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Keep Our Crazy Golf

posted by Jacky on 03 Sept 2010 at 5:46 pm

bexhill seafront is being redeveloped,i am sure it will be good when its finished but am a little dissapointed that we will not be keeping the putting and crazy golf,yes yes i know you are all thinking its naff old fashioned and not at all crazy or exciting. i also do not play on it myself,but lots of people get enjoyment from it ,also it is our only facility on the front ,i would like to see it improved,after all hastings keeps several running ,they also host part of the world champion crazy golf contest there! how great it would be if bexhill had a team and could join in.what does any one think? please don't think i am a sad old ******** i love bexhill i have a business here and do not want want us to loose all of our facilities .perhaps there is a mini golf enthusiast out there looking to expand .

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Keep Our Crazy Golf

posted by Rachel Keevil on 10 Sept 2010 at 5:20 pm

Dear all,

Yes we should try and keep this facility. I have seen so many people even in the last few weekends playing on the greens. We do not all want modern courses and have you seen the prices they charge as well!!
I would be more than willing support your quest although I am not sure I would be a suitable green keeper.

Kindest Regards

Rachel Keevil
Buenos Aires Guesthouse

Keep Our Putting Green/ Crazy Golf

posted by Cary on 12 Sept 2010 at 11:06 pm


I'm also totally with you on this one. It's a facility that many people enjoy and I believe its also in keeping with the seaside atmosphere and tradition of Bexhill (unlike the new seafront development that I am seeing painfully getting closer to completion).

I, like many others, am not understanding that what is being proposed, is either a benefit, or improvement, particularly for the amount that this is costing.

I will offer whatever support that I can!



Don't Let It Go

posted by John Stevenson on 13 Sept 2010 at 12:40 am

keep the crazy golf, if you allow it to be lost what on earth will be the next family fun attraction to get the axe.
This activity is something the whole family can enjoy at a modest cost, and of course us toursits when we go the Bexhill.

Keep The Crazy Golf

posted by Chris Madeley on 13 Sept 2010 at 7:37 pm

I fully agree with previous messages, and am prepared to be part of an action group to stop the rot on the seafront. This is the only area on the seafront where families (through the generations) can all enjoy the same entertainment. This summer seems to have had even more visitors than ever before.
Let me know what I can do.


posted by Robert on 14 Sept 2010 at 3:58 pm

Well, Derek Stevens is quoted in the Observer as saying, "If in the future we believe there is a high public demand for putting in Bexhill, the council can look into the viability of providing it elsewhere." (http://www.bexhillobserver.net/news/Crazy-golf-closes-amid-calls.6523508.jp)

However, our 'Council Leader', Carl Maynard, has insisted that there will be no putting on the metropole green now or in the future:

"This decision, not to include the putting green on the Metropole Lawn, will not be re-visited."


So, if putting does come back, it won't be in that ideal and perfect place (providing Carl Maynard is in charge). How very democratic.


Guess The Game Plan

posted by Cary on 14 Sept 2010 at 6:10 pm

Our Councillor Maynard's comments seem to demonstrate the arrogance and contempt of Rother Council and how totally out-of touch they seem to be.

It's difficult not to wonder what the ultimate game plan is with this prime piece of land, particularly in view of the De La Warr Heights development fiasco just across the road.

I hate to suggest that this maybe a case of "Watch this Space"... quite literally?!

Green Space

posted by dave on 26 Sept 2010 at 6:17 pm

The issue with this parcel of land has nothing to do with crazy golf but everything to do with redevelopment and increased revenue for the councils coffers in extra taxes.
Losing yet another Green space in our town is unacceptable,and if cllr maynard has an issue with that might I suggest the good people of bexhill remember this at the next election.
A much better use would be to retain the crazy golf, plant copious amounts of trees and shrubs and turn it into a small park area that would enhance the sea front for visitors and residents alike, instead of constructing yet another un needed building..


posted by mrs.childs on 24 Jul 2011 at 11:37 am

My grandchildren arrived in Bexhill for their annual holiday yesterday & were very upset at the removal of the 'crazy golf' !! One of their favourite family activities , such a healthy , fun & inexpensive game for all ages . It maybe you are axeing something worthwhile for the sake of 'appearances' !!


posted by mikeysussex on 27 Jul 2011 at 10:42 am

I am a regular visitor and becoming quite worried about what is happening on the seafront. I thought the golf was great and will certainly be missed. I hope your local council will not over-develop and make Bexhill like every other british resort - is has a class of its own and once lost you will never get it back.
Good luck with your campaigning.

Simple Pleasures

posted by Mrs M Piper-Smith on 22 Aug 2011 at 9:44 am

I quite agree - crazy golf and putting are fun, simple and something all ages can enjoy. We must hang on to these traditions that allow children to play in the open air - without benefit of batteries or electricity! Our summer visitors have always looked forward to our regular family competitions that we come over from Eastbourne for. Shame on the council for not listening to what residents and visitors actually want.

Bexhill On A Rainy Day

posted by Daphne Furness on 23 Aug 2011 at 12:02 pm

I love Bexhill - so arrived with 3yr old grandson for happy day on the beach. Guess what - it was raining.On looking round for some form of simple entertainment I realized that in Bexhill there is no such thing available. Why can you not set aside a room or two in the De la Warr pav. for children to use?There are quite a few simple amusements that will keep[ children happy for hours which would cost hardly anything to provide.Who would help with this I hear you ask -well how about the many wise and lovely grannies that abound in your town? Then perhaps you would not see poor young parents trying to make a happy holiday on such days - wandering around looking miserable.

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