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Family & Friends History Research - Thread

posted by Jeanette Hall on 10 Jul 2007 at 8:24 pm

My family name is Maykels and my sister remembers seeing a large hairdresser's salon in Bexhill on Sea around 1950 with Maykels written large above it. She remembers the shop as pink. She asked our dad about it and he said she was a relation who never married. Does anyone remember the hairdressers? Or know anything about the woman who ran/owned it?
I'd be grateful for any info on a possible Bexhill connection.

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Jones Family of Bexhill

posted by Karen Dunstone on 21 Jan 2007 at 3:23 am

I am researching my family history and have discovered my great great grandfather, John Mathias Jones and his wife Ann Maria Jones nee Alchin had a "country home" in Bexhill-on-Sea, not sure of the exact timing but they married in 1845 so it would be after this time. I have been told by my uncle that Ann was still living in the house in the early 1900's as her grandson from Australia visited her there. I am extremely interested in finding more information about John and his time in Bexhill, if anyone could help I would very much appreciate it. Thankyou.

Researching Family History

posted by Susie on 08 Jul 2007 at 2:27 pm

I am currently researching my family history and am in possession of a photograph of my great-grandaunt's son. This photo was done by EMIL VIELER- Imperial Studio, Station Road, Bexhill. Tthis photo is my only lead. I found information on the studio on the web, so it is fair to assume that the photo was taken early 1900. I had hoped that studio may still exist, the back of the photo had a number - as I am trying to find an address. Original rumour had it, my cousin went to Eaton, but that has been proven incorrect. My great-grandaunt lived in London, but her son went to boarding school. Is there a particular boarding school in Bexhill or area and photos would have been taken by Emil Vieler's studio?
I would apreciate any information.

Kindest regards,

Ernest Henry Bacon

posted by dale fanning on 02 Aug 2007 at 2:38 am

I am researching my family tree and have Ernest Henry Bacon deceased 1971 St.Peters Crescent Bexhill. His wife Kathleen was still living at this date.
Would anyone know of this family, were there children or what happened to Kathleen.
Any information greatly appreciated.

Family History - Hillside Road

posted by Gregory Brennan on 08 Aug 2007 at 8:13 pm

My father (Patrick Joseph Brennan) was born in 1922 and raised in Bexhill. He joined the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers at the beginning of WWII and married a girl from Northern Ireland in 1942. He had 3 brothers (one called William) and at least 1 sister (called Kathleen). Kathleen married Albert H Cooper and lived at 12 Hillside Road, Bexhill in the 1950's and 60's. I am trying to trace any living relatives or descendants of my family as my father disappeared in the mid 50's due to delayed shell shock as a result of his war injuries. He later passed away in Cardiff in 1984. Does anyone remember this family in Bexhill? Any help would be very much appreciated.

Maykels Salon Bexhill On Sea

posted by Stephne Maykels-Strange on 25 Aug 2007 at 12:38 am

Hi there,
My family name is also Maykels and as far as I am aware the salon belonged to my grandfather Sam Maykels and his business partner , my grandmother having passed away in the late 1940s. My father, Graham was Sams youngest son and my Aunt, Sams' daughter trained as a hair dresser there. I believe that the salon was still there in the early 60s as I seem to recall that my Dad told me I had my first hair cut there when I was about a year old.
I am one of 8 grandchildren of Sam Maykels who I believe died in the 1950s
I will have to check all the details as they are rather sketchy, but let me know where you fit in. Regards Steph

Bexhill Hairdressing

posted by Jill Dancy on 30 Aug 2007 at 2:59 pm

Re Maykels.
As a member of the staff '59-61app. I understand that Sam Maykels died within the above years. Wife and daughter Leila continued with the business. Leila married and became Mrs Morris last heard of living in Sidley, East Sussex.

A Message For Jeanette Hall

posted by melanie dove-medows on 31 Oct 2007 at 9:15 pm

My maiden name is Maykels. My late father Graham Maykels was one of 3 children of Samuel Maykels who was a hairdresser in Bexhill.

Maykels In Bexhill

posted by Laurence Maykels on 06 Dec 2007 at 11:34 am

Sam Maykels was my stepfather, my late mother Estella marrying him in 1952 when my sister and I moved to Bexhill. He was a master hairdresser helping found the Hairdressing Guild in Hastings and his well regarded salon was on the corner of Sackville Road opposite the Sackville Hotel and De La Warr Pavilion. My family left Bexhill and moved to London in 1965.

Searching For School Friends Western Road Mitcham

posted by David Buettner on 10 Dec 2007 at 11:48 am

Linda Mason now Naomi Rice orginally from Western Road sec Modern Mitcham, remember me David buettner the blonde haired boy who courted Barbera Wilson!

Imperial Studio

posted by Marcia Woolf on 10 Dec 2007 at 2:46 pm

I believe the Imperial Studio building (with art nouveau detailing) is still just around the corner from Bexhill Station, on the left-hand side as you walk towards the post office.

Looking For Hope-Ede

posted by Matt Hope-Ede on 26 Dec 2007 at 7:51 am

Im trying to find info on my great grandfather. We have two photo's of him in yeomanry uniform taken by J Hicks, in Bexhill around 1902-1905. He came to New Zealand and it would appear he hyphinated or made up his last name.His first names are James william Thomas, Hope-Ede. His real last name may be hope or Ede.We Know he was photographed by Hicks, with Howard Hilliard who married Hicks's daughter. On his marriage cert. in Nz he sais he was born in scotland 1880 and his mother was elizabeth(NEE) Graham.Anyone know of a James Hope or Ede? Are there any records of who Hicks took photos of?

Aaron Winborn Relatives Sought

posted by Jean Zorko on 06 Jan 2008 at 1:50 am

I am looking for descendents/relatives of Aaron Winborn who was born in Bexhill in 1792 and married Mary Beaney and died in 1875. They had 4 children George, John, Jane and James. I do not know his parents names, but do know that Mary Beaney was the daughter of John Beaney and Jane Weston.
The children were born between 1819 and 1830. It is believed that the family emigrated to America. Emily Shoesmith, born in Bexhill in 1833, was the daughter of John Shoesmith and Ann Smith, married James Winborn (son of Aaron). Any information would be greatly appreciated. I am especially interested in Aarons parentage and other siblings of his in the area.
Thank you.
Jean Zorko

Searching....can You Help?

posted by ann miller on 15 Jan 2008 at 10:31 pm

I am the great grandaughter of Sir Francis H. Humphreys who, at one time, resided at 36 Dorset Road in Bexhill-on-Sea. Is there anyone who might have any further information either with regard to the Humphreys family or the property at 36 Dorset Road. My grandmother was Dorothy Humphreys, born in 1885 to Sir Francis Humphreys and his wife. Thank you for your consideration. Ann Miller

Captain Grant

posted by Annelise Pannier Otter on 17 Feb 2008 at 6:41 pm

My father, Jacques Pannier from Paris, used to go to Captain Grant's house at Bexhill in the 30ies. He would be 90 now but I would like to know if Captain Grant's son is still alive and if he has any photos or stories of the time... I married an Englishman and live in England. Please contact me by mail if you have anything ! Many thanks in advance. Anne-Lise

Duffell Family

posted by Angie Cook on 04 Mar 2008 at 8:22 pm

I am composing a history of a beautiful old house on the Isle of Wight which was unfortunately demolished in 1965. I grew up in this house and I am trying to find relatives of people who occupied the property before me. I am particularly interested in Ada Duffell who lived in Collington Lane West in Bexhill and passed away in 1960 aged 83 in Haldene house, Cooden Drive. I know she had a daughter who lived in Kew at that time but not sure if she had any other children. Ada's husband Gerard died in 1945 and was a local Bank Manager. Would anyone have any information which may lead me to a living relative. Looking forward to a reply, Angie Cook.

Warren Family

posted by anthony rowe on 11 Mar 2008 at 10:42 pm

I am trying to find the history of the warren family at 50 cornwall road, bexhill on sea.

Rose Gillham

posted by chris summers on 14 Mar 2008 at 12:44 am

If anyone can give me contact details of Rose Gillham?

She lived in hillside road.

Thanks in advance


posted by Shirley Harrison on 15 Mar 2008 at 2:04 pm

Like many other researchers of the Winborn family, I have traced the line back to William Winborn who married Grace Matthews 16.04.1696 in Bexhill.
Has anyone traced William's birth? If so, I would love to hear from them!
Also, I have found that a Arthur Thomas Winborn, along with 3 others was awarded an Edward V11 medal in connection with a rescue from Markham Colliery in the Sirhowy Valley in May 1912. Can anyone provide more info please.

Winborn/Fuller Family

posted by Fran Snell on 21 Mar 2008 at 9:31 pm

I am trying to find ancestors of Henry Arthur Fuller and Frances Winborn. Henry was born 1847 in Bexhill, Sussex, England and Frances was born 3/23/1850 near Hastings, Sussex England. They were married about 1868 in England and subsequently came to America.

Family Search - Ada Duffell

posted by Angie Cook on 01 Apr 2008 at 9:35 pm

Would anyone remeber Mrs Ada Duffell from Boveagh, Collington Lane West, Bexhill who passed away 1960? Aged 83. She had one daughter Marjorie, who married and became Mrs Crispin. I am researching family history and would love to find someone with an old photo of these people or any info. Ada was a member of the Little Common W.I. Her late husband Gerard was a bank manager.would love to hear from anyone.thank you, Angie.

RE Rose Gillham

posted by Dorothy Hodgson on 02 Apr 2008 at 8:50 am

I knew a Mrs Gillham who lived in Hillside Road. Sadly she died several years ago. I didn't know her first name.

Winborn Family

posted by Stephen Winborn on 02 Apr 2008 at 11:12 pm

My name is stephen Winborn I am the great grandson of william George Winborn, born in Hastings 1869 and Ellen Edith Winborn,born saffron walden 1873.They had eleven children. Elsie,william,Arthur,Reginald,Cyril,(Molly.. nic name),Archibald,Dorothy,Sidney,(MY GRANDFATHER Adrian),keneth... I would like to find out where my family fit into the Winborn family tree in the Bexhill area.I also can't find any record of what happened to William,Arthur and Reginald and was hopeing someone may know.. would be most greatful if anyone can help.. thankyou..

Message For Dorothy Hodgson

posted by Sharon Brennan on 03 Apr 2008 at 5:54 pm

Dorothy, is there any chance you might remember a Mr and Mrs Cooper who used to live at 12 Hillside Road? (Albert and Kathleen)

Re- Rose Gillham

posted by c.r.summers on 05 Apr 2008 at 12:57 pm

Thanks for the info.Rose is her daughter
She is about 53 (sorry Rose)!!

Kind Regards


Looking For Searle

posted by Howard Searle on 08 Apr 2008 at 5:51 am

My name is Howard Searle and I live in Australia. My Gradfather Albert and his father Albert and mother Harriet moved from Bex Hill probably 80-90 years ago. They never spoke of their family members left behind but I believe there were several members. I wonder if there are any Searle people out there who may have possible connections.

Stewart Family Cuckfield

posted by Angie Cook on 08 Apr 2008 at 9:28 pm

Please can anyone help with information of a Mr R Stewart and family who in 1960 lived at Cuckfield,and was brother in law to Mrs Ada Duffell of collington lane.who passed away in 1960.I would love to trace the Stewart family as I hope this will help me with family search to find a photo of Ada.thank you Angie Cook

Shoesmiths/Gowers/Wrights & Cramps

posted by Yvonne Martin(Nee Shoesmith) on 12 Apr 2008 at 12:46 pm

Can anyone help with information on my great grandfather Albert Robert Gower,born in Ramsgate who died in France in 1915, he was married to Caroline Mitchell. I have a lot of information regarding the Shoesmith/Cramp side of the family,but have been unable to gain much detail on the Gowers, any help would be appreciated

Alexandra Hotel

posted by Sue on 13 Apr 2008 at 1:04 pm

Does anyone know anything about the Alexandra Hotel on St Leonards sea front? My gt grandfather, George Kingsley, lived until 1946, when he died there .It may have been partly owned by his son, SG Kingsley. I think it's flats now.

Seeking Distant Relative

posted by Margaret on 16 Apr 2008 at 8:11 pm

Does anyone know a person "Jill Palmer Jones". living now or at one time on Glenleigh Ave in Bexhill-on-Sea? She would be my third cousin. I live in Pennsylvania, USA

Re Mr & Mrs Cooper

posted by Dorothy on 17 Apr 2008 at 10:22 am

Sorry Sharon, I can't remember the Coopers.

Re Rose Gilham

posted by dorothy on 17 Apr 2008 at 10:27 am

Hi Chris,There is a relation of Rose Gilham that I see occasionally when shopping,next time I bump into her I'll ask about Rose

Dorothy Re- Rose

posted by chris summers on 17 Apr 2008 at 2:04 pm

Thanks for that. All the best.


James Hope Or Ede

posted by Matt Hope-Ede on 19 Apr 2008 at 4:37 am

Does anyone know of a James Hope or Ede who was living in Bexhill in the early 1900's. He then came to NZ and hyphenated his name to Hope-Ede. We know he was in the Sussex imperial yeomanry and his mother was Elizabeth (Nee) Graham. He was friends with one Howard Hilliard who also lived in BexHill before coming to NZ.Any help would be great.

Cramp(e) Family History

posted by Sherrie Williams on 19 Apr 2008 at 6:29 pm

I am researching the Cramps who lived in Bexhill around 1778 onwards.

Jury Cramp was born in 1778 and married Mary Ingleton 1806, they had 3 children: Thomas, Ann & Sarah Ann.

Mary Ingleton died in 1822 and Jury Cramp migrated to Australia leaving the 3 children behind.

Thomas Cramp one of the children went on to form the Temperance Cause in 1810 in East Grinstead, apparently the clock in front of the Literary Institute in East Grinstead was erected to perpetuate his memory. He also was a High Bailiff, founded the Penny Bank and was secretary of the 1st Gas Company.

Obviously his father leaving did not leave a dent in his life as he seamed to have done quite alot!!

My question is are there any descendants from this family still living in Bexhill and does anyone know or have a photo of the clock erected in Thomas's honor. Has anyone heard of the Penny Bank and have info or photo??

Thanks for your help!!!

Sherrie Williams


posted by chris summers on 20 Apr 2008 at 1:19 am

hi sherrie
If it is asy help I was at school with Penny Cramp in the 1970's.I know she married,They
sold me a duff ford angla!!!!!!!!
I recall She was/is a good pianist.

kind regards


Seeking Shirley Vowell (born Shirley Williams)

posted by Nina Petrie on 20 Apr 2008 at 10:25 pm

If anyone can help I would be very grateful...My 87yo mother would like to find a childhood friend who she lost touch with when she moved to Australia, believed to have lived or still be living in the Bexhill-on-Sea area, married to a Neil Vowell (could be Neale). We don't think they had children. If Shirley is around still my mother would love to make contact again as I think it has be 50 years or so since they spoke. If anyone knows this lady I would be happy to send our address on to make this happen for my mother.

Family History - Magdalene Road Bexhill

posted by Frances Baskerville on 26 Apr 2008 at 11:24 am

I recently obtained my grandfather's death certificate which gives his address as : "Of Bevelcroft, Magdalene Road Bexhill" in 1936.
The Magdalene Road part is very clear, but the word "Bevelcroft" is more of a guess on my part! The 'B' is correct, and so is 'croft' but not the letters in between! We have been told that he may have been living in a kind of home for retired / sick servicemen or possibly the Masons.
Can anyone help?
Many thanks

Maykels Family

posted by jeremy maykels on 02 May 2008 at 10:05 am

Hi. In relation to jeanette hall who asked the question about the hairdressers in bexhill, well i believe it was my grandmother and grandfathers business so if you would like to have a chat please get in touch.

FRAN SNELL/Henry Fuller

posted by Mary Thomas on 02 May 2008 at 6:43 pm

I am a descendent of Henry Fuller. He was my grandfather's grandfather. I think I have that right. My grandfather is Leroy Capsel from Ottawa, IL.

James Labon Shoesmith

posted by Yvonne Martin on 16 May 2008 at 2:34 pm

I am seeking information on James Labon Shoesmith born in Bexhill area in 1901. He is my Grandfather. He married Mabel Winifred Gower, and they had three sons and a daughter. James seems to have vanished around 1954. Any information would be gratefully received

Many Thanks


Mary Thomas / Henry Fuller

posted by Fran Snell on 04 Jul 2008 at 9:09 pm

Do you have any information on the ancestors of Henry Arthur Fuller? Also, I am able to trace back to my great-great grandfather Felix Capsel born in 1832 in France. Are you also related to him and do you have any information on his ancestors?

Cramps Of Bexhill

posted by Richard Bennett on 14 Jul 2008 at 1:33 am


Have in depth research on Cramp family in Bexhill area back to 1550...get in touch and we can share facts.


Cramps Of Bexhill

posted by Sherrie Williams on 17 Jul 2008 at 12:39 pm

Hi Richard,

Thank you for the feedback I did not think I was going to find anything further!!
Are you related to the cramps?
Do the names I have mentioned sound familiar to you?
I am researching my family lines and would like info on them only.
I have info off the top of my head as far back as 1600 but would like to know as much about them as possible, more then just names and dates. So things like churches that may have been used by them, stautes erected in their honor (as above) etc..
Thanks for your input and hope to speak soon.



Family & Friends

posted by Dorothy on 21 Jul 2008 at 8:13 am

Message for Chris Summers.
Rose Gilham now lives in Devonshire Road,her sister in law says she will tell her about your query when she next sees her,she does'nt see her frequently so it may be some time.

Thank You Dorothy

posted by chris summers on 25 Jul 2008 at 2:09 am

I hope for an update soon

kind regards


Whatman Family Of Hastings

posted by Steve Whatman on 28 Jul 2008 at 1:38 pm

I am looking for Maureen Whatman who was born in Hastings on 31st May 1945. She was adopted around this time and moved to the St Leonards or Bexhill area. Anyone with information, please get in touch.


posted by mo taylor on 29 Jul 2008 at 10:35 am

Does anyone know of Joan McCarthy and her two children who lived in Bexhill on Sea. Her husband died of a brain tumour prior to 1974.

Seeking All Featherstones :)

posted by Jessica Tauelangi on 08 Aug 2008 at 11:35 am

g'day all,
i am writing on this thread in the hope to get some information on my great-grandfather reginald edwin featherstone. yes, a very common surname, but i am basing my search on old australian army records, that state he was born in Bexhill-on-sea. Unfortuantely i know little else about his life prior to meeting my great-grandmother the featherstone clan we know today.
if anyone has any sort of info i would REALLY LOVE even the most insignificant piece.

Len & Jeannette Williams

posted by Corry Marcovy on 09 Aug 2008 at 2:11 pm

Hi, I am looking for Len and Jeannette Williams. I was an exchange student back in 1978 and Mr. and Mrs. Williams were incredibly kind to me. We had exchanged cards for many years, but the last 2 years the cards have come back, address unknown. Please let them know I haven't forgotten them, it's just that the address I do have, doesn't work any more. Thanks!
Corry Marcovy

Trying To Find

posted by Jacqui Hosier was (Cobb) on 12 Aug 2008 at 11:08 am

I am trying to find Donald(Don) & Jean Gould, They Sold there Bed & Breakfast called (Lavender & Lace)
106, All saints street,
East Sussex,
TN34 3BE
It was in the Old Town, they lived there for many years. Don & Jean were well Known by everybody, Jean used to go to the local Church quite a lot & make lots of lovley stuff to be sold to raise money for the church. Don is the most lovest man you can ever meet, Full of storys regarding his passion for diving.He loved going out meeting up with friends for a glass of wine, Don & Jean are best known for there traveling.. Asia, Phillippines,Thailand, ect. Don would go Diving jean would sunbath. I LOST TOUCH with them after they moved to BAEXHILL ON SEA. roughly 3yrs ago. Also Don has a twin brother named Kennith (ken) who now lives in Tenerife. Who has lived there for quite a few years now.Don & Jean have one daugher called wendy who they are very close to. Also have a second daughter i think her name is Tina but not to sure, as wendy was spoken about. They had the most fantastic partys. Dons 60th with Diving buddies attended. Myself & Don brother son Stephen William Gould met Don & Jean in Phillippines. Myself & Jean sunbathed whist Don & steve went diving.. Steve now lives in Tenerife. & myself in Milton Keynes. I would love to find them got so much to catch up on.. I hope someone in Bexhill knows of them.. with Thanx jacqui

Looking For Duffell Family

posted by rhonda duffell on 29 Aug 2008 at 10:37 am

i am looking for my fathers family he lost contact with my aunts name was iris she had a son name christopher patmore, and my uncle's name was john. john had 4 kids john barry paul and joanne, my fathers name is raymond currently living in australia and he's older sister is named doreen burgess, they live in england, any information would be great as i would like to get to know my fathers family my grand fathers name is percy john duffell and my grandmothers name was grace elizabeth dykes as she divorced and re married

Lennox Family From Bexhill

posted by Larry Boyd on 03 Sept 2008 at 5:32 pm

I have some genealogy questions which has brought me to Bexhill On Sea. The question(s)regard the Lennox family.
My research concerns an Albert Mitchell Lennox who married Miss Ida Kathleen Russell in 1927 at the Parish Church of St. Peter; the couple had three (3) daughters, two (2) of whom were born in Bexhill On Sea. Nina Kathleen (Aug. 13, 1929) and Jane Elizabeth (Oct. 11, 1932).
I am seeking any information on what became of those two girls.I have unverified information that the parents may be interred in a cemetery there; supposedly Albert died there in 1979 and his wife Ida pre-deceased him in 1977.

Regards. Larry Boyd

Thomas Family

posted by Penny Bonetti on 17 Sept 2008 at 2:25 pm

My ancestors were the Thomas family of Bexhill, auctioneers, farmers and registrars. Any other descendants out there?

42 Western Road, Hastings

posted by Wendy Pullinger on 30 Oct 2008 at 7:02 pm

I am researching my mother's family tree. Her maiden name was bowles and she was born in 1927 in 42 Western Road, Hastings. Her mother worked as a domestic servant in the house.

What is the history of the house?

Can anyone help me find living relatives?

Any help/information will be gratefully received.

Humphreys Family/ Ann Miller

posted by Bridget on 06 Nov 2008 at 5:41 pm

Re. Sir Francis Humphreys

Dear Ann, was your Sir Francis Humphreys married to Gertrude? They were out in India and the Middle East.

If so, we could be related!

Birth Certificates

posted by Paulette on 26 Nov 2008 at 8:36 pm

Hello, my Grandmother lived in Bexhill as a child. My sister and I visited Bexhill Easter Sunday, 2005. I loved being there.... We live in Canada. Could anyone tell me how to request a copy of my Grandmother's birth certificate??? Mostly I would love to know her mother's name - no one in the family knows what it was. My Grandmother was Maud Hancock, her father was Aurthur Hancock, she had two brothers. Grandma was born in 1894 -- a long, long time ago. I will appreciate your help.

Birth Certificates

posted by Jude on 28 Nov 2008 at 7:56 pm

You can order them online here:


Looking For Jane Stewart Or Jane Blow ?

posted by Chris on 13 Dec 2008 at 10:39 pm

I lost contact with my aunty who i think lives in bexhill or hastings we lost contact many years ago last time i heard from her i think she was a cab driver, she was from scotland and mpved down 18 years ago, if you can help me please forward me an email regards

Ancaster House School

posted by Suzannah Pearce on 18 Dec 2008 at 7:40 pm

I went to Ancaster House School, would have been the class of 1986 had I stayed to the end. I would like to find anyone who was in that year or who remembers me. My name was Suzannah Gee then.

Ede Family

posted by Matt Hope-Ede on 23 Dec 2008 at 1:02 am

I am trying to trace my ancestors who lived in BexHill. They lived at 32 Eversley road Eskdale from the early 1900's. The mothers name was Elizabeth Ede-Lodging house keeper, A daughter of the same name born in Eastborne 1880 and a son James William Thomas Ede born in Eastborne 1885. I believe the family then moved to 22 wickham Ave. Any info would be much appreciated.

Neate Family History

posted by jean on 16 Jan 2009 at 9:19 pm

Can anyone help me I am looking for the name of the occupant's of Queens Cottage, Middlesex Road, Bexhill on Sea in 1915, as a Florence Amelia Hudson was reported to be living there also, not able to get any information from Lewis Record Centre would appreciate any help

'old Friends And Vague Memories'

posted by Mrs Fiona Green on 24 Jan 2009 at 7:33 pm

hi. i would be very interested to hear from anybody by the name of 'heather boyd' (old school friend, who used to live out little common way, in the grounds of an old mansion house in a converted train, i think?), 'bob montgomery' (uncle), pat (aunty) who had children colin and kevin (cousins) and anybody who would have been related to me, fiona carr (now Green). i have two brothers, david and ian and we used to live at no 8 cambridge road. our dad was john carr (turned to kerr, for equity reasons as he was a opera singer at covent garden but used to sing for the BLODS?). our mother was dorothy anne montgomery. she was a seamstress and i think she worked at 'longley's' at some point! any info would be very grateful.


posted by Mrs Fiona Green on 25 Jan 2009 at 4:18 pm

i saw on another thread, the name burgess! i'm sure that somewhere in our family, we have burgess as a name. i remember an uncle arthur burgess. he lived with a lady for a very long time, in hastings, whom we called anne; i don't think that they were married! he was the brother of my mother's mother. my mother was dorothy montgomery.

Finding The Past

posted by Linda Dvidson on 26 Jan 2009 at 11:47 am

My father was born in Bexhill on Sea in 1910 - Williamn Walter Baigent. His father took the family to Willesden, Middlesex, just after the first world war. My father often talked about one of hisgrandfathers who was Thomas Baigent a game keeper. Another grandfather on his mother's side who was a Geary {Gearey} was a stone mason and built a little chapel in the area. I once visited this chapel many years ago but cannot remember its name or exact whereabouts. On the side of the chapel is the name of the stone mason. I just wondered is anyone can recall this chapel or give me aactu for it. Many thanks,

Linda Davidson

Collington Manor Childrens Home

posted by Jackie on 27 Jan 2009 at 10:17 am

My late mother worked in Collington Manor childrens home in the early 50's. She came over from Ireland at the age of 19.Her name was Jane Frain
Does anyone remeber her or has anyone photos of Collington Manor. I would be very grateful.These were happy days for my father from when they first met. He misses mum terribly. Thank you

Met Conval Institution Little Common - Bexhill

posted by Paula Tyrell-Dann on 02 Feb 2009 at 10:56 pm

On the 1911 census my great grandfather was listed as a patient at the following address: Appears on census as - MET CONVAL INSTITUTION LITTLE COMMON BEXHILL. Can anyone tell me what this place was?

Thank you

Met Conval Institution

posted by Jude on 03 Feb 2009 at 7:23 pm

It's probably the Metropolitan Convalescent Home. It has been mentioned on other posts on this forum.

Cliftons And Cramps Of Bexhill

posted by June Ryker on 07 Feb 2009 at 7:49 pm

Sherri, and Richard Bennett............

I am researching the Bexhill family of William B 1774 & Elizabeth Clifton b 1790. Most of their 9 children moved to America early to mid 1800's except one daughter Mary b 1821.

Mary married Thomas Errey in 1842 and had 8 children. Their daughter Mary Ann married Thomas George Cramp b 1845. Could he be connected to your Thomas Cramp in 1819 era?

Williams B 1774, other Marriage to Hanna produced Henry who moved to Australia, and John who stayed in England. Wm's father & mother were Henry b 1738 and Mary, and they also had sons Henry, James & John.

Am interested in information or living descendants of these families?

Thank you.
June Ryker

For Bridget Re Sir Francis Humphreys

posted by ann Miller on 12 Feb 2009 at 9:57 pm

Dear Bridget,
My great grandfather was married to Frances Amelia Bateson, to the best of my knowledge. They had three children, Dorothy, Frank and Brian, my grandmother being Dorothy! Do you still think that we might be related??


posted by Sherrie Williams on 17 Feb 2009 at 2:24 am

Hi June,

Thanks for that, its hard to say without further information however I will be in touch soon.

Thank you

Sherrie Williams

1960/70 Actress With Diving Brother?

posted by Brenda Down on 17 Feb 2009 at 6:42 pm

When I was a child (late 1960's early 1970's)my mother took me to Bexhill to visit my Great Aunt who worked for a lady who acted and lived in a big house set amongst large trees and it had a garden house. From the kitchen window you looked out at squirrels playing in the trees and in the garden house there were items (including very large shells and diving equipment) found when her brother? (I think) went diving in the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. I often look at a very large shell that this man gave to us and wonder who he was (my family have died/unable to speak now and so I cannot get any more information. If anyone knows who this may have been I would be very interested.

Family History For Sherrie Williams

posted by Dorothy on 18 Feb 2009 at 10:52 am

Hi, We could be distant relations because I believe that Thomas Errey was my great grandfather,my grandfather was William Errey, I am still doing research.

Metropolitan Convalescence Home

posted by Susan Balcombe on 18 Feb 2009 at 10:21 pm

From the 1911 census I have discovered that my Great Granfather, William Joseph Poynter was in the Metropolitan Convalescence Home. According to the census this home was situated on Little Common. Although reading a lot of your messages this is where the children's home was. My Great Grandfather was a married man at this time.
What I would like to know does anyone know where I can find out why he was in there. The census does not give this infornation.

Ancestor In Bexhill 1911 Census.

posted by Benjamin Caine on 24 Feb 2009 at 3:27 pm


Recently, with the release of the 1911 census I found my great grandmother Ellen Edgington living at Cresswell House, Hastings Road in Bexhill on the 1911 census aged 15. She was from Oxford originally and had moved the 100 miles to Bexhill to work for Henry Moysey who was once in the Ceylon Civil Service. Very interesting to find another Sussex residing ancestor.

I would be interested to know of any old photos of Hastings Road in Bexhill as I think Cresswell House was on the corner of Fairmout Road while leads off Hastings Road.


Looking For Tony Munn

posted by Mona Hubinette on 28 Feb 2009 at 1:55 am

Met Tony in 1961 in Bexhill at age 15 - does anyone know his whereabouts?


posted by ann welch on 03 Mar 2009 at 10:34 pm

I went to school with Larry Makels whose parents had the hairdressers shop. i think it was next to an Italian ice cream parlour, can't remember if it was Fortes, maybe it had a name like Delmonico's and I can't remember the name of the street, the Marina perhaps? opposite the De La Warr Pavillion anyway it was near or maybe at the beginning of Sackville Road. The Makels were a Jewish family.

Clifton, Cramp, Errey, And Tasker

posted by June A Ryker on 07 Mar 2009 at 3:50 pm

To Sherrie Williams & Richard Bennett, re Cramps/To Dorothy, re Thomas Errey.

This is a continuing inquiry/response about these families. Thanks for your message Sherrie. Noticed Dorothy?s tie to Thomas Errey? I have a Thomas Errey B 1819 who married Mary Clifton in 1842. (Any chance this is same Thomas Errey?) Their daughter Mary Ann Errey B 1848 mar Thomas George Cramp in 1869. Their daughter Mary married John Tasker B 1868 in 1896. Richard, any more on Thomas G Cramp and Mary A Errey? Always seeking!

Thanks. All help is appreciated!


Family History - Albert Edward Cushion

posted by Les Mccoy on 26 Mar 2009 at 1:55 am

I am researching my family history and seek any information about my uncle Albert (Bert) Edward Cushion who lived in Bexhill-on-Sea 1966-1973 (died April 1973). His phone book address was listed as The Bungalow, Actons Fm, Sidley but does not appear in any map search, undoubtedly due to the growth of the area. He previously lived in Peacehaven 1960-65. I met him on only one occasion in the summer of 1958 (possibly in Eastbourne) when he took me to a seashore marker of the Greenwich Meridian. He worked for Otis Elevator in Croydon from an early age and became a machinist. He served in the army in WW I.His wife, known to me only as "Paddy", pre-deceased him. He may have been remarried at the time he lived in Bexhill (Sidley). I'd be grateful for any info about Albert, his wives and his time in the Bexhill/Eastbourne/Peacehaven area.

Clifton, Cramp, Erey And Tasker

posted by Ros Southam on 28 Mar 2009 at 5:21 pm

To Sherrie Williams & Richard Bennett, re Cramps etc.

I notice that you are researching the Errey plus others. For your information Dorothy is my cousin and my mother being Frances Maud Bryant nee Errey is the last surviving member of William Thomas and Rose Elisabeth Errey. As far as I know that my cousin Richard Errey in Australia and his half brother are the only male decendents of the Errey family. Richard has daughters and as far as I know his half brother is not yet married. Please feel free to email me is you wish.

Amanda Thwaits - Looking For Old School Friend

posted by Carol Simmons on 05 Apr 2009 at 3:45 am

I am looking for Amanda Thwaites who went to school with me to St Francis School for Girls in the early 70's (the school is no longer there). If any one know her or has any contact with Amanda please contact me. Thank you.

Ex Mayor Of Bexhill - Browning?

posted by Barbara Carter on 07 May 2009 at 7:49 am

I have recently been told that an ancester was once the Mayor of Bexhill. Have been on the internet but unfortunately I cannot find a list of past Mayors. I was wondering if anyone can help me. I am looking for a William Browning or Arthur Browning - possibly in the early 1900's.
Any help would be most appreciated


posted by Jude on 11 May 2009 at 2:04 pm

Barbara - I would contact Bexhill Museum. They would probably have a list of previous mayors. Their website is:


Looking For Simpsons

posted by Chris Simpson on 11 May 2009 at 3:27 pm

I am trying to find any information or photos of Frederick and Edna 'Peggy' Simpson who lived in Bexhill and then Little Common. If anyone has anything that might interest me, please email me.

Faygate - Gibson

posted by john hames on 19 May 2009 at 9:42 am

Looking for info on the Gibson family lived at Rose Cottage on 1901 and 1911 Censuses.

Father David Alex Gibson worked as a farm baliff on an estate - does anyone know whoose estate?



posted by Jude on 21 May 2009 at 6:57 pm

Hi John,

What was the name and date of birth of the Gibson you found on the 1901 and 1911 census? If I can find them on the census myself, I may be able to tell you which estate it was.

Ede Family

posted by Matt Hope-Ede on 30 May 2009 at 4:45 am

I am searching for any info or living relatives of an Ede family living at 32 Eversley Rd BexHill in the early 1900's. This was a lodging house. They came to BexHill from 10 Mostyn tce Eastborne. My relatives are Elizabeth Ede, her daughter elizabeth M. Ede and son James william thomas Ede.

50 Cornwall Road, Bexhill

posted by Carol Naughton on 09 Jun 2009 at 4:45 pm

message for Anthony Rowe.
50 Cornwall Road was my family home.and before that it was my grandfathers house William Warren, all the Warrens were brought up here

Stubberfield/ Head Families

posted by Mike Billenness on 17 Jun 2009 at 2:11 pm

My name is Mike Billenness and my grandfathers mother was Mary Ann Stubberfield b. 1845. I am researching my family History and have got back to pre 1837 records ie Parish Records.

I am now stuck as Mary Ann's parents William b. Abt 1815 and Charity nee Head b. 1824 are recorded in Census's as from Bexhill, but lived in Brighton post 1841, after their marriage. I cannot find a cofirmed date and place of birth/ Baptism for William in Bexhill area.

On their Marriage Certificate his father was Thomas Stubberfield and they were married on 12 Jan 1847 in St Leonards Chapel, Hastings.

Three of their 11 children appear to have been born before the marriage ie. Richard Edward b. Abt 1842; Mary Ann 4 Jan 1845 and George b 1846. all in Bexhill. I cannot find birth registration for the first two.

If anyone has done any research on any of these people, I would love to hear from you as I need to find the missing links to continue.

Stubberfield Family

posted by Jude on 17 Jun 2009 at 9:40 pm

Hi Mike,

There are several matches for these names on Genes Reunited. Have you tried contacting any of them? I contacted one of my "hot matches" and she turned out to be a second cousin who'd traced a branch of our tree back to 1680.

Might be worth a go.


F. Dodson Ltd.

posted by Pat Hall on 23 Jun 2009 at 11:00 pm

I am researching the history of the Dodson family and would be grateful for any information about Frank Dodson who founded a job masters business at Sackville Mews around 1901. I believe the business was incorporated as a limited company F. Dodson Ltd. about 1910 and later developed into a motor garage business which existed until the 1970s. Any facts or memories of Frank Dodson or his business would be much appreciated.

F. Dodson Limited

posted by Pat Hall on 08 Jul 2009 at 11:12 pm

am researching the history of the Dodson family and would be grateful for any information about Frank Dodson who founded a job masters business at Sackville Mews around 1901. I believe the business was incorporated as a limited company F. Dodson Ltd. about 1910 and later developed into a motor garage business which existed until the 1970s. Any facts or memories of Frank Dodson or his business would be much appreciated.

Sue - Seeking Distant Relative

posted by jb on 10 Jul 2009 at 10:55 pm

I belive Jill Palmer Jones is still living in Glenliegh Ave.

St Francis School, Bexhill

posted by Elisabeth Short on 22 Jul 2009 at 12:10 pm

I was at St Francis Girls School near The Downs in Bexhill from 1956 to 1961. I wonder if anyone else went there. The headmistress was Miss Hilda Fulford. She died in the 1980's and the school closed down.


posted by Laurel Moodie on 23 Jul 2009 at 6:55 am

I am tracing Stephen Henry Stubberfield who was born 1840. Married Louisa Miller b.1838. Children: Joseph, Stephen, Ada, Horace, Ellen when they travelled to Australia aborad the "Surrey" on 24.7.1875.


posted by john on 23 Jul 2009 at 12:48 pm


Sorry not to get back to you sooner. The family I am looking for were the Gibson's. I know there was Ellen Gibson (born around 1894)and her daughter Ellen Erskine Gibson (born 31/12/1919). The mother died in Lancing in 1961 the daughter in Lancing in 2000.
They apparentley lived together at 8 Giffiths Ave, Lancing from around 1935 onwards. All I can find out from the family is that during and after the war they kept horses.

Bit of a dead end I'm afraid any help appreciated.



posted by Jude on 23 Jul 2009 at 10:07 pm

Hi John,

The only Gibsons I could find in 1901 with the references you gave were living in Rose Cottage; village Colgate; civil parish Lower Beeding; rural district Horsham. The family was David Alex Gibson, farm bailiff b1865, Mary A G Gibson, wife b1877, Ellen b1895 and Robert b1892. Are these the Gibsons you're looking for?


F Dodson Ltd

posted by Jude on 23 Jul 2009 at 10:27 pm

Hi Pat,

In the Kelly's Directory 1974, F Dodson Ltd was listed as Motor Engineers, Sackville Garage (Bolebrooke Road and Middlesex Road). These two roads run parallel away from the seafront either side of the Sackville Hotel. There is still a large commercial unit connecting the two roads but it has been split into smaller units. I would think that this building would be the original premises for Dodsons.

Their advert states they were service specialists, did repairs, cellulosing and welding.


Looking For Kelly Holland

posted by Bjoern Launer on 24 Jul 2009 at 9:57 am


I?m looking for an old friedn of mine named Kelly Holland who used to live in Bexhill.

Does anybody know her and is able to get us in contact?

Some more Informations may be passed via email.

Thanks a lot!



posted by john on 26 Jul 2009 at 8:02 pm


yes that is the family. I need to find out on whoose farm the father worked on as a baliff.

Thanks or your help.


posted by Jude on 27 Jul 2009 at 5:24 pm

Hi John,

Lower Beeding is some distance from Bexhill and not an area I'm familiar with. I would suggest posting on one of these forums:



The Horsham forum doesn't appear to be used very much but I have found the Rootschat forum especially helpful whilst researching my family tree.


F. Dodson Limited

posted by Pat Hall on 28 Jul 2009 at 7:53 am

Hello Jude,
Thank you very much for your help. Those premises would have originally been Sackville Mews, where there would have been stabling. The company F. Dodson Ltd. was formed about 1910, but I believe Frank Dodson may have established the business around 1901 or before. (I'm trying to find out whether he was the same Frank Dodson who was involved with his brothers in starting the Vectis Bus Company on the Isle of Wight during the 1920s).


posted by Eve Kiff on 10 Aug 2009 at 11:19 am

My husband' grandmother was a Stubberfield. These Stubberfields came from Catsfield. They were probably a different line, because one of them, Stephen Stubberfield, in about 1832, was sent to Australia after being in the "Battle of Sidley Green" (The New Inn). A customs and excise man was killed in the battle and Stephen was one of the smugglers. I believe there is a story in the Hastings Caves about this. My date could be inaccurate.

Mr. & Mrs. Cooper

posted by Eve Kiff on 10 Aug 2009 at 11:29 am

I remember Mr. & Mrs. Cooper as living on the corner of Hillside Road/Bayencourt South. This would be in about 1951. All I remember is that Mrs. Cooper was Irish - she was very friendly and had a lovely accent. They were Roman Catholic - I believe her husband's name was possibly Frank. There were three children - I can't remember the eldest boy, but there was a daughter called Betty and a younger son called Peter. Peter would now be about 68 years old.


posted by Eve Kiff on 10 Aug 2009 at 11:33 am

All I remember about the Maykels - (hairdressers in Sackville Road) was that the son was called Ivor and the family was Jewish. This was in the 1950's and he would be aprox. 70 years old now.

Looking For My Cousins

posted by Dr. Christa Rogge on 17 Aug 2009 at 5:08 pm

My cousins moved from Germany to Bexhill after the war. My Mother died recently, and my sister and I found letters from 1959 written by my cousins who lived in Bexhill and Hooe then.We want to find them, because we don't have much family left.
They are both women, living in 1959 in Sackville Road 28a in Bexhill, one called Ingrid, the other Renate.Renate was married then, her name was Pont and she lived in Orchard House in Pont. In 1959 she had a son named Gary.
In Germany, their name was Brast, but I don't know if they adopted the name of their English stepfather which is unknown to me.
We don't know why the correspondance didn't go on in 1959, but so we lost all traces.It would be marvellous if we could find them with your help.

Ingrid And Renate

posted by Dr. Christa Rogge on 22 Aug 2009 at 6:27 am

I learned a little bit more about my cousins. So I'm looking for Ingrid Crouch in Bexhill and Renate Pont in Hooe. Does anyone know if Orchard house in Hooe still exists and who is living there?

Margaret Ackland

posted by Elaine Bradshaw on 24 Aug 2009 at 2:08 pm

I am researching my family and I am interested in any information anyone might have on my great aunt Margaret Ackland. I believe she was Mayor of Bexhill for a time. She was married to a Heber Ackland a Major in the Indian Army. Thankyou

Gerald & Constance Clarke

posted by Anne on 01 Sept 2009 at 3:51 pm


I'm wondering if anyone knew of either Gerald or Constance Clarke. I believe they lived in Sutherland Road where Gerald died in 1991. Did anyone know them?


Warrens Of Cornwall Road

posted by Carol Naughton on 22 Sept 2009 at 5:17 pm

I posted an answer some time ago for a message for Anthony Rowe are you still out there? I have lots of info for you !

Angela Banner

posted by LIse friedman on 06 Oct 2009 at 3:33 pm

hello, I am trying to locate Angela Banner, the author of the children's books, Ant and Bee. According to her bio she attended Ancaster Gate and House boarding school 1933-37. Her given name was, I believe, Angela Howard. Any information will be appreciated.

F Dodson Limited

posted by Philip Dodson on 11 Oct 2009 at 3:56 am

Hi Pat Hall
I'm researching my Dodson ancestors from England and am related to ancestors of Frank & Christopher Dodson, founders of Dodson Brothers Ltd on IOW. Christopher had a business building bus bodies in London until 1934. If you are researching this family we may be able to help to each other.

Phil Dodson-USA

Help Me Find Out More....

posted by Jessica Tauelangi (ne Featherstone) on 14 Oct 2009 at 9:55 am

G'day all. My name is Jessica Tauelangi, I am currently looking into my family history and unfortunately reached a dead end (after a mere two days).
My family (of Featherstone's) have been born and bred in Melbourne (Australia) for the last 3 generations, however, this is as far as I can get, which is not interesting at all.
As far as i know (at this point in time) is that my greatgrandfather, Reginald Edwin Featherstone was apparently born in Bexhill on Sea. This is according to his war listing, which also states his year of birth as 1911, however from his age and date of death (aged 64, in 1973) this is incorrect. Furthermore, I have found a copy of the registrations of birth which places his year of birth as 1908, but the rego of birth states Battle as his place of birth.

I know Featherstone is an extremely common name, but I figure we'll all be realted somehow. So if anyone could shed some light on me and perhaps point me in the right direction I would absolutley love it.

Thank you


P.S I know Pop Featherstone came to Australia when he was thirteen, if that helps.

Reginald Featherstone

posted by Jude on 14 Oct 2009 at 7:31 pm

Hi Jessica,

Reginald Edwin Featherstone's birth was registered 3rd Quarter 1908 in Battle which is a registration district which encompasses, amongst others, the town of Bexhill. He doesn't appear in Bexhill in the 1911 census though - did they move away after his birth?

Also, there aren't that many Featherstones in the Bexhill area in the 1901 census although there are quite a few in Bexhill in the 1891.

Let me know if you need anymore help - I love a challenge!

Ethel Barker Of Cornwall Road

posted by heather carne on 18 Oct 2009 at 9:21 pm

Anyone have any ideas about relatives of Ethel Barker of 28 Cornwall Road ? There was Gwen, Cecily, Alan, Tony and Tommy but I don't have any surnames for them. Ethel was born circa 1900 and the others are all younger - born up to the mid 30s.


posted by Marc Harrison on 19 Oct 2009 at 12:06 pm

Sherrie Williams , i have a contact for you who is in australia for jury cramp also my hole family are cramps, jury is a cousin of mine ,any one who has any info on cramps i would like to hear it,im an australian living in china,look foward to hearing from you ,please fee free to contact me anytime
Marcharrison46ATyahoo.com (replace AT with @)


posted by Marc Harrison on 19 Oct 2009 at 12:20 pm

australian living in china thanks

Trying To Find Sheila And Dave

posted by margarette grant ramirez on 20 Oct 2009 at 2:53 am

does anyone know a sheila and dave still? they moved to bexhill about 6 or7 yrs ago dave was an electrician and sheila used to teach line dance? they came from bexleyheath in kent. they gave me thier new address but we moved house and i lost it somewhere in the move, i tried the old email address but the mail comes back as an invalid address. we are moving to bexhill too and would like to trace them and catch up

Re Ethel Barker

posted by Dorothy Hodgsan on 20 Oct 2009 at 8:37 am

I may be related to you,my father was a Barker and I can remember when I was a young child my mother talking about an aunt Ethel.

William Prior

posted by Kathleen Dobson on 20 Oct 2009 at 10:33 am

Hi, I'm seeking information on the Prior family who lived in Bexhill I believe in the early 1600's. I don't expect you to remember back that far honest.

I have a marriage of William to Elizabeth masters in 1667 which goes down to James Prior and Judith Ann Badcock who emigrated to New York in 1834. He fell overboard with all their money during the trip over and Judith landed in new York with 9 children penniless. They survived in Springfield and a branch of the family went to Buffalo new York state. Later a Scot named Adam Richard Calvert married Cora amelia Prior and they eventually moved back to England.

Adam was my Great Grandfather. Is there an historian among our readers who can tell me why they would have emigrated and how the Prior name came to be in Bexhill.

Many thanks


Re Ethel Barker

posted by heather carne on 20 Oct 2009 at 10:03 pm

Dorothy Hodgsan,
Please tell me any more info you have about Ethel Barker. All I know is that she was some sort of cousin of my grandmother and possibly descended from the Smiths of Shefford Bedfordshire. Do you or did you live in Bexhill? Do you have any family tree info? How was your father related to her?
Thanks for replying,

Re Re Ethel Barker

posted by Dorothy Hodgson on 21 Oct 2009 at 8:36 am

I dont know much about Ethel,she may have been my fathers sister or maybe sister in law,I was born in 1934 and remember mother taking me to visit a lady in Cornwall road when I was about 5 years of age then when I was about ten she mentioned that aunt Ethel was in a hospital.My father was Alfred Barker and I believe there were 9 in his family,unfortunately I have not been able to find much info about that side of family.I have lived in Bexhill all my life

Re Ethel Barker And Wallis Family

posted by heather carne on 23 Oct 2009 at 8:08 pm

I have just discovered that Ethel Barker's relatives were the Wallis family- Tom and Gwen and children Cecily, Alan, Tony, and Tommy. Does anyone know of them or their descendents?

Warren Family

posted by Carol naughton on 30 Oct 2009 at 12:23 pm

Anthony Rowe ..are you still looking for the Warren family that lived at 50 Cornwall road? if so leave a message

Lost Friends

posted by fiona green on 10 Nov 2009 at 6:02 am

does anyone know the following names?

heather boyd
jennifer pepper
janice wellington

we all went to the downs school, both junioe and secoundary.

Old Memories

posted by sadia samad on 10 Nov 2009 at 10:41 pm

My name is sadia samad and I was in charters towers school bexhill-on-sea from 1980-85. I was friends with Yekta Nakhosteen, Huda Zayad, Retna retnam, Ashefa, jagruti,funke,and many more. Love to get in touch with any one there during that time.

Old memories

posted by sadia samad on 11 Nov 2009 at 12:16 am

I heard that miss Howe the headmistress and miss reynolds are living a retired life in bexhill. Love to get in touch with them.

Trying To Get In Touch With Jill Sullivan

posted by carol dunn on 19 Nov 2009 at 12:22 pm

Hi have seen that Jill Sullivan nee o'halloran (I think) is looking for me.. please Jill, e-mail me on carolATcaroldunn.com (replace AT with @), or find me on facebook. Really look forward to being able to chat with you. love. Carol. xx

Mike Billenness

posted by anne donelan on 18 Dec 2009 at 9:27 pm

I think I may be related to Mike Billenness. Mary Ann and William both being family names from the dim and distant past

Re: Stubberfield

posted by Mrs Angela Atkins on 20 Dec 2009 at 7:58 am

Hi my maiden name was Angela Irene Stubberfield, born Bexleytheath Kent, my father was Ernest John Henry Stubberfield one of 11 children born in the town of Bexleytheath, he had 2 sister and the rest brothers, at my wedding in 1965 the whole family were there, unfortunately no phtos exist anymore, my cousin and her 3 children tavelled to to Australia the next day on the 10.00 pound ticket, I believe that we did come to England from france with William in 1066, and did find a reletive who I believe traced this part of the family, we also have another arm living in Essex, around Brentford so we crossed the Thames at one point, it was not until the end of the war that we left the area of Kent and I believe Sussex to different places, my father died in 1969, and his name died with it, as my oldest brothers children have never married, and my second brother living in chester Peter Stubberfield had a girl. I remember my grandfather very well but my grandmother died at the age of 42 before I was born. If this helps anyone or can show light on how the family moved around please let me know, my daughter is married to an Australian and is collecting the evidence for the family tree.

What Or Where,

posted by mary wrotchford on 20 Dec 2009 at 8:45 am

I have just got a copy of my Great Grans birth certificate and it says for place of residence, a word that looks like, The Markely or The Marchly or some thing like that, in 1850 any one any ideas. Her name was Emily Shoesmith, her mothers name was Amelia. Also I went to Downs County in the 1940's when it first opened, I was Mary Hook then. Any one remember me , and where are Edna Thornton,Ann Waite, Beryl Elphick?

Warren Family Of Cornwall Road

posted by Louise on 21 Dec 2009 at 8:59 am

I was interested in the mention of this family - what years did the family live there at No50? Does anyone know? Names? Thanks! x

More About The Warren Family

posted by Louise on 28 Dec 2009 at 9:07 pm

Carol Naughton - I saw your post about the Warren family of 50 Cornwall Road and am seeking an Alan Warren who would be in his 40's now. He is my cousin's father but we have all lost contact. Even if you are not related it will be helpful in our search to know. Please let me know what you can, thankyou! :)

Answer To Louise/ Warren Family

posted by Carol Naughton on 07 Jan 2010 at 12:09 pm

So sorry, not to be able to help you . No idea who Alan Warren might be...not a name I have ever heard mentioned I'm afraid...Good luck with your search though. Carol N


posted by Louise on 08 Jan 2010 at 7:17 pm

Hi Carol, thanks for your message. Warren is a rare name here: I have found two registry office entries (marriage) Alan Warren 1996 and 2004 in Eastbourne. Has your family stayed in this area or tended to move away to other counties? It seems the person I am seeking had family near Looe Cornwall too. Lou


posted by anthony rowe on 16 Jan 2010 at 12:43 pm

Hi Carol get in touch.

Louis might be relateded to our grandfathers brother side.

Russel Family

posted by steve Dugal on 16 Jan 2010 at 7:48 pm

I'm beginning a search for my mothers family. Her maiden name was Monica Russel (born 1921). Her mothers name was Minnie Russel. Both born and lived in Bexhill. My mother was a war bride and moved to Canada in 1946. Married Ken Dugal from Quebec city.



posted by Derek Sawford on 27 Jan 2010 at 2:05 am

attention Stephen Winborn, my Grandfather was Reginald Winborn that u mentioned in your message. He lived at 2 Crowmere Terrace Bexhill
if u need 2 find out any more plz leave a message and i will try 2 help

Mrs Plowman's Boarding House 1922

posted by Chris Stewart on 20 Feb 2010 at 12:46 pm

Mrs Plowman ran a boarding house at 35 Eversley Road in Bexhill. My husbands Grandmother worked there for a Mrs. Plowman for a couple of years before she left England in 1924 to marry Arthur James White in Western Australia. Her name was Dorothy Margaret Louise WENTWORTH. Would love to hear from anyone who can tell us anything about Mrs. Plowman and her boarding house.

Dr. Colin McIver

posted by Madeleine Field on 26 Feb 2010 at 10:27 pm

I was born in Bexhill in 1949. My grandfather ran a maternity home in Bexhill, and when he died (1948?) my parents came back to England from E. Africa so my dad could take over his father's practice. Does anyone have any information about my grandfather or where the house was? We're coming to England in Sept., and I'd like to be able to take my dad to where the house once stood.
Many thanks.

Hook Family

posted by mary wrotchford on 12 Mar 2010 at 9:13 am

Does any one know the hook family, who lived in Robertsbridge and Hastings, in the 1940/1970's at least. Phyllis, Daphnne, Leslie. There father was Leslie also. And any other members of the Hooks. I was Mary Hook of Bexhill.I would love to hear from them again.

Harvey Family

posted by Chris Harvey on 03 Apr 2010 at 3:14 am

I am trying to trace my father's family.
My dad, Thomas Wheatly Harvey was born, I believe in Bex Hill in 1908.
He and his mother and 3 sisters emigrated to Canada in approx 1918-1920.I believe his father was born in Scotland.
My father passed away in 1980 and my mother in 2008 so I have little to go on.
Any help would be appreciated.
Chris Harvey


posted by Paul Dann on 07 Apr 2010 at 3:55 pm

Im looking for any pic`s of my Dad Brian Eddward Dann from Sidley Bexhill on sea, He passed away when i was a Kid and i lost all the pics in a fire i had in one of my business a fue years ago. I need some pics as im starting a new family and have no pics to show from my past ! Can you help ? I will pay any cost`s

Looking For Eleanor

posted by Serena on 08 May 2010 at 8:13 am

Dear All, about 13 years ago I took a study tour in Bexhill on Sea, I stayed to the house of an lt woman, ut I don't remember her name. During this holiday I knew her nephew, Eleanor, and we became friends. I remember she was playing clarinet, she had a brother called Mathew and their father was a music teacher. Eleanor's family house was just next to her grandmother's one. At that time (about 13 years ago) she was about 11. I don't remember her surname or the name of theroad where she was living: could someone helpme in finding her? Thank you in advance for your cooperation! Serena (from Italy)

Heather Bank In 1921

posted by John Smith on 13 May 2010 at 5:06 pm

Just found a copy of an Ocean Arrival Form on-line where a relative on May 1921 writes his mother's address in England was - Mrs. Sarson, Heather Banks, Cooden? Daress??(so badly written, just a wild simulation of the form of black blotch), Bexhill on Sea, Sussex.
I know the present Heather Bank (Methodist Dementia Home) has only been there 25 or so years and we are talking almost 90 years ago.
Does anyone know what this Heather Banks may be or its address? Thanks for reading!

Carol Simmons

posted by Amanda Thwaite on 21 Jun 2010 at 11:01 pm

Hi, fell upon this accidently, read you are looking for me.

Ede Family

posted by matthew Hope-ede on 22 Jun 2010 at 11:15 am

I am looking for any information on my ancestors. They lived at 32 Eversley rd in the early 1900's after shifting from eastbourne. They are Elizabeth Ede (Nee Hope) mother born Scotland, Daughter Elizabeth M C Ede born Eastbourne 1880 and a son James William Thomas Ede born Eastbourne 1885. Any information would be appreciated.

Looking For Friends From St Marys School

posted by Maryam Kamel on 22 Jun 2010 at 5:05 pm

Does anyone know Jaki Boyd & Natasha Hayler? They worked with me at St Marys School. I was there from June 1997 to July 1997 then moved to anther school in north west in Southport for the deaf students include post 16. Now I am signing all the time as I learnt from school friends, deaf meeting up & from my intpretters as I have signing intepretter in college. I can still talk sometimes. Please if any1 knows Jaki Boyd & Natasha Hayler - please pass on to them my email. Hope they remember me. I've lost touch with them. Please let me know if u told/saw them.

Ball Family

posted by Rachel on 23 Jun 2010 at 3:57 pm

Hello. I am posting on behalf of my mother who was born in Bexhill in 1933 and lived on Buxton Road. Her name at the time was Kathleen Kennedy and she had a brother called James. She would like to trace any relatives on her mothers side of the family by the name of Ball who lived on Buxton Drive and London Road in the 1930's - 1940's. Thank you

Penny Cramp

posted by Rod Clifton on 24 Jun 2010 at 11:44 pm

I remember Penny from school, I didn't have an Anglia.

Looking For Jenny Hume-Allan

posted by Linda Armstrong on 28 Jun 2010 at 6:30 pm

Help! Lost track of my best friend. The Humes live here and I believe she still owns property in Bexhill. Jenny lived in Canada, Mexico, Texas, Florida, France and Spain. Any help with a family contact or Jenny would be most appreciated.
Linda Armstrong 11-847-757-1093

Help To Locate Lost Relatives

posted by Tony Fensome on 10 Jul 2010 at 11:11 pm

In the 1980s I lost touch with my uncle John Bishop who lived at 21 Cornwall Road - any information about him or his two daughters Barbara and Pauline would be greatly appreciated

Bexhill Graammer School

posted by jackie on 20 Jul 2010 at 3:16 pm

hi, my dad was born 1934 and won a 11plus scholarship to a grammer school, which i think was bexhill, can anyone help me with info on this or where i can find school records,many thanks jackie

Bexhill Grammar School

posted by Jude on 20 Jul 2010 at 5:08 pm

Hi Jackie,
East Sussex Record Office appear to have limited files about the Grammar School but it might be worth contacting them - info here:


If they can't help you, they may be able to point you in the right direction. It's also worth bearing in mind that all or part of any surviving records may still be closed.

Ray Wood

posted by John on 23 Jul 2010 at 9:24 am

I understand that Ray Wood, the Man Utd goalkeeper died in Bexhill in 2002. Are any of his relations still living in the area? If so, I would like to get in touch.

Phyllis Errey

posted by Anita Hay on 25 Jul 2010 at 11:31 am

Does anyone out there have any information on Phyllis Errey. She was married to James Mara for a short time and they lived at 40 Sidley Street in 1939. They had a daughter named Patricia and a baby son who died shortly after his birth.

Many thanks for any info.

Grammar School

posted by Sheila on 01 Aug 2010 at 10:33 pm

In the 1950s the Boys Grammar School was in Turkey Road, Sidley (next door to the Girls Grammar School). This later became the Sixth Form College but I am not sure it is still there.


The education dept may know where the old records are kept or perhaps the Bexhill Museum.

WW2 Pilot

posted by Bradley Lategan on 08 Aug 2010 at 1:30 pm

I'm looking for help as I've come to a dead end.
My Grandfather was a fighter pilot around Bexhill in WW2.
2 weeks after my Mother was conceived he was killed flying over the English Channel.
He was my Grandmothers boyfriend and she never disclosed or talked about him.
Since her death we have discovered his name was possibly Eric Gillett and she was Ruth Gentleman.
Also he would have been killed around December 1943.
If anyone has any idea how I can continue my search I would appreciate it very much.
I would love to find information about him as it means a lot to my mother.
Thanks for your help,

Looking Any Info On Elizabeth Farrah Plz

posted by rosemary on 14 Aug 2010 at 12:14 am

hello.im trying to get in contact with elizabeth farrah.born around 1968.i think she went t bexhill high but not sure.she was born in bexhill,but i think know she might have moved away to out wales.i know she married but dont know her marrige name.her mum maiden name was anne istead.any help i would be so gratefull n can email me on rb2010rb2010AThotmail.co.uk (replace AT with @)

Prior -Masters 16-1700's

posted by Christine on 20 Aug 2010 at 8:52 am

I too am looking for information about this family line. Have BMD information for William PRIOR of (1668, 1695 and 21 Feb, 1739). He married Elizabeth MASTERS who died 13 Jan, 1737. I have a possible birth year for her of 1670. Does anyone have more? I would love too to know anything about EM's siblings, parents ...
I have William's parents as another William (chr 7 Oct, 1638 in Ashburnam) and perhaps married in about 1660 in Bexhill. He died or was buried 15 Aug, 1684 in Bexhill.
Would love to know who his wife was and their marriage date.
Also any information about parents, siblings and other children.

Jean Audrey Nicholls

posted by Jeff Goodchild on 20 Aug 2010 at 9:41 pm

hi can any body tell me what happened to jean audrey nicholls who was living at 6 cloisters court brassey rd bexhill in 1997.
we have found out that she registered the death of my wifes father and she would like to talk to her about her Dad

Cramps Of Bexhill Sussex

posted by Carol Taylor on 30 Aug 2010 at 12:50 pm

My GGGGrandmother was Ann Cramp 1757 Bexhill Sussex.she married a John English Bexhill Sussex 1758
They had a son John English 1781 who was a Baker in Lewes Sussex.

Errey Family

posted by Judith Errey McLean on 05 Sept 2010 at 1:36 pm

Would love to hear from anyone with a connection to the ERREY family, I am from the Australian branch

Searching For Evry Agnides

posted by Mary Pitchforth//Woollacott on 23 Sept 2010 at 2:19 pm

Evry went to Charters Towers Bexhill on Sea around 1950=53. Would love to hear where she is and to contact her. Anyone with any information please email me on jpeterpATntlworld.com (replace AT with @)


Tony Fensome

posted by Sheila on 10 Oct 2010 at 7:00 pm

My family knew the Bishop family and I seem to remember someone mentioning that they bought a larger guest house in Middlesex Road Bexhill but I am going back 20 years or so.


posted by Jo on 12 Oct 2010 at 10:03 am

I am trying to find out about my paternal grandmother, Doris Gwendoline Ashby (nee Featherstone). She left my father when he was only two and his father's small family never spoke of her and are now all dead. I believe that her brother, Reginald Featherstone (dob. 3.6.1899, Tunbridge Wells) also lived in the St Leonard's/Bexhill area. My father is 83 and would love to find out something about his mother or if he has any other family.
Thank you.

Phyllis Errey

posted by Rosalie Southam on 06 Nov 2010 at 9:32 pm

Hi Anita, Phyllis Errey was my mothers youngest sister. Auntie Phyllis, went on to marry again and went to live in Scotland and remarried. I did hear from about this several years ago, but unfortunately have lost the information. I cannot remember her second marriage surname. Apparently she died in there several years ago. I do have a lot of information about the Errey family, please email me on RosSoutham@Waitrose.com and I can then let you have it. One thing I did not know and I don't think my mother knows, is that she had another baby, all she remembers is the daughter. Please be in contact, by the way my mother is still well and is living near to me and is aged 95. Look forward to hearing from you.


posted by Roy Roberts on 08 Nov 2010 at 12:11 am

I am looking for any photos of Mephams of Bexhill. Vans, Workers. or Buildings. Can any help.
Roy Roberts

Looking For Old Friends

posted by Grace Harvey - nee Smith on 14 Nov 2010 at 4:26 pm

I have left this a bit late as I will be 80 next year but I lived in Bexhill from 1935 until 1956 and went to Downs Junior and Downs Secondary Schools, evacuted to Letchworth during the war. My maiden name was Smith and I lived at Reginald Road. My claim to fame was that I became Bexhill Regatta Queen in 1950. Does anyone out there remember me?
My husband and I have visited Bexhill a few times but I have never met anyone I knew so I would love to hear from anyone as old as me who remembers the Bexhill I knew so well.


posted by Chris on 17 Nov 2010 at 3:57 pm

Hi Roy
My dad used to work for Mephams - will ask him if he has any photos - he does have fond memories of driving the vans.

War Evacuies

posted by Lee Gerrish on 22 Nov 2010 at 10:24 pm

My mother is one of ten children that were evecuated from Bexhill during the war. They lived at 42 Wrestwood Road during there brief time in Bexhill. There surname was Munn.... and children were Maurice, Ian, Winston, Malcolm and Patrick, and the girls were called Maureen, Peggy, Jackie, Phil and Eileen. They were evacuated to a small town in Wiltshire called Bradford on Avon. Does anyone remember th efamily???

Munn Family

posted by mary wrotchford on 02 Dec 2010 at 10:07 am

Hi Lee
Yes I remember your family. I lived at 28 Wrestwood road,my surname was Hook. Its Maureen and Peggy, that springs to mind. The funny thing is my grand mother was a Munn too. I wonder if we are related?

Ingrid Crouch

posted by B storkey on 04 Dec 2010 at 3:09 pm

RE: Ingrid And Renate
posted by Dr. Christa Rogge on 22 August 2009 at 6:27 am
I learned a little bit more about my cousins. So I'm looking for Ingrid Crouch in Bexhill and Renate Pont in Hooe. Does anyone know if Orchard house in Hooe still exists and who is living there?

Ingrid Crouch has lived in Station Road, Bexhill since the early 1960's I am not sure if she still lives there but she is certainly still in the area.


posted by Roy Roberts on 07 Dec 2010 at 4:07 pm

Hi Chris
Thank you for your help.And look forward to hearing from you.

The Clare Family

posted by Elisabeth Short on 14 Dec 2010 at 9:58 am

Does anyone remember a family called Clare who lived in Sutherland Avenue. Their daughter Jane went to St Francis School for Girls in West Down Road. I think the husband was a dentist.They were very involved in the sailing club. This would have been 1956-1961 when I was at St Francis.

War Evacuies

posted by mary wrotchford on 27 Dec 2010 at 10:40 am

Hi Lee,

I lived at 28 westwood road, and remember your mother, Also have Munn in the family


Looking For Past

posted by paul charles on 31 Dec 2010 at 7:48 am

hi, sometime between 1956 and 1959 i went to live with my grandparents because my mother had gone as i believe to bexill on sea for covelecence does anyone evr recall meetin a lady called Kay or Kathleen Blizzard who will have came from Jersey. this is a long shot to piece together a lost childhood. thankyou

War Evacuies/ Munn

posted by mary wrotchford on 04 Jan 2011 at 10:39 am

Hi Lee,
I would love to get in touch with you, as I have been doing some research, and found we have a Ancester in common. Your Grandfather is Clement Munn and Grandmother Ivy Yes ? ?

Florence & William Ball

posted by Pam on 10 Jan 2011 at 7:16 pm

My great grandmother was Florence Ball (nee Hobden) born around 1890 and died around 1991. Her husband was Billy Ball, and had a fleet of boats.

If anyone can provide any more information that would be great.

She belonged to the Salvation Army

Ann Oswald

posted by anna sims-hilditch on 11 Jan 2011 at 7:43 pm

Looking for a contact for Anne Oswald who was the PA to Major Sims-Hilditch

Cooden Mount History

posted by bev keen on 12 Jan 2011 at 11:15 am

any readers know of the Young Family who lived in the area around the 1900's please make contact. Henry was the owner of iron foundries in London. He was born in Skipton Yorkshire in 1843. Married to Fanny they had several children. We are looking for work related archive for his company because our great great grandfather was a manager of his Chelsea and Nine Elms Foundries and we believe they were responsible for installing some very famous statues - trying to prove a link with documents photos etc! please help.

Attention Richard Bennentt -re Cramp Family

posted by Christine on 19 Jan 2011 at 11:41 am

I would love to get in touch with you about your research into this family. My research so far goes from Fabian Cramp (c1580) to Samuel to John to William (married Hannah Jury) to Samuel married Ann Palmer and then Mary CRAMP who married a Charles ADAMS of Catsfield.
Hope to hear from you.

John Butcher Chief Attendant Of Colonnade

posted by justine Young on 25 Jan 2011 at 7:01 am

Family history Help please from flooded-in Aussie in Brisbane! -I am trying to find out what happened to Sgt John Butcher and his family (formerly ex-Royal Irish Fusilier Sth Africa) transport section and also in Bexhill-on-Sea as Chief Attendant from 1911 to 1935 of the Colannade. His retirement (which was due to superannuation scheme requirements in 1935) was noted in Bexhill Observer at the same time as last Colannade concert. He was asked to don his uniform again on Councils behalf for the grand opening of the De La Warr Pavilion in Dec 1935. The press clippings and several photos of him in military outfits and on cavalry duty with pill box hat and others show what may be a nco's mess in British India now Pakistan hill area. These photos and papers turned up in the estate papers of my husbands mum Mrs Mary Catherine Young nee Owen./ We are very keen to find out what their relationship was or still is many thanks Justine Young ps I visited Bexhill in the 1990's and found it delightful!

Mr Ball & His Boats

posted by kenneth DaSilva-Hill on 28 Jan 2011 at 7:17 pm

Hi, does anyone remember an elderly gentleman named Mr Ball ( Bull?). Back in the late 1950s, he built beautiful models of full rigged ships and sailed them on the model yacht pond in the park at Bexhill. At seven years old I was one of the few children to be allowed to help him sail them and went on to be a professional model maker and restorer myself. I have always believed he was my inspiration. I still remember the joy of being allowed to sail his model schooner "Bluenose" and also his large model of an 1870s clipper. It would be lovely if any of his fine boats have survived, I wonder if any information on him or his boats might be available. Ken

Old Boarding Houses 1949 !!

posted by Richard Hawkes on 30 Jan 2011 at 5:07 pm

Can anybody give me any info on a R&A Batte I believe they had a hotel or boarding house in Hastings or Bexhill in 1947

Friends Army /school Friends

posted by elaine lightwood nee garmston on 30 Jan 2011 at 8:14 pm

my husband and i are looking for old army friends from the eighties and any schook friends that know us my husbands name is john we look forward to hearing of any one

Florence & Billy Ball

posted by kenneth DaSilva-Hill on 11 Feb 2011 at 12:44 pm

Hi Pam, I wonder if Billy was the Mr Ball I am looking for? You say he had a fleet of boats ~ were these full size boats or models? Regards, Ken

1998 With Family Cooper

posted by Christine Kuhn on 14 Feb 2011 at 7:17 pm

I was in Bexhill during the summers 1998 as a visitor. I stayed with Mr. Robin Cooper. He was very nice. His kindless and hospitality were boundless. His son Mick was my friend and my guide. He showed me Bexhill, Eastbourne and Hastings. It was a beautiful time for me. I like to think back to that time and I will forget Mick, his father Robin, Bexhill on sea and the surrounding area NEVER!

Should both of you, Mick and Robin, read this, then get in touch!!!
Many thanks and best regards

Family History

posted by Marcia White on 21 Feb 2011 at 10:03 pm

Does anyone know the Wady family who lived in Tower Road, Lancing around 1916 - 1944?
I have family connections and would like to know if Robert Wady, who was born in 1916 had any brothers and sisters as I am trying to do the family tree. Would be grateful for any information.

The Clare Family

posted by Nick Buswell on 21 Feb 2011 at 10:32 pm

Nice family, the Clares. They lived in Sutherland Avenue, fairly near the top but can't remember the number! Jane was a super girl, her mother was ever-smiling and her father was indeed a dentist, sharing a practice with Messrs Hibbens and Rolland, I think his name was, in Sea Road. I was a patient of Mr Hibbens who would talk the hind leg off a donkey, especially about Rugby Union so it was a relief if he was on holiday when I needed his services as then I would see Mr Clare whose subject matter was church music, especially the classical sung Masses. We both sang in the choir at St. Augustine's and he sang in his surgery. I believe Mr Rolland's speciality was property development.

Devonshire House Boarding School, Circa1910

posted by Bill Forster on 25 Feb 2011 at 11:26 am

I am researching the life of marine artist Cdr Eric Campbell Ersking Tufnell RN.

At the time of the 1901 Census he was a 12 year old boarder at Devonshire Hose in Hastings Road, Bexhill. There were 33 boarders ranging in age from 8 - 15, one master and six servants!

Can anybody tell me more about his svhool? Was it established for the sons of officers serving in the Empire? Eric Tufnell was born in Bangalore and his father was a Major Tufnell.

For a very brief outline of his career and examples of his work see my web site: http://www.holywellhousepublishing.co.uk/Tufnell.html

If you can assist me please e-mail; bill@fischer-balcke.de

Bill Forster

St. Francis School

posted by Mrs Susan Ivins on 23 Mar 2011 at 3:11 pm

I went to St Francis School from 1961--67 3 years as a day girl and 3 as a boarder. I was Sue Grenyer.
I was with Shelagh Gulliford nee Effner, Jenny Arthur nee Cawthorne Miss Fulford's niece. Christine Grove.(died in 1974) I now see Jenny and Vanessa, Chris' sister regularly as we all live in Norfolk. Miss Fulford came to my wedding in Norfolk in 1982 We kept in touch until her death in about 1984. A wonderful women.

Leslie & Dorothy Humphreys

posted by rosie jones on 02 Apr 2011 at 2:29 am

Does anyone have any information on the above, who were brother & sister. Leslie taughtat a school somewhere in the Bexhill area in the 1970's and Dorothy (Dolly) kept house for him.

Munn Family

posted by mary wrotchford on 13 Apr 2011 at 11:58 am

Hi Lee
Would love to hear from you, am in touch with other members of the Munn family in Bexhill.

Looking For Barbra Holgawancka

posted by rosemary ray on 27 Apr 2011 at 9:17 pm

looking for barbra who lived in bexhill in the 60s xxx

History Of Bexhill Hospital

posted by Rod Clifton on 07 May 2011 at 8:29 pm

I never knew my maternal grandfather, i'm told he worked on the building of Bexhill Hospital in 1930. Does anyone have any info, or can point me in the right direction? I can't find anything online.


Seeking Old Friend Gwen Paige -Wood ( Nee Andrews)

posted by Kathleen Littlemore ( nee Williams) on 16 May 2011 at 4:02 pm

Thank you for your Christmas card of a couple of years ago - but you didn't include your current address. I've done everything I can think of to try and trace you without success. (That includes getting a French friend to phone a previous address and phoning Astronomy Clubs !). Are you out there ? I'm still living in Hythe. PLEASE get in touch (or anyone else who knows her whereabouts). Love Kathleen


posted by MAUREEN MEASURES (Nee Sargent) on 18 May 2011 at 1:10 pm

Hi, I am trying to find old school friends who were in the commercial and selective class (Mrs Williams) at the Bexhill Down County Secondary School for Girls from 1952-1958. We are having a school re-union on 22nd June 2011 in Bexhill. Lots of people coming including Jane from New Zealand. If you remember me, would like to join us and havent been in touch please email me ASAP: maureen.measures@gmail.com or you can find me in the phone book.
Thank you. Love

Family History

posted by Jane on 28 May 2011 at 3:42 pm

I believe that 2 of my ancestors James William West and his wife Jemima may be buried in Bexhill Cemetery. James died in 1952 and Jemima in Jan 1976

Would anyone be able to verify this for me


Collington Manor/Jane Frain

posted by Carole Anne Johnson on 30 May 2011 at 2:51 pm

Dear Jackie, I was a six year old child convalescing at Collington Manor, Bexhill during 1956-1957. I have one photo of the house probably taken by my Father and one of me with nine other children. I have more information. Please contact me at: ian-caz@reachforthesky.fslife.co.uk


James & Jemima West

posted by Jude on 31 May 2011 at 3:40 pm

Hi Jane,
Bexhill Cemetery is quite large. If you phone the Cemeteries Officer on 01424 787523 and ask them for a plot number (they're very helpful) I don't mind taking a photo for you.

News On Sheila And Tony

posted by Helen Burnett on 26 Jun 2011 at 8:32 pm

I am looking for any news of Sheila Somerville and Tony Krog. My father-in-law is a cousin and has had no response from them for a couple of years now. Any news would be appreciated. Thanks


posted by Ann Jordan on 07 Jul 2011 at 2:08 am


I am related to a Matilda Page (died 1905) and her sister Louisa (died 1909). Both are buried at St Mark's Little Common and both were living at Trederwyn The Downs when they died. I think Trederwyn may have been near Hamilton Road as it is mentioned in some documentation.

Does anyone know if Trederwyn is still there? And if so would it be possible to have it photographed? I am an Aussie so it's a bit out of my way!

Thank you for your assistance.

Ann Jordan

Looking For Ancestors

posted by joan on 12 Jul 2011 at 12:14 am

Hello folks. I am trying to compile a family tree - my mother was/is Ethel Saunders and I was born in Bexhill in 1940. My father was a musician - was there a music festival in 1939?

Auckland House 1911

posted by Catherine on 17 Jul 2011 at 9:15 pm

We have recently discovered that one of our ancestors was at a boarding School in Bexhill in 1911; Auckland House, 17 De la Warr Road. We would be grateful if anyone has any information about the school. When did it open, when did it close, was it an all girls boarding school, are school records available??? I haven't been able to find any information about the school other than it existed.

Thank you for anything you can help us with.

The Clare Family

posted by Elisabeth Short on 31 Jul 2011 at 4:36 pm

Hi Nic
How interesting that you remember the Clare family. I was hoping someone would. Jane was one of my best friends at school - I wonder where she is now?

Re Missing Family

posted by Derryn Whyte on 05 Sept 2011 at 10:32 pm

Can anyone out there who knew May that might know where Cecilia May Pilling could be buried. Her husband was Major Frank Pilling who died in Dorset in 1984.I know they lived in Bexhill-on=sea for a time. Family enquiring from New Zealand


posted by jeanette williams on 24 Sept 2011 at 8:52 pm

Hi Corry

just caught up with you after all this time. How are you and your family? We are still here!

Send me a message on computer.


Coleman Family

posted by LInda Susan Jeffery on 26 Sept 2011 at 9:21 pm

hi, I am researching my family history and wonder if anyone knows the whereabouts of my cousins: Frances, Joyce, Margaret & Marie-Bernadette Coleman, they lived with their parents Joe & Florrie in Crowhurst Lane Sidley for many years.
Would love to get in touch with them

Cramp Family

posted by Karen Akehurst on 20 Oct 2011 at 12:46 pm


I would like to get in touch with Richard or anyone with information about the ( Jury ) Cramps of Bexhill. I am one of his direct descendants and am writing a family history book.
Your assistance would be very much appreciated.

The Ball Family Of Bexhill

posted by Rev. R.J.Perry on 26 Oct 2011 at 12:49 pm

My father was Albert James (Jimmy) Ball, formerly Major, Royal Corps of Signals.
The last time I and my sister Sonia saw him was at Poona, India, in 1947. Any information gratefully received.


posted by Janice Doughty on 29 Nov 2011 at 9:56 pm

My husband's grandmother was Sarah Maria Cramp born 1884 at "Chain of Ponds" in Binda (NSW Aust). She was the daughter of George Cook Cramp and Mary Ann Pearce (a granddaughter of a convict). George Cook Cramp was the 9th child of 14 children born to Jury Cramp and Mary Ann Edmonds (Mary Ann was the 2nd wife of Jury)

I have the whole story of Jury Cramp and why he left England in such a hurry, if anyone is interested. The story is very interesting indeed, it has Bushrangers and arrests of family members. Jury was employed by men who are part of our very interesting Colonial history. There are also convicts marrying into the family.

Janice - Sydney


posted by Meta Linton MRS on 04 Dec 2011 at 9:54 pm

I am trying to trace a Retired Sea Captain and his wife who are retired and who live in Bexhill. We met briefly last May in the Hydro Hotel Eastbourne where I was staying on holiday with my cousin. This couple had arrived for Coffee in the Conservatory. I omitted to ask their names but the Captain worked in Belfast and they lived in Bangor Co Down. They were a very friendly couple and I would like to meet them again. I am going to The Hydro again next May for a short break.
The gentleman is of slim build with thick grey/black hair while his wife has white hair and not as tall as her husband. If anyone knows of a couple who would suit this description I would be pleased to hear from you. I know this isn't much information but perhaps someone somewhere reading this might just identify them.Thank you.

Where My Dad Worked???

posted by Les Glenister on 15 Dec 2011 at 8:05 pm

Hi--When my dad enlisted for ww1 in Aug 1914 his work place was listed as Central Fish Marketing Co Bexhill Sussex...We knew nothing of this''We hope someone may be able to tell us a bit about the company...His name was Gordon Scott Glenister b Jan 1890...Thanking you in anticipation of reply...Regards....LES.

Searching For Irene

posted by Ann Welch on 26 Dec 2011 at 11:11 pm

I am still searching for Irene Collins nee Browning. irene's name has no doubt changed as she remarried and lived for a time in Cooden I believe. She has two daughters Lynda, a court reporter and Katherine who was a dancer with the Young Generation I think it was called. A school friend of theirs mentioned she had moved to St Leonards but I don't know her new name. `She was active with the Lions Club. I am her second cousin and would very much like to contact her. I can be contacted at ann.j.welch@gmail.com

Sally Noye

posted by M Sadeghi on 02 Jan 2012 at 9:55 pm

been looking for old friend Sally Noye plesae Email me if you have any info.

Looking For Pam And Kevin/paul Murphy

posted by debbie on 03 Jan 2012 at 7:39 pm

hi i am looking urgently for pam murphy may have remarried.
was married to frank
son is called kevin or paul murphy
please contact me if you know them

many thanks

Ede Family Of BexHill

posted by Matthew Hope-Ede on 04 Jan 2012 at 8:58 pm

I am looking for any information on my ancestors who lived at 32 Eversley road BexHill from about 1901 till 1920ish. There was the mother Elizabeth Ede nee Hope a daughter Elizabeth M C Ede born in eastbourne in 1880 and a son who emigrated to New Zealand around 1911 born in Eastbourne 1885. The family originaly lived at 10 Mostyn terrace Eastbourne. I believe 32 Eversley rd was a boarding house. Any help would be appreciated.

Looking For Pam Sadler

posted by debbie on 06 Jan 2012 at 2:48 pm

i am trying to trace pam sadler in bexhill pleasecontact me or tellher to contact through this post many thanks urgent

Children's Graves/1953

posted by Miss Helena Sullivan on 11 Jan 2012 at 8:17 pm

My mother was a child resident at the old Nazareth House in Bexhill. She will be 70 this Sunday, is not very well, but lately has been speaking a lot about her time there.

In particular, she has never got over the death of her two closest school friends, Frances and Janet, who were drowned in the floods of 1953. She has described that a very plain grave marker was used for their last resting place and I think she would like to see a photo of it. I hope this doesn't sound mawkish. But these events become more and more in the present for her and I would like to hear of others who remember the girls, and anyone who could direct us to their graves.

We now live in Colchester and travel is difficult. Mum's Christian name is Sybil. Would any other former pupils and residents remember her?

On a 'memories of Bexhill' thread there is a post by one Phyllis Durham on 03 December 2009 where she talks about Nazareth House. Mum just read this this evening and cried, it made it all so real and she is so excited to read that another person remembers the same as her. I think it would help her so much if she could 'touch base' in some way.

With thanks in advance, to anyone who may be able to help.

Children's Graves 1953

posted by Jude on 18 Jan 2012 at 6:35 pm

Hi Helena,
There was a controversial autobiography written by Judith Kelly - "Rock Me Gently: A True Story of a Convent Childhood". She was left by her mother at Nazareth House in the 1950s and in the book she tells of the tragic drowning of one of the girls in the Convent.
Nazareth House has since been redeveloped into apartments but there is still a small cemetery remaining. However, I visited it recently looking for a grave for someone else, and it only contains the graves of nuns.
If you have a name, you could try contacting both Bexhill Cemetery (01424 787523) and Hastings Cemetery (01424 451057). The staff at both are extremely helpful. If you do manage to get a grave number I'm quite willing to take a photo for you.
Good luck with your search.

Nazareth House

posted by Sheila on 20 Jan 2012 at 5:41 pm

I was born in 1951 and brought up in Bexhill so have taken an interest in any references that crop up. The two girls who drowned were with a group who were taken to the beach at Glyne Gap and got into difficulties. This is midway between Bexhill and Hastings and a fairly quiet part of beach - at least it used to be. According to one "expose" style book the nuns looked on and did nothing to save them from the sea but others have disputed this.

I was at St Mary Magdalene's school (at first next to the church in Sea Road and then in a wing of the convent) with some of the children who lived in the convent and I know they did get smacked and punished but then so did most children at the time!!

I can remember various children coming and going. Four sisters who said they were related to Sainsbury's. Some Polish children - one a very pretty girl - but they returned home as their father couldn't settle here. I also remember three boys Paul, Billy and Phillip.

The convent had it's own graveyard but I thought this was for nuns only - it was through a gate to one end of our playground and off limits to us as pupils. The main cemetery in Bexhill is some way from Nazareth House but that is the most likely place these poor young girls were buried as the RC church had very little land around it.

Looking For Ross Via Susan-skye-finlay

posted by susan on 31 Jan 2012 at 9:39 am

hi,i am searching for a guy called Ross from Bexhill as he and my son Ben have a son and daughter~ by the same mum.we need to ask Ross if it is fine with him to have his daughter who my son brought up with his daughter to carry on seeing her with his little boy ~ please if anybody knows someone called Ross who spent time in India and who is around late 20's to early 30's...who is from Bexhill and has links with-india and Yorkshire to contact us to help restore a happy family at weekends for my son Ben.... thanks so much, Susan in Yorkshire who has family in Rye...sueamat23@yahoo.co.uk

Looking For The Wady Family Or Anything To Do With Mary Wady Nee Thompson

posted by jo on 03 Feb 2012 at 5:30 pm

xbaileyxalfiex@hotmail.co.uk my name is jo......cCan't rememeber who the person is who asked but my mums dad was called ROBERT wady and he married mary wady they had four girls together.. Susan sandra janet and jean. Their mother mary wady run off and was never seen again when my mum was 8. Well my mum is 59 now and I am trying to find out what happened to her. Mary wadys maiden name was thompson. They lived at number 17 garden terrace in london victoria. Robert wady had a sister called june. Any informayion would be helpful. Thanks xx

Nazareth House-follow Up Message

posted by Helena on 07 Feb 2012 at 3:21 am

Thank you for your answers!
It took me a while to find this thread again,m hence my delay in an update. Sorry! I have now bookmarked it!

I wrote to Rother Council about finding the graves of the two girls who drowned in 1953, my mum's friends from Nazareth House. We have tracked down the graves- or grave, as the two girls were buried together!

This is so sad, isn't it? It implies there was no other family for them, and it implies there was little money too, I suppose. It is slightly comforting to think these poor friends were laid to rest together, I suppose. But the very helpful lady at the council also told me that there is only a plaque, not a memorial as such, over the grave.

My mum would like to come back and lay flowers there, and even try to put a better memorial there for them. But we are in north Essex so I don't know when that would be. Mum isn't well nowadays.

SHEILA- mum has mentioned a SHeila she knew at the convent and for a moment there my heart lept and I hoped it could be you, but alas you are a youngster! LOL!

I wish I could trace people from her time there. I've been trying. She did not keep in touch with anyone from back then, in fact she tells me (often!) that after the loss of her tow friends that summer, something in her closed down and she never got close to anyone again.

JUDE- I have that book. Mum did not want to see it. I was very saddened that the author made no mention of mum's existence- not that I wanted to read about her in the book, I thought maybe she could have been described as being there but under a pseudonym maybe-? it isn't that, it's just that mum says she was so close to the girls who died, which was a big thing in the book.
She says that the three of them was always 'a trio' and yet in the book mum isn't there. It's like she didn't just lose her friends but she was written out of their lives too. I am glad that mum never wanted to read the book.

Lots of the descriptions of things in the book did ring true though, as mum had told me these same things since I was able to listen.

JUDE, it is so kind of you to offer to take a photo of the grave for us, if you can find it. If you are still willing and able to do this, the girls are at Bexhill cemetary and the grave is ref.CCF8 they were buried 22/8/53.

Nazareth House Follow-up

posted by Jude on 09 Feb 2012 at 7:37 pm

Hi Helena,
Yes I'm still willing to take a photo. Can you let me know the names of the girls - my email address is jayaydee[at]hotmail.co.uk. I've got a plan of the cemetery so I'll get up there as soon as the snow clears.

Looking For Barbara Anne Jeub

posted by Thomas Kremer on 29 Mar 2012 at 2:48 pm

Hello, to whom it may concern.
I am a funeral director in Cologne/Germany and I am urgently looking for a Mrs Barbara Anne Jeub. Last known place where she lived had been Bexhill-on-Sea. Would you please be so kind and help me to contact Mrs. Barbara Anne Jeub.

She may call me anytime on my cell +49 172 607 8815 or contact my email as above.

Thank you very much for your help.


posted by Maureen Measures on 01 Apr 2012 at 12:40 pm

Please does anyone know the whereabouts of Juliet Maunder and Margaret Mitchell? Juliet and her family lived at RAF Wartling and moved to Germany around 1954 and Margaret Mitchell lived with Tommy Pointer and his family in Churchill, Little Common. We went to St. Marks infants and junior School together in the late 1940's/early 1950's. Any news would be appreciate pleased. Thank you. Maureen

Looking For Barbara Anne Jeub

posted by Thomas Kremer on 01 Apr 2012 at 12:55 pm

Mrs Jeub contacted me. Thank you very much for posting my query

John, Ronald And Mabel Andrew

posted by Liz on 09 Apr 2012 at 4:38 pm

Just doing some local history here in Rutland. Trying to trace Judith daughter of John Ronald and Mabel Andrew.Last known Address 25 Homelawn Hose, Brookfield Road.

Your family played a large role in this village and would be good to contact you.

Beatty & Violet Reynolds

posted by Marion McLeod on 24 Apr 2012 at 10:15 pm

Searching for 2 sisters, Beatrice Annie [Beatty] and Violet Lucy Reynolds who were born 1901 & 1902 in Wandsworth to parents Thomas James Reynolds & Lucy Rachel Butler. Family story is that the family moved to Bexhill on Sea. An address given was 23 Everley Road, Bexhill on Sea. Any information helpful.

Finding Turners Of Leopald Road

posted by Glynis Everett on 26 Apr 2012 at 1:49 pm

I am tracing my family history and am trying to fill in more details of my grandfather (William Charles Turner DoB 1902) family.

He was born at 7/9 Leopald Road as were all his brothers and sisters. His father was a carman, then porter and finally foreman at Bexhill station. His mother Edith Gertrude was born in Marden in Kent.

Does anyone have any information that might be helpful in filling out the details of the family.

Contact With Old Friends

posted by Nina on 27 Apr 2012 at 8:46 pm

hi, does anyone know, or have contact with Kevin Mcgrath? I now live in Bulgaria, caught the article about his mum, whom used to cook my 'tea' and would like to get in touch

Contact With Old Friends

posted by kevin mcgrath on 30 Apr 2012 at 9:17 pm

Hi Nina been a long time, Bulgaria, wow, you can contact me at


Ron Gurr

posted by P.Rogers on 02 May 2012 at 11:26 pm

I am trying to locate Ron Gurr who lived in Bexhill with his parents until the mid seventies. Ron was a keen motorcyclist who at the time owned a Suzuki T500 and who supported the Eastbourne Eagles. He moved to Aberdeen in approx. 1978 and became a seaman.


posted by Kerry Baldwin on 04 May 2012 at 2:39 pm

My Dad is trying to track history of his Dad who was called up into Army for D Day -he was in the R.E.M.E. From records at the National Archives it looks like they were based at Bexhill on Sea April 1944 -before crossing over to France in June 1944. Does anyone have any stories to share of the Troops based there. many thanks

Tom Dominican Republic

posted by Nick ford on 20 May 2012 at 6:06 pm

Hi my name is nick, I travelled to the Dominican republic in march 2006 where I met Tom, I don't know his surname but he worked in a children's home ( I think). I would love to get back in touch with Tom. There were three of us that all met in the Dominican and I am still in contact with the other person val but we both have lost toms details. I know he is from the bexhill on sea area and would love to catch up with him. If anyone can help I would appreciate it. Thanks

Donaldson & Gillham Families

posted by mark donaldson on 29 May 2012 at 2:54 am

Mark Donaldson
9 Oakridge Ave
Kingston/Joyceville, Ontario, Canada

I am searching for my cousins. Frank Donaldson(1893) from Kingston/Joyceville married Rose Henrietta Gillham(1893) from Bexhill and they had two children, Eric & Joan. Frank & Rose lived in Canada until Frank's Christams 1924 Death. Rose moved back to Bexhill. Eric wed a girl named Maureen and Joan wed a Eric. According to Rose H Gillham Donaldson's Nov 1975 obituary she had 4 grandchildren Sandra, Wendy, Jackie and Andrew. The trail goes cold as her obituary does not tell me much after that. Please email me if you knew the Donaldsons and their possible whereabouts now. Cheers!

Featherstones In Bexhill

posted by Paul Featherstone on 29 May 2012 at 6:17 pm

I have traced the Featherstone of Bexhill back to the 1600s

1911 census RG14/4777/187
51 Cornwall Road Bexhill On Sea Sussex
Fredrick John Featherstone head 27 M coachman Rottingdean, Sussex
Edith Emma Featherstone wife 29 married 5 years 2 children born 2 still alive Stowmarket, Suffolk
Fredrick Charles Featherstone son 5 school Bexhill on Sea, Sussex
Reginald Edwin Featherstone son 2 Bexhill on Sea, Sussex

death registration index Frederick J Featherstone Mar 1934 Battle SSX 2b 89 age 50

Percy Guyatt - Barber

posted by Chris Ball on 20 Jun 2012 at 9:05 pm

Hello, My Grandad was Percy Guyatt who used to own the Barbers shop in Little Common in the '60's. He also used to cut the boys hair at the various boarding schools in Bexhill.

Anyone remeber him or his shop?

Coppards & Baileys Of Bexhill

posted by JOHN COPPARD on 21 Jun 2012 at 12:10 pm

My fathers family roots seem to lead to Bexhill where in the 1920s his grandparents were apparantly Alderman/Mayor of Bexhill. They lived in Beaconsfield Road, and another family lived at Hilliers Hill and ran a butchers shop with the Bailey family . Any info would be most welcome, JC

Jenette/ Genette/Janette Rogers

posted by Sue Humphrey on 25 Jun 2012 at 11:13 pm

Looking for Janette Rogers - she was going to be my adopted older sister....

Looking For Jean

posted by alec on 09 Jul 2012 at 11:31 pm

looking for jean allcorn ingrams ave bexhill 1994 and previous for update know brtoni met sue in florida but forgot to keep addressbc!ca

Hazel Cook

posted by Altan on 02 Aug 2012 at 2:46 pm

hello Hazel, please leave me a message here to contact me.
bye Altan

Searching For Tony & Phil

posted by Andi Gusenbauer on 06 Aug 2012 at 9:15 am

hello, my name is Andi Gusenbauer, placed in Salzburg-Austria. I?m searchin for two guys called Tony & Phil from Bexhil - I cant?t
remember their last names. We had some funny times back in the 80-ies in Salzburg and Bexhill as well, it would be great to be in contact again after all these years. if needed i could add a photo, thanks in advance if anybody could help.
my email: andreas.gusenbauer@amari.at

Channel View

posted by Sue Gorham on 24 Aug 2012 at 6:13 pm

My grandmother, Doris Whitehouse moved to 11 Channel View in 1966, and died in 1978. She was an artist and exhibited locally. Does anyone remember her, or does anyone know who lived in her house before 1966? I have found who lived there in 1911 census (the author of "Milly Molly Mandy" series).

St Francis School Bexhill On Sea

posted by cecilie rose nee elsworth on 01 Sept 2012 at 8:58 am

I was one of the first 13 pupils at the beginning of St Francis school in 1964... We had a wonderful opening and the chapel was blessed by the bishop . We had 5 pupils in our class sometimes it would swell to 7 or 8 we are still in touch with each other Shirley blake-Smith; marylou starkey; elizobeth tubbs ,angela Seldon and myself still write to each other .... we would love to contact another of our class Anna deuchars.... I am living in nz and would love to hear from any of our year cecilie rose nee elsworth


posted by DYNA DODSON on 13 Sept 2012 at 12:59 pm


Ede Family Of BexHill

posted by Matthew on 15 Sept 2012 at 8:13 am

I would like to make contact with any relations of the Ede family from 32 Eversley Rd in BexHill (a boarding house I believe). They were at this adress from the early 1900's onwards. Mother Elizabeth Ede. Daughter Elizaabeth Margaret Ede and a son James William Thomas Ede. They were formerly located at 10 Mostyn Terrace Eastbourne. The family was also acquaintances of the Hilliard and Hicks families of BexHill.

Looking For Old Friends

posted by alan bradley on 04 Oct 2012 at 1:09 pm

An old girl friend first, poss 1960 by the name of Maureen Jarvis. Our last date was at the cinama instead of going to a party.
My second friend Peter Martin.
Both are from Bexhill area and I would love to hear from either persons
Alan Bradley

For Cecilie Elsworth

posted by dave on 07 Oct 2012 at 5:23 pm

I know your name from somewhere and I just cant place it, did you have something to do with music in bexhill, my dad john carr was an opera singer in the town,

Sidney Maunder -coach Driver -hastings

posted by Louise on 15 Oct 2012 at 7:48 pm

Sidney Maunder
Hi does anyone know Sidney or his family? He was living in the Hasting/Sussex Area in 1949-1950. He had a sister who ran a Hotel in St Leonard on sea. He is my Grandad. He only saw mum mother briefly when she was a few weeks old. She then moved to Norfolk. My Grand mother's name was Muriel Doreen Reynolds Known as doreen. she lived and worked in Hasting area during this time where she met Sidney. she has told us he was a Coach driver at the time.

Pemble / Northover

posted by martin scarborough on 18 Oct 2012 at 12:00 pm

trying to trace distant relatives who live in the Bexhill area, (71 Reginald rd), around the 1900's.
In particular can anyone hold any information on the Pemble family, especially Ethel Pemble. Also In the 1911 census they had a boarder staying with called Arthur Northover who was listed as a butcher, we are trying to trace him. We know Ethel married and move to Brighton, but any other information about Ethel and Arthur would be most welcome.


Family History. Sotherdon / Pemble

posted by Martin Scarborough on 18 Oct 2012 at 9:49 pm

I'm looking for info to try and trace my great, great grandfather who we believe to have lodged with the sotherdon family at 71 Reginald rd , bexhill . His name was Arthur Northover. He lodged with Thomas Sotherdon and was listed in the 1911 census as a butcher so must have worked locally. Also we are trying to trace Ethel Pemble who lodged at the same address and believe she worked in a grocers. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Girls Boarding School

posted by anne murell on 24 Oct 2012 at 7:37 am

I have been told two maiden aunts related to my family ran a boarding school may be 1890's in bexhill by the sea.
One was called Sophia may be surname Robins or Jackson.


posted by Richard Irwin on 03 Nov 2012 at 5:42 pm

I am seeking information about an Aunt of my father Henry Irwin. Grace Gertrude Irwin was born in London in 1884. Around 1900 she married David Cumming who was some three tears younger. They lived for sometime in Wiltshire but appear in the 1911 census living at 45 Parkhurst Road Bexhill. David Cumming is a journalist and his wife is no a printing supervisor; so it is probable that they both worked for a newspaper. They have three children listed in 1911; Gladys 10, Dorothy 9 and Elinor 4. I would be grateful for any information.

Old Friends:

posted by James (Jim) Freeman on 18 Nov 2012 at 5:41 pm

Hello Bexhill.
My name is Jim Freeman. It's been a long long time coming but my spouse has convinced me that I have been missing out on a very important part of my life, by not staying in youch with my old friends.
One of my oldest and closest friends was Brian Page, who I met when we both joined the Royal Navy in January 1951, Brian originally lived in Hastings but moved to Bexhill after leaving the Navy about 1959, I believe he worked for the Post Office in Bexhill, His Wife's name was Shiela.
We lost touch with each other after our Navy years but it would be nice to rekindle that friendship, even though it would be at long distance, because I have been living in Canada for the past 54 years.
I would like to hear from anyone who knows of Brian Page's where abouts or knows how I could get in touch with him.
Thank you in advance.

Finding My Past

posted by aubrey crudgington on 04 Dec 2012 at 6:53 am

i was born in 1945 at that time my sir name was bloss. i am trying to trace my past as i come from a very broken family somtime between 1945 and mid 50 i was put in a boys home in essex which was run by nuns
if i could find information on the home and why i was there i think it would be the first step to finding my past

kind regards

aubrey crudgington

YOUNG Family Research Archive In Bexhill

posted by chantal-astrid GAREL ROETS on 23 Dec 2012 at 4:20 pm

je recherche une personne qui accepterait de retrouver dans les archives de la ville de Bexhill, les actes de naissance pour mon AR-AR-arriere grand père,Henry YOUNG, né le 12.04 1811 - Bexhill
et peut être l'acte de mariage ( vers 1810) de ses parents Leonard YOUNG, avec Ann BROWNE née à Maidstone-KENT vers 1793.
Avec mes remerciements anticipés
mon adresse mail : c.garel[AT]numericable.com

Elizabeth Lewis

posted by Jo-anne Lewis on 30 Dec 2012 at 4:04 pm

My great grandmother Elizabeth Lewis (nee Weaver) is buried at Bexhill on Sea. If anyone is so inclined and would photograph her headstone for me and send me a digital copy to pj.lewis[AT]sympatico.ca I would be appreciative. Her death date is Apr 1937, she was born in 1863. Her sister was Margaret Randles (Walter Randles wife). Since I live in Canada and am not planning a trip to England in the near future, I would be very grateful. Thanks much. Jo-anne

Eric And Maureen Donaldson

posted by M Soper on 31 Jan 2013 at 11:52 am

Dear Mark, my parents were friendsa of Eric and Maureen Donaldson. They were very keen amateur tennis players and had two children, Jackie and Andrew. This was about 45 years ago, but I think they lived in Little Common. Maureen's sister Ann lived in Hale, Cheshire and was a good friend of my mother's. It was our move to Bexhill which prompted her to introduce us to the Donaldsons. I hope this helps!

Find Mums Friends

posted by andrea stretton on 01 Feb 2013 at 3:27 pm

wendy ann lyon lived in bexhill,at fifteen she worked in the cantelupe hotel with her mum daphine year 1950 to 1960.she played tambourne at the salvation army,her brothers were keith michael and tony and her sisters were shelia and brenda.im not sure what school she attended,could any one remember this family ,many thanks

Find Mum's Friends

posted by andrea stretton on 02 Feb 2013 at 3:06 pm

i have since found out that my mum wendy ann lyon attended the downs school around 1952.her mum and dad were called robert and daphine lyon.grandad worked as a dust man and they lived 188 london road.any information would be great.email pudsmart[AT]hotmail.co.uk x


posted by MAUREEN on 13 Feb 2013 at 11:20 am

Hi, Please does anyone know what happened to Margaret Mitchell who lived with Mr & Mrs Tommy Pointer in Churchill, Little Common in late 1940's / early 1950's? We went to school together at St. Marks in Little Common.
I would like to get in touch with her if anyone can help please. Thank you.

Reginald Edwin Featherstone

posted by Paul Featherstone on 23 Feb 2013 at 8:57 pm

Jessica Tauelangi - he came across on his own, age 15

Birth registration index Reginald Edwin Featherstone Sep 1908 Battle SSX 2b 43

Outward Passenger Lists, 1890-1960
Reginald Edwin Featherstone Gender: Male Age: 15 of 6 Sackville Road, Bexhill on Sea errand boy
Departure Date: 7 Feb 1924
Port of Departure: London, England
Destination Port: Adelaide, Australia
Ship Name: Barrabool
Shipping Line: P & O Branch Service
Official Number: 145424
Master: R Bidwell

Miss A. Buss Of Magdalen Rd

posted by Annettelt on 05 Mar 2013 at 10:43 pm

I recently purchased a postcard from ebay. It is address from "Nell" to her sister Miss A Buss, Khartoum, Magdalen Rd. Bexhill On Sea. I believe the house was at number 23. Can anyone help identify the house and or recipient? Cheers, Annette

The Munn Family. Wrestwood Road

posted by Gillian Akehurst on 13 Mar 2013 at 12:41 pm

Lee. Have only just seen your message. I am one of your distant cousins, still living in Bexhill, only a short walk from Wrestwood Road. My Grandmother Eva was the sister of your Grandmother Ivy.Her married name was Cornish. Eva had three children Bob, June and Barbara. June is the only one still alive, in her 90's, living in a nursing home in Bristol. My mother was Barbara who died nearly seven years ago. I have still been in touch with Maurice up until his death.
Bobs daughter, Jenny lives in Eastbourne. Junes daughter Carolyn lives in Bristol.

Joseph Wall

posted by Mary Brunskill on 20 Mar 2013 at 10:35 pm

I am seeking information on Joseph Wall. I have been told he died in a fire.
His funeral was well attended. I don't know if he lived in Bexhill and/or Eastbourne.
His mother was Amelia Wall and his father George Marchant.
His brother George died aboard "HMS Black Prince" and his sister Edith married Fred Hunnisett in Bexill.
The Hunniset family only know that Amelia and George were milliners in Eastbourne.

Mary Wrotchford's Search For Hooks

posted by Trish Harding on 11 Apr 2013 at 9:57 pm

Hello, I am one of Leslie Hooks children. Unfortunately he and his brother have passed away, but two sisters are still living in the village and a the other is living in Hastings.

Deeprose/Cramp/Shoesmith/Snashall Families

posted by Anne Kratzmann on 06 May 2013 at 9:24 am

I'm researching my mother's family lines of Cramp and Deeprose, and am particularly interested in finding any descendants of Joseph and Louisa Deeprose and Moses and Charlotte Cramp. I am descended from Alice Cramp and Rufus Deeprose who married in Hooe 1901. My mother Mabel turns 95 tomorrow and was their only surviving child. At the moment I am focussing on William Cramp who married Annie Shoesmith, and Charles Cramp who married Elizabeth Snashall. Also looking for a connection to David and Mabel (nee Eldridge) Cramp. Ring any bells for anyone.

Eric & Maureen Donaldson--M Soper

posted by mark donaldson on 19 May 2013 at 6:20 am

Eric And Maureen Donaldson
posted by M Soper on 31 Jan 2013 at 11:52 am
Dear Mark, my parents were friendsa of Eric and Maureen Donaldson. They were very keen amateur tennis players and had two children, Jackie and Andrew. This was about 45 years ago, but I think they lived in Little Common. Maureen's sister Ann lived in Hale, Cheshire and was a good friend of my mother's. It was our move to Bexhill which prompted her to introduce us to the Donaldsons. I hope this helps!

Mark Donaldson
9 Oakridge Ave
Kingston, ON
613 483 8684

Cheers! Thanks so much for the message. Can you explain to me about Little Common? Is it part of Bexhill, or separate little hamlet. Do you have any other details about their children, might Eric & Maureen or his sister Joan still be a live? They would be quite elderly by now I would think. If you could Please write me at my email address markdonaldson73[AT]hotmail.com, that would be highly appreciated! I contacted the local paper regarding my search and on Friday July 20th, 2012 an article ran on page 10. Check it out if you can!


posted by Craig Ellis on 24 Jul 2013 at 11:02 am

Dear John Hames,

I am writing in response to your post on the 19th May 2009 about the Gibson family. Currently I am working on the BBC 1 series 'Heir Hunters' that is investigating the daughters estate 'Ellen Erskine Gibson.' Born 31 December 1919 in Bangalore and sadly passed away on 17th January 2000 in Worthing. Her mother also was Ellen Gibson born 29th July 1892 and passed away 3rd Jan 1961 in Worthing.

It would be great to discover more of you knowledge of the family. Interested to know how they were involved with horses too.

I look forward to your reply

Many Thanks

0207 598 7357

Shoesmith / Fuller / Freeman / Mepham / Russell / Card / Westbourne / Cramp / Smith And Other Familes

posted by Deb Francis on 25 Jul 2013 at 5:28 am

I'm primarily researching the SHOESMITH family and then various bracnches of the family.
Beginning with Richard SHOESMITH b 1617 Battle, Sussex and married Mercy WESTBOURNE. One descendant was Edward SHOESMITH b 1804 Bexhill was involved in 'The Battle of Sidely Green' and was transported to Australia for life in 1829 and arrived on the ship 'Claudine'. He was married 3 times, his first wife was Hannah SMITH who had 5 children. Edward left Hannah in England with the children. 1 son George followed Edward to Australia. I am a descendant of Edward and would be happy to here from anyone wanting to share this information. I've been researching various families for almost 25 years and have recently begun again in earnest. Many thanks Deb Francis

Eric BENNETT Photo

posted by Diana Nichols on 02 Aug 2013 at 11:37 am

Whilst going through my father's photo collection, I have come across a large one of Eric BENNETT. Eric BENNETT appears to be in an army officer's uniform & was apparently either a captain or a 1st Lieutenant.

On the reverse, my father has written 'Eric Bennett a member of St Peter's Choir having a baritone voice'

I'd guess that my father knew him when he (my father) was in St Peter's choir, approx 1930.

If someone is connected to Capt/1st Lt BENNETT & would like this photo, please contact me.

Maureen Baker

posted by Paddy Makey on 06 Oct 2013 at 2:42 pm

I'm trying to trace my mother's cousin Maureen Baker, daughter of Jack and Ivy Baker. Maureen married Derek Woods in about 1962 and moved to Robertsbridge, I think. I believe she has a collection of photos of the Baker family going back into the 19th century which I'd dearly love to see as I'm researching our family history for my mum, born Mary Gwendolene Baker in 1924 but known as Molly. Her father Fred ran a laundry in Bexhill with his brothers Charles and Jack and also a garage - they were businessmen at any rate. She met my dad Ken Furness while he was stationed in Bexhill during WW2. I was born at my grandparents (Fred and Ann) house in Cooden Drive in 1950 and then we lived in Shepherd's Close, Little Common until 1955. My sister Diana was born in 1944 and went to school in Little Common.
I have been in contact with two other cousins Eileen and Elizabeth Baker (Charles' daughters) who think Maureen may now be living in France with her son Justin.
If anyone has any information on how to contact Maureen I'd be very grateful. My email address is paddymakey@hotmail.com

Looking For My Uncle

posted by carl simpson on 31 Oct 2013 at 4:55 pm

Does any one know where my uncle is liveing his name is Lawrence whiteman his partner name is anne don't know her last name he used to live in Hastings now in bexhill plz help

Looking For A Kelly Holland

posted by Bjoern Launer on 22 Feb 2014 at 6:53 pm

Hello guys!
I will give it another try.
I'm still looking for a Kelly Holland who used to live with her family in Bexhill, Christine Close around 1992.
I was a former exchange student from germany and lost contact to her years ago.

I would be more than pleased if anybody knows her and is able to get us in contact again...

Best reguards from germany.


Clare Family

posted by Jane Hart (Clare) on 28 Feb 2014 at 6:33 pm

Elisabeth Short, we're you Whitfeld? What made you seek me out?! I turned 70 this month!! Of course I remember you! I trained as a nurse with Judy Ensell in London, where I met my husband, a doctor, now been married 48 years. 3 children, 10 grandchildren and we live in Devon!! How about you? I was alerted to your message by a friend of a friend who did not go to St Francis but lived in Bexhill. Better late than never!

Thomas Family

posted by Pam Barnes on 16 Apr 2014 at 5:26 pm

I was born 09 10 1944 and adopted 1947. I was given name Brenda at birth. Campbell connection. Mother Alice Lilian Thomas. Bexhill/ Eastbourne connection. Any information would be a great help.

Aubrey Crudgington

posted by john brown on 16 May 2014 at 5:15 am

Hi Aubrey
I've just read your message (2012).
You say that you were born with the Surname BLOSS, and you are now CRUDGINGTON.
Both of these names are not too common.
I have an extensive Crudgington family tree available, and there is a ROSE L BLOSS (born 1938) who married John William Crudgington. They were from Thurrock Essex. If you could let me have any more details I'd be happy to try and find a chink of light somewhere for you

To Pam Barnes

posted by Brenda on 24 May 2014 at 3:51 pm

I knew someone of Bexhill who had a daughter born in 1944 , the daughter was adopted .

Searching Family

posted by Pam Barnes on 31 May 2014 at 2:11 pm

Hi Brenda! I would love to have more contact with you. My email is wbarnes123[AT]btinternet.com

Family History - Terry,s

posted by Phoebe Sutton on 01 Jun 2014 at 8:35 pm

My grandmother, Phoebe Muriel Terry (married and became Sutton) was born in Bexhill to the Terry's - father called Edward Terry, or Ted, who had three children: Edward, Stanley and Phoebe. They owned a sweet shop, although I'm not sure of the dates. I was just wondering if anyone remembers this shop, or knows anything about them! I would love to know about by family.

Winborn Family

posted by Linda Jeffery on 01 Nov 2014 at 10:05 pm

Hello I am the great granddaughter of Richard Winborn & Elizabeth Lingham, haven't connected to Aaron Winborn yet. Would love to hear from any relations


posted by Heather on 01 Nov 2014 at 10:14 pm

I am searching my family tree and trying to find out any information about Mrs Emily Payne who lived in Ninfield Bexhill on Sea in the 1930's but was still there when she died in 1953. I know she had 2 sons one was called Charles, a daughter Dorothy and she fostered children. I would be grateful for any information about her or her family. One of her daughters emigrated to America.

The Ball Family Of Bexhill

posted by Sheila Ball on 21 Jan 2015 at 2:57 pm

to the Rev. R. J. Perry
I believe your father was my late husband Brians eldest brother. Brian always refered to him a Bert but he was a Major in the army, served in Poona after WW2 and had two children Roger and Sonia. I never met him as when he left the army he went to East Africa and set up a business in Mombasa-something to do with timber. He also remarried and he and his wife later retired to New Zealand. I contacted him when my husband died twelve years ago; his address was Otara, North Island N.Z. and his title then was Rev. A.J. Ball. I hope this is of interest to you


posted by Patrick Gaffney on 24 Jan 2015 at 1:24 pm

Dear Jeanette, I was at the Bexhill Grammar School from 1960-8, and at some point I befriended a boy called Larry Maykels. He was a very endearing character, who had come in for some stupid bullying at school. I remember having dinner at his place once. He lived with his mother in a flat somewhere around the junction of Devonshire Road and the Marina. He taught me a bunch of phrases in Yiddish. I never knew what happened to him, though I often wondered. Good luck with your search, Patrick Gaffney

Family History-Burgess-Park Rd

posted by debbie noble on 01 Feb 2015 at 4:32 am

I am researching my family and have come across the 1911 census which gives the address of 1 Park Road, Bexhill. On google earth I can only see 2 Park Road. Is there 1 Park Rd? Two members of my family died in 1913 and was wondering if anyone reading this and was interested in history maybe they might have come across some story regarding cecile (age 35) and william (age 7). This is listed as Newton Abbey, is this close to Bexhill? Thanks if you can answer any of these questions. I live in Adelaide, South Australia


posted by MRS WICK on 05 Feb 2015 at 9:57 am

Hi I am looking for any information on thye kendalls who lived in bexhill around 1900 1912 time they had a daughter dorothy son hugh wife name eliza also on the private trinty house school eleanor cooper who adopted vera kendall in 1912 as her mother died after giving birth to her and she lived with the coopers if anyone has any info please contact me thank you

Payne Lineage In Bexhill

posted by Scott Jones on 06 Feb 2015 at 6:08 pm

My great grandfather, George Edward Payne was from Bexhill. He ran away from home at about 13 and took a ship to America. He never went back. His daughter, Verna, visited relatives there that she had located in the middle 1960s. These relatives visited her in America after she visited. My mother, Barbara Payne, Verna's Niece passed in 2005. I am trying to find my relatives so that my teenage daughter and nephew will have some "roots." Any information would be helpful. Thanks!

Clare Family

posted by Elisabeth Short/Whitfeld on 15 Feb 2015 at 11:23 am

I have only just found your message Jane and how thrilled I am. I have just caught up with Stella Houston from our class. Please do contact me again on lissie1945[AT]absamail.co.za. I have just turned 70 this January and I live in South Africa. Would love to exchange news. Lissie.


posted by Andrea Bruce on 17 Feb 2015 at 11:45 pm

Looking for information about my Grandfathers family on my mothers side please.

Arthur Joseph Rumsey.

Born: 20/4/1916

Last address in United Kingdom was 43 St. James Road, Bexhill.

Registered to have married to Lilian Guy in 1941.

Immigrated to Australia in 1949 with their son Jonathan who was 4 years of age.

Believe his fathers name was William who died around 1955.

Any information would be a great help.

Many thanks


Daren Lawson

posted by Mark philips on 20 Feb 2015 at 9:24 pm

Looking for Daren, last heard working in Nigeria, went to school in Bexhill


Daren Lawson

posted by Mark philips on 05 Mar 2015 at 8:06 pm

Just update on Daren Lawson, working in Nigeria on contract etc!
Has any one know of his email or any other Information on Daren?
Would be great to contact him , but he has been known to surface now and then, last heard he was in England Briefly, year before last?
Any Information would Be Great


Darren Lawson

posted by john on 06 Mar 2015 at 9:33 pm

Hi mate, he was around a few months ago but dispersed again not to sure where but said he wasn't going to be long. Do you have any info? Haven't would like to see how he is


Paulina Malt

posted by Keith Elliot on 07 Mar 2015 at 8:38 am

I need to contact Paulina Malt, nee Cox, urgently, who lives somewhere in Bexhill.
Could she please email me at kje@telkomsa.net, or phone me in Johannesburg, R.S.A. on 011 8026054.
Can anyone in Bexhill help me please ?

My Family

posted by sheryl wilson on 07 Mar 2015 at 11:02 am

looking to find out a bit about my family from Bexhill
my great grandparents, John and Ellen Wilson lived at 31 north road Sidley and from the 1911 census I know my granddad, Jesse, was 6 years old. there were 5 other siblings at that time. ( lilly, john,rose,luz,charlie) Jesse married Nellie Dibley in 1926. my dad was born in 1939 in bexhill (graham Wilson) and eventually the family moved to Windsor I know nothing about any potential family who may be alive in Bexhill.
if these family names make sense to anyone could they get in touch.
thank you so much

Daren Lawson

posted by John on 08 Mar 2015 at 2:51 pm

Hi John Thank you for msg
Yes I hear hes been working abroad, not sure where he is now?
Just pass on information concerning a friend he worked with, a guy by the name of Peter Smith, a security operative was Killed in Congo Seven days ago!! He was a close friend of Daren and no doubt he will be upset etc. Please pass on the Msg and if you have contact details. I will see Daren in july, in Holland!

Many Thanks

Darren Lawson

posted by john on 10 Apr 2015 at 7:58 pm

Hi mark,
Sorry about the long delay and the bad news. Do you have any kind of contact details or meeting place for you and Darren to meet before July


Stevenson Fruit/Green Grower On London Road In 1950's?

posted by Carol on 12 May 2015 at 11:16 am

Hi everyone,
Helping an old friend to look for a long lost friend.. He used to work for her father a fruit merchant in Bexhill on London Road back in the 1950's. Does anyone recalled a fruit merchant name 'Stevenson' please?
Thank you

Daren Lawson

posted by Jon on 05 Jun 2015 at 5:42 pm

I will be in Bexhill on the 19th of this month
for two days before I fly back out, if Daren is back in uk, I will meet him in the pub on the sea front near gallie hill Bexhill.friday evening!

Many Thanks

Mo Taylor

posted by Beverley mccarthy on 05 Jun 2015 at 6:14 pm

This is Joans daughter Beverley would be wonderfull to speak to you mo sorry it's eight years down the line a bit of a long story my email address is Becarthy1[AT]gmail.com

Peter Rodgers

posted by Ron Gurr on 25 Jun 2015 at 10:09 pm

Found this site by accident and found that Peter Rodgers is wanting to contact me. Pete, if you read this contact me via rongurr[AT]btinternet.com.
Also if anyone knows of Hilary Young who lived at Potmans Lane I would be interested to know. Always interested to hear from anyone who remembers me, Ron Gurr from Little Common.

Norwoods, A Chronogical History

posted by Linda Silverman on 06 Jul 2015 at 6:28 pm

Trying to get in touch with Tony Hedges, 9 Chelsea Close, Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex, UK to see if he still has any copies of Mrs. G. Maiion Norwoods book."The Norwoods III, A Chronological History" for sale? If so, will he please contact me at the above email address?
Thank you,
Linda Silverman

You Give And They Take....

posted by Darren lawson on 18 Jul 2015 at 8:03 pm

We will never for get you Darren, you were but a breath of fresh air in this life we walk.
Lives are taken but you always stood your ground, We have but utter respect for you.
You often said the after life is better, may be so?, no doubt we will see you on the shores of your Avalon.
we will never forget you, a soldier of Honour and Respect and always missed.

T.I.A ....your friends

Maykels Family Bexhill

posted by Margaret on 21 Aug 2015 at 11:01 am

Maykels' hairdressing salon was on the East side of Sackville Road, Bexhill at the seafront end, It was not a large shop. I used to have my hair trimmed there. Their daughter Marilyn was in my class at Bexhill Grammar School in the 1950s.I have a 1950 street directory and the shop is not listed there so perhaps it was a year ot two later

Maykels Hairdressers Bexhill

posted by Margaret on 21 Aug 2015 at 11:06 am

Maykels' hairdressing salon was on the East side of Sackville Road, Bexhill at the seafront end, It was not a large shop. I used to have my hair trimmed there. Their daughter Marilyn was in my class at Bexhill Grammar School in the 1950s.I have a 1950 street directory and the shop is not listed there so perhaps it was a year or two later

Ancaster Gate

posted by Caroline Gilbert nee laird on 01 Sept 2015 at 10:28 am

I was at Ancaster Gate preparatory school in the 1960's until it closed and would love to catch up with contemporaries.


posted by Greeba~Ann on 13 Sept 2015 at 7:15 am

does anyone remember Ruby Girvin -Sisson, or Margaret Girvin-Sisson from 1946 . They lived at 41 collington Avenue Bexhill on sea

Looking For David

posted by georgis on 20 Oct 2015 at 4:03 pm

Hi am looking for some help finding a mr david harris /harrison i dont no a great deal about him other than he is about 43/46 he lived in newport gwent . He had a friend named carl who also come from newport but moved to newcastle some years ago. David had a lot to do wth his grandmother grandfather . He had a sister . He also had two boxer dogs when he lived in newport . I think he has since moved on to hull and has two daughters under the age of 18 years . If any one can help me please .

Frederick And Edna 'Peggy' Simpson

posted by Chris Simpson on 24 Jan 2016 at 12:19 pm

Hi there......I did post a few years ago, and got some leads, but thought I would try again. I am trying to find any information or photos of my Great Uncle Frederick Simpson and Great Aunt Edna 'Peggy' Simpson (was a nurse)....they lived in Little Common and Bexhill areas. Peggy passed in 2005

Cooper Family

posted by james on 05 Feb 2016 at 7:34 pm

bert cooper originally from Bexleyheath kent worked as a gas engineer married and his wife Kathleen later formed an illness called multiple sclerosis they had two sons by 1965 and bert had a secret daughter called susan from Bromley the coopers later moved to bexill could this be the same coopers living on hillside road

Kendall's And Coopers From Bexhill

posted by Christine Stevenson on 09 Feb 2016 at 1:51 pm

My husband John had an Aunty Dorothy and Aunty Vera. His Uncle Hugh died in the war. His mother was Gladys Kendall Dorothy died around 30 years ago in Wales. Vera's daughters are alive. You have started to verify what I had researched Mrs Wicks. Please get in touch.
James are you sure tha Susan was Bert's daughter. I think it was Charles, my husbands father

For Ronnie Gurr And Past Contacts

posted by Dave Hemsley on 02 Apr 2016 at 11:00 am

Hi Ron what a coincidence I've just found this site and thought as a former Little Commonite lets have a browse through, I've found lots of interesting posts including one from Peter Rogers who was also looking for you, I've been trying to locate/contact you for ages and failed to get anywhere until now, as you all knew me as (Houns) thanks to Alec Burke it would be great to hear from you,I will try the e mail contact you left for Peter but if you or anyone else who remembers me from Little Common,Broad Oak Farm, Lunsford Brickworks, or our Eastbourne Eagles days I can be contacted via; sad_owls@hotmail.com

Ethel Barker

posted by Carolyn Baxter on 18 Aug 2016 at 11:04 am

Message for Heather Carne
Only just found this message board so not sure if you are still looking for family members of Ethel Barker. Ethel Barker of 28 Cornwall Road was my Great Aunt. Gwen her sister was my Grandmother. Cecily was my Mother. So I guess I might be able to help.

Finding My Dad

posted by Julie Mavity on 20 Aug 2016 at 2:47 pm

I m trying to find a man called Fred, who was an inpatient of Bexhill, hospital around 1967-1972. He was born aprox 1931-1932

Finding My Dad

posted by Julie Mavity on 20 Aug 2016 at 2:50 pm

I m trying to find a man called Fred, who was an inpatient of Bexhill, hospital around 1967-1972. He was born aprox 1931-1932. He met my mother Ida dawn Thomas around July 1968 at Lyme Regis, and went to coach and horses.

Looking For Relatives Of Ethel Barker

posted by Carolyn Baxter on 25 Aug 2016 at 6:53 pm

Ethel Barker of Cornwall Road was my great aunt. My grandmother was Gwen and my mother was Cecily. Guess I might be able to fill in some blanks in the Barker family tree.


posted by Joan Bartlett on 08 Dec 2016 at 1:53 pm

Hi if anyone is interested in receiving information on the Prior family, I would be very happy to share all the information I have managed to find. Cheers

Warren And Sargent Families

posted by Bill O'Neill on 23 Feb 2017 at 3:05 pm

Hi, I am looking for information on the Warren (50 Cornwall ROad) and Sargent (Reginald Road) families who lived in Bexhill in the early part of the 20th century.
Particularly around 1900 and after the 1st world war - 30s-30's
Bill O'Neill

Warren And Sargent Families

posted by Ron Sargent on 20 Mar 2017 at 3:31 pm

FAO Bill O'Neill - I may be able to help with information re: the latter, who, I believe, lived in Reginald Road once upon a time . Do you have Christian names?

Searching For Old Friends

posted by Jean Stone on 01 Aug 2017 at 3:17 pm

I was at Ancaster House School at Buscot Park during the war and left in 1945. My name was Jean Macleod and I wonder if Ann Cheshire, Elizabeth Osborn, Ann de Haviland, Ann Snodgrass, Virginia ?, Madge ? remember me? If so, do please get in touch.


posted by Eve Kiff on 28 Aug 2017 at 12:15 am

Yes, I remember Maykels. There was a boy/young man called either Ivor Mykel or Ivan Maykel. I only met him once or twice, but the hairdresser's was very popular

Find My Family Farrer

posted by Rose on 09 Sept 2017 at 8:43 pm

Hey again.im still seeking to know dose anyone have information on Elizabeth Anne Farrer..she married Simon bracken 1985 had Brendon 1986,Rosemary Anne 1987(me),Cameron1988..simon and my mum devoiced in 19891988..i never had contact wit my mum since..mum if u read this plz write ive done same last 13years stayed away from Simon..
Ano my mum remarried n had 4other children (my sibling) after her devoice.any information no matter how small plz forward to me as could be wat helps crack finding my family...ano she went to high school at Bexhill around 1980 t 1986 so any old friends might remember my mum or have old photos plz let me know.ive got 2 only off her so any more I would be so gratefull.Rose


posted by Laurence Maykels on 16 Sept 2017 at 9:24 am

Hi Patrick I am pleased to read your message to Jeanette.. I now live near Watford north of London, am married with two daughters and four grandchildren. I remember you and our school antics. Happy days ! Laurence (Larry) Maykels

Len And Jeanette Williams

posted by Angela Shepherd on 05 Oct 2017 at 5:32 am

I believe I am related to you through Lillian Blades. My mum was Phyllis Emily Staplehurst (nee Blades). Just wondered what happened to Margaret, your sister?

Buscot Park And Ancaster House School

posted by Johnnie Manckiy on 12 Oct 2017 at 3:02 pm

My name is Johnnie Manckiy, I am researching British Country Houses which were used by evacuated schools during the war. I am working on a book and I would like to include a chapter on Ancaster House School and the time it spent at Buscot Park during the war.

I would love to hear from any old girls who were with the school during the Buscot years.

My e-mail is jmanckiy@gmail.com

Thank you,


My Father's Employment

posted by Leslie Glenister on 24 Oct 2017 at 7:54 am

When my father,GORDON SCOTT GLENISTER b 1890 Hastings, lived in Bexhill he worked for Central Fish Co.. at 22 Albert Road Bexhill as a fishmongers assistant..Can anyone give me any info on this company please?? He signed to the Military on 8th August 1914 joining the 6th Sussex Battery,,2nd Home Counties Brigade Reserve..We believe he was attached to the Medical Corps...If anyone has any info to help confirm these details it would be very much appreciated....Regards....LES GLENISTER (Oxfordshire).

Dave Hatherell

posted by Tony Rolt on 25 Oct 2017 at 6:35 am

Les - get in touch with Dave Hatherell. He is a researcher "par excellence" at Bexhill Museum and also on the Bexhill Old Photos and Hustory group on Facebook. He can usually get chapter and verse on any Bexhillians who served in either of the wars

Warren And Sargent Families

posted by Bill O'Neill on 05 Nov 2017 at 3:59 pm

HI Ron,
sorry for the delay, I have not been back to this board for a while. I am researching on behalf of Simon Warren, my brother-in-law. His mother was Julia Sargent and her parents were Arthur David and Julia Sargent. Sisters were Dorothy and Gwen I think.
If you want to contact me directly, my email address is
wj dot oneill at ntlworld dot com.

Dorset Road Bexhill.

posted by Terence J A Dive on 26 Nov 2017 at 1:15 pm

My Great Grandmother Amy Aston Dive and family lived in a house (around 1901) named, Aston House, Dorset Road, Bexhill, the house name has now long gone, but I was wondering if anyone on here might know of the house and could let me know the name or number so I could see it on google earth,
Thank you if anyone can help.
Terence Dive

Looking To Catch Up

posted by Kevin Isted on 07 Dec 2017 at 10:35 pm

Colin Bedford, William Alt, Steven O'brien, Peter Patch, Steven Clarke, Joe Rizzo, Andrew Cone if you would like to get in contact email me

Percy Guyatt - Barber

posted by Christine Backhouse (nee Ball) on 17 Feb 2018 at 1:28 pm

I have only just discovered this site so am replying to a post from 20 Jun 2012!!
I am currently researching my family tree and my Mum (Sheila Ball) remembers a Percy Guyatt and his barbers shop - I believe his daughter Lily married Kenneth Victor Ball - who was my Dad's brother. (Dad=Brian Bernard Ball) If you have any other info I would love to hear from you.

Ronald Barker

posted by Frank Barker on 25 Apr 2018 at 1:40 am

I am looking for relatives of Ron Barker. He lived in Sailsbury Rd. He had 2 brothers Frank and John and a sister Vera (Queen) He moved to the St Leonards/Hastings area in the late 1950s - early 1960s. He was my uncle and i would like to get in touch with his relatives..

Sutherland House School

posted by Heather Morrey on 30 Apr 2018 at 9:08 pm

I,ve just discovered this fascinating message board. Please does anyone know anything about the above school, at 39 Sutherland Avenue? It was there in 1953 it seems and perhaps did not last long.

White Photograph

posted by Damian Jorgensen on 03 Aug 2018 at 10:48 am

I have in my Possesion a photograph of a dark haired young boy
With amazing eyes
Inscribed White Bexhill
I'm guessing as the boy is in a frock dress
It's possibly around 1900 s
I would love to know
1 who is this boy
2 is white his family name
3 is white the photographer
I have had this early black & white photo for over 25 years
Now he always takes pride of place over my fireplace
Wherever I've lived in the last 25 years I'd just love to know
If this family to whom it belongs are still alive & would they
Like this photograph back if in anyone wants to email me
I can send pictures yours in anticipation D. Jorgensen

Joseph Barker Wall

posted by Susan Begg on 29 Oct 2018 at 6:27 pm

Has anyone any information regarding JB Wall (my great great grandfather) when he was Mayor of Bexhill about 1919. I’d particularly like to find a picture of him. He designed the colonnade.


Percy Beauclerk Jackson

posted by Richard Samford on 04 Dec 2018 at 9:42 pm

H everyone ~

I'm looking for any information available on a Percy Beauclerk Jackson, b. 19 Sep, 1901, Kensington - d. 3 Aug 1987, Hastings and Rother, Bexhill.

He married Eleanor Louise Berthet Fenton 6 Sep, 1947, Battle.

“Surgeon Commander to Surgeon Captain.” Percy B. JACKSON, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. London Gazette, 15 January, 1954

I've gleaned what I can from Ancestry, but an obituary or photo would be wonderful!

Thanks very much. Richard

Percy Guyatt

posted by Elaine Leppard (nee Hart) on 18 Mar 2019 at 12:53 pm

Only just found this site! Percy Guyatt used to come round to my fathers shop (Tommy Tuckers) in Little Common to cut his hair. I remember him as a small quiet man, always very well dressed.

Edward Sweet And Elizabeth Sweet And Vi Williams

posted by Justin williams on 04 Apr 2019 at 2:37 pm

Im trying to track my relations. Edward (Ted) Sweet and (Betty) Elizabeth Sweet were I believe be buried together in Bexhill on Sea. Betty is my great aunt and my grandmother was Vi Williams who is my grandmother and I believe she was buried near her sister (my great aunt) . I would like to find where they were buried? Any help or information would be grateful. Thank you.

Edward Sweet And Elizabeth Sweet And Vi Williams

posted by Justin williams on 06 Apr 2019 at 10:41 pm

Im trying to track my relations. Edward (Ted) Sweet and (Betty) Elizabeth Sweet were I believe be buried together in Bexhill on Sea. Betty is my great aunt and my grandmother was Vi Williams who is my grandmother and I believe she was buried near her sister (my great aunt) . I would like to find where they were buried? Any help or information would be grateful. Thank you.

Edward Sweet And Elizabeth Sweet And Vi Williams

posted by Justin williams on 06 Apr 2019 at 10:42 pm

Im trying to track my relations. Edward (Ted) Sweet and (Betty) Elizabeth Sweet were I believe be buried together in Bexhill on Sea. Betty is my great aunt and my grandmother was Vi Williams who is my grandmother and I believe she was buried near her sister (my great aunt) . I would like to find where they were buried? Any help or information would be grateful. Thank you.

Finding The Fishers

posted by Ian bennett on 05 Jul 2019 at 9:42 am

Hi. I am trying to trace M Fisher or R? Fisher who lived in Bexhill at 28 Fairfield Chase. It’s concerning them being witnesses to my mother’s will (she sadly passed away last Nov at the great age of 101). I suspect that the Fishers are no longer with us but any information would be greatly appreciated.

Heather Bank In 1921 - Attn John Smith

posted by Peter Lobbenberg on 02 Oct 2019 at 5:28 pm

Have only just come across this website and seen your query from back in 2010. The house was called "Heatherbank" (one word) and was on Sea Road, Cooden, registered to Percival Stanley Sarson. Source: Kelly's Directory 1922 via thegenealogist.co.uk. 11 years earlier, in the 1911 census, Percival and Alice Sarson (nee Clark) were living at Inveresk, Cantelupe Road, Bexhill with daughters Winifred (then 8) and Rita (1). Percival was a scion of the Sarson's Vinegar family, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarson's.

Joseph Barker Wall - Attn Susan Begg

posted by Peter Lobbenberg on 02 Oct 2019 at 5:57 pm

The British Newspaper Archive has several articles about JB Wall, who was mayor of Bexhill from November 1916 to October 1918. In particular the Bexhill-on-Sea Observer for 29 July 1911 (!) has a photo page, with the caption to one photo reading "The Architect of the Colonnade (Councillor J.B. Wall) looks satisfied". Unfortunately, things being as they were back then, the image - at least the BNA's online version - is so unclear as to be practically useless! Might the Observer be willing to access their archives - or perhaps you could try Bexhill Library?


posted by Patricia Browning on 14 Oct 2019 at 12:04 pm

You probably have all the information you need now but thought I'd send this. I went to Bexhill Grammar school with Marilyn Maykels who was my best friend. Her parents owned Maykels hairdressers at the end of Devonshire Road and they lived above Collington Mansions in Collington Road

Dr Colin McIver

posted by David Evans on 19 Nov 2019 at 1:50 pm

To Madeleine Field re the maternity home that your grandfather ran in Bexhill on Sea. I am looking for such a place (1946) and believe it may have been at 47 Cantalupe Road.
Did your searches bring results?

Charlie Isted

posted by Jake williams on 09 Apr 2020 at 11:24 pm

Hi , I am looking to find out more info about my great grandfather , Charlie isted.
He was born 1923-1924 , he has three children : Steven, Lesley and Arlene. I think that he had a sister , maybe two brothers . He died in 1976 . Any information is greatly appreciated.

Rumseys In Bexhill

posted by Isobel Beeton on 10 Oct 2020 at 6:54 pm

I met a member of the Rumsey family today. I think someone was asking about the name on this board if you'd like to contact me.

Family Tree

posted by Mark Holder on 11 Dec 2020 at 3:26 pm

I have been told my uncle, Christopher Read was mayor or councillor for Bexhill 1970 ish. I remember visiting as a child and he was running a post office I believe, might have just been a shop. His wife's name was Ruth. Does anyone have any info? I can find nothing.

Deb Francis

posted by Pete shoesmith on 21 Feb 2022 at 2:40 pm

I am direct descendant of Richard Shoesmith

34 Cooden Drive -who Lived There?

posted by Pat Marsden on 06 Sept 2022 at 6:39 pm

I am trying to reunite a family photo album with the descendants of 34 Cooden Drive Bexhill. In particular the album features a little boy called Michael born 5th November 1952. We have done extensive research and we are of the mind that Michael is perhaps not related to the elderley couple in the photos but can't find any tangible link. There are connections with the Blatcher family from Orpington too. Do you know Micheal? If so please get in touch as we are trying to reunite the album in time for his 70th birthday this November. Thank you in advance

34 Cooden Drive -who Lived There?

posted by Pat Marsden on 06 Sept 2022 at 6:39 pm

I am trying to reunite a family photo album with the descendants of 34 Cooden Drive Bexhill. In particular the album features a little boy called Michael born 5th November 1952. We have done extensive research and we are of the mind that Michael is perhaps not related to the elderley couple in the photos but can't find any tangible link. There are connections with the Blatcher family from Orpington too. Do you know Micheal? If so please get in touch as we are trying to reunite the album in time for his 70th birthday this November. Thank you in advance

Christine Backhouse Re: Percy Guyatt

posted by Jolene on 25 Oct 2022 at 9:26 pm

I am a granddaughter of Lily and Kenneth Ball living in Bexhill. My dad, Michael Ball was their eldest son. Guess that makes us related! My uncle, Chris, posted on this thread a long time ago too.

Edith Wilkinson

posted by Debra Ann Yianni on 13 Dec 2022 at 1:39 pm

I am trying to find out about my great grandmother, Edith Wilkinson, whose last residence as a widow, was De La Warr Parade, apparently near the Pavillion. I only know she live in a ground floor flat, near the pavilion, in the late 60's or early 70's. I have no other information. I would be so grateful if anyone could help.

Help Trace A Friend Of A Friend

posted by Richard Hibbs on 14 Feb 2023 at 3:23 pm

Hello people!
Can anyone advise as to the present whereabouts of one Frederick Jeffery, long time resident of Bexhill. Fred would be long retired from the railways now, my friend met him when on secondment in UK from Deutsche Bahn and is hoping to re-establish contact. He has/had a nephew. Sorry, all rather sketchy, and apologies if it’s not appropriate to this forum.

William Prior M Elizabeth C 1663 St Peter’s Bexhill

posted by Nicole Blain on 04 Sept 2023 at 12:53 am

I am a descendant of this couple, via the following generations: son richard Prior m Elizabeth Colbourn 1704, son William Prior m Mary Pettet 1727, son John Prior m Elizabeth Jarrett 1759, son Edward Prior m Maria Britt, 1803, son Henry Prior m Eliza West, 1824. They departed Portsmouth 1837 with 6 children on Augusta Jessie and settled in Parramatta rd Petersham in NSW Australia. Their son Frederick William Prior 1 m Mercy White, from Dorset in1860, son Edwin Charles Prior m Mary Elizabeth Summerfield in 1889, daughter Edna Laurel Prior m Arthur William May in 1923 and their son Peter Henry May was my father who moved to Melbourne. I have much more information about these families for those who are interested. I am also interested in information about the Priors and families from Bexhill as I hope to visit in January 2024.

Jury Cramp History

posted by Lucy Stinson on 14 Jan 2025 at 8:49 pm

I am a descendant Visiting from Australia love to know places of significance in Jurys life in Bexhill . Jury is my fourth great grandfather.
I Have extensive information on Cramps in Bexhill and Crowhurst that I would like to verify going back to Thomas Cramp marrying Isabel Acton in 1579. She may be the daughter of Sir Robert Acton. With a direct line to the Royal family.

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