square, money wasted re designing a perfectly good prominade. What do we expect when all we do is keep voting in the same old councillors. Time for some common sense I think!

Where Are The Workers?

posted by Lesley on 11 Aug 2010 at 10:09 pm

We visited Bexhill today. We like coming here, but haven't been for a few months. We were appalled to see all the fences along the side of the road. How does one get on to the beach? No wonder it was so empty! Where were the workers who should have been working on this project? According to the notice it should be finished in October 2010. We shall return then and see how much has been done - I can't believe it will be finished. And what has happened to the big sundial?


posted by Em on 12 Oct 2011 at 5:17 pm

This may sound like a very strange post, but i was wondering what happened to the decorative railings along the promanade at bexhill? I am a photographer, living in london, who is making a book that represents the memories of my child hood. I had so many ideas but am constantly finding that the locations i visit are uner construction, closed down or just gone. Now, with out sounding completely crazy; When i was younger I very clearly remember a long rail that ran along the length of the beach, we used to park by the public toilets and walk along to the De La warr centre and I know that each fence post had a sort of dome shape on the top. i remember because I used to think they looked like eggs and me and my cousin would walk along tapping them shouting 'egg' (again I am not crazy I was five). So before I came down to start the project I checked out a photo on google earth were you could still see the 'fence eggs'. I had planned to take a photograph of the railings with the centre in the background but popped down last week to find they had been replaced! I am sure this is a riduculouse thing to be angry about but what with Hastings pier burning down, and Treasure Island at Eastbourne being closed this was kind of the straw that broke the camels back!

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