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Photography For Wellbeing

posted by Phil Hicks PA on 15 Mar 2017 at 4:36 pm

The group aims to provide an opportunity for all to improve their wellbeing, and to develop skills and confidence in photography whilst in a comfortable and supported environment.

The emphasis is on having fun and learning about taking photographs on your camera settings other than automatic. Everybody is welcome, from complete beginners to those with an established interest.

The group will meet on the first session at 10.30am till 12.30 pm at The Rother Voluntary Alliance London Road Bexhill-on-Sea. Thereafter each Wednesday at 10.30 am to 12.30 pm at a location TBC.

If you would like to join us we'd love to meet you. The cost of the 6 weeks is £30.

Our next session of 6 weeks starts next Wednesday22nd March as I am away on holiday and we return on the 29th March, 5th, 12th and 19th of April.

To find out more please contact me at phil.hicks.pa@uwclub.net or telephone 07510 319 537 or visit http://www.philhickspa.com

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