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Looking For People - Thread

posted by joanna newton on 13 Jul 2007 at 10:21 am

Hello my name is Joanna Newton - nee Morgan - I'm trying to get in touch with Jill Longley - can't remember her married name. We worked together mamy years ago in Scotland and then went to Switzerland together and then shared a house in London. I think her family owned a department store - Longleys - in Bexhill.
If anyone has any info I'd be v grateful.

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Follow up messages

Re -united

posted by jill kinloch (longley) on 13 Jul 2007 at 10:09 pm

Hi Joanna,
Great to hear from you,here is my e-mail address. jillATjillkinloch.wanadoo.co.uk (replace AT with @)
Would love to hear from you.

Jill Longley

posted by Brian Storkey on 26 Jul 2007 at 3:31 pm

I know of Jill Longley
She still lives in Bexhill I believe.

Does Anybody Know Mrs. Kathleen Millman?

posted by Shin Yoke Weng on 24 Nov 2007 at 1:48 pm

it was in the 60s that this lady by the name of mrs kathleen millman from bexhill-on-sea wrote to me in malaysia. I was about 16 then and she was in her 60s, I think. She sent me christian literature regularly, cards at christmas and photos of herself (which I still kept somewhere among my old memorabilia). We corresponded for close to 8 years, and then there was silence. I believe she was single (but I'm not sure) and she once told me she had a niece closeby). Today I believe she would have passed on, for I'm now 58 years. I visited UK in September 2005, but I lost her address, and there was no way I could revive old memories. This matter has always been on my mind, and I would dearly love if somebody at Bexhill could shed some light on this lady to me. I may be coming again to UK end 2008 or early 2009, and if I can find an answer to this missing puzzle in my life, I will gladly move on when my time comes!

Looking To Come Back To Bexhill

posted by chrsi summers on 11 Feb 2008 at 4:12 pm

I moved away in 1980. I am looking for past friends to chat with to find the lie of the land. Mike Rosenberg, Rose Gillham(as was), Karren Coussens, Ne burke / miller, Paul Tockock, Kevin Hoad.

Any contact would be great (I was going to say appreciated) but I can't spell it!

Chris Summers

Looking For People

posted by Rosalie Southam on 21 Feb 2008 at 10:09 pm

I was talking to my brother Victor Bryant in Canada last week and we got onto the subject of when we lived in Bexhill. He asked, as I am interest in Family History, if I could put a message on the box as he wished to know if John Burgess who lived next to us when we lived in Cornwall Road. I can about remember 2 of his other friends one was called David Bonham (I think) and his other friend lived in Edgerton Road and the end of his garden came onto the side of our house. Any help Victor would appreciate.
Thank you.

Hi Rosalie

posted by Sheila Varian on 05 Apr 2008 at 2:37 pm

When did you live in Cornwall Road? I was born there but moved when I was about three (1954) so doubt I can help you?

Looking For Natasha Abrams

posted by Tracey Dawson on 22 Jul 2008 at 11:29 am

My name is Tracey Dawson and I am looking for an dear fiend who I believe now lives in Bexhill-on-Sea. Her name is Natasha Abrams from Zimbabwe aged 27years. Her daughter is Monique. We grew up together in South Africa. If anybody knows Natasha please please let her know, my email is g42lightning@googlemail.com

Looking For Simon

posted by Jenny Sanderson on 08 Aug 2008 at 2:20 pm


Used to live in Bexhill (1975-1978) am looking for Simon. Memories of going to see The Stranglers with zip t-shirts and safety pins have given me many a smile specially after just seeing Stiff Little Fingers!! Would love to know you're okay??

Looking For Rowena Of Seafield School

posted by Peter Haines on 13 Oct 2008 at 3:20 pm

I was at Seafield School in Bexhill in the mid to late 1960's, when we were joined by the girls from Ancaster Gate school and Seafield became co-ed.
I would like to contact Rowena Nicholls, who was there. If anyone knows her? My email is phainesATfsmail.net (replace AT with @)

Russell & Lennox

posted by Larry Boyd on 26 Oct 2008 at 11:06 pm

Hello. I'm doing some genealogy on the family tree and have a couple of questions. Does anyone know of an Ida Kathleen Russell, b1906 daughter of Louis Russell. She married an Albert Mitchell Lennox in 1927 and they had 3 daughters, two were born in Bexhill, Nina Kathleen in 1929 and Jane Elizabeth in 1932.

Sincerest regards. Larry Boyd

Russell & Lennox

posted by Larry Boyd on 27 Oct 2008 at 2:27 am

Hello. I'm doing some genealogy on the family tree and have a couple of questions. Does anyone know of an Ida Kathleen Russell, b1906 daughter of Louis Russell. She married an Albert Mitchell Lennox in 1927 and they had 3 daughters, two were born in Bexhill, Nina Kathleen in 1929 and Jane Elizabeth in 1932.

My email address is boydl [AT] pei.eastlink.ca (replace [AT] with @ and take out any spaces).

Sincerest regards. Larry Boyd


posted by sheila smith on 29 Oct 2008 at 11:05 am

LOOKING FOR any one who may have been at this school in 60's or knew the school or any thing known about the school.
My son Paul Smurthwaite went there & I am researching all info' about the school in those days.
Would B pleased to hear from anyone with any news or info.
I am Paul's mother.

Thanks so much.

Russell Garage

posted by Larry Boyd on 01 Nov 2008 at 8:30 pm

I was wondering if the Russell Garage mentioned here is the same Louis
Russell that was the father of Ida Kathleen Russell b1906 and married Albert
Mitchell Lennox in 1927? Louis Russell is listed as her father on the
marriage record.of the parish church of St. Peter, Sussex.


My email address is: boydl [AT] pei.eastlink.ca (replace [AT] with @ and take out any spaces).

Looking For Marion And Ken Ratcliff

posted by carolyn on 26 Jan 2009 at 6:30 pm

marion and ken ratcliff lived in Northamptonshire until the early 1990's. Marion and I were old school friends but we lost touch when she and Ken and her sons Nathan and Damion George moved to Bexhill. Would love to catch up with them again. or hear from anyone who knows where they are now.

Looking For Carol Dunn

posted by Jill Sullivan (now O'Halloran) on 26 Apr 2009 at 11:18 am

Hi my name is Jill Sullivan and I now live in Perth W Australia. Carol Dunn and I used to be good friends in the 1970's. We used to drink in the Wheatsheaf pub in little common. Her boyfriend was Chris and mine was Paul.. Any info would be great.
Still think of Bexhill. My Dad's name was Larry Sullivan he used to go to Bexhill Club/ RAF club Conservative club.
tks Jill


posted by chris summers on 29 Apr 2009 at 1:14 am

I lived in cooden sea road with my mate mike
to save cooking we spent our evenings in the pub with karen and bob burke.I remember your name but due to too mutch larger and lime cant put a face..sorry.Have you got the surnames of your....boys? Ahh chicken in a basket !!!

Paul Naylor / Chris????

posted by Jill Sullivan (now O'Halloran) on 01 May 2009 at 2:33 pm

Your name rings a bell too but can't think how... I used to go to Bexhill HIgh school in 1970's. Susan Spencer-smith was in my year/Jackie /Vanessa? Rebecca ??

Paul Naylor

posted by chris summers on 07 May 2009 at 11:32 pm

Hi jill.
If we are talking about the same Paul....
His dad was my dentist? Paul and I were at junior school together he was a rebel then.
I was at downs secondary school.I remember
about 1966 when our form mr marchant made
paaul sit in his desk for not listening.
As for your friends...cant help...wong school
Do you remember Tony Bowles..fat blonde?



Carol Dunn? Paul Naylor

posted by Jill O'Halloran (nee Sullivan) on 09 Jun 2009 at 3:42 pm

Still would like to find Carol Dunn. Yes we are talking about the same Paul. His Dad was a dentist in Bexhill and I used to work for him after I left college.

Looking For People /Rosalie

posted by Carol Naughton on 10 Jun 2009 at 12:51 pm

I remember John Burgess .He was a good friend of my brother Martin Bartram,and I was in love with him since I was about seven ! we lived at no 50 Cornwall Road. opposite lived Keith Cole, does that ring any bells? We all went to the Downs Secondary School. Remember Miss Wilkins Oh boy !!

Looking For People

posted by Ros Southam on 12 Jun 2009 at 6:52 pm

John Burgess lived at 63 Cornwall and we all lived at 65. My maiden name was Bryant and my father used to have the Beach Huts etc by the Del la Warr.

I only spent about 6 weeks at the Downs School as we moved very quickly to Kidderminster in Worcestershire and that is where I currently live. However, my cousin Jill Fairall went to this school and she still lives in Bexhill. As regards my brother Victor he is now in Vancouver and my sister lives, when she is in this country in Worthing.

I went to a meeting very recently in Gloucestershire and met a Dr Warrener who also lived in Cornwall Road.

Looking For Ingrid And Renate

posted by Dr. Christa Rogge on 18 Aug 2009 at 12:18 pm

Ingrid and Renate were born in the late thirties in Germany under the name of Brast. After the war they moved to England with theit mother. They lived in Bexhill on Sea
sackville Road 28a.
I don't know if they changed their last name, and I don't know where they live today.
My sister discovered these tiny bits of information after our mother's death. Now we are searching for them, because they are our cousins.

Miss Wilkins

posted by Sheila Varian on 25 Aug 2009 at 6:20 pm

I remember Miss Wilkins very well. Psychological warfare would aptly describe her methods. I can remember being sent out of geography and standing in the passage and hearing her footsteps as she stopped in each classroom but definitely heading in my direction!

It didn't occur to me to move and hide. As soon as she saw me I was in even BIGGER trouble - and all because I asked to borrow a rubber!!

Whenever I did anything "wrong" she would loom out of nowhere.

Those were the days.


posted by Alan Taylor on 26 Aug 2009 at 7:54 pm


I was at Wilton House School from 1956 to 1965. Although I wasn't at Pendragon I do remember playing cricket against them several times, they always won, and football on at least twice, which happy to say we won.

As far as I remmeber and for what it's worth, we (Wilton House) always looked up at them as being slightly superior to us, they were always very smart in their (dark?) blue blazers. Daft isn't it what sticks in your mind after all these years. Regards Alan Taylor


posted by Maureen Measures on 29 Aug 2009 at 8:13 pm

Please does anyone know the where abouts of Juliet Maunder? I used to go to school in Little Common with her when her dad was stationed ar RAF Wartling in the fifties? She moved out to Germany with her family and I have the BFPO number but of course her dad would no longer be in the RAF. Any info would be appreciated please.

Thank you. Maureen Measures

Finding Christa Rogge

posted by Ingrid Crouch (Brast) on 17 Sept 2009 at 5:31 pm

Hello Christa, Very suprised to hear from a friend that you were looking for Renate & I. Have in the past also tried to find the family back in the old country, so many Brast's & Rogge's !! Sorry to hear your mother has passed away, Mutti is still with us, hail & hearty !

Not sure how all this works, as am loath to put my E mail add. on a message Board, but would like to be able to get in touch & catch up on the last 60 years !!! I will check the board for any response. Kind Regards Ingrid.

Finally Finding Ingrid And Renate

posted by Dr. Christa Rogge on 17 Sept 2009 at 9:38 pm

Hello Ingrid, I am so happy to have found you!!I suppose you know who I am, I am your aunt Hety's eldest daughter, that means your true cousin.I think we have to talk about a lot of things, so we can start with my e-mail-address. It's rogge.dortmundATgmx.de (replace AT with @). Later on, we can exchange our real addresses or ICQ-numbers.
My younger sister Hannelore, called Hase, will be dancing around of joy, because she had found your letters from '59 and asked me to search for you.
I am waiting impatiently for your next message.
Many many greetings to Renate
Yours Christa

Hello Christa & Hase

posted by ingrid on 18 Sept 2009 at 7:37 pm

Hi, This is a very exciting moment for us all, we have so much to talk about, such a lot we as a family have been trying to find out in the past with no sucess ( I am ok with my PC but could not find a site to get into the past in Germany) we have them here for Ancestory, but my German is only "OK" I only had one year of schooling over there !!!
Your english is great ! Renate still is fluent, she went every year to see "Oma" & Opa"with Mutti for years, I only went back twice in 50 years !!
I have seen Mutti & Renate today, both are very excited about hearing about the family, I know that it was all very
"fraught"when we left, but time is a great healer!I have sent an email to you, not sure if it got there? will send another & hope for the best "Cheers" Ingrid .

Jill Sullivan - Now O'Halloran

posted by Carol Dunn on 21 Sept 2009 at 11:08 am

Hi Jill

Sorry never knew this site existed. How great to find you after all these years. I am still here in Bexhill On Sea, and still single-ish.. Dont know if you will get this so will keep it short. Oh and By the way Paul is still around, still with Nicki, and they regularly drink up the Denby, havnt seen them for a while as dont really go up there much anymore.. always seem to busy.. How is life with you? xx


posted by Jill O'Halloran on 18 Nov 2009 at 9:50 am

Was just browsing and saw you... fantstic been looking for you for AGES. mY EMAIL ADDRESS IS jillgeorgeATiinet.net.au (replace AT with @) if you want to 'chat' in private... would love to hear from you... hope you get this xx jill

Searching For Andrew Millwood

posted by Lyn Humphrey on 26 Jan 2010 at 9:24 pm

Jeffrey Peckham (Jaffer) and I are trying to contact ex Downs pupil Andrew Millwood, who left the school for Australia in 1968. Any help would be appreciated.

Looking For Fiona And Douglas Brown.

posted by Alasdair Mackenzie on 30 Jan 2010 at 6:21 pm

I'd like to contact Fiona and Douglas Brown who were born in Inverness and moved with their parents to Bexhill in the late fifties. Douglas later worked with Black and Decker. If you have any information please contact Alasdair@ netmedia.co.uk

Wendy (Gill) Larque

posted by Liz on 05 Mar 2010 at 3:11 pm

i was just wondering if anyone can remember Wendy (Gill) Larque, she lived with Margery & Nora Suter between 1930 & 1950's, if so would love to hear from you.
I am Wendy's daughter my email is liz_wade61AThotmail.com (replace AT with @)

Like To Be Socialable

posted by wil on 18 Mar 2010 at 1:24 pm

hi everyone ive been in bexhill for around 8 months and i live on the sea front,im looking for a new circle of friends who i can trust and enjoy good company with,im in my late 30,s .im into all music except r&b ,to describe my self i look gothic long black hair etc..but im a well rounded person.im a member of the english hertitage and no transport,i like antiques and a very keen photographer.i have friends in london but thats a bit far .if your interested drop me a line even for a coffee or a chat that would be nice and il tell you more!

About John Burgess

posted by Sandra Millwood on 22 Mar 2010 at 10:24 am

Hi Rosalie,
I knew the Burgess family of Cornwell Rd.
I stayed with the family in 1962. They then lived at 17 Abbey Drive, St Leonards. John had joined the Navy. I lost touch after my visit, but am hoping to track them down when I visit Sussex next month. John's parents names are Frank and Ivy, can't remember his young brothers name.

Searching For Andrew Millwood

posted by Sandra Millwood on 23 Mar 2010 at 9:40 am

Hi Lyn & Jaffa,
I am Andrew's sister, I will pass this link to Andrew. He and his family live near Melbourne.
I live in Hobart, Tasmania and am visiting Bexhill in April 2010. I spoke to Andrew today and he remembers you well.

Att. Lynn And Jaffa

posted by Andrew Millwood on 30 Mar 2010 at 9:19 am

What a suprise! Send me an email and we'll take it from there.You guys must be getting quite old. I will look forward to hearing from you. Cheers.

FAO Andrew Millwood (& Sandra)

posted by Lyn Humphrey on 14 Apr 2010 at 2:17 pm

Hi Andrew & Sandra!
Wow, only just remembered to check this site--tremendous to hear from you! How about if both of you send me your email address direct, & we can chat. Andrew, my Mum'll be really excited about this too. Sandra,have you been to Bexhill yet, if not, perhaps we could meet?
My email address is lynhumphreyAThotmail.co.uk (replace AT with @)
PS- I'm not getting old, I'm getting younger.

For Rosalie&Victor Bryant

posted by Pat Mantell(Bryant) on 18 Apr 2010 at 8:23 pm

My family are from Bryants.

My Great Uncle was a Victor Bryant who lived in the Bexhill area, had a son. don't know of the people that you mentioned but a chance of connections with you regarding family history.
Fell upon the site accidently.

Regard Pat Mantell

Looking For Pat

posted by Derek on 20 Apr 2010 at 11:28 pm

Does anyone recall a young woman called Pat who worked for the the GPO as a telephonist in 1966? She had a friend called Jenny who worked for Sainsbury's.

Re Pat

posted by Prefer to not to say. on 25 Apr 2010 at 2:10 am

What sort of age would the lady be now. Would she be over 65? Or not quite that age?

Re: Looking For Pat

posted by A friend on 25 Apr 2010 at 2:50 am

What age would Pat be approximately now? Would she be over 65 or not that age?

Is There Anybody Out There

posted by Jim Field-Mitchell on 26 Apr 2010 at 2:20 pm

I went to Downs secondary Modern, spent my teenage years in Bexhill I have been back a couple of times, it hasn't changed much, anybody out there remember me, get in touch. I was known as Jimmy Pryce, Jimmy Mitchell and Jimmy (Jim) Field-Mitchell (long story) I am currently living on an island in the Gulf of Carpentaria.

Did You Know The Boyts?

posted by Victoria Windrem on 27 Apr 2010 at 12:58 am

My grandad was born in 1946 and spent most of his childhood living with his grandparents in or near Bexhill. My grandad's name is Al Boyt. I know his father's name was Jerold and his mother i believe was Nora. I don't know much else but if anybody knew them I would love to hear from you. :)


posted by jayne ripley(now croxton) on 11 May 2010 at 12:55 pm

is there anyone that rembers me im trying to get together some old mates

Looking For Pat

posted by Derek on 11 May 2010 at 10:30 pm

Pat would be about 64/65 now

For Lyn Humphrey

posted by Sandra Millwood on 01 Jun 2010 at 11:41 am

Wish I had been able to check messages whilst in Bexhill, would have been nice to meet you. You should hear from Andrew soon.
sandrantarcticaATyahoo.com.au (replace AT with @)

Local Firefighters?

posted by Andrew Shaw on 17 Jun 2010 at 1:41 pm

Hello from down under,

My name is Andrew Shaw from Hamilton, Victoria, Australia. Im a firefighter here and my wife has friends of the family that moved to Bexhill from Croydon a few years ago.

As it turns out we may be heading to England next year so Marie can visit family as Marie hasnt been back "home" since she got to Aus in 1983. So Im wondering if there are many members of the local fire service around that I can keep in touch with so when we head over we have already made friends etc.

Eventhough its a long way off, I like to get things sorted early. I warn you though, Im also a collector of anything Fire Brigade related, so I will be snooping around looking for helmets to trade for etc ;-)

Looking forward to hearing from anybody re our visit.

P.s Bob & Jean dont know anything about our plans yet, but Im sure Marie will let them know at some stage.

Regards & Thanks Andrew Shaw.

Looking For Jacqueline Boyd

posted by Maryam Kamel on 21 Jun 2010 at 12:16 am

I am searching for Jacqueline L Boyd. She worked with me in St Marys School in Bexhill in 1994 & left in 1995 for reason. I miss her a lot & we are close. I left St Marys in July 1997 & moved to another school in September 1997 in Southport in Merseyside in north west & F.E. Post 16 in year 2000 in Southport College. I moved bk to Saudi in 2004 to 2010. I took 1 year out in London in 2006. My dad passed away in February 23rd 2008. Please if any of u know Jacqueline L Boyd - please tell her I really want to keep in touch with her & am desperate. Hope she remembers me. Please this my email is: maryoomi83ATyahoo.com (replace AT with @) - thanks

Wincby House School

posted by sean cox on 14 Jul 2010 at 1:23 am

hi my name is sean i went to wincby house school from 1979 to 1983 i like to hear from any one who knew me back then now know as sean wynne back then known as sean cox any one who want to send me a email can

Jayne Ripley

posted by chris summers on 14 Jul 2010 at 10:59 am

Hey I was at downs secondary at the same time as you. Let me know who you remember. My sons still live in bexhill but I don't get back that often.

Researching BAIRD Family

posted by Jim Baird on 14 Jul 2010 at 5:04 pm

I am requesting help researching my father's family (and mine!). For reasons too complicated to explain, I have very little to go on. My father, I know, was raised for some years of his life in/around Hamilton and was related to John Logie Baird - perhaps a cousin? His father had emigrated to the US and died early in his life - orphaning him. He was subsequently raised by someone in Scotland. He didn't know much about the family and was never inclined to share what he did. Is Mathew Baird reachable?

Seafield Lodge

posted by Ken Boak on 14 Aug 2010 at 9:58 pm

Hello I was born in Bexhill in 1958 the youngest of four kids i believe at seafield lodge my brothers middle name is Seafield our father was a cook at the school. we moved back up north when i was only 6 month old and my eldest sister was only 5 so we dont have any memories of the school does any body have any info on the school which i believe was on collington lane


posted by richard errey on 04 Sept 2010 at 11:19 am

rosalie southam,could you please richard and anne in australia please errey9@bigpond.com

Seafield School

posted by Seafield Lodge - Ken Boak on 06 Sept 2010 at 7:59 pm

Hi Ken
My late husband's grandfather Henry Granville Coghlan started Seafield School in Bexhill-on-Sea. My husband Terence Granville Coghlan was the headmaster at the school for 15 years and his father Granville Boyle Coghlan before him. Not long after the school was sold in the 1970's my husband moved to South Africa where we met and married. Unfortunately Terry died in October last year aged 75. e-mail me if you have any questions. Also check Wikipedia (under Granville Coghlan). Regards, Beverley Coghlan. Weybridge, Surrey, UK. bev@bevcog.com

Looking For School Mates

posted by mary wrotchford on 23 Sept 2010 at 8:14 am

Hi, Does anyone know where Edna Thornton, Beryl Elphick, Ann Waite, are, we all went to the Downs County when it first opened, in the 1940,s and left 1949. My name was Mary Hook then, and I lived in Wrestwood Road. or any one else from that time.Love to hear from you.

Evry Agnides

posted by Mary Pitchforthh/Woollacott on 23 Sept 2010 at 10:27 am

I went to Charters Towers Bexhill on Sea in 1950. Am trying to contact Evry Agnides my best friend and would love to know where she is. Miss McGarry was Headmistress and is still living. If anyone knows where Evry is please let me know. Her home was Istanbul.

Looking ForSchool Mates.

posted by Harold Saunders on 26 Sept 2010 at 4:08 pm

Hi Mary,
All the names mentioned ring distant bells.
I too went to the 'new' Downs School being in one of the first two classes opened in that building.
The names of Miss Roy and Miss Jeans come to mind as staff.
Air raid shelters at the back of the class room -Ah yes I remember it well.Or do I ?
Happy days.
Harold Saunders

Looking For Gwen Cook

posted by Kathleen Priebe Schell on 05 Oct 2010 at 12:55 am

Looking for Gwen Cook she would be in her sixtys. Her Husband was Richard Cook and in 1974-1975 he passed away. He was a Kidney transplant in Minnasota.THey had a red head Daughter named Amanda. She had two girls and she and the girls moved to Wisconsin for a short while before moving back to Carolina's they live near Rawhigh Durn air port.Hope this catches some one there that knows them.

Do You Know Zoe Morris (Barker) ?

posted by Ashley on 08 Nov 2010 at 7:01 pm

Hi, i am searching for Zoe Morris (Barker) and if anyone who knows of Zoe or her whereabouts, or if anyone can offer any information about her at all, i would be most grateful if you could please contact me on 07852654226 or if you know her personally, please ask if she could phone me directly

Many thanks for your help in this matter

Joe Cruttenden

posted by Allison Clark ( nee Bown) on 02 Dec 2010 at 1:03 am

Hello. After spending many years in Texas, and looking through many websites for an old friend ( Joe Cruttenden, used to work for Sidley Cabs and then i believe the Post Office)i am hopig that someone here might be able to help me out and let me know of his ware-abouts....if anyone could help please feel free to email me, would love to find him . Thankyou

Looking For People

posted by Dave Nattress on 18 Dec 2010 at 9:46 pm

Drifted onto this site and saw some references and old names. Lyn Humphrey and Andrew Milwood or Milward? We used to call him "Digger" maybe he was christened that by Geoff Peckham, (Jaffa), who Rex Salter called "Mr Pecksniff"

Glad we're all still alive; I've had afew dodgy moments in the last 2/3 years but that's another story. Going to bed soon, that'll be another storey then. Hope one or more of you guys comes back on this.


Long Time No See!

posted by Lyn Humphrey on 02 Feb 2011 at 9:26 am

Hiya Dave,
Just seen your message (I only remember to look on here occasionally, though this site was incredible in getting me and Jaffa in touch with Digger).
I'll contact you thru Friends Reunited, as I see you're on there. Good to hear from ya.
Lyn Humphrey

Down Secondary

posted by Rod Clifton on 02 Feb 2011 at 10:55 pm

Lots of long forgotten names bringing back lots of memories.

Down Secondary

posted by Lyn Humphrey on 04 Feb 2011 at 11:59 am

Hi Rod,
Another voice from years gone by! Did you visit our old school on its last day in October? Several of us old guys did.
There were some interesting photos of our old teachers (and classes) on display, which really did bring back the memories.
Lyn Humphrey

Bexhill High School 1962/63

posted by Jack Horsewell on 21 Feb 2011 at 7:43 am

I remember Rex Salter I was in his class only between October 1962 and March 1963.
I can't remember the Head Masters name but he caned me on one occasion for being cheeky. There also was a very strict welsh man Who's class I was in very briefly.
We move from Bexhill in March 1963 and I left school, one of the last Easter leavers.
The maths teacher was a retired electrician, A very nice quiet man.
I won top of the class in the class test, and I think a boy whose name was 'Catt" I think Jack Catt was second in this maths test.
Does anyone else remember?

Looking For People

posted by Jack Horsewell on 28 Feb 2011 at 12:00 pm

Hi Dave. What year where you there?
It sounds like the same time as me.

If you go to 'friend reunited' web pages, thats where you can look up your friend & classmates.

Regards Jack

Down Secondary

posted by Rod Clifton on 07 Mar 2011 at 11:34 pm

Hi Lyn, Thanks for replying. I didn't know anything was happening at the Downs. I've lived in Burwash since 1989, and lost touch with everyone,(under the thumb)
I had a stroke 2 1/2 years ago,so although i've recovered well,it pisses me off to hear you meet for tennis and maybe football. I have 3 daughters and a son, the last of whom is about to leave the nest. I also have two grandchildren. Christ I feel old.

Down Secondary

posted by Lyn Humphrey on 23 Mar 2011 at 12:26 pm

Hi Rod,
Yep, they've actually knocked the old school down now. Sad, as it held lots of memories for us lot. Sorry to hear about your stroke, but good that you're ok.
You ought to pop into Egerton Park sometime on a Sunday morning, and catch us at our tennis! We're all getting older, mate!


posted by Rod Clifton on 19 Apr 2011 at 10:45 pm

Hi Lyn, I,m sorry to say I was very under the thumb when my second wife left me. I brought up my three children. My stroke happened after an op, it was worse for my kids, I didn't know what was happening. If I get brave I might see you one Sunday morning

Joe Cruttenden

posted by BRIAN on 24 May 2011 at 9:28 pm

Hi Allison
Joe still lives in Bexhill he has been very ill he was telling me the other day in my cab.
If I see him again soon I will tell him you are on this site

Old Friends

posted by keith sadler on 03 Jul 2011 at 9:08 pm

iwas born in sidley went to allsaits school buxton drive and downs school 1960/64

Sylvia Dennerstein

posted by Pauline Turner on 01 Nov 2011 at 5:38 pm

A friend of mine, now sadly deceased, bought a flat in Bexhill in 2006. I am not sure if she ever lived there but if anyone knew her please let me know. I don't know the address of the flat.

Bexhill Down School

posted by michael sloat on 08 Nov 2011 at 6:17 pm

Hi everyone, just to let you all know bexhil down school was knocked down earlier his year ,a week or two before it fell, pupil's from past years were invited to sign there names on the school walls.
i was at the school from 1974 to 1977 had some great memorys.

Past Student 1976 - 1980

posted by alison smith on 09 Nov 2011 at 9:43 am

I went to Bexhill high school 76-80. Looking for classmates/old friends. I remember helen mercer, debbie laing, natalie bell, joanne russell, simon creed, briony allcorn. I moved out to Australia in 1982 when I was sixteen. I can remember? Mr.Parton Maths teacher. Hope to hear from some old school friends

Michael (Mick) Robert

posted by Mel Shingleston on 13 Nov 2011 at 12:41 am

I am trying to find out about my Dad. He passed away when I was 8 so I don't have nearly enough memories of him. I think he came from or went to school in Bexhill and he was born in 1942. His name was Michael Robert, Brother was Peter, Mother Olive and Father Tom. If anyone has anything that might help please E-mail me mel190204@sky.com.

Many Thanks

Looking For Marie Betts

posted by Rosalie Southam nee Bryant on 17 Jan 2012 at 7:55 pm

The other day my mother mentioned Marie Betts and asked if I knew where she now was and about her dancing in the Younger Generation, which she watched in the 60s on the Television. I would like to know where she is now and what she is doing and Mum has now asked me several time. My mother is now 96.

Any help in this would be gratefully received. Email me on RosSoutham@Waitrose.com Thank you.

Sylvia Dinnerstein/Pauline Turner

posted by Angela on 17 Feb 2012 at 1:23 pm

I used to work with Sylvia (if it is the same one). I also was in something called Typecaste with her. I believe you might remember me. I only found out today that Sylvia had died while surfing the internet. Could you give me any info about this. I was very sorry to hear the news.

Marsh Family

posted by kathleen carroll on 12 Apr 2012 at 9:18 pm

I would very much like to find out if any of the march family,that lived in NAZARETH HOUSE,BEXHILL in the sixtys would like to contact me.Their names were Christine,Linda, and Vicky it would be great to hear from them and trace over old times,

Keith Sadler

posted by Bob Cooper on 15 Apr 2012 at 2:39 am

I was also born in Sidley lived @81 Buxton Drive.We must of gone to the same schools at the same time but i'm having a hard time putting aface to the name. I have lived in Canada for over 40 years was back to Bexhill a few years ago it was good to see it.If any one out there remembers me it would be good to hear from you.

Bob Cooper

posted by Rod Clifton on 21 Apr 2012 at 10:43 pm

I remember a Robert Cooper from that area, I'm Rod Clifton and lived at 12 Calgary road, went to Downs infants and primary 1956-64.ish

Mr. Tom Hawkins

posted by Tom Samuels on 09 May 2012 at 1:00 pm

Tom Hawkins is a long term and good friend from the old ITV industry of the '70s and '80s in Yorkshire, Birmingham and TVS, with whom we had great fun, but have lost touch and would like to know how he is, and to make contact again

To Kathleen Carrol

posted by rena richardson on 14 May 2012 at 9:37 pm

If you look at memories of Bexhill thread, there is a lady who mentions all three names you list.

Good luck


Wadhurst College And Effingham House School

posted by Maura Lowe on 16 May 2012 at 8:12 am

Hi. Chatting recently with my mother in law (87) she spoke fondly about her school days in Bexhill in the 1930's. She remembers been evacuated to LIngden during the war. She boarded at Wadhurst (she says from the age of 4 as her parents lived in central London but was then sent to Effingham House at the age of 15).
It would be great if anybody has any memories to share with her. Her name is Pamela Lowe (Bell). Please contact me by email on realowe[AT]tiscali.co.uk.

Marsh Family

posted by Maria on 23 May 2012 at 11:07 am

Hi Kathleen, the ladies you mention are my aunts, they have 3 more sisters whom were also at Nazareth house, but are younger, 1 of these is my mum Jeanette.x

Kathleen Carroll

posted by charley on 28 May 2012 at 1:31 pm

Hi i saw your post on the Marsh family, Christine is my mum and now is under the name of Christine Buss, she knows that you are trying to get incontact if you want i can give you her number please contact me at sikaz1[AT]yahoo.co.uk

Marsh Family

posted by karen on 28 May 2012 at 1:38 pm

Hi Kathleen, Christine is my mum, she is now under the name of Christine Buss she knows that your trying to contact if you want to exchange numbers please email on sikaz1[AT]yahoo.co.uk

Old Threads

posted by Bernie Randall on 29 May 2012 at 6:58 pm

Have only discovered this site today. On trawling through all the various topics I have noticed a few names I recognise as a blast from the past. I lived in Windsor Road from 1950 to 1966. The schools I went to in order were: St Barnabas (Reginald Road)until it closed. Barrack Rd School (now Chantry). St Peters Buckhurst Rd (now St Peters & St Pauls) and finaly The Downs County Secondary Modern School for Boys (High School - demolished last year) I joined the Army with David Pitchforth in 1966 both as boys soldiers. Sadly David (Nipper) was killed in Northern Ireland. If you remember me [please get in touch.

How Long?

posted by Rod Clifton on 28 Jun 2012 at 11:00 pm

Just trawling through this again approaching sixty. Good luck to my old friends. Rod.

Looking For Jean

posted by alec on 29 Jul 2012 at 1:26 pm

looking for jean allcorn who used to live in Ingrams Ave Sidley Bexhill 1970's 1980's. Has two daughters Brioni and Heidie

Funky Pink

posted by Mark Phillips on 10 Aug 2012 at 6:14 pm

i'm looking for Jayne Brown who was married 2 paul.had 6 kids inc twins eldest son called Ed,Aprox 46 yr wiv pink hair . . .used have burger van on A27 . . .last know in Eastbourne please get in touch 07545614288 Markyboy

Looking For Friends From The 60's, Early 70's

posted by fiona green (nee carr) on 19 Aug 2012 at 1:04 pm

hi all
i'm looking for anyone who remembers me from the 60's and early 70's. i went to chantry lane primary and then bexhill downs schools. lived at 8 cambridge road, have two brother's, david and ian, my mum was dorothy carr (nee montgomery) and dad was john carr, an opera singer....i'm looking for anyone from that time but a few names that i remember are: heather boyd, janice wellington, jennifer pepper, pat! i'm also looking for my cousins, kevin and colin (not sure of there surname, could be burgess? or walters?) and they lived in sidley. their mum was called pat or patricia and i have an uncle called bob montgomery with lots of kids (cousins). i now live in canada. thanks everyone for any info.

Looking For Phil & Tony

posted by andi gusenbauer on 21 Aug 2012 at 1:58 pm

i?m looking for Phil & Tony who spent some
times with me in Salzburg/Austria back in the mid 80ies. thanks for any help to get in contact with my old friends!

Fiona Green

posted by dave on 25 Sept 2012 at 4:43 am

Hi Fiona never heard of you :-). was looking through this page, some names pop out of the pages eh, bob moved to normans bay I think and I haven't heard from pat in years,, i have a feeling colin and Kevin were perhaps one of the Dawes family but im not sure.

Maureen Jarvis. Peter Martin

posted by Alan Bradley on 08 Oct 2012 at 1:02 pm

Two old and dear friends of the 60s who I would love to make contact with.

If Maureen Jarvis or Peter Martin is known by anybody please make contact with me.

Looking For Old Friends

posted by Bob Cooper on 14 Oct 2012 at 2:52 am

Iam looking for two old friends Bob Andrews he owned a company called Bexhill Motors it was a Triumph Dealership in the 60s.The other person is Gordon Rigg we were in the Merchant Navy together with P&O Lines.If any one has any information it would be good to hear from them.

Sylvia Dennerstein

posted by Pauline Turner on 15 Oct 2012 at 5:49 pm

Hello Angela - sorry for the long delay. I forgot all about my message. Please email me at enola33@yahoo.com and I will tell you what little I know about Sylvia's death but you can probably find out as much as I know from the Internet. I wish I had kept in touch with her.

Looking For Old Friends

posted by Lesley on 21 Oct 2012 at 4:14 pm

Bob Bob Andrew not Andrews came from Gerrards Cross to open the Garage in Bexhill in the 60's his Partner was ?????Wilmoth who I believe still owns a Garage in Hastings, he might know of the whereabout of Bob.

Bexhill Downs School.

posted by jane dorsett on 29 Oct 2012 at 8:05 pm

i went to the downs school, 1960s lots of names i remember, lived in bexhill till the 80s.

Jane Dorsett

posted by alan bradley on 01 Nov 2012 at 5:11 pm

Dear Jane
Just a shot in the dark, but did you know Maureen Jarvis. She was at the Downs school around the same time as you.
My email address is
alanbradley1945[AT]msn.com (replace [AT] with @)
If you have any information I would be most grateful. I have been trying to trace Maureen for some time now. Hope to hear from you soon.

Looking For Relatives

posted by dyna dodson on 08 Nov 2012 at 3:04 am

Please help me to find the relatives 0f joseph dodson killed in the london blitz 1941 along with his wife dorothy. they had 3 children james joanne and dyna, any informatio would be appreciated. my email is
crazyalto@gmail.com and i live in western australia.

Looking For Old Friends

posted by Hilary McCorry on 16 Nov 2012 at 9:52 am

I believe Bob Andrew has some connection with the Volkswagen garage in Eastbourne and Ted Wilmoth with the Citroen garage also in Eastbourne. (Well at least they did a few years ago when I was car hunting. Hope that helps

Anyone Remember Me?

posted by Brenda Etheridge/nee Preston on 30 Jan 2013 at 11:17 pm

Hi , I haven't lived in Bexhill for many years but would love to hear from anyone who remembers me. I live in the West country now. I have tried to find an old friend called Carol Chamberline

Juliet Maunder

posted by hady on 23 Feb 2013 at 4:59 pm

can help with this query....if you still need help

Nazereth House Convent

posted by Melanie Clifton on 04 May 2013 at 2:58 pm

Hi was wondering if anyone was at nazereth house, bexhill from 1972 to 1976. We were 3 sisters aged 2,4 & 6, sister Madeleine looked after us, I remember a little girl called ivy and a handicapped little boy called Antonio, be great to find some of the lovely people we shared a little time with!!

Jennifer Long

posted by A.M. Brown on 04 May 2013 at 3:37 pm

I'm seeking a Jennifer Mary Long (nee Smith)who married Roger Long in 1970.I think that the couple had at least one child - a son, Mark, but there may be others.
I believe that the family lived in Bexhill around 2002/2003, though Jennifer and Roger married on Merseyside, where Jennifer grew up.


posted by Maureen Measures on 05 Jun 2013 at 10:44 am

Hi Hady,
It is me looking for my old school friend Juliet Maunder. Any help you can give to find her would very much appreciated. Thank you.
email: maureen.measures[AT]gmail.com

Downs School

posted by Malcolm Ashley on 29 Jun 2013 at 12:32 am

Shocked to hear the school has gone.

I was in the classes of 1E - 3E 1971-74.

The form tutor was the RE teacher can't remember his name.

I left abruptly in 1974 without saying goodbye to anyone


posted by Andrea Head on 05 Jul 2013 at 2:15 am

I went to st Mary Madeline's around the time you were there, I remember a little girl called Melanie having mumps, and Jackie Richardson and I were allowed to visit her, there was also little twin girls. Jackie and her brother peter stayed at the convent for a while.

Brian Pitchforth

posted by Twiggy on 02 Aug 2013 at 2:07 pm

Searching for Brian Pitchforth, aged about 65, served with the Queens regt as did his brother, so many old army friends seek contact,
Regards CT.

Milby Court / Fort Stanley

posted by Matt Jeffries on 02 Aug 2013 at 8:15 pm

Hi I wonder if any of you local historians can help me. I am researching a man from my home town of nuneaton who came to stay in a home for gentlemen. He had a stroke and was looked after by his niece Winifred Stanley at "milby court", his daughter came to stop in a house next door and re-designed it and called it fort stanley. Has anyone heard for these places. It was said to still stand in 1986. He was here in 1913. His name was Reginald Stanley. Thanks

Brian Pitchforth

posted by Colin Twiggs on 05 Aug 2013 at 12:11 pm

I,m Searching for Brian Pitchforth, Formerly a member of "The Queens Regt" and "Paras", I last saw Brian in Lemgo Germany in 1970 and would like to make contact, any information would help, many thanks, Colin Twiggs (Twiggy)

Fiona Carr

posted by Sylvia Daintree nee Hilder on 10 Aug 2013 at 8:37 pm

Hiya. I remember you well. I also lived in Cambridge Road. Number 15. You were younger than me but we all seemed to play together. I had a lovely twin dolls pram but unfortunately Suzy Freeman's older brother, ( they also lived in Cambridge Road) bombed up my dolls with a banger firework! He didn't mean for it to land in my pram but it did ! It left a nasty melted corner. He did get in trouble.. I remember when we went in your house we had to be quiet as your Dad was practicing his singing. Your mum seemed a very gentle lady. I remember one of your brothers. He always followed you around but didn't have much to say!
Regards Sylvia.

Tracey Clifton

posted by Carl Lozano on 22 Aug 2013 at 7:29 am

HI I am trying to search for Tracy Clifton, she moved away to France I believe, her mum used to live in Hooe.
We used to work and socialise at the Continental as well as Kings nightclub in Pevensey.
Have not seen you in over 25 years and was just wandering how you were.

Graham Dench

posted by peter on 02 Oct 2013 at 1:15 pm

Does anybody know the whereabouts of Graham Dench , he was a friend of mine at the Downs School, we left I think about 1960, he used to work after School delivering for Ponsfords in Endwell Road the fruit and flower shop, and used to belong to the Bexhill Rowing Club.
I know he left Bexhill to train for the Police Force at Hendon, and married soon after that, does anybody remember him.

For Silvia Daintree

posted by dave on 04 Oct 2013 at 2:56 am

Yes fionas brother never said much then . now he just wont shut up :-), hahahha this is dave Fionas brother. I remember quite a few people from Cambridge road, Nathan peppiet, chris Dawson,Sandra Loveit ,John Brown, Mr bellchamber.Mrs Hopkirk and her dog rex. Mrs pask next door ,Mrs Farah , Jans supplies, next to the paper shop at the bottom,cant remember the name of the fruit and veg shop on the oppersite corner. dawsons taxis, pickfords, seems like a long time ago now.

Looking For Laura Chance

posted by linda fuller on 14 Nov 2013 at 10:08 am

hi everyone looking for Laura chance and carol Taylor, use to go to Bexhill high in the 1970 lost touch think carol is in Hastings Laura moved away lost her address she had sister called Jacky, sue and Elaine they lived in Buxton drive Bexhill, I have moved to Kent myself thinking someone out there may have info
many thanks,

Looking For Ron Sweetman

posted by Keith Baker on 17 Nov 2013 at 8:49 pm

Sailed and worked with Ron in the Late 80s.Last saw him when he live d Bexhill sea front by the green pitch and putt area.Lost Contact then

My Friends

posted by Castel Yvette on 04 Jan 2014 at 7:06 pm

I have friends in Bexhill since years, wonder what happened to them, their name Bob and Christine Pursall, saw their house in oln sale .. hope to hear from you,

their friend from Belgium, Yvette

Ledger Family

posted by Leonie Rees on 28 Jan 2014 at 11:08 pm

Hi am trying to track long lost family around the bexhill, eastbourne and battle area. I am trying to trace Shirley ledger and also harry e ledger. I think they used to live in Slough and then Farnham Surrey.

Please get in touch

Leonie x

I Looking For

posted by khalid shafi on 25 Feb 2014 at 9:29 pm

Hi I am looking for a keith baker who I served in the merchant navy he must be near The age of 50 and was in the merchant navy early 1980's and was from the bexhill area.i would nice catch up with him.if anyone has any info please get in touch at mvjule[AT]gmail.com

Find An Old Love

posted by peter bradley on 05 Mar 2014 at 4:14 pm

between 1960 and 1963 I met a lovely girl that worked in Dewhurst butchers cashiers till.

At that time I was working in a garage.Her father was in the RAF and was stationed just outside little common.

I have often thought of her and would like to here from her.

Anybody Out There That Knows Me

posted by peter bradley on 05 Mar 2014 at 4:37 pm

love to contact any old girl friends that I knew between 1960 and 1963 I know its a bit late but better late than never

Bernard (Chick) Elliott

posted by Peter Bradley on 08 Mar 2014 at 1:03 pm



posted by Peter Bradley on 10 Mar 2014 at 11:03 am

I did mean any old friends not just girl friends peter

Harold Saunders

posted by John Tite on 23 Mar 2014 at 7:24 pm

School Mates

Hi Harold or any one else who remembers me from Downs School 1946 - 1949
I was interested to see your message posted 4 years ago, but I understand that since then you have spoken to my cousin, David Palmer. I now live in Bristol and would be pleased to hear from you

St Francis School Friends

posted by Fiona Crosfield on 23 Mar 2014 at 10:48 pm

Looking for girls from my form in the 1950's

Antonia McArthy, Anna Stait, Sheila Read, Mary Flavell, Sylvia Godfrey, now Wong and Carole Godfrey.

Hoping to have a form reunion later in the year, be great to all get together again.

Pauline Turner/Sylvia

posted by Angela Greenslade on 01 Apr 2014 at 6:57 am

Hello Pauline, Hopefully you will spot this as I have only just received your reply. I tried to email you at the address given but it was returned. Would love to hear from you at checker1ag[AT]aol.com


posted by Brenda Etheridge/preston on 01 Apr 2014 at 4:27 pm

I have just found this web site and was fascinated by it. I still visit a friend or two in Bexhill when I can. I would love to hear from anyone who remembers me. I left the Downs around 1959!! I now live in Somerset.

Anyone Remember Me???

posted by brenda etheridgen nee preston on 01 Apr 2014 at 4:58 pm

I haven't lived in Bexhill for a long time but often visit a couple of friends when able too. I would love to hear from anyone who enjoyed their youth in the 50's in the town and went to the Downs secondary modern school . Fingers crossed

Making contact with others

posted by brenda nee preston on 01 Apr 2014 at 9:12 pm

how does one make person contact with others who have left messages here???

Anyone Know Me

posted by Brenda nee Preston on 14 Apr 2014 at 2:15 pm

Hi Peter, saw your message. I come from Bexhill and went to the Downs school. I left in 1959' I have to say I don't recall your name but was never good with names. Nice seeing people from Bexhill here though.I live in the West country now.

Not Sure

posted by Peter on 21 Apr 2014 at 3:03 pm

Brenda I don't think that we new each other but wonder if we have any names in common.
The only names that I can remember ( put it down to old age ) is Jenifer redfern, Elain hoad from my junior school days,there was a girl called lynn who may have married a guy with ginger hair that I new that lived at little commom.I also new a norma goff who was probally my first girl friend .I don't know if this kicks of any memories, but if it does would love to hear from your

Sullivan Whereabouts

posted by Richard Starling on 25 Apr 2014 at 12:41 pm

Searching for any information on Jean & Robert Sullivan, siblings of Kathleen Sullivan, children of Margaret (nee Cooper) and David Sullivan. One time resident of Bexhill and Hastings/St.Leonards. Any news would be most timely and greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Richard Starling.


posted by Richard Sullivan on 30 Apr 2014 at 1:53 pm

Still searching for Jean and Robert Sullivan, siblings of Kathleen Sullivan, children of Margaret Sullivan (nee Cooper) and David Sullivan.Sometime residents of Bexhill and Hastings/St. Leonards. Jean was a Nurse. Any news would be most gratefully received. Time is running out. Thank you. Richard Starling.

Looking For Pat Johnson, RAF Wartling 1964-66

posted by Martin Ogle on 11 May 2014 at 7:35 pm


I am helping my mum to find an old friend from her days as a girl living on the married quarters of RAF Wartling. My grandparents Joe and Dorothy (Dot) Graham lived at No.3 AMQ now Wartling Drive, Barnhorn.

My mum who was between the age of 9 and 10 was good friends with a young girl called Pat Johnson who's date of birth (she thinks) was 24th December 1955. She also had a younger brother called David. The Johnson's lived at No.1 AMQ.

I look forward to hearing from anybody who has any relevant information.

Kind regards,

Martin Ogle


posted by Meta Linton on 12 May 2014 at 8:25 am

Met a Captain and his wife in the Hydro Hotel Eastbourne at Morning Coffee, in May 2011. forgot to exchange names. They lived in Bangor Co Down before retiring to Bexhill. He was captain of an Oil tanker working out of Belfast. Very nice couple whom I would love to contact again. Didn't have long to talk to them. Both have grey/white hair , gentleman is good height, slim build , his wife is shorter. Can anyone in Bexhill identify them for me please? I have been back to Bexhill and Eastbourne on holiday, East Sussex is lovely

School Mates

posted by Harold Saunders on 28 May 2014 at 7:41 pm

Tigger Tite,
Wow what a surprise,I've not visited this site for a while now must make more effort in the future. Thats what Mr Tomlinson used to say !!!
I have a daughter and family living in Westbury on Trym so we are often in Bristol.
Gosh only 60+ years to catch up om, what a lot to remember, and I've forgotten what I had for breakfast !!
I'll watch for your reply.
Regards, Harold

Harold Saunders

posted by Harold Saunders on 31 May 2014 at 8:58 pm

Greetings John,
So pleased to read your message.
Please contact me harrysaunders21[AT]aol.com
Those were the days at Bexhill Tech !
I await your call.

Valerie Howe

posted by Richard Mandell on 17 Jun 2014 at 12:21 am

In the late summer of 1975, I met Valerie Howe, a wonderful young woman from Bexhill-on-Sea. I would love to reconnect with her. Does anyone know where she is?

Thank you

Dr W.T. Donovan

posted by Patricia Donovan Azarias on 29 Jun 2014 at 11:18 am

I am the grand-daughter of Dr William Terence Donovan, who practised as a GP in Bexhill-on-Sea in the 1940s. I live in Sydney but am coming to England in August, and would very much like to find the address in Bexhill-on-Sea where he and my grandmother lived, and if possible, the place where he practised. Is there a medical society in Bexhill-on-Sea which might have records?


posted by Mike Burfield on 04 Jul 2014 at 11:06 am

I am trying to locate an old friend of mine. Not sure if he is still alive. The last known address I have for him was 7 North Road
Sidley bexhill-on-seabd

Mary Burke

posted by Geraldine Torney on 05 Jul 2014 at 7:35 pm

I am looking for Mary Burke - would be about 85 now - originally from the west of Ireland.

Does any know her?

Message For Dorothy

posted by Rosalie Southam on 17 Jul 2014 at 3:15 pm

Hi Dorothy, you sent me various emails about the Errey family, and I have today had a letter from my cousin Richard, your Uncle Harold son. His 2nd wife and son will be leaving Syndey on the 20th Sept and would like to meet as many Erreys as possible. Could you please email me and let me know if that would be possible. My phone number is 01562 743512. Regards, Rosalie Southan ne Bryant, mother is Frances Errey now 99 years of age.

Visick Family

posted by Ramona Mizne on 21 Jul 2014 at 8:33 pm

Looking for information concerning VISICK family who had a home in Bexhill on Sea in the 1930's. Thank you. Ramona

Searching Henry Jack Catt 1917 - 1957

posted by Jeanette on 20 Aug 2014 at 4:14 pm

Looking for info on Henry Jack Catt 1917 -1957. I believe he lived at Bexhill.Family lived in this area. He was born in Cranbrook. Would love to hear if you have any info. Thanks


Late Reply!

posted by jennifer talbot nee pepper on 10 Sept 2014 at 4:07 pm

Hi Fiona, a friend only just came across your old message, if you see this, email me at the above email .would be nice to catch up x

David Partridge And Dateline Factory

posted by Marguerite J White on 10 Sept 2014 at 8:11 pm

I lived in Bexhill in 1974 and was there 10 months and lodged at 68 sea road with Mrs Taylor and I wished I statyed there for ever but I worked at dateline and was 19 when I moved there and met some great girls there and knew david partridge who worked there and he had a wife and little baby,heather and I think pat who worked there I forget a lot of names.if anyone remebers a Marguerite who moved back to London who sent money for some shoes from a catalogue to heather..we all lost touch.

Help Find My Old School Teacher

posted by Sharon lennox on 18 Sept 2014 at 3:35 pm

Hi my names Sharon. I'm looking for a dear school teacher that whent to St Marys school Bexhill. Her name was Mrs reed.did have contact after I left school.but I can't seem to find her.she was like a mim yo me.her name is Mrs reed.please help if any one nos her.xx

Brenda Nee Preston

posted by lesley on 27 Sept 2014 at 2:28 pm

Hi Brenda, I think you were in the same class as me at the Downs, my name was Jill Cook, my Mother in Law used to live in Bexhill until she passed away in 2012, do you remember a lady called Judy Jenkins, she used to do my M in L's hair, and I know she is friendly with a Lady that was Maureen Ball, Maureen had long blond hair at School, unfortunately I lost touch with Judy as I didn't have her address in Bexhill, Judy had tight curly hair.
I lost my Husband a year ago and by chance found this site, it would be interesting to hear whether you remember me.

Paul Naylor

posted by Olivia Werrett on 01 Oct 2014 at 8:41 pm

Hello - I've only just found this website - and I see that Chris is looking for Paul Naylor. I know his family very well - shall I pass your message on?

Looking For Sue/Karen/Ken Miller

posted by Debbie Taylor on 15 Oct 2014 at 3:35 pm

If anyone knows the girls new surnames. They lived at Battle for a while and then Bexhill. Mom and Dad are Ken and Norma Miller. I'm a Canadian friend of the family.

St Francis School

posted by Elisabeth Short/Whitfeld on 23 Oct 2014 at 11:18 am

Looking for anyone who knew Stella Houston who used to live in Cooden and went to St Francis School. Also Veronica Beechey who lived in Battle and was at the school for a while.

March Family ,Christine

posted by Kathleen Carroll on 24 Oct 2014 at 11:34 pm

Hi Christine i am delighted to hear from you,hope you and family are well.Your Daughter got in contact.I remember you as being the eldest of the sisters.IF my memory is right there was you Linda, Vicky,and Marie its a really long time since.I Left Nazareth House when i was 16 years 1966.I came over to Ireland to live with my aunt.


March Family

posted by kay mc grath on 27 Oct 2014 at 6:04 pm

Hi Marie and Jeanette great to hear from you.

St Francis School

posted by Fiona crosfield on 28 Oct 2014 at 12:48 am

Hi Elisabeth.
I think Janet Carr has met up with Stella Houston, I will give her a call and find out for you. As soon as I have some news will let you know.

Famille White In Bexhill On Sea

posted by Florence IATROPOULOS on 28 Oct 2014 at 10:46 am

Hello I m looking for family white they lived at bexhill on sea at 9 london road new's agents. I would like to find Renee WHITE she was my friend during lon time between years 1968 till 1980, after I ve lost her. She had a sister Leslie WHITE. If you can hel me ......
I'm living in france
Best regards

March Family

posted by kathleen carroll on 28 Oct 2014 at 12:34 pm

Hi great to hear from you all.It s been such a long time .I got married in 1972 and have two son s.How was your life Christine?Also how are your sisters Linda ,Vicky and Marie.I would dearly like to hear from you all.I Live in IRELAND i came here in 1972 to live with my Aunty.Did you stay around Sussex .I have an old photo with a group of us in it You and your three sisters if i had an address i could send it to you.Look forwards to hearing from you Kay Mc Grath nee carroll.

March Family

posted by kay mc grath on 28 Oct 2014 at 10:35 pm

Hallo Maria ,yes I remember the Marsh family ,the three older girls were called Christine, Linda and Vicky I think they might of had a younger sister Maria, Can you tell me something about yourself? As I don't remember your name. I Left in 1966 look forwards to hearing from you Kathleen Carroll. x

St Francis School

posted by Hilary Beechey on 01 Nov 2014 at 11:56 am

Hi Elizabeth,

Veronica Beechey is my sister. How can she get in touch with you? She lives in London.

Old Friend

posted by Robert Allen on 01 Nov 2014 at 6:06 pm

looking for Jean Elizabeth Fry R.N.she lived in Bexhill-on-sea in 1965.
Any information will help.

St Francis School

posted by Fiona Crosfield on 28 Nov 2014 at 9:49 pm

For Elisabeth Short.
Hi Elisabeth, if you let me have your email I can send you Stella Houston' contact details . Just had a text from Janet Carr.
Keep well and all the best for a great Christmas

St Francis School

posted by Elisabeth Short on 03 Dec 2014 at 11:39 am

Hi Fiona. My email address is lissie1945[AT]absamail.co.za. I am very thrilled to see that you know Stella and would love to hear from her.

Hi Hilary Beechey - I live in South Africa but would also love to be in touch with Veronica again. What an amazing site this Bexhill message board is!

Lee Heatley

posted by diego dirosa on 19 Dec 2014 at 8:49 pm

looking for lee heatley went to school 1980 please get in contact

Elaine Maynard

posted by Joe Williams on 22 Dec 2014 at 10:53 am

Hi I'm looking for Elaine she was 15 in 1978 she lived in little common. She was the most beautiful girl I've ever met I was in Winceby House boarding school from 76 to 79 When I had to leave and go back to London I've never forgot her .Would love to know how she.is my name is Joe Williams if anyone can tell me how she is please contact me at Joe451[AT]live.co.uk

Looking For Keith Scholfield

posted by paul pearce on 30 Dec 2014 at 3:51 pm

iam looking for keith scholfield who went to winceby house school between 1976-1980..would like to hear from anyone who knows of his whereabouts thank you all paul pearce.

Looking For , David Venessa

posted by Steve on 03 Jan 2015 at 10:19 am

Long shot but I'm trying to find , brother and sister david and venessa, was in nazereth house , then put out for adoption ,, I'm so desperate to find them ,, born London in the 70s under camden council , thanks

Ancaster House School Reunion

posted by Sally ho nee hill on 15 Jan 2015 at 6:20 pm

Hello I am looking for those at AH in my year so going to be 60 soon or maybe 60 now left AH between. About 1970-72 ish
Trying to organise a reunion for oct 2015
Please contact me

Family History Research

posted by Alison Walker on 17 Jan 2015 at 2:45 pm

Hi everyone, I'm doing some ancestry research and know that my husband's grandfather who was a doctor, born in Ireland, retired to live in Bexhill with his second wife, Constance. His name was Thomas Walker and he died in 1969. My husband seems to think that they lived in Woodville Crescent. We are trying to find where he is buried but are having no luck. If anyone remembers them or has any ideas how to find his grave, I would be very grateful.

Brian Strickland

posted by joe on 28 Jan 2015 at 5:55 pm

does anyone know the whereabouts of brian strickland, last known address 49 hillview rd, bexhill? i tried calling him the other day, but his phone number is no longer available.
if you have any information on his whereabouts, please email me on jrm630[AT]yahoo.co.uk. thanks

Looking For....

posted by Lene on 02 Apr 2015 at 8:45 pm

Try once more...
Looking for Roy, Shirley, Anthony or Sandra Willard. I used to be a student and leave in there house for maaaaany years ago. Just wandering, will I find just one of them
sincerly Lene from Denmark

Little Folks Home

posted by Eric Phillips on 06 Apr 2015 at 11:26 am

Hi can anyone remember a place called the Little Folks Home not far from Bexhill Station, I was just 12 years old back in 1952'. I only remember the last names of two nurses, one was called nudes Hancock and there was sister Morris.
I have been trying to look for the buildings but had no luck.
Many thanks Eric

Lost At Sea

posted by Mary. on 13 Apr 2015 at 2:01 pm

I am trying to find a sailor who lost his life in one of the first british ship's to be sunk in the second world war.I knew him as Mr baker and he lived at no twenty six wrestwood road . Bexhil.he had a son Jack who became a bus driver.

Searching Address To Peter Martin

posted by Lennart on 09 May 2015 at 3:00 pm

I am searching the current contact address to Mr. Peter Martin who in 1956 lived at 10 Albany Road, Bexhill on Sea. UK. If you know, kindly e-mail to me.
Thanks in advance.

Jill Stevenson?

posted by Carol on 11 May 2015 at 8:05 am

Does anyone know of David Crouch back in 1950's? he used to work for a fruit merchant R? Stevenson.. Please let me know.. I am also looking for his daughter Jill Stevenson.. Thank you

Searching Address To Peter Martin

posted by Lennart on 11 May 2015 at 10:48 am

I am searching the current contact address to Mr. Peter Martin who in 1956 lived at 10 Albany Road, Bexhill on Sea. UK. If you know, kindly e-mail to me. My address is brinkman[AT]ms77.hinet.net
Thanks in advance.

Lost Sister

posted by carol crabb on 31 May 2015 at 2:55 pm

Looking for birh name Shirley Doreen tibbles born1949 name may be difrent now

Searching: Tom Day Collington Lane

posted by Jenna on 09 Jun 2015 at 3:42 am

Hi I was wondering if anyone knew the contact details for a Tom Day who possibly lived in Collington lane west Bexhill in the early '80's.
Thanks very much!


posted by Tracie kewley on 10 Jun 2015 at 10:45 pm

hi , am looking for cousins , Debbie and Cathy kewley aunt. Janet, have not seen for over 40 years, I live in Somerset now so have lost track of family whereabouts, but would love to be in touch again, hope someone can help, thank you , tracie

Try To Find The Family ,who Owned The Pet Shop

posted by tess on 12 Jun 2015 at 5:39 am

Hi all
Am trying to find the family who owned the pet shop on sackville road back early 1991.
It was ran by the brothers,one was called Mathew he must be about 40 now .
I know the family was from normans bay.
Am looking for Matt ,as an number of his school and college mates are looking to try and meet soon.
And info most welcome thank you.


posted by Renee White on 17 Jun 2015 at 9:12 pm

I have seen your message, I am Irene White and we were the best of friends we went to Isle of White together

Florence Iatropoulos

posted by Renee White on 17 Jun 2015 at 9:21 pm

So good to hear of you Florence , Remember the little blue mini. Please get in touch

Help me please

posted by BECQUET MARIE-CLAUDE on 02 Jul 2015 at 2:19 pm

I used to live in BEXHILL as a student from 1961
to 1963v a few months a year. I was living C/O
KATE and MADGE(MARJORIE) AUSTIN but I forgot the lane! A paying guest SAR MAPLE was living with them. I'd like to come back to BEXHILL
for 1 or 2 weeks to (RE) Improve my language;
I'll be alone,at least for the first time,perhaps later with my grand son who is 13 and learns english,I 'll be 73 on next 15th july. Can anybody help me? many thanks

Looking For Debbie

posted by Joachim on 18 Jul 2015 at 2:42 pm

Hi,my Name is Joachim,live in West-Germany and I would like to get in touch with an past girlfriend,met in the 80´s in Bexhill-on-sea.
Her Name is Debbie (maybe Debbie Fox) aged at this time 16 or 17,and she lived there with her younger brother(can´t remember his Name).She had 2 good girlfriends named Loz and Sandra.
I visited Bexhill 2 times in Summer with my former friend Dieter and on my own in Winter (Oh what a trip !!!).
Thanks for anyone and any info

Albert Moore Fishing Family

posted by Tuula Ward on 20 Jul 2015 at 11:34 am

Hi I'm Albert George Moore's great grand daughter and I'm trying to find out any information anyone may have regarding his fishing fleet and days taking holiday makers on his pleasure boat 'the Nancy'. I know he was a well known fishing family in Bexhill and there is a memorial plaque near the clock tower behind the shelter in the ground where they used to anchor up the boats. I would love to find out any information or see any pictures or stories anyone may have. thank you x

Hello Bernie Randall

posted by stuart george matthews on 29 Jul 2015 at 5:50 am

Just seen your message Bernie from 2012, I remember you in fact my Mum was a pal of your mums. I also remember Nipper and his older brother who used to do a bit of cross country running with me and Kev Doswell. Have fond memories of Bexhill and now live in he north west

This Is A Long Shot

posted by Hayley on 11 Aug 2015 at 2:36 pm

Help me find Ashley, all I know is that he is around 55 yrs old ( very tall ) he is living some where in Kent UK, he has two daughters named Maria and Madaline ( but that could be his grand daughters names? ) He was in Plymouth 7/8/9th August entering a fishing competition ( came 2nd ) Was with 3 male friends, one was called Ray

Bexhill Old Boys - And Girls!

posted by Graham Kent on 24 Aug 2015 at 4:52 pm

I was born at 97 Windsor Road in February 1946 and lived there until I married in 1968. I went to The Downs and left when I was 15 to serve as an apprentice electrician at Ellsworth Turner & Co in St Leonards Road. I played in a band called the GT Strokers between 1965 and 1968. Does anyone know the whereabouts of Tommy Tucker who lived at 109 Windsor Road or Arthur Perry from Cornwall Road. I meet regularly in Eastbourne with 8 other 60 year old boys from Bexhill.

Joan Lucston's School Of Dancing

posted by Graham Kent on 25 Aug 2015 at 3:34 pm

Who remembers going to Joan Lucston's school of dancing at the bottom of Sea Road? Whatever happened to Linda Campbell?

Bexhill Bikers Of The 1960s

posted by Graham Kent on 25 Aug 2015 at 8:07 pm

In the 1960s, I rode with Andy Webster, Clive Pople, Paul Dobson, Keith Fry, David Neil, Tony Lambert, Denis Parkinson, Steve Crump, Arthur Perry, Mick Kent, Ian Johnson, Geoff Treagus, Brian Sinclair, Pete Duncan, Pete and Don Warner and a few others!

Lost Friend

posted by Deon Damon on 05 Sept 2015 at 1:31 pm

Hi i'm looking to trace an old friend Frank Simpson born in South Africa Johannesburg in the 60's he also play guitar

Looking For Elaine Bryant

posted by JILL OHALLORAN on 09 Sept 2015 at 9:55 am

Hello I am looking for an old school friend Elaine Bryant from the 1970's. She used to live over the Off licence in Little Common. My surname was Sullivan. We went to The Downs Secondary school from 1970-1974

Serching Old Contacts Ect

posted by jan on 12 Sept 2015 at 11:20 am

I am still searching for old friend ect

I may not have very much time left as I now have C O P D I LEFT BEXHILL CONVIENT IN 1950
TO live in st leonard on sea easr sussex

Adopted 1967

posted by Elizabeth butler on 10 Oct 2015 at 11:03 pm

I was born 10th February 1967
Birth mothers name Margaret barker/baker
My given name was Anna Marie or Marie ann adopted name elizabeth butler
Place of birth Hastings
I believe Margaret had 3 sons

Nazereth House 1977

posted by cheryl noone on 13 Oct 2015 at 10:20 pm

Hi I am desperately trying to find kids who we're in the convent at this onwards to about 1979/80,me and my brother graham we're ther on the top floor with sister colme and sister magdeleine sisiter mildred and others,mrs kelly was a worker,I remember,kim debbie and vicky hall all my friends and ester,robert and geoffrey totham (my first love),derek cosgrove,I was 8 and my brother w0 wen we were placed there,I dnt think any still live in bexhill,as we we're all moved away but I av seen on here somewhere that others frm that year r searching too,I remember a name rena who was looking,she sais she worked ther then,I remmeber auntie rita gilmont but I cud b mistaken and this cud be rena,I wanted to live with her and her family,plz if anyone on here can help me or put me in touch I would be foreva thankful,my email is chezza2208[AT]hotmail.com,waitingexcitedly,regards.....cheryl

Looking For David

posted by george on 22 Oct 2015 at 3:20 pm

Lookin for a david harris/harrison from newport . Dont have a lot to go on other than he had a lot to do with his grandmother . He had a friend named carl who moved to newcastle some years ago . David may have moved on to hull . He also had a sister . Any help would be great thanks

Looking For Renee White

posted by Mick Burke on 04 Nov 2015 at 10:31 am

Hello Renee.
I do hope that you see this message. I came across this great website by chance when looking at recommendations for restuarants in Bexhill of all things. We are living in Eastbourne and occasionally visit Bexhill. After seeing your exchange of messages with your friend Florence I felt compelled to place a message. I remember you very well but of course you might no longer remember me or wish to contact. However, it would be lovely to hear from you and my e mail address is mburke72@btinternet.com

You might not remember me after so many years

Albert Moore Fishing Family

posted by Kim boyd (moore) on 16 Nov 2015 at 8:24 pm

To Tuula Ward
I may be able to help as iam also a great grand daughter go Albert Moore and it was my father and his first cousin Albert who arranged and had the plaque made . Would love to tell you more you can get in touch with me . Kimchristinaboyd@hotmail.co.uk

Albert Moore Fishing Family

posted by Tuula on 19 Nov 2015 at 6:48 am

Hi Kim
I am do pleased you have got in touch I can't wait to fund out more about our great grandad Albert. I have emailed you please look in junk just in case it goes there.
love Tuula xx

Search Old Friends Ect

posted by jan on 11 Dec 2015 at 1:19 am


Anthony Michael Coleman

posted by sian on 12 Dec 2015 at 4:54 pm

Please does anyone remember this man? He killed him self 35 years ago in bexhill and my mum is desperate for some closure as she has hear some stories about him being a nasty man and others about him having another family, if true she would love to find this man. He used to love on bank road in sidley. Thanks x

Bexhill On Sea 1968

posted by loridan marijo on 24 Jan 2016 at 10:34 am

I was in Bexhil on sea in 1968 working as beautician in Rochelle beauty salon and living in Cornwall road by Mrs Brown;Iam looking for Gordon RIGG and Stephen Croll....Did any one remember of me.? I am french and live in the South of France have two girl and two grand chidren....thanks for you help!my email is mj.loridan@hotmail.fr

Jennifer Talbot (pepper)

posted by fiona green (carr) on 10 Feb 2016 at 6:10 am

Hey Jennifer, it would be great to hear from you, you can email me at gibsonslandingbc@hotmail.com or my web page http:// http://www.fionagreenphotographer.com

Brian Pitchforth

posted by Hollie on 15 Aug 2016 at 11:22 pm

Message for Colin twiggy. I see your message was a few years ago but Brian is my great uncle. If you're still looking for him I can put you in touch!

Brian Pitchforth

posted by Kevin Doswell on 17 Aug 2016 at 7:12 am

Hi Hollie,
Brian and I were school mates back in the sixties and competed in cross country running for the Bexhill Athaletic Club and represented the Sussex Boys Clubs at county level. I did manage to contact Brian via his mum some years ago but lost his details, it would be great to catch up with him again after all these years. If you are Brians great neice would your grandad be Alan.

Looking For Debbie

posted by Joachim Prell on 14 Sept 2016 at 8:52 pm

Hi,my Name is Joachim,live in West-Germany and I would like to get in touch with an past girlfriend,met in the 80´s in Bexhill-on-sea.
Her Name is Debbie (maybe Debbie Fox) aged at this time 16 or 17,and she lived there with her younger brother(can´t remember his Name).She had 2 good girlfriends named Loz and Sandra.
I visited Bexhill 2 times in Summer with my former friend Dieter and on my own in Winter (Oh what a trip !!!).
Thanks for anyone and any info

Looking For Debbie

posted by Joachim Prell on 14 Sept 2016 at 9:02 pm

Hi,my Name is Joachim,live in West-Germany and I would like to get in touch with an past girlfriend,met in the 80´s in Bexhill-on-sea.
Her Name is Debbie (maybe Debbie Fox) aged at this time 16 or 17,and she lived there with her younger brother(can´t remember his Name).She had 2 good girlfriends named Loz and Sandra.
I visited Bexhill 2 times in Summer with my former friend Dieter and on my own in Winter (Oh what a trip !!!).
Thanks for anyone and any info

Deidre Fitzgerald

posted by margot gordon on 15 Sept 2016 at 10:02 pm

looking for Deidre..if anyone knows her. She was at Sandown School, Hastings Road. My email is margotgordon@live.com

Looking For Keith Scholfield.

posted by paul pearce on 02 Nov 2016 at 9:13 pm

Hi all does anyone know where keith schofield is now he would be in his 50s now he went to winceby house school between 1975-1979 thats when i was there aswell. Like to know any info please thanks paul Pearce.

Looking For Karen Galbraith

posted by Nadia Hashim on 28 Feb 2017 at 8:33 am

I am Nadia Hashim who is looking for my best friend Karen Galbraith. We went to the Downs Secondary school back in late seventies in Bexhill on sea. Galbraith was her maiden name. I live in America and I wish we can get in touch. Her father was Edward an mother Kathleen.

Looking For Mary Hill

posted by grahame tudor on 16 Mar 2017 at 11:27 pm

hello my name is grahame tudor I lived in Bexhill for 6 years I am trying to look for a friend her name is mary hill and would love to have a catch up if anyone knows mary hill can they let her know thanke you henrytudor41@gmail.com

Carol A Allen / Craig 1974

posted by Shannon on 17 Mar 2017 at 7:31 pm

Hi , I wonder if anyone could help I'm looking for a lady called carol I believe she lives in the bexhill area but always lived in Hastings she got married to my late father I believe she has two children . I think now she lives on Preston Road if it's the right one but can't be sure any help on how I would find out

Peter J P Craig Around 1974

posted by Shannon on 17 Mar 2017 at 7:51 pm

Anyone recognise this name if you do please could you contact me urgently sc73159@gmail.com

Bexhill High Class Of 1993

posted by Elaine Hatcher nee Ash on 11 Jul 2017 at 3:36 pm

I just wondered if anyone from Bexhill High School was here

Ledger Family

posted by John Smith on 15 Jul 2017 at 10:19 am

Hi Leonie, I saw you you were asking for info about this Ledger family - may I ask if you know film editor Harry Ledger, best known for his work on A.P. Films / Century 21 productions. Here is his IMDb page, for what it's worth: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2408978/?mode=desktop&ref_=m_ft_dsk


Craig Family

posted by Shannon craig on 15 Jul 2017 at 2:17 pm

Looking to contact a Steve Craig used to own cab company in bexhill HUGELY appreciated

Marsh Family

posted by Jackie bennert (carzana) on 31 Aug 2017 at 7:12 pm

Hi Kathleen
I was in nazareth house with
Christine Linda and Vicky Marsh
So I should know you aswell

Find Lost Siblings N Mum. Last Know Name Farrer..

posted by Rosemary on 09 Sept 2017 at 10:44 pm

My mother was born 1968.Elizabeth Anne Farrer she went Bexhill high u think.shed been secondary school between 1980 to 1988..she married my father (simon h Bracken)1985 then 1986 had Brendon,1987 had me Rosemary and 1988 had Cameron..devoice my father around 1988/1989. ..
Has since married and had more children(my siblings id love t meet)...

Her father was George h Farrer n her mother was Anne d farrer(isted)..Anne later married Leslie j vale(a ex teacher died 2014)after my grandad geogre died..i really stuck a dead end t tracing my birth mum n siblings.any help would be so much help..anyone who know my father could understand why I have not had him in my life last 13years n as ive no family left finding my mum n siblings means so much.hopeing any old school friends off Elizabeth Anne Farrer can help plz

Looking For Debbie

posted by Victoria Driscoll on 17 Dec 2017 at 10:12 pm

Joachim Prell, my husband is the son of Debbie Fox from Bexhill. Her younger brother is named Darren Fox . It has to be the same Debbie! Feel free to email me for any info xxx

Joachim Prell

posted by Victoria Driscoll on 17 Dec 2017 at 11:57 pm

I know Debbie. We are also looking for a Chris cook who may or may not have known her during time, wonder if you can help?

Looking For Valerie

posted by Rick Mandell on 15 Jan 2018 at 3:48 am

In 1971, when I was traveling before going to college, I met a young woman from Behill-on Sea, Valerie Howe, with whom I fell in love. I reluctantly left her to go to college, and over time we fell out of touch. Over the years, I have often thought of her and would love to find her. Does anyone know where she now lives and/or what happened to her?

Little Folks Home.

posted by Rick Blackwell on 15 Feb 2018 at 1:53 pm

There was query regarding the little Folks Home asking where it was. It was in Little Common on Cooden Sea Road. It has long since been demolished and now.housing stands where it was.

Sandown/ Seafield/ Ancaster Gate/House

posted by Peter Haines on 03 Mar 2018 at 11:35 am

Love to hear from anyone who knows/knew me in the 60/70's. My email has been updated since my post in 2007 and that one is no longer accessible/closed. I was at Sandown and then Seafield (which was joined by Ancaster Gate and became co-ed in around 67). When Seafield closed I went to St Andrews In Eastbourne before Tonbridge School. A number of ladies from Seafield went on to Ancaster House. I also had friends from the Cooden Beach and Little Common area in the mid 1970's after leaving school. My new/current email is peterhaines@hotmail.co.uk

Still Looking For

posted by Fiona Crosfield on 02 May 2018 at 12:28 pm

Still looking for any news of Antonia McArthy and Stella Cruttenden, both attended St. Francis School for Girls in Bexhill on Sea East Sussex in the 1950's. Stella lived in Hastings. Antonia was living in Bexhill in the 1960's and may have become a stunt girl in films. Any news would be welcome.

Foster Mum

posted by Rob King on 06 Oct 2018 at 1:26 pm

Does any one know the name of the foster mum who lived in Birkdale/Collington ave in the 90s and up to I think quite recently!?
Husband was I believe a guardsman, son in police and a daughter called Lisa.

I Am Looking For My Dad

posted by Adrian on 24 Oct 2018 at 3:07 pm

I am looking for help with findoling my dad, I have no information other than he had long dark hairanx possibly had a reletive who worked at drallims industries Brett drive bexhill in 1972. My mums name was Susan Mary harding who lived in bexhill sidley area. She was 6ft 1 slim and was around 15 to16 years old while working at drallims and pregnant with me at 16 she moved to hesrtfordshirr. Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks

Dog Named Stroh's

posted by kenny grossenbacher on 09 Nov 2018 at 1:25 am

meant to keep in touch-making up for lost time i guess. wondering what you might be doing. we did buy a jag and moved across from foster park. i remember you mentioning a jag. football on now-hope to hear something-will try another way-detroit again maybe. ok rod -later.

Looking For Old Friends

posted by Jim Gillies on 17 Dec 2018 at 10:45 pm

We are trying to find the whereabouts of some friends that we have lost touch with. They are called Bill and Hazel.... I think Hazels name might have once been Chapman. They moved to Bexhill from Croydon quite a few years back now...I don't know their surname now,as I didn't meet Bill until after they were married.Last saw them a couple of years ago, in Eastbourne.... Would love to get back in touch... They would both be around 60 now...Please, If anyone knows them, could they please pass on my details...Many thanks for reading... Jim Gillies.

St. Francis School, Bexhill

posted by Fiona Crosfield on 18 Mar 2019 at 1:08 pm

Looking for news of
Teresa O’ Meara and Carole Piggot, May still live in the Bexhill area. Also Antonia McCarthy

Looking For Ryan

posted by Evelina on 05 Jun 2019 at 1:08 am

Looking for a guy named Ryan! We met briefly in the summer of 2016 when I lived in the UK. We first met in Brighton. He's got dark hair, should be in his late 20's, maybe 27, 28 or something like that. He's a plumbing engineer. He likes to listen to metal, I remember him talking alot about Killswitch Engage! Also really into historical stuff! We made a daytrip out to Dover Castle and Canterbury together. He had just bought a silver BMW at that time. His last name could be Hawkings, Higgins, Haines or something similar!
Don't know if he still lives around Bexhill, but I would really like to get in touch with him if possible!
The Girl from Sweden

Looking For Dawn/ Selwynn Lippiath

posted by Tineke van de brug on 08 Dec 2019 at 4:56 pm

Hi i' am looking for dawn and selwyn lyppiath
Hè was working at the fire brigade they lived in a cottage in bexhill on sea
We where Friends, we met them in Greece/ crete they visite us in Rotterdam
We have moved Several times my husband died a view years ago en now i loved to find and see dawn and if possible selwyn. May bee they are divorced.?...

Looking For Old Friends

posted by Sarah on 10 Mar 2020 at 10:35 am

I'm looking for carol and her children Daniel, matthew, Rebecca, they use to live by bexhill Station, then in 2006, Carolwas living in a house with Matthew up a road not far from station, neeb trying find them for years any one knows them please let me know

Looking For Biological Dad

posted by Jamie on 18 Mar 2020 at 10:48 am

Hi im currently trying too look for my dad who ive never met and split with my mum during pregnancy back in 1989. His name is Paul Dunn he had blue eyes and blonde hair i think my mum said. Around the time he was with my mum he worked in a garage on the ridge in hastings but was fired for taking cigarettes and things fron magazines. Not sure how old he is most likely in his 50s now. Any information would be much appreciated! Also from someone who thinks they know who he is said he is or was possibly working as a garden landscaper. Also my mothers name is Teresa. Thank you.

Brian Strickland?

posted by Joe Martinez on 25 Mar 2020 at 11:20 am

Does anyone know where brian Strickland is living? He might be in a nursing home in bexhill.......

Looking For Keith Schofield.

posted by pau pearce on 13 Apr 2020 at 1:04 pm

Hi all looking for keith schofield went to winceby house school between 1975_1979 would love to know how he is any info very much appreciated thanks Paul.

Looking For Joanna Edwards

posted by pau pearce on 13 Apr 2020 at 1:05 pm

Hi all looking for keith schofield went to winceby house school between 1975_1979 would love to know how he is any info very much appreciated thanks Paul.

Looking For Joanna Edwards

posted by pau pearce on 13 Apr 2020 at 1:10 pm

Hi all looking for joanna edwards on behalf of my wife penny.joanna came down from woodlane school in london to st marys near hastings aroud 1979. Any information would be much appreciated thanks.paul.

Looking For Joanna Edwards

posted by pau pearce on 13 Apr 2020 at 1:11 pm

Hi all looking for joanna edwards on behalf of my wife penny.joanna came down from woodlane school in london to st marys near hastings aroud 1979. Any information would be much appreciated thanks.paul.

St. Francis School

posted by Fiona Crosfield on 18 Jul 2020 at 2:50 pm

Still looking for any news of Antonia McArthy, Mary Flavell, Stella Cruttenden, Sylvia and Carol Godfrey. All attended St Fanny’s in the 1950’s

Seafield / Effingham / Falconbury Schools

posted by Jonathan Aston on 08 Aug 2020 at 10:05 pm

Does anyone know the whereabouts of Stephen Lucking or John Heap (Seafield School), Alix Guyatt (Effingham), or Roger Marshall (Falconbury)?

Recent Family Death.

posted by peter ryan on 16 Aug 2020 at 2:46 pm

We, that is the Ryan family from Carshalton and Newark Notts are trying to locate john Ryan our cousin to inform him of a family death, and that the cremation is this Friday, We know he lives in Bexhill on the sea but does not have his address or phone number, Anyone reading this who may know john and his sister Christine who still lives in Carshalton., could you ask them to ring me as it is this week the 21st aug 2020.at the Barham crematorium, Canterberry,at 4 pm.

Alix Guyatt

posted by Bruno on 25 Aug 2020 at 11:00 pm

I too have been looking for Alix. Do you have any news of her? Sister of John and Bobby Guyatt. Would be grateful for any follow up

Jonathan Aston

posted by Bruno on 29 Aug 2020 at 6:42 pm

I too am looking for Alix. Knew her from Singapore days. Just wondered what your connection is with her and if you have had any better luck in tracking her down. Sadly her brother John passed away some time ago.

Elymer James Murphy

posted by Anne Murphy on 31 Aug 2020 at 5:12 am

I'm hoping to find somebody who knows my late father Elymer James Murphy or his late wife Patience Mitchell Murphy. My parents separated when I was 6 and I lost contact with my father. He died in 1983 and his wife in 1998. They lived on Knebworth Road in Bexhill.

Thank you.

Looking For Sylvia James

posted by sherry james on 03 Feb 2021 at 12:07 am

Hi I am looking for anyone who may have known my aunt Sylvia ; she recently passed away in January and my family and I just found out. Looking to retrieve any old photos she may have had Any info would be appreciated thank you

Looking For Keith Scofield.

posted by Paul pearce on 22 Feb 2021 at 11:20 am

Hi all what happened to Keith scofield when he left winceby house school. Did he stay in the area does anyone know. Cheers Paul.

Looking For Elaine Bryant

posted by Joe Williams on 05 Mar 2021 at 10:57 pm

Hi Jill I knew Elaine who lived on top of the shops in Little Common.That was in 1978-79 I was in a boarding school called Winceby house in South Cliff Road Cooden beach we were 15 at the time we were boyfriend and girlfriend for a while when I left I had to go back to London I never forgot her She was the prettiest girl I’ve ever knew I would love to know what happened to her Hope she had a happy life she had long brown hair I’m sure her last name was Bryant If she’s the same Elaine and you get in contact with her Please let me know how she is thanks E-mail joe451@live.co.uk

Searching A Friend

posted by Andrea on 08 Apr 2021 at 1:19 pm

I'm writing from Italy

I' m trying to find a dear friend.
Her name is Alison M (Miles) Burge

She's for Cambridge but last time I had a contact with her - she was living in Bexhill with her husband (Peter Burge) e two sons

After such awful period I would like to know how Alison and her family are

Unfortunately her email it is no longer active
I have her andress in bexhill and I'm sending to her a letter
I hope she lives still there

In the meantime I would be very grateful if someone could give me some help

Best regards

Looking For Hetty Cole

posted by Tammy Snider on 10 Apr 2021 at 2:32 am

Hi, I'm searching for any info on Hetty Cole (nee West) who lived in Bexhill with her husband John and daughter Pamela (and a son whose name I don't know) during the 70's for sure and possibly most of her adult life. She was from Burgh Heath/Tadworth (sorry I'm Canadian and not certain of the geography.) She is my Grandmothers sister and came to stay with us in Canada in the mid 70's. We lost track of her a few years after she returned home and I would like to know what ever happened to her as I can't find any information anywhere else.
Thank you!

Looking For My Son

posted by Joy Saunders on 26 May 2021 at 9:48 pm

Looking for my son called Paul Henry Saunders he lives in Rye Hastings

Old Friend

posted by Tony Lyon on 28 Aug 2021 at 11:37 am

Would like to know if Tania Gradley is still in the area. Would love to get in touch( Gradley was maiden name)

Michael McCarthy

posted by Mary Ferguson on 12 Oct 2021 at 3:33 pm

I’m trying to find my first cousin, Michael McCarthy. Born circa 1956, he lived in a little bungalow with his mother in Turkey Road. He joined the Parachute Regiment in the late 70’s and into the 80’s and then moved to New Zealand, when the family lost touch with him. I would dearly love to find him again…maybe someone remembers Michael?

Looking For Ryan

posted by Evelina on 06 Nov 2021 at 10:00 pm

Hi, I am still looking for a guy named Ryan! We met briefly in the summer of 2016 when I lived in the UK. We first met in Brighton in the beginning of July. He's got dark hair, should be about 30 years old now, or something like that. He's a plumbing engineer. He likes to listen to metal, I remember him talking alot about Killswitch Engage! Also really into historical stuff! We made a day trip out to Dover Castle and Canterbury together. He had just bought a silver BMW at the time. His last name could be Hawkings, Higgins, Haines or something similar, I could be wrong!
Don't know if he still lives around Bexhill but if anyone might know a Ryan that fits the description please let me know or let him know about this thread.

Elizabeth Short/Whitfeld

posted by Hilary Beechey on 12 Feb 2022 at 9:06 pm

I have only just seen your message to me from 2014!! Sadly Veronica Beechey died last year. I am sending some photos/documents of hers from St Francis School to Bexhill museum. I can scan them for you if you would like. Is your email still lissie1945@absamail.co.za as in the 2014 post? mine is hbeechey@me.com


posted by andrea fontanive on 13 Apr 2022 at 4:10 pm

I'm looking for a very dear friend, Alison Miles
She had moved from Cambridge to Bexhill many years ago.
I'm desperate to know how Alison end her husband and children are, having no news from them .
The e-mail I have it is no longer active.
I remember that her husband is a classical teacher and musician.

I would be grateful for some useful information

St Francis School

posted by Fiona Crosfield on 07 Mar 2023 at 2:47 pm

Looking to find both Judith and Rosemary Ensel and Mary English.

Looking For School Friends

posted by David Greenwood on 29 Apr 2023 at 10:39 pm

Looking for school friends both at the Down School between 1956 and 1960 and also from Pendragon school in 1956.

Looking For

posted by Paul Pearce on 23 Oct 2023 at 2:46 pm

Looking for Keith scholfield from winceby house school 1970s.


posted by Martin Paul Hogan on 03 Nov 2023 at 6:11 am

I'm looking for any information about my grandfather Martin Charles Hogan who lived in Bexhill area in the early 70s and passed away about 1975..He was an Irish gentleman aged about 86 years when he died. Any information would be gratefully received, thanks in anticipation, Martin Paul Hogan (grandson)


posted by Martin Paul Hogan on 03 Nov 2023 at 6:12 am

I'm looking for any information about my grandfather Martin Charles Hogan who lived in Bexhill area in the early 70s and passed away about 1975..He was an Irish gentleman aged about 86 years when he died. Any information would be gratefully received, thanks in anticipation, Martin Paul Hogan (grandson)

Looking For

posted by Bob Cooper on 21 Jun 2024 at 2:19 am

I’m looking for my nephew his name is Glenn Cooper he lived in Hastings with his mother Jean and had a sister Nichola. His father was Albert Cooper who lived in Canada It would be good to connect after all these years. Thanks Bob

Looking For

posted by Carol on 09 Jul 2024 at 11:16 am

John used to live in bungalows bottom end of watermill lane , with his family, mechanic?worked at the star evenings

Brian Strickland

posted by Debbie on 15 Jul 2024 at 1:33 am

If the Brian Strickland people are asking about was a photographer, I'm sorry but he died quite a few years ago. You might get more information from anyone attending the mental health day centre in London Road, Bexhill, if there's still anyone there who remembers him.

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