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Old Schools - Thread

posted by jenny perkins on 12 Nov 2006 at 4:22 pm

Does anyone know the name of the old school that stood near Broad Oak Lane and the country park,it was demolished to build an estate.Also does anyone have old photos of Broad Oak Lane and area

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Old School

posted by Sue Spice on 29 Nov 2006 at 9:50 am

This was the Beehive School based at Broad Oak Manor, Broad Oak Lane. Bexhill Museum may have photos

Beehive School

posted by Pam Thomas on 02 Feb 2007 at 5:51 pm

I attended the Beehive School and I do have a few photos. If you e-mail me I could e-mail them to you (pae123ATaol.com - replace AT with @)

Broad Oak Manor

posted by Nigel Gibbon on 31 May 2007 at 6:42 pm

We have just moved to Bexhill from Hertfordshire. My great uncle Edward Rhys-Price, had a colourful life to say the least and one of his money making schemes was to buy a manor house in what I think was around 1960 in Bexhill On Sea. That manor house was turned into a health farm and was apparently very sucessful as he sold it for a substantial sum.
I do not know whether he bought the place as a manor or as a closed school or whether it was turned into a school after he sold it?
Eddy is long dead now but Bexhill always stuck in my childhood mind as a very posh place to have lived!
Anyone know any other information?

Broad Oak Manor

posted by john s on 03 Jul 2007 at 12:41 pm

my friends and I used to play commandos in the derelict manor house before it was demolished for the Deerswood lane estate around 1978/78. I remember a very grand sweeping staircase in the large hall. looked like it was some house in its heyday.

Original Beehive School

posted by Fiona Hemsworth on 03 Jul 2007 at 11:02 pm

Does anyone have any information, photos or anything else of the Beehive School when it was in Dorset Road Bexhill. This was before it moved to Broadoak Lane in the war.
Also does any one have a copy of the photo of Sir Winston Churchill out side the Chapel on the corner of Dorset and Magdelene Roads? This is urgently required for familyresurch.

Sir Winston Churchill's Visit

posted by Harry Saunders on 03 Sept 2007 at 6:23 pm

Re Fiona Hemsworths request for a photo of Sir Winston in Bexhill.

Sorry cannot provide a picture but can well remember the occasion.with Sir Winston was Gen Montgomery,General Jan Smits PM South Africa, Mackensie-King PM Canada and the PM of Southern Rhodesia Mr Huggins.
According to a plaque these worthies visited Northiam in May 1944 I assume they were in Bexhill at or near that time.
Maybe other senior Bexhillians have their memories of this occasion.

Old Boarding School

posted by Hannah Fullbrook on 26 Oct 2007 at 12:25 pm

Does anyone know of a boarding school that would have been in Bexhill around the turn of the last century? 1890's- 1910's. My Great-Grand mother, Edan Hannson, says she went there, but so far I'm finding it as elusive as she was! If there wasn't a boarding school then it might have been some kind of children's hospital as she said she went there 'for her health'. Any help gratefully received - I've spent years searching for her!
Thank you!

Beehive Bexhill

posted by June Barrington on 30 Oct 2007 at 10:30 am

I was at the Beehive between 1945 - 1950. The school was evacuated, from Dorset Road, to Shropshire during the war and returned to Bexhill in 1945, but not to Dorset Road but to Broadoak Manor, and the Junior school was based at Ellerslie house, Ellerslie Lane. I have a photo of the front of the Manor House but cannot find any of Dorset Road, where my mother had been at the school.

Wilton House School

posted by paul hopton on 23 Nov 2007 at 10:48 pm

My sister and I went to a boarding school in Bexhill 1959-1960 called Wilton House School...I can't find anything on the web about it....Can anyone who went there provide any info...a picture would be nice...Fingers crossed.

Wilton House Boarding School

posted by Richard Pugh on 03 Jan 2008 at 4:53 am

I went to Wilton House boarding school. I was there in 1967. Did anyboday ever get back to you Paul Hopton?

Now living in Australia.



Wilton House School

posted by irene trussler on 03 Jan 2008 at 5:10 pm

My sister Leigh and i went to wilton house for a short period in about 1957/58 time. The head mistress was called something like Mrs Hour. We called her Mrs R. She had a son and daughter who went to another school. As you went in on the left there was a dining room and the next room was my class room. But like Paul, I have found nothing on the web. I too would like a photo.

Collington Manor Bexhill

posted by mr david parker on 06 Jan 2008 at 6:44 pm

Can anyone help me with some information about the children's home Collington Manor, Bexhill-on-Sea, Sussex? I was there with my brother and sister in 1962.

Re Wilton House School

posted by Paul Hopton on 18 Jan 2008 at 7:39 pm

Hi Irene, The Headmistress was Mrs. Auer, she taught french, etc. The layout was as you remember it.We might have been there in 1959 too, so we may have 'overlapped,. I have happy memories of some amazing times there, but also of some events and practices that were disturbing.It was a very imposing building with dark panelling. I don't know if it still stands.

Broad Oak Manor

posted by Chris Jones on 23 Jan 2008 at 5:45 am

My Grandfather, George Jones owned Broadoak Manor at Bexhill on Sea. I believe he lost it after he was bankrupted in the 1920's depression after which his family, (including my father), emigrated to New Zealand. I have a couple of photo's of the manor from the 1920s. I believe it was bombed during WW2, fell into disrepair and was later demolished for the current housing estate that I am told occupies the original site. Any further info would be greatly appreciated.

The Beehive School

posted by Sue Roe nee Fogg on 26 Jan 2008 at 11:49 am

I attended the school from 1957 until 1962, It was a lovely old house, and I have many happy memories of it. I made friends there who are still dear friends today. Miss Wilson and Mrs. Benson Davies were Head Mistresses while I was there. What a different world it was then! Looking back they seem like golden days of comparative innocence! A sad day when it became a housing estate.

Chris Jones

posted by John S on 30 Jan 2008 at 10:34 am

Can you upload your photos of Broad oak manor onto this site??

Webmaster note:
There isn't any automatic way to add photographs onto this message board. However, if you would like to forward a couple of photographs to me by e-mail then I will add them into this page for you as a one-off.


Wilton House

posted by James J on 01 Feb 2008 at 4:14 pm

Hi all,

Regarding Wilton House - I'm looking for information myself. My mother worked as a matron at Wilton House in the 1990's. A few years after she left, I gather that the place closed. I'm not sure of the details, but Wilton House was affiliated with Broomham, a school on the other side of Hastings, which was run in the '90s by Mr Auer, Mrs Auer's son. I think that Broomham (Wilton House's junior school) is still around, so that might be the place to start looking.

Wilton House

posted by Jude on 04 Feb 2008 at 10:50 pm

If you look on Friends Reunited under Wilton House School Catsfield, there's quite alot of old photos. There's also message boards on quite a few different subjects. Hope this helps.

Bexhill Boarding School Enquiry

posted by sylvia freeman on 01 Mar 2008 at 10:17 pm

I was sent to a boarding school at Bexhill on Sea as a very young child, we had to wear bottle green uniform, including knickers!! I would like to find out the name. It was early 1960's. I do not have happy memories and never received parcels family had sent for me, luckily I was only there about a year but had very bad nightmares on my return. I remember an old tree on the beach which must have been close and we stood inside it as most of the trunk was broken.

Wilton House School, Hastings Road.

posted by Cathy Newton on 29 Mar 2008 at 2:54 pm

Hi, I went to Wilton House in 1958 with my brother and
sister,I was there till the early 60s, I remember Mrs Auers
son and daughter, Marinus and Elaina, I think the Matrons
name was Mrs Guerney, she had two daughters Carol and
Wilton House has been pulled down, also charters Towers,
Hastings Road has changed so much.
Does any one remember Muddy Lane, the lane ran at the back of the school right up to the old town in Bexhill?
I would love to hear of others memories of Wilton House.

Re Wilton House

posted by irene Trussler on 03 Apr 2008 at 6:22 pm

Hi Cathy. I wonder if you and your brother and sister were at wilton house when I was.
The most outstanding memory for me was, early one morning the ceiling in what was my classroom came crashing down, luckily we had all just gone into the dining room (in the next room) for our breakfast. Were you there at that time? Does anyone else remember that?

Re Wilton House

posted by cathy Newton on 08 Apr 2008 at 7:37 pm

Hi Irene, I do not remember the ceiling coming down,
I am awaiting a call from my brother to see if he
remembers it, he is six years younger than me, and went
to wilton house before I did, so he may remember something.
Were you there when Mrs Auer had a little dog called Bundles? he was a little Bedlington Terrier, he used to run around the school.
I remember the big dining room, because every day some
of us were chosen to clear up after meals, it seemed to take so long. Will talk to you soon Irene, if I get any Info.
Kind Regards, Cathy Newton

Wilton House

posted by irene trussler on 14 Apr 2008 at 10:29 am

Hi Cathy, I do not remember any dog at Wilton House, but I remember that there was a tortoise in the garden. I actualy own two Bedlington terriers myself. maybe it was there that I first saw the breed, but I cannot recall it. but I do remember clearing up after meals. and buttering bread in the kitchen with the cook. My other memory of that time, was a girl falling over the bannister and relly hurtung herself. she stayed in bed for days.

Wilton House School

posted by Cathy Newton on 18 Apr 2008 at 8:16 pm

Hi Irene, I do remember a girl that had an accident on the stairs, I think she was sliding down the bannister, I also remember buttering the bread in the kitchen, and putting it in the larder for the next morning, can you remember who the head girl was when you were there? when I was at Wilton House the head girl was Sheila Robinson, do you remember her?

Wilton House

posted by irene trussler on 21 Apr 2008 at 6:52 pm

Hi Cathy, I don't remember anyone called Sheila. My friend's name was Pamela Bankyer. I also remember a young Canadian girl there.The girl that went over the bannister I think was called Linda Turner. My sister's name was Leigh Trussler. so they both had the same intials, and they would often get their clothes etc mixed up.My classroom was next to the dining room. Where was yours?

Wilton House Memories

posted by Blas Hernandez on 21 Apr 2008 at 10:17 pm

I was in Wilton H.School, from 1963 to 1964, and every summer of 65,66.67 and 68. I came from the Canary Islands. I remember very well Mrs Auers dog, and have plenty of photos of the school, specially of the summer courses. One of my teachers was Mrs Moore, she lived in Bexhill, very nice person. In 1987, went back, and found the building coming down to build houses, also have photos of this time.Very sad to me, who had plenty of good memories and plenty of great friends.

Wilton House School

posted by Cathy Newton on 22 Apr 2008 at 6:55 pm

Hi Irene , at last we both remember the same thing I remember Pamela Bankyer so well , she was very good at taking care
of the younger children, I will alway's remember a little girl who was about two years old, her name was Oriella, and
Pamela looked after her so well, I often wonder what happened to Pamela. My classroom was further up from the dining room on the right hand side, not far from Mrs Auer's study. I have just spoken to my sister her name is winnie, and
she remembers Pamela, I think they were in the same class, do you remember Ruth Tobin? she had a brother Mauris? will talk to you soon Irene , the memories are still coming back. Kind Regards Cathy.

Wilton House Memories 2

posted by Blas H on 22 Apr 2008 at 7:55 pm

Irene and Cathy, I stayed at the school while Pamela Bankyer, she was older than me.The school, had the first floor: kitchen, dining room, toilets, office, and a long passage where 4 or six class rooms were. There was also 2 other floors,the first one for the girls,the second for boys and a third with two dormitories for boys. I list of some girls&boys of those years: Alice Majarg, Thomas Beck, Leroy Bascoe, John and Junior Rodriguez, Albert Ashun and his sister, Philip Moeller, Anette Cartwright, Dorothy Mclure,Teresa Seabrok. Teachers like Mr. England, Mr. Moore, Mrs Moore, Mr.Fonfill. Next to the old building, they builded a gymnasium.

Wilton House School

posted by Cathy Newton on 23 Apr 2008 at 3:41 pm

Hi Blas, I remember Thomas Beck and Dorothy Mclure, I also remember some fantastic summer holidays at the school I used to stay on during the summer holidays, It was great making friends with the foreign students that used to come to the school, during the holidays. I left the school about 1962, you may remember a french boy called John Claude who used to stay at the school during the summer holidays. Maybe Irene will remember some of the other names.

Wilton House School

posted by karen on 24 Apr 2008 at 10:37 am

I was in Broomham in the early 90's. I too am trying to find out what happen to the school. I had some good memory but looking back they did not really follow the syllabus! I remember Matron Anne, Catherine and Mr Prince and all the classes were named after castles.

Wilton House

posted by irene trussler on 24 Apr 2008 at 9:07 pm

Hi Cathy and Blas When I was at W.H. there were only three classrooms altogether. The one that Cathy was in would have had all the infants. My class next to the dining room had all the juniors. and I remember a sort of portercabin in the garden that was the classroom for the eleven's and above.My sister and I were not there that long.my sister was terribly home sick. I do remember a girl called Teresa, she was younger than me.and a very sweet girl, looking back she was only about three years old just a baby. She was in the infant class and slept in the nursery dormatory at the top of the stairs on the right. my dorm was above my class room I slept in the bottom bed of bunk beds.next to that was the boys dorm.My sister slept on the top floor.I remember going to school saturday mornings as well.

Wilton House

posted by irene trussler on 26 Apr 2008 at 3:34 pm

Hi Cathy and Blas I have found two photos of some girls at W.H. I have put them on friends reunited under summer at wilton House 1958/59. My sister leigh is on one. but i'm not on either.Can you name any of them I cant.


posted by Cathy Newton on 27 Apr 2008 at 5:30 pm

Hi Irene, I know the faces on your photo's but cant put a name to them, on the second picture their is a girl second from right, who looks like a french girl that used to stay in the summer holidays, her name was Isobelle Monet, she also had a brother Claude, they must have been about seven or eight.I will keep looking at your pictures and hope I can start to remember a few names, will let you know. Regards Cathy.

Wilton House Memories 3

posted by Blas H on 30 Apr 2008 at 9:47 pm

Hy Cathy and Irene, My brother Javier, who in the school they called him Ham, from the Canary Islands, was in the summer of 1962. Do you remember a little swimingpool, a sandpit, and a playground in the garden?. Near the building there were two tennis court. Next to the swiming pool the garden guard, grew some vegetables. Before the summer holidays there were allways sport competitions. The schools near ours were Pendragon school (for boys) just across the road and Charters Towers (girls), next to WH. I am trying to find the way to send you or put in a place you can see about forty photos I have from 1963-1966. If you look at Google, in Hastings Road, you can find the place were WH was, and were today there many houses. If you look from Hastings Road, to Muddy Lane, the school???s grounds, standed, on his rihgt side, next to two identicall residence for the elder people.

Wilton House Memories

posted by Cathy Newton on 01 May 2008 at 5:35 pm

Hi Blas, I remember the small vegetable garden and the tennis courts, the swimming pool was put in just after I left wilton house, I know Mrs Auer always said she would like to put in a small swimming pool, I also remember Charters Towers the girls school next door, and Pendragon the boys school.
If you go to friends reunited you can register free,you can load your photo's onto this site, if you call it, Blas memories of Wilton House, I will be able to see your photo's, Irene has got two photo's on friends reunited called Summer at
Wilton House 1958/59 you may know some of the girls in her photos. Looking forward seeing you pictures, hope you manage to get them on friends reunited, please let me know if you are successful. Regards Cathy

Wilton House Memories 3

posted by Blas H on 10 May 2008 at 11:23 pm

Cathy and Irene, I have managed to put about 50 photos in Friends Reunited, about my stay in WHS from 1963 to 1969. Look at my name, and the period of my stayed. Perhaps you can remember some of the persons I can?t. There are more recent photos of me. Also there many of the school itself, while it was in Hastings Road, when it moved to two buildings also in Hastings Rd, and finally the last place I knew and visited in 1972, Catsfield Place. I hope to recive some comments from you, and shore you will like this documents.

Wilton House Memories 3

posted by Cathy Newton on 13 May 2008 at 6:54 pm

Hi Blas,
Many Many Thanks for the great photo's you put on friends reunited, It brought back so many wonderful memories, it was fantastic to see the school again and Hastings Rd as it used to be, you were right about Kay Boyde that is Kay in your photo, also the boy with the monkey looks like a boy called Maurice Tobin who was at wilton house when I was there, it was also nice to see the photo of you and your wife when you visited Bexhill. If you ever visit bexhill again, perhaps you could let me know, and we can meet up, and swap memories, my brother and sister now live in Bexhill they both went to Wilton House, so they have a lot of memories.
Once again Blas thank you so much for taking the time to load your photo's on friends reunited.
Kind Regards to you and your wife, Cathy

Wilton House Memories 4

posted by Blas H on 22 May 2008 at 10:21 pm

Very kind what you have writed Cathy. Your brother and sister were at the school at the same as I was, from 1963 to 1969?. What is their original surname?. Perhaps I remember them. You are right on the name of the boy in the photo, Maurice Tobin, when you have mention it , I?ve remember him. It?s more than 45 years when I first arrive to the school. Based on Friends Reunited, I?ve contacted three persons that overlapped with me at the school. In the weekend I will try to put a few more photos in FUnited, about WHS and friends. When I see the little boys, 4 - 5 years old, in the photos, that were left by their parents, in aur boarding school, it?s hard to explain from my actual age. Regards from your school mate. Blas

Wilton House Memories

posted by Cathy Newton on 26 May 2008 at 7:56 pm

Hi Blas, nice to hear from you, my brother and sister left in 1962 when I left Wilton House so you would not have known them, I do understand what you are saying about the younger children, it makes me cry now when I think back, they must have missed their mothers and fathers they were far too young to be left. I have been in contact with Kay Boyde and she is going to upload some photo's on friends reunited she has a photo of Bill Farmfield, he used to teach the boy's football,
and also do the gardening at the school, you may remember him.
I am off to Antigua on the 28th May for two weeks, hope to speak to you when I return.
Kind Regards to you and your family, Cathy.

Catsfield Place/Wilton House School

posted by lorna collins on 03 Jun 2008 at 7:47 pm

Catsfield place is for sale at the moment! Pictures can be seen on the net.

My grandparents sold the house to mrs auer in the late 1960's, but my family still farm nextdoor.my grandad was the miserable farmer with the horses!

Old Schools

posted by Lorna Talbot Hammond on 04 Jun 2008 at 10:45 am

Does anyone know of an old school in Ellerslie Road, Hastings? Possibly St. Leonard's? My father in law was a boarder?

St John's Girls School

posted by Jonathan Warner on 07 Jun 2008 at 9:16 am

Can anybody help me with my research into St John's Girls School in Bexhill? My mother was there in the early/mid 1930s.

Wilton House

posted by joy jeffries on 14 Jun 2008 at 2:39 pm

i was at wilton house with good old matron mandy (1990)its fantastic to read about people who went there so many more year before me. what a history. is anyone out there who remembers me please get in touch. shame the place has closed down. wonder what the teachers are doing? mr greenwood mr cottage.... anyway see you soon!

Wilton House Memories 5

posted by Blas Hdez on 15 Jun 2008 at 9:32 pm

Cathy, I?ve uploaded 10 more photos. Hope you identify places. Thanks, to friends reunited, I?ve contacted another of my good friends in WHS, Philippe Moeller. Regards, Blas

Wilton House Memories 5

posted by Cathy Newton on 19 Jun 2008 at 6:51 pm

Hi Blas, many thanks for the photo's you uploaded, I was so pleased to hear you contacted your friend Philippe Moeller, I am sure you will find more of your friends on friends reunited.
Thank you once again Blas for bringing back some special memories with your photo's.
Regards to you and your family, Cathy.

Good Ole Broomham School!!

posted by Rachel Gearing on 29 Jun 2008 at 11:05 pm

I too went to Broomham School; I too remember Matron Ann and Matron Catherine who used to plait my hair and both were motherly caring women.

Remember the head master, Mr Auer and his wife and their daughter I think she was called Colette.

I recall the teachers Mr Prince who used to teach History, and was their a Mr Hickman?

In my class years, there was Luke Malpass, Christopher Churcher, Rebecca Evans, Cecil Mackintosh, and many more of my friends and fellow classmates. Who if they use this site, would love to hear from?

Any more memories?


David Parker Re Collington Manor

posted by John.cobra on 03 Jul 2008 at 10:53 pm

Hello david, My Brother & I were Also there in 62 as well, Do you remember Sadie? she spent most of her time in the tv room writing letters of the alphebet in an old exersize book, And all sitting waiting for the first episode of Dr Who.

Would be happy to chat sometime if pos,
Regards from a Co- Boarder.


posted by Sheila smith on 02 Aug 2008 at 11:20 am

I have been looking in on the Pendragon School in Bexhill 1960 time.
It has all shocked me to see such cruelty that went on there....I have been in touch with one or two of the old boys who were there then...just wondered if anyone at yr school knew any of the boys who were there then....dont know how near yr school was to Pendragon but if it wasn't too far away then maybe U knew of the boys there then?.
Pendragon was a boys boarding school.
I would B pleased to hear from anyone who knew the school or any of the boys there then.Or knew ANYTHING about the school.

Wilton House School

posted by Jackie Haigh (nee) Burkill on 03 Aug 2008 at 8:42 pm

I went to Wilton House School for just one term in early 1968. I am looking for Susan Lewis (maiden name) who was there with me. We had become friends in Dar-es Salaam, she has a brother called Stephen. Can anyone help?

Lost Shcool

posted by patricia ann howe on 19 Sept 2008 at 9:13 am

im looking for a school St marys all i can remenber was that all the kids there where diffrent some had fits some could not walk i was there cos i was un controable and could not read or write there was a girl who would not talk even she talked in the dru the a load off us made her (bullied) as they would say today i no a name but cant say as its not fair to her.i must have been about 11 if not younger i have one a book showing the bedrooms and one school report i was kicked out as they could not help me (note to school i did well in end)but its this school that keeps popping into my mind i do no we had to take i top blanket for are bed so it become ares please help im a laryngcetomy i had my voice box removed cos off cancer i have 5 kids and grandkids and would love to show them the schoolthat has stayed inmy head all those years im 52 years now soit was a longlime patricia ann from portsmouth

Lost School

posted by Dorothy on 21 Sept 2008 at 6:26 pm

Hi Patricia. St Mary's school for handicapped children is still here. It is in Wrestwood Road, it is a wonderful school.
Glad to know you turned out OK in the end.

Normandale School

posted by David Tompkins on 23 Sept 2008 at 9:16 am

Does anybody remember Normandale School? I went there in the very early '60's, after we moved to Bexhill from Old Coulsden in Surrey. I can't remember the name of the road, but there was another school right next door, called Harewood, and I remember the rivalry between the two, especially the sports. The Headmaster of Normandale was a Mr Palmer and his wife did the cooking. A Mrs Trussler was the school nurse, and a very demonstrative Irishman by the name of Norman Lambert was the english teacher. I know the school has since been demolished after the Palmers sold up and moved to Somerset. Other teachers that I remember were Mr Hockley (or Hocking) who taught French and english, and a Colonel Frith. A terrific school.
I moved to Australia in 1971, but if anyone remembers the school, or indeed went to the school, I'd love to hear from you.

Normandale School

posted by Dorothy on 24 Sept 2008 at 2:14 pm

Hi David.
I remember Normandale school because I used to work there many years ago,I was dormitory cleaner,my mother also worked there ,she was a cleaner in the private part of the school for Mr & Mrs Palmer.
I was no longer working there when the school closed and often wondered where Mr & Mrs Palmer went to

Normandale School

posted by David Tompkins on 26 Sept 2008 at 9:41 am

Nice to hear from you Dorothy. I was a day pupil so probably would not have met you at the time. It was probably one of the happiest schools I went to. I remember Mr Palmer was cricket crazy and that he kept a miniature cricket bat that was signed by one of the touring Australian teams from around the late 40's. It was used on very very rare occasions for disciplinary purposes. I must admit, I never saw it used in anger!! He was too nice a man for that I believe.
Do you still live around Bexhill? I haven't been back to the UK since moving here, but it's on the agenda before age gets the better of me. We lived on the corner of Egerton and Cornwall Roads.

Normandale School

posted by Dorothy on 27 Sept 2008 at 5:48 pm

Hello David.
Yes it was a very happy atmosphere at Normandale and I enjoyed working there,I did'nt see much of Mr Palmer mainly Mrs Palmer because she dealt with the staff,she was a lovely lady to work for and when I got married she paid for my wedding cake.
Yes I still live in Bexhill and have done so most of my life.
Bexhill has changed so much over the years which you will discover if you do manage to get back here for a visit
All the Best

Harewood School

posted by Mike Bondy on 05 Oct 2008 at 7:23 pm

I was a pupil, and a boarder, at Harewood School between 1958-1961.
It was a very happy time for me personally. Mr Phillips was the Headmaster. I recall other masters like Mr Morgan, Mr Mulvihill and Miss Soundy who taught art. There was a good healthy rivalry with Normandale next door. There were 3 houses Waterloo,Blenheim and Trafalgar. When did the school close down? If anyone who was there at the same would like to exchange memories with me, I would be delighted.

Fiona Hemsworth Re. Beehive Bexhill

posted by R.Reeve on 15 Oct 2008 at 12:23 pm

Hi Fiona, I have a postcard of The Beehive Bexhill-on-Sea but Google has not come up with anything.
Perhaps you can help?
It looks like the interior of a church.
If you send me your email address I will send scan of the card.
My email address is robert764reeveATbtinternet.com (replace the AT with @)
Regards Bob.


posted by SHIV ANAND on 15 Oct 2008 at 3:40 pm

I went to Normandale from summer(?) 1955 to December 1956, when John Palmer was the headmaster. David Tompkins, I thought the school was on Collingwood Avenue, but I don't find that on ViaMichelin or Google Maps, but there is Collington Ave.
I also recall Harewood as they played Hockey whereas we played Rugger. Both schools seem to have disappeared 'coz I can't see on satellite maps any playing fields with a large house representing Normandale and Harewood.
And Mr. Palmer's cricket enthusiasm also meant a motorable mower, with lovely patterms of mowing.
While I was there we had a record cricket score of 240+ for one wicket, but I don't remember against whom. I still have a photo of the scoreboard.
I use to enjoy the birthday cakes with marzipan and royal icing.

St Mary's School

posted by Maria Batty on 18 Oct 2008 at 12:17 am

I used to go to st mary's school back in the 70's i did not like it at first it was a very odd experience but i did settle eventually i was there for about 6 years my name is Maria Batty from Sheffield it would be nice to hear from anyone who may remember me from all that time ago back then the head was Miss Shaw.

Beehive, Broadoak Manor

posted by Margaret Boyce Morley on 21 Oct 2008 at 11:36 pm

I was at The Beehive from 1954 to 1958. Miss Wilson was the headmistress. In my class there were Candy Furlong, Anne Ballantyne,(Bolly) Gill Blowey, Jill Balcomb, also 'Wilkie', Barbara Davies (Weed), 'Spaniel', amongst others. Do contact me via e-mail any old mates reading this. In retrospect, not the best years of my life! Miss Coggan (english) had the greatest influence. Much to reminisce about.2

Answer To Your Question

posted by Margaret Boyce Morley on 21 Oct 2008 at 11:50 pm

The name of the school in Broadoak Lane, was The Beehive. It was a girls' school.

To Nigel Gibbon

posted by Margaret Boyce Morley on 21 Oct 2008 at 11:58 pm

I was at school in Broadoak Manor. I believe it became a health farm when the school was closed down, but can't be 100% sure of this.

Still Looking

posted by patricia ann howe on 22 Oct 2008 at 8:59 pm

St Mary's school for handicapped children i would love to noa bit more as i think this might have been school im so hoping i do have have the book they give you when you go to look at the school i will have to look for it i might give me names but it was such a long time ago

Thank You

posted by patricia ann on 22 Oct 2008 at 9:04 pm

thankyou for your massage made me feel good im still looking for this school
i wish i had paid more intrest at the time off being there i might not be having this troble now
but im not giving up well not yet

The Beehive. Bexhill

posted by Gilly Ponsford ne? Rawlings on 23 Oct 2008 at 5:08 pm

I too went to The Beehive,starting in the January term of 1958,shared a dormitory with Nicola Paget Scott in The Cottage. Dozy Beale was already there. Margaret Mallinson (I think) was the only other New Girl.
Iremember all the names Margaret Morley mentions,If anyone still has the photo of the whole school sitting in front of it,I'm a little squirt sitting on floor in front row. Fascinating to read all the history of the old place.
Although all my Old Bees are spread all over the country, we still keep in constant touch & visit each other with our families, every time out come the old school photos!!!
Ursula Horsley Smith Eng. & Div. lived near me,wonderful old girl, remembers every thing about all the girls & even what they are up to now. Sadly she died a couple of years ago aged 93,4 or 5. Very good going & she was so amusing. I sometimes bump into Spaniel's bro. he lives near me also.
Would love to know any more history of The Beehive, must have been fabulous when it was a family home. I left in the summer of 1962.

Harewood School

posted by Nick Mundy on 27 Nov 2008 at 3:59 pm

I was at Harewood School from 1958 to 1963. I recall the competitiveness with Normandale - our Headmaster (MJC Phillips) was also a cricket nut. The playing field was cut by gangmowers towed behind an old Riley sports car driven by Mr Mulvihill. If you were lucky you got to ride in the dicky seat! Probably illegal now. Happy times.

Dalhousie School

posted by Gudrun Gisladottir on 30 Nov 2008 at 3:20 am

Is there someone who can remember Dalhousie School at Buckhurts Rd 8-10-12 at 1960 to about 1970. I would like to get some informations about the school and the owners.

Charter Towers School

posted by danieal on 04 Dec 2008 at 7:50 pm

hi I went to charter towers from 1977 to 79 I am wondering if anyone has anymore information on what happend to the school.

Harewood School

posted by Mike Bondy on 20 Dec 2008 at 2:38 pm

Hi Nick (Message Nov 27),
Very pleased to see your memory of Harewood. We were there at the same time. Do you remember the matron,Janet Homer, a lovely lady who played her Nat King Cole,Neil Sedaka and "South Pacific" records in her room next to our dormitory. I recall us boarders making Airfix kits and drawing in the art room next to Mr Phillips study. Also boxing in the gym on Saturday afternoon with Mr O'Rourke. I see David Hare (now Sir) and Christopher Hudson (well known journalist) did well in later life. They were the brightest sparks while I was there. I remember waking up to the sound of the foghorns. Lining up after lunch for our sweet ration. There was a bit of hair tugging and ruler tapping for punishment, but nothing that didn't make you remember your latin verbs next time! I was a Londoner there and had a dear aunt who lived in St Leonards. Please get in touch if you can add anything more. Cheers.

St John's School, Bexhill

posted by Nicky Painter on 23 Dec 2008 at 8:56 pm

For Jonathen Warner.

My Mother also went to St John's. She was born in 1912 (died earier this year aged 95!)so probably a bit before yours. I don't know much about the school but I do have a School photo somewhere among Mum's stuff!


posted by Richard Abbott on 28 Dec 2008 at 5:42 am

I was a boarder at Harewood from about 1951 to 1954. Some of the messages have reminded me if people I forgot including the Phillips although he was not the headmaster when I was there - but cannot remember the name of the person. Mr Mulvihill was there and Mr Young was my music teacher and was the choir master at St Augustine's where I used to sing in the choir - choir practice I think was Wednesday and then two services every sunday. I also remember having to stay at school over the summer holidays probably in 1952 when Mum and Dad went to NZ to see his family. I also seem to remember Mr Bromley was master who went off to start his own school and tried to persuade all the parents at Harewood at the time to send their boys to his school - that is when I left and went to Ardingly College near Haywards Heath

Harewood School

posted by Julian Beavan on 01 Jan 2009 at 1:49 pm

Nick & Mike.How bizarre to do a search for this school and find several entries made so recently. I was there from 1959-1961 too going on to Cranbrook School with Richard Iliffe and Thompson. Others were Robinson, Turtle (American) Patel brothers and my best mate was Butcher. There was Waring, Winchester, Haslam,Madeley,Bannister,Osborne,Selfe. We used sirnames only in those days. Yes Matron - Janet Homer. Kisses at night for the whole dormitory! Hair pulling and ear twisting from Mr (Dai)Morgan with yellow nicotine fingers!! And a gay Mr Gadstone who taught music. Collingwood Avenue/Road was where it was. I wonder what happened to Mr Phillips and when the school closed down?? Girls School I remeber only Winceby House. How interesting. Would love to hear from any contempories. I live in Hampshire now.

Harewood School - Bexhill-on-Sea

posted by Julian Beavan on 01 Jan 2009 at 2:03 pm

I have already written on the School thread and there were 3 boys from Harewood School. I was there from 1959-1961 with the likes of Iliffe, Thompson (both of whom like me went on to Cranbrook School), Bannister, Waring, Robinson, Madeley, Winchester, Osborne, Patel (2), Turtle (American), Haslam, Selfe, Butcher (my mate), Mills (twins). Mr Phillips was the Head with 2 little daughters. Mr Morgan taught Latin with a huge nose and yellow nicotine smelling fingers. He twisted your ears and pulled your hair for incorrect verbs!!. Matron was Janet Homer who used to give us all kisses before lights out (and after).Would love ot hear from any familiar names. I live in Hampshire. After Cranbrook I joined the Royal Marines and then went in FOREX Trading for 15 years.

Re: Rachel Good Ole Broomham School

posted by janina on 01 Jan 2009 at 9:43 pm

Rachel i so recognise your name and i was in cecils class with kerry thompson and sheridan barbary etc... my sis pip and bro theo we all went to broomham... we are all on facebook and there is a broomham network you can join.

Hope you remember me as i recognise your name!!!

Mrs Brockelbank

posted by dave on 24 Jan 2009 at 4:49 am

Dose anyone remember a teacher called mrs brockelbank from bexhill downs school?

Collington Manor 1953

posted by R Edwards on 27 Jan 2009 at 2:14 pm

I was at collington manor bexhill on sea? from 1953 to 1956 at the age of five,it was then an open air school for delicate children.I have some fond memorie,s of that time. Can any one remember this school at this time?

Charter Towers

posted by andrea head on 28 Jan 2009 at 10:04 am

charter towers merged with ancaster house in the 80's and i am pretty sure by the 90's was gone and the building became deralect, can't remember what it was called charters ancaster i think prob wrong, anyway, my mother worked in the kitchen at ancaster, the buildings are long gone and ancaster is now the site of bexhill collage.i not sure if the charter buildings are still there, were they off gunters lane?

Wilton House Memories From The Bahamas

posted by Eunice Mortimer on 30 Jan 2009 at 6:26 pm

Hi: My name is Eunice Mortimer - I too went to Wilton House School in 1968 - 1972. persons going there at the time would remeber me as "Pinkey Isaacs". There were quite a few Bahamians there at the time but there were kids from all over the world. The horse track and "outdoor heated swimming pool" were built during my tenure. The principal's name was "Mrs. Auer" - they use to collect us from the airport in her "mercedes" for the long ride to Catsfield place. I have asked many persons from the Bahamas who went there for information on the school because at one point I needed my school records and could not get any info. I remember Mark and Lindsay Wheaton, they use to go to their parents in Singapore during the breaks. There were two French girls in my dorm, Theresa and Yvonne.... If anyone has info, please contact me. I would like to get in touch with some of my old friends.

Remeber Me - From "The Bahamas"

posted by Eunice on 31 Jan 2009 at 2:30 am

Hi there - I went to Wilton House School years 1968 - 1971. I have very fond memories and not-too-fond memories. I remember the apple orchard, the outdoor heated swimmin pool and the horse tract among others. There was a teacher named Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Auer was the Headmistress and the barn was used as a "common room". We use to go next door to the farm and milk cows at times for fresh milk. The Cook's name was Anne and she use to also teach us Hrse Back Riding. Please get in touch with me - I have been trying to locate some of my friends.

Collington Manor

posted by Jackie on 02 Feb 2009 at 9:51 am

Response to Mr R.Edwards.
My late mother worked at Collington Manor in 1953.My mother's name was Jane Frain and was a young Irish lady with long black hair & blue eyes. My father has happy memories of his courting days when he used to meet my mother there. My father recalls that the matron was a very kind lady. I have contacted Bexhill Museum to see if they have any photos of Collington manor.If I have any luck I will sed to you. Jackie

Ancaster Gate/Ancaster House School

posted by Carol Shipley on 02 Feb 2009 at 8:11 pm


This is a long shot, but I went to Ancaster Gate school at 8 years old (Prep school) in 1959, and went on to Ancaster House School until I completed my O levels in 66/67. My name was Carol Percival. I still have contact with Alison Michelli and Ann Morris (Murky) however I would love to hear from anyone else who attended during that time. friend/

Collington Manor 1953

posted by Mr Richard Edwards on 04 Feb 2009 at 3:26 pm

Hi jackie, thanks for the respones to my message, I am so sorry to hear about your late mother.I do remember very well, a nice spoken young irish lady with long black hair,and some wear in my memorie her name was jane.Thanks for contacting the museum for me.THANKS AGAIN RICHARD.

Wilton House School Memories

posted by Dennis Kerr on 07 Feb 2009 at 2:45 am

Well hi to all, I just found all this by changes. I attended school in the early 60's and do remember Mrs. Auer,Mr.Farmfield Mr. England and other teachers,and A good hand fill of classmates, Kay Boyed,John Claude(I think he was French) Leroy Bascoe, Maruice Tobin, Albert Ashun (I think he had 2 sisters ), John & Junior Rodriguez, Pamela Bankyer and more. It would be nice to heir from them. I made some good friends there.

Response To Dennis Kerr/Wilton House School

posted by Eunice on 08 Feb 2009 at 4:31 am

Hi there Dennis:

You can go to "Friends Reunited.UK" and sign up. There are many of the Old Students of Wilton House School listed there. There is also some info on a Website from the Bahamas - goggle in "Wilton House" and you will find some info. I was able to contact a few friends through Friends Reunited".


Pinkey Isaacs-Mortimer

Eunice "Pinkey Isaacs" Mortimer

Harewood School - Julian Beavan

posted by Mike Bondy on 08 Feb 2009 at 6:37 pm

Hi Julian,
Yes, I do remember you, and everyone you mentioned. Iliffe and Haslam I remember fighting both of them in the school boxing tournament. Waring and I used to be good artists and had loads of our pictures on the art room walls.Yes, the kisses from matron, a good incentive and reward for clocking up house points ! I can recall going to a local horse show, seeing "Journey To The Centre of The Earth" at a Bexhill Cinema, both boarders outings. I was in the classroom at the far end of the corridor. I think the very bright boys like Pembroke,Hare and Hudson were up in the library. I went to Highgate and am now living in Highams Park,London, E4.

Response To Pinkey Isaacs Mortimer

posted by Dennis Kerr on 09 Feb 2009 at 3:26 am

I didn't think I would have gotten am response so soon. Thanks for the info.

Harewood School, Bexhill-on-Sea

posted by Julian Beavan on 10 Feb 2009 at 6:30 pm

Mike & Nick. This is surreal!! Nearly 50 years ago. Frightening! I have never met anyone from Harewood and indeed only 3 from Cranbrook School. Obviously not in the fast lane.

Shall we have a Harewood School Reunion?? That would be an event. We could all call each other by our surnames!!! julianbeavanATfreeuk.com (replace AT with @) or 07831 472718.

Ancaster Gate / House

posted by Sally Robertson on 28 Feb 2009 at 12:41 pm

Hi Carol - I was in the same year as you. e me via the link on my profile on Cloisters website.

Normandale School, Bexhill

posted by John Rivett-Carnac on 01 Mar 2009 at 10:33 pm

I was at Normandale School, with my two brothers, around 1957-1962. David Tompkins, I am pretty sure I remember you - you must have been in my year. I remenber Mr Hockley (French and English?) and Col "Frothy" Frith (Maths and Geog). Latin and Greek were taught by a batty old fellow called "Mothy" Moore, who was keen on fishing. Also there was boy there whose uncle did the cartoons for Dan Dare in the Eagle, so he got them the week before they came out in the comic. Another boy was Vandervell whose father or uncle owned the very successful Vanwall formula 1 racing team, and there was a boy from Hong Kong who could very quickly do amazing drawings of horses at full gallop, I think his name was Timothy T T Fok. And I think the matron was Mrs Philips who had two sons at the school. My uncle lived in Eastbourne and came to take us out on some Sundays in his convertible Daimler. The Palmers were very good people, but I remember John Palmer used to get quite tipsy some evenings, I think he drank quite a lot sometimes. Like Mike Bondy at Harewood, I remember the being woken by the foghorn on the Royal Sovereign lightship, we used to call it Moaning Minnie. The school closed very soon after I left and my younger brother transferred to Harewood next door just for his last year, I think. John.

The Beehive

posted by sarah lamburn on 04 Mar 2009 at 10:53 am

I was at the beehive in 1956 with Miss Wilson and Mrs Benson Davies as heads we had to speak french all day and each morning came down the beautiful sweeping staircase mentioned, where we had to curtsey to Miss Wilson and say good morning if she liked you she would give a beaming smile if not you got a curt nod which froze your very bones!

Harewood School; Bexhill-on-Sea

posted by Alan Langford on 12 Mar 2009 at 11:05 pm

Hello, Everyone who was at Harewood School.
I was amazed when I saw the Estate where the school once was.I was a Boarder for a couple of years from 1943-1945, at the age of 5 and a half: there was a war on!!
The Headmaster was a Mr. Spooner: we had to wear Eton Collars and a blue three piece suit for Church parade every Sunday:we walked two abreast. I was in Form 1 and the teachers were: Mr. Roberts, Geography/Art, Mr. Lewis, English/Latin, and various others who came and went at that time.
The Playing fields were lovely, although I was too young to take part seriously.
I still have my original School Reports!!

Normandale School

posted by David Tompkins on 15 Mar 2009 at 6:50 am

Hi John Rivett-Carnac, nice to hear from you. I certainly remember the last name, but whether it was you or your brothers, I can't say. Give me their first names and it will jog my memory for sure. John, where you at the school when we had the two french kids there, Georges and Antoinne Kayat? And a Belgian Lad whose name escapes me, but was not keen on speaking english. Used to read the Tin Tin comics all the time. Your piece above has reminded me of Mr Moore, who also had a whippet dog too if I remember, and the music teacher Mr Padgem. When I was there the head boy at the time was Weithaler (I think that's how you spell it)but I can't remember his first name. Also a couple of kids who came later, a Graham Payne (almost crossed eyed) and wore thick glases, and an Indian lad named Govindji. Both of them came from Kenya. Happy days. David

Harewood School

posted by David Isitt on 16 Mar 2009 at 1:06 pm

I was pupil from 1934 to 43, first as dayboy and later as a boarder at Abingdon during the war. Grim memories of corporal punishment, pain at the age of 10 as I have never ever suffered since. Mr Spooner, the head, known as Spud, kept a points system which we were all agreed he manipulated freely ?to provide adequate excuse for the next beating? These were very bad old days.


posted by DAVID PARKER on 22 Mar 2009 at 11:28 pm


Mothy Moore/Normandale School

posted by Diana Pedersen ne? Davis on 23 Mar 2009 at 9:48 am

Mothy Moore was my grandfather. He was the most excentric person I have ever known.He was very well known in Bexhill for being excentric. He used to have breakfast in the school drive in his car with the toaster and kettle plugged into the school's plugs. Dog was called Griselda and he was very keen on fishing. I have just been home to England and my brothers and sister thought "Mothy Moore" was a lovely name. I went to The Beehive from 1952-1957.We used to have spelling competitions and Miss Holesworth for dancing lessons. Anybody remember Hugh Lasenby at Harewood School (Teacher)? My brother went there.

Collington Manor .

posted by RICHARD EDWARDS on 24 Mar 2009 at 4:18 pm

RESPONSE TO D. PARKER Hi david I was at collington manor from 55 to 58
I have some bad memorie,s like being left there at the age of 5 on my own by mother,and made to eat bread&butter pudding that made me sick.And some fond memorie,s of the children there playing in that somerhouse and climbing frame the walks down to the sea.The only photo I have sean is the back of the house on a postcard.take care richard.

The Latter Days Of Harewood

posted by Ian Wakeford on 25 Mar 2009 at 8:42 pm

Well it is certainly interesting to read the thoughts of some of my more mature Harewood school mates. I was at the school at the end of its life - mid to late 60's. Numbers by now were down to about 30 odd, with Mr Phillips still firmly in control, with Mrs Phillips busy mothering all the boys. I remember Mr Mulvihill was still there - just - and there were about three other teachers. I left to go to Bexhill Grammar School when most of my friends either went on to Eastbourne College or further afield.

One of the senior pupils at the time of my leaving was Clive Phillips, son of the headmaster. He became the last headboy, taking over from me. I think Mr Phillips was keen to keep the school going until Clive passed his Common Entrance and moved on, at which point the school with all that beautiful land to the south was sold and developed. The brick wall is still there on Collington Avenue, with the gap through which one passed by the swimming pool bricked up. There are two large blocks of flats where the school building stood, and a pleasant estate on the fields. I still live near Bexhill and have nothing but fond memories for my time at Harewood every time I pass by!

Ian Wakeford

Happy Days

posted by john savile on 26 Mar 2009 at 10:32 pm

Was at Normandale from 1935-9 when we were evacuated.The headmaster was Mr Beesley who was a passenger on the Titanic and wrote a very vivid description of this disaster. Have very happy memories of my sojourn there.

Friends @wilton House 1965

posted by philip sadler on 31 Mar 2009 at 10:44 pm

I would love any one who remembers me to get in touch im canadian and spent approx 3years at wilton house, hastings road.Bexhill

Response To Philip Sadler

posted by Pinkey Isaacs - Mortimer on 01 Apr 2009 at 2:25 pm

Hi Philip:

I was a student at Wilton House 1968-1972. Many of the former students are registered at Friends Reunited. Perhaps you can register on that site and browse profiles of the students, view old photos and send messages to those whom you might remember. Unfortunately I do not recall that name - but it does not mean that we did not cross paths there. By chance I learned of the site whilst trying to find info on Wilton House and since then I have located many of my former friends after some 35+ years - the site is truly amazing. Hope this hellps you.....



posted by Tony Westby-Nunn on 05 Apr 2009 at 7:32 pm

I remember Normandale School. I was there in the early 60s. The Cricket pitch had asphalt under the grass and there were no gates. The school was used as a military camp during the war so I gather. Hence the bad grass. I remember Palmer and of course Lazenby, who delighted in caning. I remember having to learn Logarithms pat off. I was in the Choir and went on trips to Chichester Cathedral. I was a boarder as my parents lived in Aden Colony. Would like to hear from you lot.

Lawrnce Beesley Head Master Normandale School

posted by S G Flint on 20 Apr 2009 at 2:52 pm

Lawrence Beesley was born 1877 he of my Flint Macbeth and Beesley family also rembered for being a survivor of The Titanic disaster 1919 having written the book upon which the film A Time to Remember was based..He was one time science teacher at Anthony Gell School Wirksworth where he lived from a young age his parents being Henry Beesley and Maria nee James Henry Bank Manager at Capital & Counties Bank Wirksworth once owned by Richard Arkwright & Co Richard Arkwright son of Sir Richard Arkwright Cotton Mercer Richard Arkwright's wife Mary nee Simpson Grt neice of my 5XGrandfather Peter Simpson...
Lawrence Beesley was married to Gertrude Cecile Macbeth of my family as his 1st wife whose son Alec Beesley married Dodie Smith the author of 101 Dalamatians and other such works Lawrence's 2nd wife was Muriel Greenwood known as Molly Lawrence was Head around the 1930s /40s He died in the 1960s in his 80s at Lincolns Inn Fields

Beehive, Broadoak Manor. Bexhill

posted by Kathleen Moulin(nee Searle) on 02 May 2009 at 5:57 pm

I was at the Beehive from 1950-1957. Miss de Putron was head at the beginning then Miss Wilson and Mlle Rolin taught us French, we spoke french all day till after tea.I was there with Mary Dean,Jane Dean,Sandra Cooke, Vicky Cooke,Helen Richie,Anthea Marshall,all the Honeywells and many more, I loved it there, it was like home to me as my parents lived in India.We had sports every afternoon and fixtures with Ancaster House, Effingham, Charters Towers and Rodean, we had our own chapel and I made my first communion there,I went back about 10 years ago and nothing was familiar, not even a tree,(the dreaded housing estate had arrived)it was a beautiful house and yes the staircase was magnificent, as were the grounds.we had three houses St Cecelia, St.Catherine and St.Prisca.I wish it still existed and we could have an Old Bees reunion. Lovely days

Wilton House School Bexhill

posted by john on 03 May 2009 at 4:18 am

Hi All
I was there around 1963/4 - it was a
Boarding School run by the Council.
For me and others it was a bad experience, we all had a tough time. I done alright though,hope you made it too.

Dalhousie School

posted by Kitty Lieungh on 12 May 2009 at 2:57 pm

Hi Gudrun,
I went to Dalhousie School during two summers in the early 60's. The owners were Mr and Mrs Konarziewski, aka Mr and Mrs Henry. One of the teachers was Miss Pasco.
There were many French pupils.
Were you a student or did you work like many Icelandic girls did.
I also remember the ugly dogs, the table tennis hut and the tennis field.
Would be nice to hear from you.

Dalhousie School

posted by Gudrun on 14 May 2009 at 1:40 am

Hi Kitty,
good to hear from you :)

I was a student in Dalhousie School the summer 1967. It was a lovely summer and I often think back to Bexhill.

I remember the ugly dog too and the tennis hut and the field. I also remember the custard with or without trickle tart. :)

I can?t recall the name Miss Pasco but Miss Rogers I remember and of course Mr.and Mrs Henry. I think Mr. Henry was from Poland.

Yeh, many Frence girls were there and I have been in very good contact with my Frence room mate for over a forty years.

Where are you from Kitty?

Dalhousie Again

posted by Kitty Lieungh on 14 May 2009 at 3:06 pm

Hello, Gudrun
You went to Dalhousie a little later than me.
I am from Finland but live in Norway. I remember speaking Swedish with an Icelandic room mate of mine. She spoke Danish. We understood each other perfectly because my accent was Finnish and hers Icelandic = better than the original languages!
Smoking was prohibited, so of course we had to smoke, even at the cinema.
I remember the custard, too. I liked it. Not so with the white bread with jam and something very sweet and yellow to drink at midday.
Bexhill was a very nice town. Maybe it still is.

Merland House School

posted by Owen Bray on 18 May 2009 at 6:53 pm

Does anyone remember Merland House prep school 130 Dorset Road?
I attended there from 1962 - 1965 I believe it was still going in the late 1960's but all trace seems to have have disappeared.
The Headmaster and Headmistress were also chief cooks and bottle washers - a Stanley L B Smith was his name born in Poonah I believe.
Bexhill of the Mid 60's was a good place for a displaced child.

Charter Towers School For Girls

posted by Jennifer Smith on 19 May 2009 at 2:19 pm

I went to CTSG in 1972-73 and am looking for my classmates. I'm Jennifer Smith and at that time I hailed from the US Virgin Islands. Karan Hemmings, Judith Condie, Jackie Chung, Francesca Mascaretti, Julia, Fife Scobie ... anybody out there? jennifersmithAT@gmail.com (replace AT with @) - drop me a line!!

Charters Towers In 1944!

posted by chris barnett on 26 May 2009 at 12:28 am

i have some photos from charters towers school when it was evacuated to liphook during the war, as the school was used as a militart installation. they are in an album listed on ebay under item number 190310264972

Dave/ Brockelbank

posted by Carol Naughton on 10 Jun 2009 at 1:04 pm

Hi Dave , I remember Miss Brocklebank from the downs school, don't think I liked her very much, ( hope that's not a relation though )

Memories Of Wilton House School

posted by Kay Boyde on 20 Jun 2009 at 4:11 pm

My brother John and I were at WHS from 1959/66. Over the last few years through friends reunited I have kept in touch with several people. I have put some photos on. There were 3 matrons during our time there and the teachers were Mr Smith Guller, Moore, Johnson(i'll give you a fourpenny one). Mrs Auer did some teaching and Bill Farmfield took us for sports. it would be great to have a reunion and meet again

Memories Of Wilton House School

posted by Chinyere on 22 Jun 2009 at 9:39 am

Hi all, woke up this morning and decided to google Wilton House, just to see what it looked like today... so sad its not existing anymore. Am Nigerian and was in there between 1981 and 83.. Cant remeber who the Principle was but i do remeber Matron Ann and Mandy... Stayed at HIgh House. We had loads of fun there..There was this girl from Hong Kong and my room mates then were two german sisters Paula and (Cant recall her sisters name).

I guess i really enjoyed my brief stay there. Please anyone who remebers me please do get in touch at this address - chinokoro@yahoo.com. would be nice.

Hi - Old Broomhamites

posted by Vincent Wade on 05 Jul 2009 at 1:02 pm

I don't remember you Rachel Good. However, I was a teacher at Broomham School 1995 - 2000, when it closed. I was intrigued beacuse I was shown a copy of this e-mail, and the many comments about Wilton House - as you well know - Broomham was the prep-school part of the organisation; Broomham was owned by Jan Auer. Anyway, I have returned to the site, but it is now owned by another school!It is run very differently to the old school.

The Beehive

posted by Margaret Lupton nee Clements on 07 Jul 2009 at 7:05 pm

I was at the Beehive from 1960 to it's closure. It was a wonderful time in my life and I made lots of friends. If there is anyone out there that remembers me, please contact me.
Margaret (Bobby)

Charters Towers 1962-1966

posted by Sonia Ellis (Goodwin) on 20 Jul 2009 at 2:20 am

I moved to Canada when I left in 1966 and remember so many wonderful friends that I reluctantly left. We all moved on and it was difficult to keep in contact. I remember Ronnie Choules, Bettina Reeves, Elizabeth White and so many others but I have to go back and look at my old albums to get their names...we are all nearing our 60's and I would love to hear from anyone who might remember these wonderful years ...I will write more names when I find them...July 2009 from Oakville, Ontario

Wilton House School

posted by teddy on 22 Jul 2009 at 5:37 am

some students re-united on Facebook too!



St Francis School, Bexhill

posted by Elisabeth Short (Whitfeld) on 22 Jul 2009 at 12:45 pm

I was a pupil at St Francis from 1956 to 1961. Does anyone remember the school on the Downs. The headmistress was Miss Hilda Fulford and she had a sister we called Miss Violet.

Wilton House School

posted by robin nichols bahamas on 23 Jul 2009 at 1:52 am

h ello to anyone,my sister lisa and i went to wilton house in 1966-70 spent 2yrs catsfield plc a very special time in our lives.persons such as tulu okisanya, paul djeleto,albert ashun,mark seabrook,nigel illingsworth ,holly dobbs,eddie coffey or anyone aroud that time ,we would love hear from you

Wilton House School

posted by Pinkey Isaacs-Mortimer on 24 Jul 2009 at 6:39 am

Hi there Robin:

This is Pinkey Isaacs - Join Wilton House School on "Friends Reunited" - Many of the former students are there, as well as on Face Book under "Wilton House School Alumni" and "Broomham School". Paul Djoleto asked for both you and Lisa and I just received an e-mail from him. He is also on facebook.


Pinkey Isaacs-Mortimer, Freeport, Bahamasf3

Nice Finding Old Friends

posted by robin nichols on 24 Jul 2009 at 9:52 pm

h i pinky, now that name is one i do remember how are you ? are you here in nassau?would love to see you,also, how is paul djeleto? i cant find him anywhere are there oters that you have found?

It So Nice To Hear From You!!!!

posted by Pinkey Isaacs-Mortimer on 26 Jul 2009 at 3:24 am

Hi Robin:

So nice hearing from you - I am in Freeport, although I visit Nassau quite often. As for the former students, do you remember Patrick Overington? Theresa Hunt? Yasmin Carroll? Sherry Taylor? Joan Collie? and there are so many others.....I have contacted many of them and still keep in touch. Paul Djoleto has been trying to contact you and lisa on Bahamas Travellers page. His e-mail address is margihcraATyahoo.co.uk (replace AT with @) - Lisa wrote on the Bahamas Traveller page and I answered her and gave her my e-mail address - (pinkeymortimerAThotmail.com). Join Wilton House School on "Friends Reunited" and there is also a "Wilton House School Alumni" page on Facebook. A whole lot of old photos and memories! Its so nice catching up with you after so many years. We are trying to arrange a reunion but its so hard to track everybody down. If you are still in contact with any of the others let me know. Drop me a line so we can keep in touch and I will be sure to call you when next I am in Nassau.

Pinky finally ,feels Good

posted by robin nichols bahamas on 27 Jul 2009 at 1:27 am

pinky , this so nice am actually in freeport quite a bit.got alot of property there am actually in preparation to move there and commute to nassau for business my offc#s 363 2992 ext 3201/2 festiva resorts cell give a call my email is bazelnATyahoo.com (replace AT with @) and yes i do remember theresa hunt god what are they doing?

Bexhill Girls Grammar School

posted by Bonni Hall on 11 Aug 2009 at 8:22 am

My maiden name was Skinner. I am one of four sisters and we lived in The Watermill, Watermill Lane. I was at Bexhill Girls Grammar School from about 1952 to 1956. I remember Irene Adams, Josephine Turner, Angela Davis amongst others. We were in the same class. Our English reacher was a Miss Landsdowne and we eagerly await her arrival to see what colour high heels and twin set she was wearing as she never seemed to wear the same colours twice!!!!!!!!!!! I would also dearly love to find Hazel Jefcoate {sp?} who married a Dave Hamilton and the last I heard they had two sons. I believe they moved to Berkshire or Surrey. Can anyone help?

Update Re Friends From Charters Towers

posted by Sonia Ellis (Goodwin) on 22 Aug 2009 at 1:19 am

I went to CTS from 1962-1966, I am now in contact with Esther Domar (Gruenfeld) and Brenda Hutton...it would be great if we could find some other ladies who went to CTS during this time. Write if you would like to join this small, persistent group!
Sonia from Oakville, Ontario, Canada

St Francis School For Girls

posted by elisabeth short on 24 Aug 2009 at 10:57 am

Can't believe no-one remembers St Francis School for Girls! I was in a class with Jane Clare, Mary Field, Judith Ensell, Carol Godfrey, Stella Houston, Pauline Neath, etc. 1956 to 1961.

Any of you out there, or any relatives or friends of those girls?


posted by Alan Taylor on 26 Aug 2009 at 8:09 pm

Folks, Having just come across this site by accident I have to say reading the messages is like a walk down memory lane, most of the names mentioned from the 50?s and 60? s I remember well, Pamela Bankier (I think she spelt it but I may be wrong)I knew fairly well and Miss Moore as we called her in the 50?s taught me to read. She even lent me some stripped stockings to use when I played Widow Twanky in a school play of Aladdin put on for the parent one Christmas in the gym, early 60?s I think.
I?m sad to hear they pulled the place down as I had some great times there ? some not so wonderful but such is life. I would love to get in touch with Stephen Andrew Smedley so if anyone knows of his whereabouts I?d be grateful for a pointer.

Wilton House, Hastings Rd

posted by Catherine Newton on 28 Aug 2009 at 12:39 pm

Hi Alan, I remember you from W.H, you may remember
my brother and sister billy and winnie Trickett, my
brother remembers you.
Do you remember Kaye and John Boyde, if you get on to
friends reunited and go to Wilton House you will find lots of
past pupils who attended WH at the same time we
were there, I am sure you will find Stephen Smedley there
or someone who knows him, I wish you luck.
Hope you are keeping well, kind regards,Cathy.

Charters Towers 1976-1979

posted by risana chowdhury on 01 Sept 2009 at 5:15 pm

I went to CTS from 1976 to 1979. I live in the U.S. and went back in 2006 with my children to show them the school. I knew the school disbanded in 1986 (I had recd an alumni newsletter, from my dear friend Beatrice Lau -who I am desperately trying to link up with again- with news from many old Charterians, including a message from Ms. Reynolds) but I wanted to show the school grounds to them. The buildings have been refurbished into condominiums (flats), but on the side of the end buildings, it says "charters towers". The field at the back is all gone to a new residential neighborhood. But amazingly enough, the retirement home across CTS (on Hastings Rd) remains just as it was in 1979, even with the (same?!) lace curtains in the windows :-)

Anyone recognize me? Please drop me a line!


posted by DAVID PARKER on 15 Sept 2009 at 1:48 am


CTS Old Girl

posted by Susanne Bentley Hardy on 26 Sept 2009 at 3:19 am

A message for Sonia Goodwin, last I saw you was in Montreal back in the 70s', yes we are all about 60 now, and I too would like to contact those in our year of 1964 - 1966. I live in Australia now

For Sonia Goodwin

posted by Susanne Bentley Hardy on 27 Sept 2009 at 9:54 pm

I remember all those people you mention and especially you and have many photos of all of us, including Pamela Thomas, Katie Lahaniatis, Beth ? to add to the list. Hope we can be in contact again.

Ancaster Gate

posted by Penny Jagdhuber on 27 Sept 2009 at 11:01 pm

Ref post from Carol Shiply Feb 09, also looking for people about 1960, ie Joanna Mount, Edwina Murphy, Nina Wigg, however I was about 11.

Charters Towers - Remember Me?

posted by Anne on 04 Oct 2009 at 4:38 am

I went to school there between 1970- 1975-Do you remeber Susan Fisher, Elaine Goldwynn Paulette Wozniak, Jackie Martin, Bisi, Gillian, I can't remember the last names but have tons of pics of everyone including the school picture of everyone. Mrs. McGarry was headmistress and then I think Mrs. Howl.

The Beehive

posted by Angela Gabrielsen nee Collier on 11 Oct 2009 at 3:25 pm

I was at the Beehive from 1960 until it closed. I was Head Girl in the last year. I keep in contact with Jennifer Kenrick and Cynthia Kay ( I can't remember her surname.) I am now living in Norway with my family.

Merland House School

posted by Roelof Vuurboom on 16 Oct 2009 at 7:43 pm

I attende Merland House School sometime around 1960-61. I think.

I remember the headmistress Mrs. Smith and being able to look out of the bedrooms to the sailing boats on the sea.

I still even have the green and yellow tie. ;=)

regards roelof

Lawrence Beesley

posted by David Quilter on 21 Oct 2009 at 2:57 pm

to S G Flint.
Hello, I'm Lawrence Beesly's grandson and I just wanted to correct a couple of things in your message. The title of the Titanic film was A Night to Remember and my grandfather died in the city of Lincoln where my parents lived for many years. I was born in his house in Northwood Mddx in the early forties when he was running a coaching school. Muriel died in 1948.

Collington Manor

posted by Ian Haynes on 27 Oct 2009 at 7:56 pm

I was at Collington Manor in the 1950s and have six 2 x 2 inch photos. The quality is what you'd expect from the fifies but they show the beautiful rear gardens and front doorway.

I read somewhere that the old manor was demolised - is this true?

Hello Again.....

posted by Anne Cunningham on 30 Oct 2009 at 11:25 am

In resposne to Jennifer Smith.

Hi Jennifer, I sent you an email but have not heard anything so not sure if your email is working. My name is Anne Cunningham and I went to CTS from 1970- 1975 and I think I have pictures of you. I do have one of Jackie Chung. If you go to facebook you can check them out and then maybe it will jog your memory. If there is anyone else out there that went to CTS during these years I would love to hear from you. I visited the old school about 5 years ago and they have converted it to apartments which was a little sad for me since I had such fond memories there. I also have pictures of some of the teachers. Anyone remember Mr. Fox our Chem teacher? Or Miss Tongas the house matron. So many recolections. Also trying to get in touch with Dawn Teper, if your out there Dawn shoot me a note. Have connected with a few people, Salwa Alghomari, Jarsea Burphy, Debbie Lambert, Debbie Lee. Hope to reconnect with others, till then take care and God bless.

Response To Ian Haynes

posted by RICHARD EDWARDS on 30 Oct 2009 at 12:17 pm

Hi ian the old house was pulled down in the mid 60,s i checked it out at bexhill library.I was at collington manor in 1953 to 56 or 57 they used to call me ricky.The only photo i had was on a postcard of the backdoors coming out on that lovely garden.hope this has helped richard.

History Of All Saints School And Church?

posted by natasha on 03 Nov 2009 at 3:36 pm

Does anyone know the history of All Saints school and church?I love history and am interested to know when the school and church were built and what was there before the church and school were there. Any information would be truely appriciated.

Many thanks,


Old School in Bexhill

posted by Karen Darville on 03 Nov 2009 at 8:29 pm

Does anyone know if there was a school in Bexhill called St Ives. My grandmother is 96 said she went to it in the 1920's! I cannot find anythiing about it. She thinks it was near the De La Warr Pavilion. Thanks

Ancaster Gate/ancaster House School

posted by Jacobs Francois on 15 Nov 2009 at 8:23 pm

This is for Carol Shipley, i visited ancaster
house, in 1970, if i'm correct, it was a school for girls who where learning to become a nurse,i met a girl there her name
was Charlotta Cristofas, lost all contact with her at the end of 1974,did you know here? All info would be welcome,just wonne know of she is okay.
thanks a lot
Francois Belgium


posted by ian haynes on 18 Nov 2009 at 10:10 am

Thanks Richard for the sad news about the Collington Manor. What a waste of a beautiful building. Anyway - after Collington I went to a home in Surry for 3 years after which I was reclaimed by my mother and step father. Bad move - but at 17 I moved to Australia and after a few adventures am enjoying retirement in Sydney. Hows the old dart going?

St Francis School For Girls

posted by Elisabeth Short on 20 Nov 2009 at 7:44 am

I am still trying to locate anyone who remembers St Francis School and the late headmistress Miss Hilda Fulford. Would love to be in contact with anyone from the 1950's and 1960's who went to the school

Remember Me?

posted by Sharon Stearne Rundall on 23 Nov 2009 at 5:20 am

My brother David Stearne and I attended Wilton House from 1962-64. I have some memories of Wilton House...not all good but I do remember Leroy Bascoe and Kay and John Boyd, Alice Maharg, Philipe Mueller, Stephen Smedley. I also remember some really young children in cribs one was a little boy from Nigeria. I think his name was Essian Udo anyone else remember? I stayed there year round and we used to go on lots of field trips in the summer. My parents lived in Belize and they picked the school from a catalog. After we had been there a few years they came to visit and withdrew us from the school that very day. I remember that the older girls moved into a house across the street. I remember going to see the Beatles new movie "Help". I remebber we used to all watch Dr Who together every Saturday night. We ate a lot of pilchards on toast. I would really like to hear from anyone that was there when I was. Especially the people I mentioned.


posted by CATHERINE SULLIVAN on 24 Nov 2009 at 11:19 am

It would be great to hear from anyone who was
at School at the same time as myself


Sharon Stearne

posted by kay boyde on 28 Nov 2009 at 4:47 pm

Hi Sharon, remember you and your brother well. if you go on to the Friends Reunited website put in wilton house School, you will come across a lot of the people mentioned there. look forward to hearing from you Kay Boyde

Merland House School

posted by Dike Obih on 29 Nov 2009 at 10:37 pm

Hi Owen Bray & Toelof Vuurboom
I attended Merland House School between 1961 and 1963 I think.I would also like to get information about what happened to the school too. I remember the school was near the sea. I also remember watching tv with other kids and being taught how to swim. We would use glass I think to focus the sun's rays on paper and cause it to burn.I would like to establish contact with the two of you. Take care.

Merland House ... 1964

posted by norman wheatley on 14 Dec 2009 at 10:17 pm


My brother and I were at Merland House for 18 months, I think. Mum and Dad were in th earmy in Germany and thought it was a good prep school. It wasn't but that's another story.
I recall meeting a woman in Sydney in 1981 who'd been at Merland house in the mid 70's.


Collington Manor

posted by Jon Green on 17 Dec 2009 at 1:45 pm

Re posts on Collington Manor; I have a photo of the outside of a large house which came attached to some wooden panelling which I bought at auction recently, which purports to have come from the drawing room at Collington Manor. If anyone would like me to send them a copy by email, please get in touch.


Charters Towers 1959-1962

posted by Angela Paddon (Reeve) on 04 Jan 2010 at 11:57 am

Just read the message from Sonia Ellis about CTS. I was at CTS from '59 to '62 when Miss. McGarry was headmistress and her mother (Madame) taught English. I too emigrated to Canada in 1990 and lived variously in Brantford, Hamilton, Stoney Creek and Grimsby. We returned a couple of years ago, but still visit with our youngest daughter and her canadian husband and family. I can't believe an old Charterian lived just up the road, so to speak for all those years! I'd love to hear from you, and anyone elese who remembers "paintbox"!

Harewood School

posted by Adrian Fenton on 11 Jan 2010 at 8:28 pm

I have just been having a look at this web site and found Harewood School I went to Harewood in 1939 when it was at Abingdon Mr Spooner was Head Master when the war started. My brother Nigel followed me a year later and we stayed there until the school returned to Bexhill in 1944 or 45 When we were at Abingdon I can remember the bombers returning from their bombing raids to the RAF airfield not far away we had an Air raid shelter in the front garden of the big house where we were staying. after the war we returned to Bexhill.
The other day I was going through some of my old papers and found post cards of Harewood School.
If any one wants to get in touch please email me.

Adrian Fenton g0nar@gotadsl.co.uk

Normandale School

posted by Diana Davies on 20 Jan 2010 at 3:56 pm

Normandale was evacuated to Wells Cathedral School during the last war. Please contact me if you were a boy here during that period and can give me some information about the school's time here.
Archivist, Wells Cathedral School, Wells, somerset.

Elizabeth Short

posted by jo hallawell on 02 Feb 2010 at 9:32 pm

I was at St. Francis from 1954/5 to 1959. I must have been in the class above you as I remember all the people you mention. I was in a class with Gill Bradford, Janet Carr, Fiona Mary Flavell, Sheila Read, Anna Stait. My maiden name was Rooth. I certainly remember Fanny and Vi!!!

Charters Towers School 1974-1976

posted by Jennifer Roker on 09 Feb 2010 at 2:23 am

Hi, I've been trying to locate former students. I'm from The Bahamas and some of my classmates at the time were Abiola Bakare, Georgina Chung, Gopika Dass, Amoke Bakare and many others. If you are out there I would love to hear from you.

St Francis School For Girls

posted by Elisabeth Short (Whitfeld) on 12 Feb 2010 at 11:05 am

Hi Jo
I'm so thrilled to have found someone AT LAST who was at St Francis with dear old Fanny! She died in the 1980's and my mother sent me a cutting from the paper about it. I wrote to her niece but never kept in touch again.
Those girls were in the class above me, yes. I remember Sheila Read, Janet Carr, Mary Flavell - she used to travel with me on the train from Battle and she disgraced herself and the school by getting pregant!!! I never noticed, being a very naive 15-year-old!!! That would have been after you left. Anna Stait had red hair I think.
I now live in South Africa and went back to find the school but it had been knocked down. Sad but really great to hear from you!

St Francis School For Girls

posted by Pippa Keates Williams on 28 Feb 2010 at 4:10 pm

Hello Elisabeth I went to St. Fannys from 1955 to 1965 the girls in my class Vicky Holroyd Wendy Castle Mary Jo Rogers Marina Bullock Diana Hunt Angela Hope Sally Hookey Dinah Powell Jane Cole Jane Sutherland etc. My two elder sisters Nike and Tania Williams were also there, Nike was in the same class as Mary Flavell by the way the father of her baby was Malcolm Muggeridge!!!!! there was also Helen French they were all prefects along with Fanny Fulfords niece. I still keep in touch with Vicky, Wendy and Mary JO. Hope you see this message

Harewood House School

posted by allistair leask on 28 Feb 2010 at 5:45 pm

In the early 1950's I was a day pupil,with my younger brother at Harewood House. The headmaster was a Rev. Woodruff and the english master Mr. Philips. Rev. Woodruff was a believer in punishing boys ,which would be frowned on now. He left very suddenly and to the delights of most of us Mr. Phillips took over. I made a few friends there,among them wasa boy called Cambell and another riley.Would be pleased to hear from anyone that remembered me.

St Francis School For Girls

posted by Elisabeth Short on 04 Mar 2010 at 9:33 pm

Hi Pippa
How super to hear from someone else who remembers St Fannys. I thought I was the only survivor! How incredible about Mary Flavell - how on earth did she hook up with Malcolm Muggeridge and how do you know....?!!! You talk about Helen French but I was very friendly with Helen English who was two classes below me and likely to have been a prefect a couple of years older than you.I seem to recognise some of the names you mention as being in about Upper 3 when I was in the 6th form. I have school photographs from 1960 and 1961 - I wonder if anyone else has? Do you remember Miss Tucknott the music mistress and going to Hastings for the music festival every year? And Miss Brook who taught us how to cook? Mrs Taylor was our English mistress - she was excellent. Fanny's niece was Suzanne Cawthorn, and there was also a younger sister whose name I cannot remember. Suzanne was in the same class as Helen English.
Thanks so much for the message and I'd love to hear from you again.

Looking For Old Charterians From '66 To'71

posted by Marghanita (Margo) nee Candappa on 08 Mar 2010 at 12:12 am

08/03/10 Hello out there fellow CTS-ites!
I keep in regular contact with Jane Mok, now Chang who lives in the States. Her sisters, Cissy, Margaret and Constance also in USA and Canada went to CTS. Our contemporaries Hannah McHugh (then from Maryland, USA), Ragna Matthews, Claire Watson, Pip Johnstone (Father a local pastor of Cooden Beach) Ana-Maria Pinto, Flo Dennis, Fatma Award, - oh tons of others I would love to hear from who have all been just happy memories for too long. I would give anything to know your whereabouts and how you are all doing! I even have fond memories of (dare I say it, of Miss McGary and her mother, Madame; remember Mr Culley our Phys/Cem. teacher??).I used to live in Sierra Leone and Geneva, Switerland before migrating to Australia in '72. I went to Ridgway School, Lymington, Hants at age 8 for 3 yrs before attending CTS. I was boarded until I left school to migrate to Aust. Please be in touch if you get this. My birth date is 6/12//54.
Best wishes to all of you, Margo

St. Francis{Elisabeth Short

posted by Pippa Williams on 15 Mar 2010 at 2:41 pm

Hi Elisabeth you were right it was Helen English not French too many sips of red wine! The other Cawthorne was Jennifer. I have remembered about 90 names and somewhere have the old school photos, will try and find them. When I have time I will list the names for you. Best wishes Pippa

St Francis

posted by Elisabeth Short on 15 Mar 2010 at 8:50 pm

Hi Pippa
I found my old school photos - 1958, 1959 and 1961 (don't know what happened to 1960). There are so many faces I know but names have gone with the years and I think I can identify your class but don't know which one is you. If you have any of those years you could point out in which row you are. In the 1961 one I am in the second row 11th from the left.There's Fanny in the middle and on her right, Mrs Deuchars (the art mistress) Mrs Taylor (English) and someone I can't remember, then Jane Clare and then me, looking very bored with the whole thing!
Helen English is behind Miss Violet and Mrs Platt (The French teacher who had a ghastly smoker's cough), looking very sultry and with long blond hair. I had remembered Jenny Cawthorne's name.

Be fun if we could get together or email. Where do you live? I am married to a South African and live in Johannesburg.
Hope you drink South African red wine!

St Francis

posted by Pippa Williams on 16 Mar 2010 at 4:08 pm

Hi Elisabeth, my Father used to live in Jo'burg but unfortunately he is no longer with us, so we dont visit anymore. Im still in Sussex and yes very partial to SA red wine! My Sister has the photos so when I am next over will ask for them. In the meantime some names.Barbara Sivyer Sue Hood Angela Lely Fiona Pirrie Rosalyn + Jane Sutherland Jane Cole Susan Powell Dinah Powell + the twins I think one was called Lauralee somebody Hodgkinson Marion Samsom Angela Pope Diana Hunt Marina Bullock Susan Oswald Marion Adcock Sally Hookey Susan + Sally Greed Louise Gilbert Scott = sisters Vicky Holroyd Mary Jo Rogers Wendy Castle Susan Bontin Alice + Patricia Hargreaves Tania + Nike Georgina Pont Joanne Larkin Caroline Gurney Pauline Graber Elizabeth Bisping Christine Grootenberg (Turner) Susan + Sally Woodhams Angela Oliver Anne + Judy Slocombe Sabina Jones Helen Meikel Susan Kemsley Rosanne + charlotte Bedwell Angela + Charlotte Roberts Julie Lawson + sisters Babina Barker? she was Sudanese with white blond hair Jocelyn + Jacquiline Williams Mary Bach Georgina Murray + youger sister Hilary Woodfine Jackie Wilmott + sister Patricia Gill Barbara + Pauline Stubbs Sally Brookshaw Christine Stubbs Carol Mayhew Jennifer James Elisabeth Bending Hilary Bird Margaret Adams Carol De Cates Shirley Chamberlain Christine Groves {who unfortunately died at 18) Carol D'Abbo Carol D'Arcy Rosemary Powne Joanna Peck I havent include the 6th form.Some more teachers Miss Clarke (history) Mr. Lundy (maths) Mrs. Keston (junior0 together with Miss Lockett + MIss Woods Mrs. Lister after Mrs. Deuchars Mrs. Cowdray Biology. Is that enough to be going on with. Are you on Facebook invite as friend. Will speak again soon xxx Pippa

Message From Flo Dennis (now Florence Dennis-Huskin)

posted by Florence Dennis-Huskin on 16 Mar 2010 at 4:15 pm

Dear Margo Candappa and others - not only do I have fond memories of you and all the others you listed but I even remeber your birthdate since it was the same as that of my older brother, Francis.

I am alive and well and living in the United States. I remember Wendy Golding and her younger sister, Anne Hoskins, Jan Holdersness, Jane Mok, Hannah McHugh, Ragna Matthews, Claire Watson, Fatma Awad and others. As for Miss Mc Garry - who could forget her? Furthermore she and her friend Miss Dore visited the Ivoire Coast (not Cote d'Ivoire) and stayed with my fmaily at the Embasssy of Liberia residence.

Well after CTS, I went to university in Liberia and majored in Secondary Education, then I taught there for a few years before going to the U.S. for grad school at which time I studied Education Administration and Supervsion. I then moved to New York City to work and go to school and it was a lot of fun. Basically I've always been an Educator, at universities, hospitals, assocation, wherever, plus I've done a good deal of international development work in different countries overseas.

My family is OK but regretfully, I lost my dear Dad to cancer aboaut a year and a half ago, but we are doing our best to cope. I would LOVE to have all of my contemporaries at CTS who see this to respond by email to dennishuskin@aol.com We really need to stay in touch, going forward - life is short anbd CTS represented a major slice of our lives. In fact I would like to propose a reunion one day of our classmates - as many as possible. I live in Alexandria, Virginia with my husband who is in the Biotech field and my mom and sister Beryl Dennis, also a Charterian, live 6 minutes away.

Beryl is 4 years younger so a few of you might remember her. She works in a law firm and is also an ordained minister. Baromi, the baby of the family is an accountant and my brother Francis, who you met, Margo on an exeat and we all had Wimpie Burgers in town, is a Bank president.

Those of my classmates in the U.S. email or call me at 703-370-2681 - anytime. I'd love to hear from you.

St Francis

posted by Elisabeth Short on 17 Mar 2010 at 5:17 pm

Hi Pippa
What an extraordinary coincidence that your father lived here. What was his business?

Wow, where did you pull all those names up from? I remember lots of them and when I have time will get out my school photos and identify them. The more we talk, the more I remember (a sign of old age...?). Mrs Cowdray was the biology teacher and she was great. Don't really remember the other teachers you mention - we had a Maths master but I don't remember his name as Lundy.
I am on Face Book but am clueless about it and need help to get organised! Maybe I shall be motivated to do it now.
I wonder if perhaps our chatting will bring up someone else from those years - I certainly hope so as this is really wonderful to bring back all the memories. Do you remember Miss Tucknott, the music mistress? She also taught me piano at her home near the swimming baths, where we used to go in the summer.

Bi for now, E.

St. Francis

posted by Pippa Williams on 22 Mar 2010 at 2:39 pm

Hi Elisabeth, I just seem to have a great memory for names and numbers, although I can remember their faces as though it was yesterday.My Father was a mad inventor he came up with Aercrate a lightweight concrete and mobile machines to produce it continuously. I dont know whether it was your photo but I sent a message thru Facebook to an Elisabeth Short in I guessed SA from the friend contacts? Perhaps you would like my email which is pippawilliamsATgmail.com (replace AT with @) when we can further our memories. bye for now Pippa

St. Francis

posted by Shirley Heard (nee Hemmings) on 31 Mar 2010 at 3:32 am

Hi Pippa and Elisabeth. May I butt in to your conversation? My name was Shirley Hemmings back then and Pippa, I was in the same class as you. My strongest memory is of (I think) your best friend Vicky Holroyd inviting me to go and see The Beatles perform in London with her family and my parents refused to let me go as I would faint!!!! I think I was in Miss Violet's class at the time. I also went to Piano lessons with Jean Tucknott in Egerton Road. I think my best friends were Julia Hunt, Pamela Goldsmith and Sandra Forte. I also remember going to a party out at Hooe at Mary-Jo's place. Anyway I have lived in Australia for 37 years and have only been back a couple of times but I heard that they knocked our school down!!!!! If I told you I live in a tiny village named Nana Glen in NSW it would mean nothing to you I know, but hey one of my neighbours is Russell Crowe!!! I have 5 acres, 3 horses, 2 dogs and love Australia so much. I found this website about a month ago when my father died in Bexhill and it got me looking back at old times. Anyway, I'll post this and see if you remember me. Will chat again soon. Cheers, Shirley.
PS I'm 60 now which is rather a shock to me, I guess you're the same!!

Charters Towers School

posted by Hilary Wilkes (nee Crouch) on 05 Apr 2010 at 7:09 pm

I have just read the message from Angela Padden. I left Charters Towers just before you arrived - at the end of the Easter term 1959. I, too, was taught by Mrs McGarry (Madam) and still remember the little tricks she used to get us to remember difficult spelling. Her lessons have stood me in very good stead.

Beehive School

posted by Yvonne Furman (nee Seeman) on 06 Apr 2010 at 4:31 pm

Have read the messages from Bobby Clements and Angela Collier......I was at the Beehive at the same time as them but dont know how to reply to them directly (computer illiterate)

St Francis

posted by Elisabeth on 06 Apr 2010 at 5:40 pm

Hi Shirley
Fantastic to hear from another St Fannys Old Girl! Must admit I don't remember your name but as I mentioned earlier I have the old school photos and perhaps we can identify each other from those. You see, I'm 5 years older than you two - I was your dreaded Head Girl for a term in 1961! There were so few of us who actually stayed till the sixth form in those days. I've been to Australia twice and loved it - have got friends in Sydney and Brisbane and Adelaide and Perth. Would love to visit again. I also love South Africa, in spite of the dreadful things you no doubt hear about this country.
Am vague about Facebook but would really love to communicate on e-mail. Pippa, will send you a message again soon. E.

St. Francis

posted by Pippa Keates Williams on 10 Apr 2010 at 9:46 pm

Hi Shirley, I remember you very well much taller than me with lovely rounded ckeeks and long waves of auburn/dark hair. I reckon between us we can come up with the whole of st fannys pupils. Lovely to hear from you will be in contact soon, must go now impatient guests xx best wishes Pippa

Ancaster House School

posted by Anis Lakha on 18 Apr 2010 at 6:38 am

Looking for classmates who completed A levels in 1979.Nicola Waterton, Claire Wilks,Leila Ghani,Red,Ladan Pourmoghadam,Anna Yuen and others who i may not remember. I was there from 1975 to 1979 and had some fun memories of the science classes.. Mr Dougherty, Mrs May and Linda the PE teacher.
if any of you who were there during this period read this contact me. It would be fun to catch up.
Anis Lakha

Margo Candappa Please Email Me

posted by Florence Dennis on 26 Apr 2010 at 8:38 pm

My email is


My home number is (in the U.S.)


Still Trying

posted by Susanne Hardy (nee Bentley) on 01 May 2010 at 11:36 am

I am still trying to contact Sonia Goodwin (Charters Towers, Bexhill on Sea) and anyone else who was at CTS 64-66. Also just read that Margo Candappo ex CTS is in Australia - where? Maybe I could jog everyones memory, I was from Jamaica. My friends particulary at CTS, were Brenda Hutton, Esther Grunfeld, Katie Lahaniatis, Sonia Goodwin, Pam Thomas, Beth Spencer, Conchita ?, and somany others that are in a group photo I have.

Effingham House School, Bexhill

posted by Carolyn King on 06 May 2010 at 4:08 am

I am writing a biography of Katherine Watson, a poet who died at almost 90 in 2008. She kept a wonderful bookshop in Burford, Oxfordshire between 1968 and 1981. She went to school at Effingham House, Bexhill, from 1930 to 1936. I am very keen to contact anyone who remembers the school, can describe it, how it looked then and now, and especially anyone who remembers Katherine or the staff that would have taught her in those years. Correspondence invited. C.

Any Old Old Charterians From '66 To'71

posted by Susan Mulligan on 14 May 2010 at 12:23 pm

Hi there,

Wondering if there are any Old Charterians From '66. It was such an awfully long time ago. My family were living in Northern Rhodesia and I was sent to Charters Towers and my brother David attended St Edmunds in Canterbury.
I was a pupil until around '71, then I was transferred to a school in Oakton, Virginia. I later returned to England and completed my nurse training at Guys Hospital.
I seem to have moved around quite a bit. Lived in Washington DC for a number of years, then New Zealand and Australia. Have had periods back in UK. Oxford and Henley-on-Thames. My parents have retired to Henley. I now live in Melbourne Australia.
I certainly remember Miss McGarry and her mother (Madame) taught us Religious Knowledge....

Would love to hear from any Old Charterians and find out if there are any old school photos out there.
My email address is susan.mulligan@gmail.com.


School Near Broadoak

posted by Ann Vollor on 21 May 2010 at 7:47 pm

Jenny, The name of the school you are searching for is or was Beehive School. It was built on part of the original Broad Oak Farm land. I have forgotten when it was demolished and I don't have photos of it. My friend Gillian Beecher has done a lot of research into the private schools in Bexhill which were numerous in the past. If you would like me to ask for her info to send to you please let me know.

It's Been A Long Time

posted by Sheryl Williamson on 03 Jun 2010 at 5:32 pm

Hello Flo,it's Sheryl! What a surprise!! I left CTS in 1971 after GCEs and went to University in France for a couple of years where I then lived for 30yrs. We were in the same class as Elaine Erskine, Doofa Watson, Barbara Kortaine, Hannah Mcough, LIzzie Parrot to name a few. We were also in the same dorm a couple of times. I see that Marganita has been on this site too. I did get in touch with Elaine who is in Australia as is Lorna MOss & Wendy G. I do hope to hear from you best wishes. My email address is sherylhobson06@yahoo.com

Remember Merrydays?

posted by Linda Astore on 05 Jun 2010 at 10:25 am

Does anyone remember Merrydays Preparatory boarding school in Cantelupe Rd.? I now have lived in Australia since 1967 and boarded there from 1958 to 1962 with many fond memories!

I should add to my original message that the principles were Miss Auer and Miss Warner and the two fellow boarders that I remember are Fleur Duval and Ettienne Patrice Keane and that the actual address that I remember is 63 Cantelupe Road, Bexhill on sea. also that Miss Auer could have been the same Mrs Auer whose name cropped up as being a principle at another school in Bexhill. Love to hear from someone!

Remember Merrydays ?

posted by linda Astore on 06 Jun 2010 at 2:46 pm

Reading all the wonderful and varied accounts of school days in Bexhill,brought back a flood of memories...some sad but mostly good. My mother went to a great deal of trouble to ensure that she would place my sister (age6)and myself(age8)into a caring environment as she had taken steps to seperate from our father and was trying to shield us from any further trauma.I remember the school was called 'Merrydays preparatory school for girls and boys'and remember it being a Tudor style house,softened by mauve Clematis flowers draped over the front awning.After enduring the train ride from London with my mother ensuring us that we would not be there for long..we were introduced to Miss Auer and Miss Warner and mum left us to these to rather stern looking women.The school from memory accomodated about 30 odd students of various nationalities and suddenly I recall the name of a Canadian boy called Keith Dyson! I have to say that these two women did their very best to run the school in a homely fashion and how quaint is this on rainy days I remember we would listen and sing AND dance to records of Oklahoma and The King and I. Summer memories of each student having our own little garden plot and the excitement of the first flower popping up AND Miss Warner's Hokey Pokey icecream with fresh fruit from their orchard! I remember Meekus their I think rather old Cocker Spaniel and going for walks along a stretch near the beach which we all called 'the bumps' So I hope that someone might remember me my name then was Linda Reid and my younger sister Sonia. linda.astore@optusnet.com.au

To Penny Jagdhuber

posted by Deborah Baker on 23 Jun 2010 at 10:22 pm

Hi, I was Deborah (Debby) Dickson and a contemporary of those you mention at AG and AH, Joanna Nina etc. Left AH in '64 after one year of 6th form to complete A levels in Cambridge. Do you remember me? Were you Penny Lydon? Would love to communicate further.

St. Francis

posted by Tanja Holl on 28 Jun 2010 at 10:52 pm

Hi to all the St. Francis' girls! I haven't even been to Bexhill, but my mother was at St. Francis in 1958/59 at the age of 15. You might remember her, most probably the only Austrian girl back then. Her name is Eva (Latzenhofer). She often talks about her school days at St. Francis, though I don't remember anything in particular. Of course there are photos, so I have some ideas about how your school looked like. My father is going to surprise her with a trip to England this September (first time since her school days!!!). They might also go to Bexhill for some days, and as the school seems to be gone, she would be very happy if there were a few girls with whom she could share her memories! Greetings from Vienna!

Winceby House School

posted by colin recardo on 07 Jul 2010 at 12:15 am

Hi my name is colin recardo i went to winceby house school bexhill in 1980 and left in 1983 can some one please help me find the head master mr john wolf and his wife as i have been told they are still in bexhill.

Whereabout Of Charters Towers School For Girls

posted by Jennifer on 07 Jul 2010 at 12:49 am

Hi, My mom attended Charters Towers about 60 years ago. We're going to be visiting England in December and she wanted to see the school again. Problem is I can't find any information about it. Does it even exist anymore? I would appreciate any information about the status of the school. She indicated that there were quite a few trophies at the school with her name on it and really wanted to show her kids and grandkids where she attended school. Thank you in advance for any information that can be provided!

1938 Boarding School ?

posted by Caro Marr on 07 Jul 2010 at 4:33 pm

My Mother has recently died aged 94. I know that she was sent to Boarding School in Bexhill in 1920s...She had to leave in 1930 then the depression took the family business and there was no money to pay the fees. she always spoke very warmly of this school, which I believe had a french connection. The head mistress was from the Channel Islands. I would love to know where it was situated, as I am coming down for the weekend later this month. If anyone can throw any light on this for me, I would be very gratful.

St. Francis

posted by Eva Englert (Latzenhofer) on 11 Jul 2010 at 1:28 am

Hi Elisabeth, Jo, Pippa, Shirely
Since my daughter Tanja already placed a note here on 28 June and by now I know about the ?surprise? I might as well say hello to you myself. As she mentions above, I was at St. Francis in 1958/59 and being very excited about visiting England again and having seen your messages in this thread I am just checking my diary from my days at St. Francis.
Jo ? we both have been in the same class, U5 it was. Was it you (Joanna / Joey) who had to stay in hospital for some time because of asthma problems, and whom I visited there quite often? I remember all the girls you mention and I also have a photo with Mary, Fiona Crosfield, Joey (you), Janet, Gill, Gillian Breckon (? - remember her face but not her name), Mrs. Rhodes (leaving St. Francis the same day), Susan (? ? face yes, surname no), Anne (surname? Anna Stait?), June (surname?) ? Lisbeth (Bennet ???). Sheila is missing, perhaps she took the foto. I don?t know how many we were in U5, so I don?t know who else might be missing. Was Jennifer Beresford in our class?
Elisabeth ? I don?t remember your name, but I remember Stella Houston (she once stayed with us boarders, can?t remember for how long; have a photo of her) and Carol Godfrey (sister of Sylvia being in the 6th form and the Head Girl then - their parents had a bakery and caf? in Bexhill). I also remember that your class once had a raffle (to support refugees or similar) and I won the first price ? it was a cake with blue icing from Godfrey?s. I also used to join your class for French and I think Latin, too.
Pippa ? you mention that your elder sister Nike was in the same class as Mary Flavell, i.e. also in mine. Unfortunately, I can?t remember the name Nike at all (although I am not so sure about Williams) ? is it a short form of another name? Mary Flavell was staying as a boarder after a knee operation and she had the room next to mine - who was this Malcolm Muggeridge???
Shirley / Pippa ? amongst the boarders there were the Cawthorn sisters but also Caroline Drey and Anne Rich. I don?t know anymore how old they were but probably even younger than Jennifer. There was also a Helen(e) , her parents were in Sarawak / Borneo.
All ? hope you are still checking this thread and would love to hear from you! Bye, Eva

St. Francis School For Girls, Bexhill

posted by Neelam Joshi (Amrite) on 13 Jul 2010 at 12:17 am

Hello Ladies; Elizabeth, Pippa, Shirley

OMG!! I can't tell you how great it is to read some mail from St. Fanny's! I'm 1968- '69! I have such fond memories of the school. Miss Vi (Violet was Miss Fulford's sister, I think and the resident matron as well as the teacher of LIII in 1968 ). I remember Mrs. Stansfield, our English teacher who doubled as the History teacher for the UIV while Ms.Vi. taught us sewing and the practical 'arts'. I was only there for 18 months and it was a trial by fire and coming of age all at once. Cheryl (whose younger sister, Gaynor was sadly killed while riding a horse),Sarah, Amanda, Janet Copplestone,Carol, Rosina all shared the room in the attic dorm (big girl's dorm.) I shared the room with Carol Marshall and Fay Tross and sometimes we had the odd day boarder - Hillary - all downstairs in the lower dorm. Bonny, Michelle,(who was in the 6th form and was a wonderful artist who kept us- the LIII- entertained with her drawings). The sixth form had a separate building newly built by the time I got here and the gym was new too.
We too had a set of twins in class - Sophie and Charlotte - whose family owned a farm and they so kindly called me for tea on my birthday. I remember their father wasn't well at the time but they appreciated the mango I gave them from a package I received from my father who was in Kenya at the time. I remember yummy Sunday dinners cooked by Ms. Violet and her daily sojurns with Emmerdale Farm on the radio when no one was allowed to disturb her. Miss Fulford used to come in on Sundays to kiss all the boarders goodnight. She once took all the young un's out to the seaside and we had a jolly good time.
Half a crown as pocket money bought us cream cakes, doughnuts, sweets and stamps from the local bakery and post office every Saturday.
Saturday evening saw all of us sitting in the commom room watching The Forsythe Saga.
And I remember the Hastings concer
Anyone from St. Francis of 1968 around??
Please email me: neelamjoshi101@gmail.com

The Beehive School, Bexhill

posted by Sybil Verner on 18 Jul 2010 at 11:46 am

I attended the Beehive, Broadoak Manor from 1947 to 1953 when Miss de Putron and then Miss Wilson were the heads. Old girls have started an annual reunion and if anyone is interested, please contact me. No one is excluded, but of particular interest are pupils between the years of 1946 - 1956. Do email me: kestradog@googlemail.com. I visited the area last year and was sad to find the new housing estate.

A Reply To Jennifer Re Charters Towers

posted by Hilary Wilkes on 20 Jul 2010 at 11:32 pm

Hello Jennifer - I started at Charters Towers about 60 years ago, so may have known your Mum. What was her name? The four houses of Charters Towers have been pulled down and a large block of flats has been built in their place - they have called the complex Charters Towers.
I believe that the school did go through several phases of being amalgamated with other schools in the area, but I am not sure whether it exists in any form now. Hope this helps.

St Francis

posted by Elisabeth Whitfeld on 21 Jul 2010 at 8:57 pm

Well well, I haven't been into the Message Board for a long time and I am so excited to find all these messages from old St Francis girls! Of course, I should originally have put Whitfeld, and not Short which is my married name.

Eva, I remember you well and your memories are pretty good of all the girls in your class which was one above mine. I have got the photos with all of them in: yes, Lisbeth Bennett used to travel on the train with me 'cos I lived in Battle and she used to get off at Crowhurst. We had such fun on the school train and used to have water pistols fights with the girls from the (lowly!) Grammar School!!! Carol Godfrey was in my class, she was very bright. Stella Houston was a diabetic and I often wonder what happened to her - she wanted to be an actress and played the part of Romeo in the school play. Mrs Gurney, Caroline's mother, was the drama teacher.
I remember Jennifer Beresford but can't think which class she was in. Malcolm Muggeridge was a TV personality and journalist with whom Mary got involved somehow - have no idea how...!

I vaguely remember holding a raffle I think to raise money for the Hungarian refugees. ?We also had to collect blankets. Do you remember a German girl called Marion with lovely long dark hair - I became very friendly with her and we used to write to each other after she left. She was in our class I think which would have been L5 when you were there. Mrs Rhodes left, yes, and then we got Miss Philpot (Philly we called her) - do you remember her, Pippa? She was very flighty but we liked her 'cos she was so much younger than all the other old teachers! As I said before Miss Tucknott was my favourite and I had a real crush on her - I loved the choir and all the music.
Gillian Breckon I remember - there was also Judith Raper in your class with a younger sister Gillian.

Neelam, of course you were after us at the school but it's still lovely to read your message and your memories of Fanny and Miss Violet are great - they weren't such battleaxes at all really! In 1961 (my last year) Fanny took us on a trip to Montreux in the April holidays and we thought it was going to be so awful but she was terrific and let us roam around the town and do our own thing at night, as well as taking on wonderful outings in the day time.

It's so sad that the school died with her - well it really only existed because of her. It was a happy place to be although I don't think the education was up to much!

Thanks to all of you for your memories - after nearly 50 years of never knowing anyone, or hearing of anyone from the school it is wonderful to correspond with people who have the same memories that can stir up those good times we had there. My worst memory is of those ghastly changing rooms in the basement which were FREEZING cold and damp in winter and we had to change into our little grey shorts and aertex shirts for gym or hockey with no heating and no such luxuries as track suits in those days! We were tough!
Look forward to sharing more with you! E.

Charters Towers

posted by elaine grear nee HALL on 21 Jul 2010 at 10:19 pm

I was at CTS from 1961 to 1965. At the time my family lived in Bahrain and I did the boarding school commute in the holidays. I remember Sonia Goodwin and quite a few of the people mentioned, all of us now alas in our 60's (no grandchildren yet but hoping). We have lived in New Zealand since 1989 on a lifestyle county block with 2 dogs 1 cat and a very old horse. Have 2 boys age 30 and 26. Love to hear from anyone from CTS.

St. Francis

posted by Eva Englert (Latzenhofer) on 28 Jul 2010 at 1:53 am

Hi Elisabeth,
Hi All,

Elisabeth ? great that you DID go into the Message Board again .... it is very exciting to hear about things I still remember! By the way, you did mention Whitfeld in the beginning ....
Unfortunately, I can?t remember you ? neither name nor face. Perhaps you could mail me a photo to e.englert@aon.at?
As for Stella, I also often wonder what she is doing and how she is. I think she got her diabetes from some sort of infection she caught in SEA or similar and at that time her life expectancy was low (so she was told by the doctors). She had to inject herself every day and lie down afterwards for an hour or so. But medicine has so much changed since then and I do hope she is still alright.
Do you know when Mary got her baby?
Marion was at the school one year before me, plus a French girl, however in July 1959 she and Katherine came back to visit us for a fortnight or so. Both slept in the sitting room ? remember this room? Sometimes we watched TV in there (e.g., part of Wimbledon matches - with Mrs. Rhodes I suppose). Miss Philpot I remember, she was very nice.
I have no memory of Judith Raper. But I still remember those changing rooms in the basement and those stupid grey shorts and the blue aertex shirts and my getting FREEZING COLD outside!
I also had piano lessons with Miss Tucknott, and funnily enough she also was my favourite and I also felt about her as you did!!! Do you still play the piano? I do. Also Miss Vio had 2 best friends, one was Miss Tucknott, the other one was Mrs. Platt; they often visited her and I heard them laughing.

Before the end of the summer term we made a trip to London but I can?t remember how many classes or which ones. Maybe, you also participated ? we went to Kew Gardens (picnic, glass houses), the planetarium, and by boat up the Thames. Do you remember anything like that, there were also 2 German girls with us, one French and one Dutch girl with us, all of them staying with girls from our school.

Neelam - you mention the attic dorm and the lower dorm ... where was the lower one and how big was it. We only had one and I think 3 separate room, 2 were single bed-rooms. Did you still have these funny small doors in the wall, I think there was one in the dorm, one in room next to it, rest forgotten. We once opened one of them, you didn?t see much except some cleaning rags, a bucket ? very strange to us. It was under the bottom end of the roof framework, the wall on one side, the slope of the roof on the other. It was narrow, we had to bend. We became very adventurous and proceeded in the dark, very excited, the whole thing went around like a tunnel, we groped our way and eventually ended up in the attic (stuffed with rubbish). Would have been a good hiding place!

Bi for now, it?s already 2:45 at night, Eva

Merland House Prep School

posted by Seth Owuadey on 28 Jul 2010 at 2:50 am

An emotional hi to all the 'Merlandians' who have written in...especially Norman who I think I made Airfix kits (tanks, I think?)and shared a dorm with! Norman, I think that your brother was called Peter...?

Mr and Mrs Smith did run the school and I remember that they also doubled up as cook and caretaker. There was also a Matron with a very pretty daughter called Stephanie Taylor - I always remembered her name because the letters S & T were her initials, the first 2 letters of her name and in order in the alphabet!

I was one of the last group of students to attend the school before it closed and I also remember the horizontal striped green and yellow ties - as well as the stocking garters! My memories of Merland House are very mixed - fond memories of friends...and not so pleasant ones of the arbitary punishments doled out by Mr & Mrs Smith...including the Strap!

I remember our tuck tins with our names pasted on and which contained the sweets received from relatives and from which we were allowed two pieces after tea. I caused a problem (and cornered the market!) with my tin as - despite repeatedly being told not to by the Smiths - my Dad kept sending me chocolate that always melted!

I also recall the many parcels that mysteriously never arrived and the enforced and censored letter writing sessions to our families on Sundays. We were allocated small patches of earth in the gardens to grow vegetables and I vaguely remember growing watercress on damp flannels on our dorm window ledge...

We had swimming lessons at a pool in Bexhill every Friday followed by fishfingers for tea - something that has put me off them to this day! We often bumped into the Charter House and Ancaster crocodile lines on our daily walks but they were quite snooty and tended to look down on us, as I recall!

A few of the names I recall are the brother and sisters Sah, Sia & Kumba from Sierra Leone, tall Alastair with his 'Harry Potter' glasses, Myer Kelly (who had Sydenham's chorea or what was then called St Vitus's Dance) Michel, a boy from Liberia and finally two brothers from Syria - one of whom dug up and ate the radishes from my little allotment!

We walked to church every Sunday - I was in the choir with either Norman or Peter, dressed in our black and white surplices and recall one of you fainting whilst carrying the candles one Christmas! The Smiths always gave us poppies to put in our lapels on Remembrance Sundays, taught us boys to doff our caps to women and call all adult men 'Sir'.

I also recall that we were only allowed to watch TV on Sundays - a white haired Dr Who comes to mind! I could go on and on but will end here to say that I have travelled and lived all over the world and (although I would not want to repeat the sometimes traumatic events at Merland) the discipline and self reliance I learnt there has stood me in good stead. I hope to hear from you and some of the others again very soon!

Charters Towers - Elaine Hall

posted by Susanne Hardy (Bentley) on 28 Jul 2010 at 11:11 am

Hi Elaine I remember you very well indeed and I think you are in a group photo I have, I live in Sydney and have been trying to get response from Sonia Goodwin, but alas none, so I hope we can be in touch as we live across "the ditch" from each other. I went to Bahrain once and wondered where you were and if you still lived there, but I see you didn't!!!! I was from jamaica and did the same comuting. Love to hear from you. Sue

Merland House

posted by Owen Bray on 03 Aug 2010 at 12:44 am

Hi Seth Owuadey
Wow that was a blast from the past!!!!!!
Poor Myer Kelley I remember him being slapped by Mrs Smith during an attack and told to snap out of it! Dear God unenlightened times or what? I remember him having an attack at the White Rock Swimming baths in Hastings at one of our enforced swimming lessons.... (Oh yes, tuesdays and fridays summer term- an experience that prevented me from learning to swim until I was 32!)
I remember the Yamba's from Sierra Leone the youngest was only 4 when she arrived in the winter- and crying with the cold when we were sent out for our walks in the snow. There was Larry Cooper from Liberia, Mansur Sumani he had problems with his legs. Paul and Carol Burton, Paul and I ended up at another boarding school in Slindon Sussex. Ricky Jaggers (turned up one term with a .22 derringer he'd 'borrowed' from his Dad....
Veronica Squires, Gabby and Elias Matook from Ghana,
Others whose faces I can see but the names... doh!
Oh yes the sweet tins - two sweets after tea weekdays and three at weekends (unless you were on punishment,,,) But worst of all every sunday night the dose of syrup of figs!!!!!!!!!! Ouch. The Smiths were fixated with bowel movements - I think it was a legacy of the empire.
When did the school close then?? I left in the summer of 65 without a terms notice - I think I visited in 69 when I had to return to the Bexhill Dentist and had a somewhat chilly reception from Mrs Smith. I've looked up Merland House on google earth it appears to be a residential care home now. Well hope to hear from all of you out there - grief - it's nearly 50 years ago....
All the best Owen

Thank You Hilary

posted by Jennifer on 05 Aug 2010 at 6:17 pm

Thank you so much for the information Hilary. My mom's name at that time was Genevieve Wei. If you did know her, please let me know. In the interim, I'll pass your name on to her. Thanks again.

Winceby House School

posted by sean wynne on 09 Aug 2010 at 1:06 am

hi my name is sean wynne was known as sean cox when i went to winceby house school from 1979 to 1983 would find olds friends or people who work there when i was there like mr and miss wolf you can find me on facebook just tappin seanwynne and add me or email me at jamesdeanjimmydeanATyahoo.co.uk (replace AT with @)

A Message For Jennifer

posted by Hilary Wilkes on 09 Aug 2010 at 9:20 pm

Thank you for your message. Your Mum's name seems to ring a bell but I cannot say that I remember her. My name when I was at school was Hilary Crouch and I was only 7 when I started there in September 1949. I don't know whether your Mum will remember me.

Dear Hilary

posted by Jennifer on 11 Aug 2010 at 6:01 am

Thank you again for your reply! Like you, my Mom thought your name rang a bell, but she couldn't place the face. Maybe some day you two will meet and be able to reminisce with one another!

Reply To Anne (post Oct 2009)

posted by Desna Roberts on 14 Aug 2010 at 6:55 pm

I was at Charters Towers 1973 - 75, i remember Bisi and was it Gillian Ansell?? what was your second name? I lived in New York at the time, fascinating to read these posts!

Portisdown Lodge

posted by Emily on 14 Aug 2010 at 9:50 pm

My mother spent two terms at Portidown Lodge in 1948/9. I found it featured in an exhibition in a library in Eastbourne a few years ago but can't find any mention on the net. I think it was actually in Cooden Beach. The head's name was something like Miss 'Grizeback'. My mother's name then was Rachel Bather. Does anyone remember her or have any memories of the school around the time she was there?

Charters Towers

posted by Sally Phipps on 16 Aug 2010 at 9:23 am

Hi Elaine & Susanne can't believe we are all so close & not knowing it.I have lived in New Zealand for the last 25yrs but am about to return to the Uk.Elaine where abouts in New Zealand are you ? I'm in a villiage called Cust just out of Christchurch.I think you get to an age when the past is so important.Please both of you email me coin@gmail.com it would be so good to catch up I can remember you both so well.Plus Ann Hewens Hoda Award & the others that have been mentioned above.

St. Francis

posted by Eva Englert on 27 Aug 2010 at 3:18 pm

Very shortly I am going to leave for Vienna and our flight to London tomorrow. On Wed 1 Sept we (me + husband) will travel to Bexhill (!!!), I simply must see the place once more and show it to my husband. Should anyone of the old St. Francis girls read this message and possibly be still somewhere around Bexhill - and would be interested in getting in touch with me - we will stay at The Old Vicarage in Brassey Rd., email address oldvicaragebexhillAThotmail.com (replace AT with @)
Would be happy to hear from ...??? Eva

Winceby House

posted by joe williams on 27 Aug 2010 at 11:24 pm

I was at Winceby house from 76/79 when i left in 79 i had to leave my heart with a girl from little common E M my name is joe

CTS Days......

posted by Anne Cunningham on 28 Aug 2010 at 10:12 pm

It's been a while since I have read the CTS Board remarks and I am loving it. I was there from 1970 to 1975 and Flo it's good to see you on here, in matter of fact I have connected with your sister Beryl. I was able to find a lot of the old girls on Facebook, I know some are not on face book and it is hard finding old classmates who are no doubt married and have changed their last names. Jennifer Smith, not sure if you got my email that I sent I think last year but have not heard back from you but hope you get to see this. Jennifer Roker if you are on f/b you can go to my photos and you will see some pics of Abiola and Georgiana, not a lot of them, have more pics of her sisters Bisi and Yinka and one of Amoke. Anyway, I will try and look at this board to see who else has written. Desna maybe if you look at the pics it will all come back to you. You can email me at acunningham1970@yahoo.com- great re-connecting.


posted by wiggy on 30 Aug 2010 at 11:19 pm

i am looking for anyone who went to charters towers girls bording school from 1970 to 1973, please contact me.

Charters Towers

posted by Anne Cunningham on 03 Sept 2010 at 4:45 am

Hello Wiggy, you didn't leave any contact info. I was there see message above yours, from 1970 (was 13 years old) and left in 1975 (17 years old) Your name sounds familiar. If you got to face book you will see a lot of CTS girls. I see you wrote this on the 30th, my board message was on the 28th of August. Don't see anything more from you. What is your email? What is your last name? or the last name you had when you were at CTS?


posted by Denis McGrath on 04 Sept 2010 at 11:08 am

I was there in early 1960's I was about 14, firstly in summer Hols then as a boarder, I definately remember Mr and Mrs R, Mr R was typical ex army and was very strict he once told me I had a "pan like dial" for a face whatever that means, I remember the French boy and a girl called Opol Grace and Pamela who could not stand me. And Ruth was the crazy one with thick read hair running through the field like a wild horse. At the time I was into being a pop singer and called nmyself Mark Rio and everyone took te piss out of me. I wrote and performed my very first song there called Back Street Cafe. there was also an american girl who was 15 and crazy about Elvis and Helen Shapiro. I recall the Dining room where I once burned my hands on the hot stove, was once told off for swearing, I remember the tuck shop presided over my Mr R with a cigarette in one hand and the other in his trouser pocket, he loved to play cricket and football he enjoyed all sorts of "ball games with the boys.." he did not like me at all and threatened to sue me if I reported him for the sort of behaviour you would not get away with these days. I remember a huge snowball fight which ended in the front room..snow all over the carpet, he was furious, I also remember reading material being censored, there were no Sunday papers allowed. I also remember one of my very first sexual experiences with a girl in the field while her brother watched!!!! and another girl was on the swings and lifted her dress to show me her knickers...I am just churning out all sorts of memories here sorry if they are offensive.
I also recall one of the teachers having an affair with the matron. it was a sinister place, I remember being very homesick, but quite enjoyed it after a while. there was some snobbery going on as well because I was from Batteresa, they regarded me as being poor and living in a slum, bloody cheek, you should see Battersea now.it's very different
anyone recognise me? please contact me if you like dennyenterprises@btconnnect.com

Seafield Lodge

posted by ken Boak on 05 Sept 2010 at 10:17 am

i was born in seafield lodge in 1958 which i believe was on Collington lane Bexhill does any body know which school it was part of

Still Searching!

posted by Linda astore on 09 Sept 2010 at 12:25 pm

Does anybody remember a boarding school called Merrydays ? My sister and I boarded from 1958 to 1962. I keep looking at the postings, so many schools mentioned but never Merrydays...so hoping that someone will remember.

Hi Sally Phipps

posted by Susanne Hardy (Bentley) on 15 Sept 2010 at 7:45 am

Sally, great to read your message,I have been trying to send a message to your email address with photos but it keeps being sent back? Would love to be in touch. Sue Bentley

Bexhill High School 1962/63

posted by Jack Horsewell on 18 Sept 2010 at 1:16 pm

I lived in Paton Road sidney? Bexhill in 1962/63 I remember just around the corner on the main rd where the bus terminated was a deli which the Mr Savage run. I attended Bexhill High School, I remember our class Master was Mr Salter.
The windmill which was on the way back from school sold us hot rolls with butter in them.
There was a guy I think I remember in one of these pages named Michael Upton, I believe he was in my class, if anyone remembers me email to: weals6ATyahoo.com (replace AT with @)

History Of St Francis School, Bexhill

posted by Ian Seaman on 26 Sept 2010 at 6:43 pm

Hi, I am attempting to research the history of St Francis School in Bexhill which was sited on West Down Rd & also what the land was used for prior to the school being built in the 1800's If anyone can help please do let me know.
With thanks Ian

History Of St. Francis School, Bexhill

posted by Eva Englert (Latzenhofer) on 29 Sept 2010 at 6:43 pm

Hi Ian,
I visited Bexhill beginning of September and I found an article on the school which I copied. I could mail it to you if you want me to - just let me know your email address mine is somewehre above). I had also been to the Bexhill Museum where I found another article on the school, and I am about to write to the curator for a copy and possibly some more information(I am, however, more interested in St. Francis itself). Evi

Collington Manor

posted by Julie Frith on 06 Oct 2010 at 10:23 pm

I have just found this site, I am answering David Parker's request about Collington Manor. I was there around 1962/3 having arrived by coach from London. It was a residential special school for 24 delicate children aged 5 - 9. It had lots of oak panelling on the walls. We had to have an afternoon nap every day for an hour on camp beds and have a grey blanket over us, we had to keep our eyes shut. It was mixed boys and girls. We acted out the story of sleeping beauty for parents to come and see, I sang twinkle twinkle little star but my parents did not come to see me. I loved the caretaker he smoked a pipe and it smelt fantastic. He mended all the broken toys in the loft area of the barn. I remember a couple of boys named David and my best friend in there was named Ena. The matron was called Miss Parr (Jessie Parr). We used to go to the woods and also to the beach, we had our own beach hut. Children stayed at this school from 6 months to 2 years depending on their state of health. I was there for one year and it was without a doubt the best part of my entire life. I have uploaded some photos on Friends Re-United.

Merland House

posted by James Bristow on 07 Oct 2010 at 4:37 am

My Grandfather was Mr Stanley L B Smith from Merland House

Unfortuntaely he was estranged from my Father and therefore I have been unable to ask about him or even see any pictures

It has been good however to read some of the commnets here , although he does appear to have been a bit draconian !!

If anyone has any other moemoires , or indeed details about him I would be very grateful to receive / read them

Charters Towers

posted by Sally Phipps on 09 Oct 2010 at 10:43 pm

Hi Suzanne wow what a week have just heard from Sally Neal my email address again is coinukATgmail.com or coinATxtra.co.nz (replace AT with @).Would be awesome to hear from you.Am just about to try to phone Elaine Hall see what she's up to may as well give someone else a blast from the past

Charters Towers 1950-53

posted by Mary Pitchforth /Woollacott on 12 Oct 2010 at 2:28 pm

I am trying to contact Evry Agnides who lived in Istanbul. She was my best friend. Would dearly love to make contact.


Collington Manor

posted by david parker on 15 Oct 2010 at 6:39 am


St Michael & All Angels Bexhill

posted by Angela on 15 Oct 2010 at 11:49 am

Does anyone remember St Michael & All Angels School in Bexhill? I went there with my brother in the early 1960s.... I am sure the head was belgian - I think it was 2 belgian sisters who ranthe place. Disturbing memories of the place... would be interesting to know if anyone else has any history with it

Ancaster House Bexhill

posted by Denise Winfield-Dawes on 17 Oct 2010 at 10:12 pm

Hi anyone there from 1976-1979? I remember the fifth and sixth form years. A few names and pals I remember are, Rebecca Charlesworth, Marion Green,Alex,Amanda Bell,Heni,Carolyn Cowdry, Eleesha, Ghada ! How are you all ? Would love to catch up .

Charter Towers

posted by Lynn Martin on 21 Oct 2010 at 5:09 pm

Looking for old friends ,I did my o levels in 1975 and was called Eleanor Ferguson. I lived in Zambia and remember Tina Wines, Desmar Walkes,carol Zaloumis,alex.I would love to hear from anyone there at this time.I am on facebook under Lynn Martin and my email address is epmartin@telkomsa.net.

St Francis School

posted by Ann.Black (formally Ann Dodge) on 29 Oct 2010 at 4:23 pm

memories..Stuck in the priest hole for a lesson.Miss Vi's ruler hurt knuckles,winter cocoa(spilt mine on my "O" level art painting,fire drill swaying out of the art room window in a harness,Dr Dunhill's medicals dettol tasting spoon,Fanny saying that GOD knew I had locked my friends in the toilet,runs on the Downs met the secondary boys in the pillbox,kissing the painters of the new gym behind the tennis practise wall,weekly swimming in freezing water.I loved it all with Mary,Valerie,Diana,Carol,Sally,Rosemary etc etc

St Francis

posted by Elisabeth Short (Whitfeld) on 09 Nov 2010 at 10:44 am

Hi Ann
I think I remember you, but you were younger than me. I have a photo of the school in 1961 and I know the faces of all those girls. I think I was your dreaded Head Girl for the final term of 1961. Oh those dreadful medicals which always seemed to happen in the winter term and we had to run into Fanny's office in our knickers which was SO embarrassing! And fire drill - Mary Field in my class used to avoid them by locking herself in the toilet (and those were pretty bad too!). Mrs Platt the French teacher coughing her lungs out while she and Miss Vi gossiped together. I remember winter cocoa too - much better than the summer milk. Cookery lessons with the excellent Miss Brooke - I really enjoyed those including carrying home the goodies balanced on the handlebars of my bike. Do you keep in touch with anyone else from school?

Ancaster Gate

posted by Jo Barton (nee Mount) on 11 Nov 2010 at 7:03 pm

How nice to see posts from Penny Jagdhuber and Debby (nee Dickson) - I wonder if Penny could be Penny Regan, who was also at AG at the same time as Penny Lydon? I've been in touch with Ann Dunlop (now Taylor) for the past few years, and we have contact with others too (Carol Murrell, Sheila HIcks, Pauline Man, Nina Wigg, and through them, Claudia Rotherham). It'd be good to hear more from either Penny or Debby...

St Francis School

posted by Ann.Black (formally Ann Dodge) on 12 Nov 2010 at 8:22 pm

Hello Elizabeth,
I remember the cookery afternoons,we always seemed to be cooking supper for the boarders,poor things having to eat our efforts!Do you remember Prince?the very overweight retriever.We stay in Bexhill every year,and love it.In 1984 I took my husband to see the school,it was boarded up so we broke in only to be severely told off by a security guard.It was sad to see the building in such a derelict state.I keep in touch with Sally[Exley] and Valerie[Dent] I would love to hear from more of my form..

Sandown School

posted by Peter Gilbertson on 16 Nov 2010 at 9:14 pm

I am surprised that Sandown is not included in your site. It was one of the happiest places to be introduced to school life. The head master was one Tony Sulman son of the founders, his parents. I was there from 1948 -1950. Remember hot summers on the beach amongst the pebbles. The sport there was second to none and stood me in good stead for the years to come. Names that come to mind are; Michael Caridia, Andrew Jaques, Richard Pearse, ? Hyde and the girls; Annabel Radmore, deceased, Diana Hanks, plus all the girls at Charters Towers!! Do you remember?

Peter Gilbertson

St Francis

posted by Elisabeth Whitfeld on 26 Nov 2010 at 7:14 pm

Hi Ann
Oh gosh, how well I remember Prince, he smelt revolting and was hugely fat! How very sad to see the school in such a state - I'm glad I didn't and have only memories and photos of it in its prime. I remember Sally and Valerie but you were a few years younger than me, maybe 3? What year did you finish school? Do you remember Mrs Taylor the Enlgish mistress - she was the only decent teacher. I now live in South Africa, having come out here in 1966 and met my husband here just after I arrived. It's a pity none of my year have responded on the Message Board - we all finished in 1961 as none of us did A levels.

Bexhill High School

posted by Wendy Lewis nee Griffiths on 26 Nov 2010 at 10:40 pm

Hello,can anyone help me I am looking to contact anyone from my school,especially Sharon Groves and Maria Turner these are their maiden names.I went to Bexhill High School between 1971 and 1977.Love to have contact with my past and to see how everyone is doing.

St Francis School

posted by Ann.Black (formally Ann Dodge) on 29 Nov 2010 at 12:30 pm

Hello Elizabeth, No I dont remember Mrs Taylor, I remember Mrs English who taught English! she was very well endowed and her breath smelt! when I think back school seems more and more like St Trinians! I left school in 1962 I was 16, the youngest in the form,I worked in a children's home till I went to London in 1963 to train as a Podiatrist,I retired two years ago.I would love to know how the rest of my form have lived their lives.My most inspirational teacher was Mrs Deuchers, the Art Teacher, I paint still and always have done..Education at St Francis was not that wonderful but I was happy and confident at school, what more can you ask from education!

St Francis

posted by Elisabeth Whitfeld on 02 Dec 2010 at 8:29 am

Hi Ann. I have always said that my education was sadly lacking but that I did enjoy school and was very happy too! Mrs Deuchars was a wonderful art teacher but that was NOT my forte - my school report said "Elisabeth tries"!!!! And I have been trying ever since. Were you in the same class as Helen English? She was one of my best friends even though she was younger than me - we used to travel on the train from Battle/Robertsbridge with Rosemary Ensell and her sister Judith, Janet Beckley. We used to terrorise the Grammar School girls.

St Francis School

posted by Ann.Black (formally Ann Dodge) on 05 Dec 2010 at 12:13 pm

Hello Elizabeth.I remember Helen,she was a leading light in all the Drama productions,she was in the form below me with Georgina Pont, Rosanne Bedwell,and Christine Madeley.Rosemary,(Rome we called her)and Janet were in my form.I have found a school photo from 1958,if you have a copy I am in the second row from the top ninth from the right.Which house were you in? I was in Giles,red strip on those awful tight swimming hats very glam! together with those woollen costumes which filled with water..I had elocution lessons from Mrs Gurney and got ribbed from Caroline, who was also in my form.It did make me speak like a radio presenter from the fifties!

St Francis

posted by Elisabeth Whitfeld on 08 Dec 2010 at 1:19 pm

Hi Ann. I have a photo from 1959 and I know exactly which girl you are! I wonder what happened to Helen because I used to write to her after I came to South Africa but then I completely lost touch with her. I have got Chrstine Madeley's email address - check the entry in the message board on 27th August from Eva Englert - she and I are now in email contact regularly and she went to Bexhill and found someone who knew Christine!!! It is so exciting to catch up with girls who were at school with me having not known a soul for 45 years! I was in Bernard house. I remember Mrs Gurney and Caroline well. I also loved drama but was absolutely useless! Stella Houston in my class was the actress and played Romeo - she wanted to go on the stage but I don't know what happened to her!


posted by Nigel Young on 04 Jan 2011 at 11:45 pm

Merrydays Late 50's Cantelupe Road

I was at a Boarding School in Bexhill for a short period in the late 50's. Aged 6 or thereabouts Mrs. Aure rings. A bell and I visited the location some years ago but couldn't identify the building definitely, Google Earthing today the east End of Canteloupe Road is definite as the location.
I believe I was only there for a spring and summer term.
JimBob I'm sure you are right on the location for the late 50's.
Philomena your recollections are very similar to my own, anyone remember queing for cod liver oil and malt extract, I only got the cod liver oil and really felt left out.
Speaking what was then still referred to as Kings English, being taught French, Country Dancing, Scottish Dancing and Ballroom all soon forgotten unfortunately.
Walks 2 by 2 in the wet to the west via town and Sea Front, in the dry to the east past the convalescent home and along the path overlooking the sea "The Bumps" with the cows in the fields inland. I have a photograph black and white of course of a group of 9 girls and 5 boys and a little black and white terrier (Jack Russell ?). I remember one boy called Gary and that the eldest girl was from the chalfonts in Buckinghamshire most were from family breakups. The boys were very mischievous, one night I remember we strained ourselves silly to fill the chamber pots in the dormitory with pee right to the brim, caused a right furore. We had to polish the floor for hours as punishment.
Anyone out there who may have been there at that time? Would love to hear from you.

Where should I post a copy of the photo?


Grammer School

posted by rosemary ramm on 09 Jan 2011 at 4:07 pm

Does anyone know of a grammer school in Bexhill on Sea which was founded in 1551, I am carrying out research for an elderly gentleman, and he says he attended this school from about 1930 - 1938, any information would be greatly appreciated

Gill Blowey

posted by brian senior on 14 Jan 2011 at 1:33 am

it looks as though this site is moribund as there has been nothing on it since 2007, but here's hoping. After 46 years and in (fairly) comfortable retirement i am finally getting round to writing up the diary of my trip with George Lynne from London to jo'burg. I don't suppose you remember ( my memory is pretty dim) but we met up in Geneva Jan 1965 with Rosie Robinson and Claire
Llombard and I would be very interested in anything you had to add. It would also be wonderful to meet up again if you are anywhere near Arundel.

St Francis School

posted by Shelagh Gulliford(nee Effner) on 15 Jan 2011 at 5:22 pm

How fascinating to read other peoples memories of being at St Fannys. I certainly remember Prince, he was so smelly when lying outside Fannys study, and I also remember Fanny being devastated when he died.Mrs Taylor taught us English, and left when she had a baby, we all had to clap in assembly when the birth was announced! Mrs Cowdrey scared me, and Mrs Plattss cough was enough to put me off smoking for life! Anyone remember me? My father used to take the Drama festival photos if that helps jog memories.

St Francis

posted by Elisabeth Short/Whitfeld on 21 Jan 2011 at 4:57 am

Hi Shelagh, I must say your name doesn't ring a bell. What years were you at St Fannys? I was there from 1956 to 1961. Mrs Cowdrey was a fantastic biology teacher and very strict after the batty Miss Brown who we had for a while! Our class went and hid up trees in the garden one day so that we didn't have to go to Biology class and Miss Brown came out calling all around "Lower Four", "Lower Four" and we were all giggling and hiding from her. I don't think we were ever reprimanded about it because Fanny never knew! I didn't know Mrs Taylor had a baby - that must have been after I left. I too find it so fascinating hearing from girls who were at the school as, being in South Africa, I never thought I would catch up again. Thanks to Alastair for setting up this website!

St Francis School

posted by Shelagh Gulliford( nee Effner) on 24 Jan 2011 at 7:38 pm

Hello Elizabeth, Thanks for replying! I started at the school in 1961, so as you went down the drive, I came up it,(remember the concrete map of the world?) and stayed until 1968 when I came to Oxford to train as a nurse at the then Radcliffe Infirmary. It was due to Fannys glowing reference they took me on, so I genuinely have a lot to thank her for. Reading the messages here have prompted memories, Miss Violets colourfull stockings and her lipreading sessions, as you say Mrs Cowdrey was a great biology mistress, but she did scare me! We had Miss Clarke for English, Miss Tucknott (Tucky), for Drama which I loved, and music. Mrs Platt really tried to teach me Latin, but it was to our mutual agreement I gave the subject up! AND those cold changing rooms where with the boiler house adjacent! Those ridiculous garments worn for gym which I loathed. Jenny Cawthorne was in my class, her older sister was Suzanne, and their mother was Fannys sister I believe.Half a dozen of us got together for a lunch a couple of years ago after a gap of about 30 years, and had a wonderful time.Wow the memories flood back.
Anyone from 1961-68 out there??

Normandale Bexhill

posted by Bill Metcalf on 02 Feb 2011 at 3:26 pm

I've seen some of the messages about schools in Bexhill.

I first went to Harewood in ~1947 as a day boy and a year later was sent to Normandale as a boarder. This was all very confusing as they were next door to each other and we were bitter rivals at sport.
At the time we lived in Hooe and evey day I cycled (age 9) from Hooe, along - if I remember correctly - the Barnhorn Road (up the hill!), into Little Common, turned right and then I don't remember where: up the little hill and left I think!
During the war, we were able to swim at Cooden Beach where there was a gap between the mines and, speaking about mines, Fairlight Glen was riddled with mines until well after the war.
I'd be very happy to make contact with anybody from Harewood or Normandale from this era.


posted by lisa o'connor on 02 Feb 2011 at 8:57 pm

Hi im looking for anyone who went to a convent school in bexhill around 1939 to 1950, my father was in a convent there his name was gerald christopher o'connor, and im tryin to find more information about his whereabouts and the convent his mum and dad lived in 51 belle hill and southfield maple drive bexhill so any news on the nearest convent would be great thank you.

St Francis

posted by Elisabeth Short/Whitfeld on 06 Feb 2011 at 5:20 pm

Hi Shelagh, Good to read your message and more memories of St Fannys. I left at the end of 1961 so we were probably both in the school photo taken that year. I can recognise Jenny Cawthorne and I wonder if you have a copy of that photo? When Fanny died in the 1980's I wrote to the address given in the obit notice and got a lovely reply from her sister (Suzanne and Jenny's mother). How sad, though, that the school began and ended with Fanny Fulford and the building has now been demolished and only the photos in the museum remain. I do have a few that I took when I was there and they are much treasured. Did you have cookery with Miss Brook? She was an excellent teacher and I learnt so much from her, including how to whisk the white of an egg on a plate with a knife!!! (which I have never ever done again...!). I too, HATED gym.

The Beehive School For Young Ladies

posted by John Dixon on 09 Feb 2011 at 8:47 am

My Mothe attended the Beehive Shool from 1928 - 1935 as did her youger sister Monica.
Any photos of that time anyone?

Reply To Ian Wakeford Harewood

posted by sally brook nee banfield on 13 Feb 2011 at 1:05 pm

Hi Ian
I was one of the 4 girls who went to Harewood, I think as companions for Michael Philip's daughter Juliet - I remember you and Ian Murray, Ian Barber, Susan ?, Ian Wells and I think someone called Morris minor?! My brother is Nigel Banfield, who was a peer of Henry Paddon. Anyway, my memories include the uniform, crocodile walking, the swimming pool (freezing) the playing field and gym,prep., the smell of the dining hall and changing rooms and the sanitorium, and also sewing with Mrs Philips in the house while you boys did manly things like woodwork. But I do remember you were very nice to me when Juliet and I clashed in the egg and spoon race one year and I nearly got knocked out (Juliet was very competetive!) You picked me up and dusted me off ( I was about 8 I suppose) So thank you from 40 years on.

Sandown School- Peter Gilbertson

posted by John R H Bond on 20 Feb 2011 at 5:31 pm

Peter Gilbertson- We were at Sandown together, I was there from 1947-1951. I recall Richard Persse, Anne Garrett, Andrew Morrison, John Leathes, Roseanne O'Reilly, Averil Waters et.al It was a super school and I was very happy there. Tony Sulman became a family friend, and of course I remember his sister Peggy, Miss Grace, and "Radish". I recall the upstairs windows in our double-decker bus that took us to the Bexhill Swimming Baths being smashed by an over-hanging tree. Lots of pleasant memories

St. Francis

posted by Shirley Heard (nee Hemmings) on 25 Feb 2011 at 11:02 am

Hi to Shelagh Effner from one of your classmates in Australia!!!! Haven't looked at this website for ages and was so excited to find you! I remember going to your birthday party. Didn't you live above a bookshop "The Golden Hind"?????? I believe we were quite good friends and Sandra Forte hung out with us too. I left when I was 14 which must've been in 1963. Didn't keep in touch with anyone really. Have lived in Australia for 37 years and adore it. I'd love to pop back just to have another look at Bexhill again though. One day. Anyway post a message if you remember me. So good to see a familiar name!!! Best wishes. Shirley.

The Beehive School Bexhill

posted by Jo Mackenzie Lee on 12 Mar 2011 at 6:47 pm

I am trying to put a book together about my mother's life for her 90th Birthday on 4th May. She attended The Beehive pre war probably around 1934-1935. Her maiden name was Diana Cole. Could anyone point me in the direction of some old photos of the School by any chance.

St Mary's St Trinians

posted by mina tubman and symmy frewen on 12 Mar 2011 at 11:48 pm

we were at st mary's school bexhil from 1972 to 1981, we were prefects and we knew how to have fun,what with our midnight feasts and secret adventures snoggy on the beach,discos youth clubs, trips to amsterdam,france and sunday's spent on the beach frollicking about if any of you girls out there remeber
these fun filled times get in touch

Hi Maria Batty

posted by Symmy Frewen on 13 Mar 2011 at 10:02 pm

Hi Maria

Just thought I would drop you a line as I noticed that you had put a posting on this site. I don't know if you remember both myself and Mina, but we were just looking for contacts from our school days and came across yourself on this site. We are also in contact with Yvette Liasi as well. If you remember us, then please feel free to drop us a line as we would love to hear from you. We are all based in London these days.

Best Wishes

Ancaster House

posted by sally bentley on 16 Mar 2011 at 3:02 am

I am surprised to see so little about Ancaster House... I was there 53 to 59, and my sister, Christine, was two years behind me. I remember the sports facilities were great, and overall, not a bad place to be. Does anyone remember those years?

Looking For S G Flint

posted by Araminta on 16 Mar 2011 at 7:30 pm

Hello I am Lawrence Beesley's great grandaughter and I am writing a book about him and am looking for information on his first wife, Gertrude Macbeth, who I believe is a relation of yours. If you get this message I'd be very grateful if you could contact me at acraighall@aol.com.
Many thanks.

Hello Sandra Hemmings

posted by Shelagh Gulliford nee Effner on 21 Mar 2011 at 8:07 pm

Well, that was a surprise to see your message! Yes I lived above the Golden Hind Bookshop and stayed at St francis until I left school! If you want to get in touch my email address is SLGulliford@hotmail.co.uk. be good to hear from you. Incidentally I have just tracked down Sandra after a gap of about 45 years!

Hello ALL @St. Fanny's

posted by Sue Ivins nee Grenyer on 24 Mar 2011 at 5:59 pm

This site is amazing! I didn't scroll to the end the 1st. time I looked at it, so missed a few of you.Fanny sold the school, to the LA, for a 6th. form Centre, before she died. She moved to Crowborough. Vi lived in Tunbridge Wells.( We exchanged Christmas cards until they died.) So it was really sad when it was knocked down and made a housing estate. But the tree at the front, with all the names carved in it was saved. I knew Helen English and Shirley. I also enjoyed singing with Miss Tucknott and The Hastings Musical Festival which we always won!Have just taken it up again so bringing back memories.

Beehive School 1952-58

posted by Margaret Downey (nee Wilkinson) on 01 May 2011 at 12:27 pm

Hello all Old Bees
My brother told me that he had seen a search engine which mentioned my nickname (Wilkie) and it led me to this website. I especially remember Margaret Boyce Morley who was in my class (Upper V) and all the others that she mentions - what a blast from the past!

Would love to hear from anyone who is around nowadays I live in Ringmer in East Sussex.

Yes, I too went back to Broadoak Lane a few years ago now and it was unrecognisable such a shame as Broadoak Manor was so lovely with those wonderful grounds. I too remember Miss Willson and her sidekick and also Mlle Rolin and the French speaking which I think me the love of France and French speaaking as I still do French conversation now!

Look forward to hearing from any old Bees!

St. Francis Follow Up

posted by Jo Hallawell (nee Rooth) on 16 May 2011 at 10:06 am

Hi all girls from St. Francis!

Eva, I remember you well. Yes I was called Joey at school and I was in hospital for 3 weeks or so with asthma while they tried out new drugs - not so new now - steroids! I do remember you visiting me. I am in touch with Gill (nee Bradford) Gillian (nee Breckon) Janet (nee Carr) and Teresa (nee O'Meara) I have very many happy memories of school. Yes, that dreaful fuggy staff room, the awful damp changing rooms and the gym garments - who designed those I wonder! No showers or anything like that. I didn't realise they had boarders except for Marion Enslein and Eva then. I kept in touch with Marion after leaving school for a while. I think she had some sort of vague fling with my brother! I loved that school. I don't think the teaching was great maybe, but that may have been my fault as I seem to remember mucking around a lot. The grounds were lovely and when Mrs. Rhodes came of course we had the wonderful athletic tracks, etc. I live in London and have two children a boy of nearly 39 and a girl of 37 and two grandchildren of 17 and 15! Can I give you my email as may find it easier to communicate and would love to hear from anyone at St. Francis please. (54-59)As the school was small I remember al lot of the other people mentioned even though they weren't in my class. I did meet Anna Stait a few years ago and would love to be in touch with Sheila Read again if she is around. So please do email me! hallawell@talktalk.net Jo (Joey!)

The Beehive School

posted by Philippa French (Ross) on 17 May 2011 at 5:00 pm

I would love to make contact with any pupils who attended the sbove school.
The headmistress's name at the time was Mrs Benson-Davies & I was a boarder there in the late 50's.

St Francis

posted by Elisabeth Short (Whitfeld) on 20 May 2011 at 8:53 am

Hi all old St Fanny's girls
I haven't been into the Message Board for ages and was so excited to see some new messages. Joey, I'll email you and we can chat further. I just got an email from Eva which prompted me to get back to thinking about Fanny and the school.Everything sounds so familiar and it's wonderful to conjure up the memories.

Fanny's Fortress

posted by Sally Pattinson (Greed) on 27 May 2011 at 7:12 pm

I remember Sheilagh Effner you lived in St. Leonards Road and you looked like Hayley Mills.
I remember your father as well.
I remember most of the girls mentioned in the messages. I still see Sue Oswald and Wendy Castle who is godmother to one of my grand daughters.


posted by Brian Wyatt on 29 May 2011 at 12:49 pm

Have just aquried a picture of The Old Beehive School in Dorset Road Bexhill On Sea.

e-mail brian.wyatt[AT]sky.com

Any St Francis "old" Girls.

posted by Jennie Arthur on 17 Jun 2011 at 12:54 am

Hello anybody that remembers me. I was Fanny's niece! Jennie Cawthorn ( sister Suzanne)I would love to get in touch with anyone that remembers me.

St Francis Old Girls

posted by Caroline Gurney on 18 Jun 2011 at 6:32 pm

Just found this message site from Jennie Arthur (nee Cawthorn). Fantastic. The messages that really interest me are from Ann 'Dodge' and Elisabeth Whitfeld who I don't seem to remember personally but who know all the people I know. Georgina Pont, Tania William, Judith and Rosemary Ensell, Marion Enslein, Stella I remember so well because of the diabetes and Romeo (I think mum made me play Tybalt?))and all the others that you have mentioned, Sally Exley ?? Judy Longley ?? Jennie and Suzanne Cawthorn are still friends of mine as is Jeremy Hutchinson who came into our class in Junior School at the age of 6, like me. It was a good school and most of us that I can remember seemed to be very happy. I boarded for a while as my mum was between homes and Alma (Fanny) Fulford agreed to let us stay. My brother had been sent back from National Service with malaria and we had nowhere to nurse him so Fanny let us use some rooms in the top of the turrets!! Wouln't be allowed now would it Jen!! I think we all got up to some shenanigans because you two had to be there all the way from Cumberland so you got stuck all term. No long weekends or mobile homes like nowadays. It was a good place and a criminal ending to its life and reputation. Jeremy's father - a solicitor - tried to do something but to no avail - it was a 'who you know' job with hands in back pockets and went a long way to making Alma terribly terribly ill. However, she seems to have produced a good legacy in flourishing 'gels', do we think???


posted by Jennie Cawthorn (ARTHUR) on 19 Jun 2011 at 7:34 pm

Sorry folks, I sent my last message rather late in the evening, after a few glasses of red wine. It should read "anyone else WHO knows me" sorry !! Doesn't bode well for an English teacher!! Well done Caro for your contribution, your mum set me on my path to teaching Drama and I loved every moment of her lessons. I really want to get in touch with some Old St F's. My aunt thought the world of you all and regarded you as her children. I have lots of St F's paraphernalia. Loads of photos and cups, honours boards and furniture made out of the oak panelling in what was Fanny's old sitting room which became a classroom(opposite the new gym) I was there for what seemed a lifetime, our parents were way up in The lake District and Mum thought it was a good idea to send us both off to her sister's school, I was only five and half, my sister 10!! I met up with Judy Ensell when we moved to Bedford in the late 70's and she is my daughter's godmother. I am now living in Norfolk near to Sue Grenyer(Ivins) and Vanessa Groves (Osbourne) as anyone would remember, Chris was my best friend and she sadly died at the age of 23. I saw the Kemsley girls sisters when i went to N.Z. last year and it was great to see them.Shirley H we must meet up in Australia, my son lives in Sydney! Come on girls lets get a reunion going....when,where????? contact me : jennierosalindarthur@yahoo.co.uk

Contacting Previous Ancastrians

posted by Rosey DeSilva on 26 Jun 2011 at 9:39 pm

Been trying to locate previous Ancastrians (1978 - 1980) like Denise Winfield-Dawes, Rebecca Charlesworth, Ghada, and so on. Saw message board by Denise in October 2010. Would love to hear from her. Rosey DeSilva.

Beehive School

posted by keith sadler on 03 Jul 2011 at 9:13 pm

does any one know of hugh bowden i was a good friend of his. his mother was headmisres at the school he ha a sister not sure of her name,

Pete's Record Shop, Sackville Road

posted by Pip on 28 Jul 2011 at 11:02 pm

In the (early) 70s, there was a Record Shop in Sackville Road (between Western & Parkhurst
Roads) run by Pete. Pete was brilliant. He was the start of my musical evolution. And I still
play those records (because I've just returned to vinyl!). Without Pete, I wouldn't be who I am today!
But I left Bexhill (in the mid-70s) without ever thanking him. And never found a better record shop.
So if he's still out there. Or if someone runs into him. Please tell him THANKS.
(I never realised how much I would owe him)

St Francis

posted by Elisabeth Whitfeld on 31 Jul 2011 at 4:19 pm

Well well! I haven't been in to the message board for ages and look who's turned up! It really is so exciting because I didn't think I would ever find anyone again and here you all are at my great age now of 66!!! Caro Gurney - don't you remember we went to Montreux with Fanny on a school holiday and we shared a room and we looked out over that glorious blue lake and the magnolias were all in flower? Yes, Stella made a wonderful Romeo and you were Tybalt! You were in the class below me. Jenny, you were quite a bit younger than me but it's so lovely to hear your comments about Fanny - it's quite sad that one has a screwed up vision of a headmistress when she really was a dear. As you say, it is criminal that they pulled down that building and all the memories. I am intrigued that you still see Judy Ensell - she was one of my best friends. Please say hello to her next time you chat. Doesn't anyone know what happened to Helen English? She and I used to get up to all sorts of mischief in Hastings and I've completely lost touch with her. I thought Fanny's name was Hilda. I feel quite proud of myself because it was me who started this whole chain of memories on 22nd July 2009 and it took ages for me to get a response. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a get-together but where and when? I don't go to England very often but am definitely hoping to be there next year in September/October and would love to meet up with as many people as we could get in a central place. Please all give it some thought and suggestions.

St Francis School

posted by Ann.Black (formally Ann Dodge) on 22 Aug 2011 at 7:57 pm

Hello Caroline, Yes I was in the same form as you-but I was a late starter 1957.I seem to remember you left school not long after? I was a day girl and got up to all sorts!! with Sally,Valerie,Dianne,Mary and Carol in the evenings and week-ends.(Rock and Roll, Jazz in Hastings caves etc,my parents thought I was doing evening classes!)We go to Bexhill often and catch up with Sally Exley each time.I trained in London at The London Foot Hospital and met Mary Sargent who was training at Guy's Hospital at the same time. It was a long time ago,but I had such fun.I keep in touch with Valerie Dent who now lives in Denmark.I can't believe how long ago it all was...seems like yesterday.

St. Francis School.

posted by Mary Almandoz (formerly Sargent) on 16 Sept 2011 at 11:05 pm

Had a lovely surprise today when a friend introduced me to this Bexhill Message Board, where my name had been mentioned by Anne Dodge, who was in class with me. Those were happy days at St. Fanny's. Was there from 1956 to 1962 and Brenda Lacey, Rosemary Ensell, Angela Dunhill, Diana Eversley, Sally Exley, Valerie Dent, Martina Stanley,Carol D'Abo and Anne Dodge were all in my class. Geoergina Pont is my cousin.
I certainly remember Fanny's smelly dog Rex,
Miss Vi and Mrs Platt, Jean Tucknott who was there forever, a Maths master, Mrs Deuchars, Mrs Cowdray biology and Miss Philpott.Everybody waited to see what pretty dress Miss Philpott would wear each day when she walked into Assembly. She was the only young teacher in the school. I don't think the education was that great, but they were happy years and they got me to where I wanted to go, which was nursing. Made it to Barts and then afterwards my nursing took me to Tobago, where I have lived for the last 43 years. So I have very fond memories of St. Fanny's as my foundation.
I still keep in touch with Rosemary (Rome) and Benny until a few years ago when she died suddenly. So this is great to hear the names of old school friends again and relive those memories.

Wilton House School

posted by Mark Wheaton on 19 Sept 2011 at 1:05 pm

My sister and I went to WHS from 1967 to 1975. The school moved to new premises (no idea what became of the old building, of which I still have photos) in 69/70 near a village called Catsfield and was still co-ed, but a few years after I had left I heard it had been split into boys and girls schools. I know that Mrs Roberts, who was a matron, later ran the girls school. Mrs Auer was the head, of Dutch origin and she married the German handyman whose name I do not recall. Teachers were Mr Moore (English) Mr Richards (History-Geography) Mrs Moore (?) I have fond memories of my time there but have lost touch with other boarders.

St Francis School

posted by Ann.Black (formally Ann Dodge) on 19 Sept 2011 at 3:59 pm

I was so pleased to see your message Mary,as I wrote before, the last time I saw you was in London in the 60's. I was so sad to see that Benny has died. Well time is marching on, and really I dont feel any different (sometimes) from the plump St Fanny's school girl in the hated panama hat.I remember your father arranging a box of cow's eyes for Mrs Cowdrey's biology lesson..I have been squeamish about eyes since!!I was very envious of your beautiful teeth, having lost my front teeth at 12,after being knocked off my bike.Do you remember covering the Maths teacher's desk with plants,which he was unable to see over? Poor man the only male in the school, he didn't last long....Can you remember the opera singer who taught History? She was so good we all passed our "O" level History, Mrs Cowdrey terrorised us into all passing Biology !!( without which you and I would not been able to train for medical professions ) Happy Days

St Francis School

posted by Shelagh Gulliford ( Effner) on 20 Sept 2011 at 5:28 pm

Wonderfull to see other old girls from St Francis surfacing on this page!! The opera singer was Miss Olga Clarke, who taught history. She gave me a love of history for which I am gratefull, though my husband always complains at the length of time I take visiting stately homes etc!! Was it Mr Lundy who taught maths? I know he used to throw the board rubber at us most lessons! Perhaps we could have a date next year to meet up at the De La Warre, nothing formal, just a turn up on the day?

St Francis School

posted by Elisabeth Whitfeld on 24 Sept 2011 at 8:02 pm

Lovely to visit the website again and find even more messages from you all. I can't remember the Maths teacher's name but he was quite revolting and used to smoke in break. It was only Carol Godfrey and me who did maths for GCE so we used to have our lessons in the little sitting room with him which was foul because he stank of smoke. I would still like to contact someone from my year - we were a very small class and there were only about 10 of us. I didn't do history for GCE so don't remember Miss Clarke, just little old Miss Driscoll (probably back in 1956/7) who was tiny and sweet but useless at teaching. Mary, I rememmber you and can pick you out on my old school photos. A gathering in Bexhill next year would be fantastic - could it be September/October when I should be in England for a family reunion?

Ancaster Gate 1955-61

posted by Katharine Coleman on 12 Oct 2011 at 11:36 pm

Looking for anyone who was at Ancaster Gate during this time. My name was Katharine (Katy) Mackenzie then. Sadly two of my best friends, Gilly (Anne) Fowle and Susan Long have both died of cancer. I have happy memories of the school and would love to be in touch with people from the school once more.

Collington Schoo(l?)1938-1940

posted by Peter Manson on 15 Oct 2011 at 10:30 am

I was at a boys' school in Collington Rise, or very close nearby, with a separate chapel. The Headmaster was C of E - Rev Foster and the school was evacuated to St Uny in Carbis Bay, near St Ives in Cornwall at the beginning of WW2. I remember 2 of the schoolmasters and also some of the pupils and would like to make contact.
Peter Manson.

Ancaster House School 1972-73

posted by sheila gleason on 16 Oct 2011 at 4:50 am

My sister Sharon and I attended Ancaster House from 1972-73 looking for others in upper three an upper 4 forms. To catch up and reminisce . Has anyone heard from Julie Brown, Marcia Carter and Caroline Mason, Melanie Phillips, Georgina King Smith etc.. Sheila and Sharon Gleason from the USA would be glad to hear from our alumni!

Winceby House School

posted by Richard Hall on 16 Oct 2011 at 12:17 pm

I was at Winceby House for about 4 years till about 1981, then I went to Bexhill High. Is there anyone out there? Who remebers Mr/Mrs Woolf? I was in Hastings for a while and saw Winceby being bashed down for a naff new houses.
Please get intouch.
richardLuxmoore at aol.com no spaces replace at with @

Collington Manor

posted by Jeanne on 17 Oct 2011 at 11:01 pm

I have been trying to find out where I stayed in an open air school Bexhill and it sounds like Collington Manor. I was there for over a year and was probably there around 1957. My brother Alan was there for about six months. I remember walks in the woods, beach visits. I remember sleeping in a girls dormitory with windows wide open and I remember story time. There was a little boy called Christopher who wheezed badly throughout story time. I also remember a little girl called Jean and I think her name was Padgham but could be wrong. I remember the black cat who used to like malt and when we were all given it after breakfast the cat got his spoonful. If anyone remembers memories like these please contact me. I have a photo of about 12 children. Jeanne

Petes Record Shop

posted by janis ellis on 19 Oct 2011 at 4:20 pm

I would imagine that the Pete you mention is Pete Stacy, he worked in Flywrights in sackville road for a long time. He knew the answer to any question regarding music.
I did see him fairly recently and at the time was doing some local amateur dramatics.

Hi To All St. Francis Girls.

posted by Susan Ivins nee Grenyer(61-67) on 31 Oct 2011 at 8:17 pm

Wonderful to read so many missives. Fanny would be so pleased and proud,that we are keeping her school alive. Wonder what she would have thought of e mail---probably say it will ruin your English!! I think I smell a reunion coming on in September/ October 2012. It would certainly be amazing---I don't think the Del La Warr could cope---they had to chuck us out the last time at closing time---6pm-- which was about 5 years ago, with Shelagh (Effner) Anne(Stevenson) Joanne (Larkin)and Hilary (Bird)and myself. Perhaps somewhere in London? It can happen if we're serious!

St Francis Girls Reunion!

posted by Shelagh Gulliford (Effner) on 04 Nov 2011 at 4:58 pm

Can't believe it was 5 years ago we five met up!! September/October 2012 sounds good to me as a start off date, lets hope enough "Old Gals" see this and we get a few more,though we did have a good time. As you say Sue, Fanny (and Miss Violet, remember the colourfull stockings?) would be thrilled.

Beehive School

posted by Pam Thomas on 07 Nov 2011 at 6:38 pm

Glad to see so many Old Beehivers on this site. I was there from 1960 - 63 (Pam Williams) as were several others who have written in. Remember Gillan Rawlings and Susan Fogg, Margaret Clements and Angela Collier.

Was living overseas much of the time after school but have ended up in Hastings Old Town. Would love to meet up with anyone locally or even better attend a reunion. Was in touch with Veronica Shaw a few years ago and bumped into Miss Peters (German teacher) a few times.

Have just given an history of the Beehive (also in Bexhill Library) to East Sussex Records Office.

Sad News

posted by Jennie Arthur ( Cawthorn ) on 09 Nov 2011 at 8:24 pm

I have only just heard today that Caroline Woodhams nee Gurney died in september from Pancreatic cancer. I rang Terry ( her husband) tonight, wondering why I hadn't heard from Caro and was so shocked to hear the news.

Charters Towers 1959-1966

posted by gail leal .was mason. on 10 Nov 2011 at 10:23 pm

goodness me.what a lot of names from long ago.i am still in touch with joc baker, but remember well many of the names mentitoned.has any one heard from gill conde, gillian merrett,lindsay smith.does anyone remember nurse devine and her clarks sandals, or miss dingly who tought us biology in a room of tanks of constantly mating frogs. i was sad to read that garry died this year aged 102,amazing woman. i remember standing outside her office, waiting for the little red light set into the door to light up,that was the signal to go in and take what was coming. i spent quite a lot of time waiting for that light to come on.does any one remember miss steinetz? who remembers swimming at the white rock swimming pool and our black knitted swimming costumes that went south when wet, we had to sort of dredge them up from around our knees as we emerged from the pool reeking of chlorine. kids today have missed out on so much fun!!!!

Grammer School

posted by jackie on 24 Nov 2011 at 7:28 pm

hi, just wondered if anyone can help with some info, my dad was born 1934 wannock and gained a scolarship,the 11 plus? to a grammer school, my mum seems to think was bexhill.all i know is he had his nose broke playing cricket there,and learnt latin. where was this school? would it have been boarding or would he have travelled daily?are there any photoes? and where are the records held? jackie

Charters Towers 1962-1968

posted by Sally Henderson (Turner) on 25 Nov 2011 at 4:53 am

Tried last weekend to have a note added. Totally lost contact with friends. As I read all the threads - memories come flooding back. I remember Nurse Devine / living in dorms all names after famous painter - Van Gogh plus so many others. Swimming at the White rock pool and taking dance lesson by Syvester...
Dressing up and wearing our Sunday best and our boaters - and having ties as part of our Brown and Gold Uniform. As I read the names Sonia Goodwin rings a bell - I had two good friends back then from Tehran - and a good friend called Josephine Willis(Cromwell) sad that we lost contact. Ester Grunfeld is a name that I recognise. I live in Vancouver Canada and have been here since 1977.Home Town was Weybridge in Surrey UK Turned 60 this year - curious if anyone out there remembers - wish I had pictures.... sports days I remember - playing rounders and field hockey.....

Normandale School

posted by Araminta Hall on 08 Dec 2011 at 1:25 pm

Hello, I am a novelist researching a book about my Great Grandfather Lawrence Beesely. I believe he bought and ran Normandale School around 1925 and sold it in 1938. I would be so grateful if anyone has any memories of that time or has any exact dates.
Many thanks.

St Francis

posted by Elisabeth Whitfeld (Short) on 10 Dec 2011 at 1:51 pm

Have just read the responses to the idea of a reunion in Sept/Oct 2012 - exciting that people are keen. London would be good as I shall be able to get there more easily than to Bexhill. We have a family party on Sunday 7th October and I shall have to return to South Africa the next day, so if it could be before that it would be great. Let's hope more old girls (emphasis on the OLD) read the message board and respond.

Do You Remember Me

posted by Anne Andersen nee Williams on 15 Dec 2011 at 12:04 pm

I lived st Brosd Osk Farm and went ot St Francis with Drusilla Burbridge, Carol Piggott and Theresa O Meara 1951 - 1954
Please invite me to a reunion!!

St Francis School Reunion.

posted by Shelagh Gulliford (Effner) on 17 Dec 2011 at 9:37 pm

We seem to have a lot of positive responses re a reunion/ gathering of "Old Girls", so can anyone think of a meeting place? London sounds central for a lot of people, after all the residents of St Francis Chase ( the housing estate built on the old school site) may not take too kindly to a gaggle of females partying on the pavement outside their homes! Incidentally a page has been created on Facebook for St Francis School, new members welcome I am sure!

Jackie. 24/11/2011. Grammar School

posted by net on 20 Dec 2011 at 1:03 am

Hi Jackie

I have given a link here


If you copy and paste it, it will take you to Friends Reunited. Hopefully you may find out something more. It will take you to the page you need for Bexhill Grammar School.

Regards to you


Old Charterians From 1966 To 1970 (Florence Dennis)

posted by Florence Dennis-Huskin on 27 Dec 2011 at 10:03 am

Trying to get in touch with my cohort group of friends including Jane Holderness Karen Idle. Wendy Golding. Hannah McHugh. Anne Cunningham, Jane Mok, Ragna Matthews, Fatma Awad, Susan Fisher, Anne Hoskins. Ana Marie Pinto. Claire Watson, etc.

Please drop me a line at dennishuskin@aol.com
Seasons greetings! Florence Dennis-HUSKIN, Alexandria, Virginia, USA.

Charters Towers 1964-66

posted by Susanne Hardy (Bentley) on 29 Dec 2011 at 11:25 pm

I do not remember you Sally Henderson nor Gail, why not? Sally Phipps has been in touch. Yes I remember the names of the dormitories, last dorm I was in was Cezane (??) with Sonia Goodwin, Sally Worboys, Katie Lahaniatis, girl from Venzuela, Pamela Thomas and maybe Esther Grunfeld. Miss Steinitz we called "Stinks" - so many many memories.

Ancaster Gate/Ancaster House '60 - '66

posted by Kate Wyatt (Figgures) on 01 Jan 2012 at 2:57 pm

Carol Shipley (Carol Percival) I remember you, Carol. I think you were a year below me, as I went into Kappa in 1960. I have very fond memories of my time at the Gate and mixed of the House! My year have kept in touch through class reunions every few years, although I have not been to one since 1990 as I have MS and can no longer travel the distances. We keep in touch via email and I know several people meet up. I am married and live in a little village in the middle of Norfolk. In fact one of my village friends is an old girl from both the Gate and the House, though a few years before me Sue Thompson. If there's anyone else who remembers my year at school it would be lovely to hear from you.

Happy New Year to you all.


James Bristow Merland House

posted by Dorothy Cleeve on 02 Jan 2012 at 8:16 am

Who was your grandmother I may be related

Merland House

posted by gemma cleeve on 02 Jan 2012 at 3:44 pm

Hi James Bristow,

Im a grand daughter of Stanley L.B.Smith.If u want information or photos contact me, at my email address: poshgemma@hotmail.com

Verification Of Headmistresses Of Ancaster Gate

posted by judy whitlam ne frye on 06 Jan 2012 at 6:48 am

I am now 67 went to the Gate at about 7 years old and remember Elizabeth Huxley and Christobel Mumford were joint headmistresses. they had a dog called Tarquin the Proud and Ms. Huxley's uncle or great uncle was Matthew Arnold. I have fond enough memories - even though it was such a traumatic age to be sent away. Any information about them would be much appreciated.

Wilton House School

posted by Antrim Tettonis on 10 Jan 2012 at 8:18 am

I lived in Bexhill in the mid-Sixties and knew a lot of Wilton House people. The cook was an old man called Mr Hall and Mrs Our was the principal. I used to see
Iranian girls sometimes, Kianne Hakmi and Nega Dana
and sold smokes to a teacher from NZ, Mr Moora? He taught me a haka and coached me in history to get my O-Levels. The school was more interesting than other places like Pendragon and Charters Towers. I think Leroy Bascoe went into the army and one girl Teresa one prizes at ballet. Cant remember her last name.

Charters Towers 1959 -1966

posted by gail leal (mason) on 10 Jan 2012 at 10:57 pm

i remember sally warboys from my school days and have often wondered if she is the author by that name. i had forgotten that we used to call miss steinitz stinks... i can only remember her as very picky and not a favourite with many pupils. tell me, can anyone remember why we called the loo the zody? does anyone remember house matron sharples, i can recall when i was in durer dormatory, which was next to her room, hearing her tinkling our half crowns pocket money into the little brown envelopes. we felt loaded on our shopping trip down to the town to buy tins of crimola foam sherbert,dipping our finger into it,licking it. orange finger. i also recall that garry had two little cats called gog and magog. what was the name of the art teacher, it was my favourite lesson and yet i cant remember who taught it.i do remember mrs.fairweather the domestic science teacher though, we made fishcakes one day and she ate mine.... when i started at c.t.s.we used to wear green or blue overalls to eat our meals. when my mum emptied my school trunk out at the end of the summer holiday to wash and repack everything she found a sausage in my overll pocket...presumabley i didnt like them. the chef used to make lovely fruit crumble which we called bexhill beach. the chef also often had a drip on the end of his nose. nice...

Ancaster Gate

posted by Sally Storey (Walker) on 15 Jan 2012 at 8:37 pm

Carol Shipley/Percival - of course I remember you (we were in the same year !
I have fond memories of AG and still remember so much what I learnt there.
Sadly I haven't kept in touch with anyone (I think most people went on to Ancaster House) though I believe Sally Robertson knows my cousin !
I've often wondered what happened to everyone.
How do you get in touch with people on here ??

Bexhill Grammar For Boys Until 1954/5

posted by Patrick Richardson on 22 Jan 2012 at 11:58 am

My name is Patrick Richardson. I was at Bexhill Grammar after passing the 11+ at Sackville Road Primary and until leaving in 1954/5. We lived at Albany Mansions, opposite the De La Warr at that time. Now living on the Costa Blanca and would love to hear from anyone who might remember me from either side of that high hedge that separated the boys from the girls.

St Francis School

posted by Marilyn Mann (nee Adcock) on 24 Jan 2012 at 12:08 am

I also went to St Francis and Jennie Arthur (Cawthorn) suggested I go on this website. I live in Hong Kong but am in UK at the moment as my mother turned 100 on 17 January! We had a celebratory lunch for her at the Cooden Beach Hotel. As everyone says, Bexhill has changed and not for the better i was in the same year as Charlotte Bedwell, Rosslyn Sutherland, Angela Oliver. I keep up with Angela and also Jane Cole. Can remember Mary Flavell, she was senior to me but when she went to her music lessons with Jean Tucknott we used to go home on the buss together. Always wondered who the father of her baby was big scandal at the time! Can also remember prince the dog, Mrs Platt's dreadful cough, Miss Violet and her wonderful lipsticks! plus a maths teather who we all thought was having an affair with Miss Tucknott! Yes, can remember Shelash Effner and names like Vicky Holdroyd, Mary Jo Rogers, the Powell girls etc. Love to hear from anyone. You messages have inspired me to look out, if I can find them, my old St Fanny's school photos. Marilynx

Beehive School

posted by Helen Buxton (nee Piesse) on 25 Jan 2012 at 12:05 pm

I was at the Beehive from 1951-1958, along
with my sister Jane. Was in the same class
as Margaret Morley, Wilkie, etc. and Miss
Wilson was the headmistress. Both Jane and
I live in London. I was in touch with
Angela Renshaw until she died in 1972 and
Jane is still in touch with her sister Mary.

Follow Up On Headmistresses Mumford And Huxley At Ancaster Gate

posted by judy whitlam ne frye on 27 Jan 2012 at 9:14 am

I can be contacted at fryeup@bigpond.com

Judy whitlam ne frye re Misses Huxley and Mumford headmistresses in the 1950'S at Ancaster Gate any info about them would be much appreciated.

St Francis Reunion

posted by Elisabeth Whitfeld (Short) on 05 Feb 2012 at 11:17 am

Hi All. Marilyn, it was good to hear from another old girl even if you were two years below me. If a reunion could be in London some time between 14th September and 8th October that would be wonderful as I'll be in England then (from South Africa). We have a family party on Sunday 7th October. I think London would definitely be the most central point to meet. Yes, I also thought the maths teacher was having an affair with "Tucky" - I simply cannot remember his name. Do you have any idea where Helen English is?

Wilton House School

posted by Steve Smedley on 14 Feb 2012 at 4:49 pm

To the several Old Wiltonians who've posted messages to this board: the ere is a board devoted to Wilton House Scholl - just visit the Bexhill Message Board Home page and scroll down a few lines until you see Robert Newson's recent message. Click on the link.

St Francis School

posted by Amanda Lannon (Thwaite) on 23 Feb 2012 at 9:16 pm

Any ex pupils of St Francis School please do join us on facebook where we are trying to gather all in the hope of having a reunion later this year, it would be lovely to see you there...Amanda

Ancaster House 64 - 70

posted by lynette dobbin on 11 Mar 2012 at 1:43 pm

Were you in my year at AH and have I so far failed to run you to ground? I'm talking DJ Allen, Susan Boswell,Mary Andrew, Caroline Marsden, Sarah Hodgson...if anyone knows where they are please can you let me know. We have had two class reunions so far (in 1998 and 2008) and the next one will be 2018. I've managed to find so many it is frustrating to be missing the last few!

Collington Manor

posted by tony rogers on 19 Mar 2012 at 11:23 am

I lived at the "open air"school in about 1952.I was sent from Edmonton N.London as I had bronchitus as a child of 7 or 8.The trees in the large garden had white painted rings round the big branches that you were not allowed to climb past.We played in a barn if it rained but we were not to go upstairs.Sister had a large built up shoe on one foot.Isn't it funny the things you remember? 19-03-12


posted by fiona green (nee carr) on 25 Mar 2012 at 6:32 am

i would love to be in contact again with heather boyd or boyde, who lived in the railway carriages in the grounds of the school after it had closed. i went to school with heather at the downs school and we used to play in the manor house, in the gym with the old medicene balls! there was a huge monkey puzzle tree in the garden and i think heathers parents where the groundskeepers but not sure on that one! i was at the downs school (primary/junior and senior) through 1965 ish to the early 70's. thanks anyone who can give me any info. i now live in vancouver, canada.

Collington Manor

posted by ken on 25 Mar 2012 at 7:18 am

The manor houses spoken about by your posters could all be one and the same or different manors dotted around Bex-Hill. I was s guest at Collington manor in about 1947. It was then a convalescent home for sick children. It incorporated a small school for the resident kids. We had a head teacher and a deputy, who drove an Austen 7 that was involved in a road accident that caused some distress to the whole school. The only other staff I remember were two Swiss "nurses". The inside of the manor had many rooms, paneled in Oak. In the gardens were Pine trees. I slipped on the pine needles and broke my arm, necessitating a visit to a local hospital. I also remember a small wood between the manor and the sea. where we picked blue-bells. we also walked from the manor to the stony beach, must have looked comical, a long line of kids walking two by two, holding hands I remember my stay with affection despite being away from my home for what seamed months. I don't know what happened to Collington manor, probably pulled down.


posted by Lesley Beverley on 15 Apr 2012 at 5:25 pm

I have often wondered about the children who went to this school with me. I was there from 58 (when I was only 3) to 61 with my brother Michael and then again from 64 to 66 (my surname was Gee). I remember taking my 11 plus in the back bedroom on the first floor. I think I was sitting at a dressing table looking out of the window.It was great to read Linda and Nigel's messages reminding me of the walks and the great care Misses Auer and Warner took with us. I would love to see the photo Nigel mentioned but he did not seem to add an email address. I will look to see if I have any at all - the only one I can think of is of Miss Auer with the little Jack Russell. I think his name was Toby. I am afraid I am not very good with names. I do remember 2 sisters who came from Dulwich - I think they were fair haired - one of them gave me a St. Christopher key ring which I still have.


posted by Lesley Beverley on 16 Apr 2012 at 6:35 pm

Just to add that my email address is lsbeverleyATgmail.com.

St Francis School

posted by June Wolff (Lacey) on 19 Apr 2012 at 3:33 pm

I have just found this site because I am hoping to visit Bexhill sometime next week.
I was at St Fanny's from September '58 to Christmas '59. I recognise so many of the names. My sister was Brenda (Benny) mentioned by Mary (Sargent).
This has brought back so many memories, Prince, vaulting in the gym with the window open incase we jumped too far!, 'escaping' via the harness from the top floor, measuring and marking out the running track etc. I had physics lessons in the lunch hour with the maths teacher who just gave me the curiculum to read whilst he put his feet on the desk and smoked!
I trained as a physiotherapist and worked in London, Oxford and Toronto before having my family. I have three children and two wonderful grandchildren. I remember Mary Favell - and her leg! - but did not know about her baby, how interesting.

As a P.s> I am not on Facebook but would love information about a reunion. My e-mail address is june[AT]wolff.co.uk
My signature cake is a chocolate cake the recipie given to me by Sheila Read's mother.
I would love to meet up for a reunion. I live in Oxforshire so London would be good. I also have a physio and nursing reunion in October or September so it will be a time of great memories.


posted by Connie Murtagh on 23 Apr 2012 at 11:30 am

I worked at Broomham from 1995-2000, it was a lovely experience with Jan Auer and Stuart Prince. I wonder what happened to them and where they are now. When the school closed down I went to London to work in SEN, and then went abroad for a few years. I am now back and would love to get in contact with anyone who went to Broomham or who taught there.

St Michaels ..."Angela"

posted by Tunku Mahmood Shah on 29 Apr 2012 at 3:04 am

Dear Angela,
We were in St Michaels aroung 1953 1958 as boarders.

My memory of the school !
Two sisters from Belgium one called Marion and the other was called "DI DONG" by the other.
The father of these sisters was a wood carver and a few of the clocks in the school were carved by him clocks that you would put up on the mantle above the fireplace.

The pupils I remember a few ...there was a nearlly blind girl she wore glasses and to read a book she had to use a magnifying glass as well.She read all the old novels.
I think there was an Angela could that have been you ,,!
Theresa..Brendon ...Phillips...the children of Fortis all were given ice cream on Birthdays.The child of Rocky Marciana went there,!a girl from a farm was a day girl.
A couple of kids from Africa called Papaya Paw Paw,?
my Sister Maria who has since passed away.and myself
Then known as Mahmood Mohammed but my full name
Is Tunku Mahmood Shah Bin Tunku Mohammed I am from Johor Malaysia.

I remember the sisters had a car it was an Austin A40 I think it was Grey in colour.The number plate of that car was ........EPN640........
There was a tennis court the back garden we used to watch wild rabbits frolliking on the lawn..

The sisters used to bring us as a treat to the cineme and watch French films we figitted and played around but they seemed to enjoy all the films..yes I believe that they were both Roman Catholics...

They cooked all meals and the big treat was to be chosen to lick the pudding pot after all had their share off to the cloak room and pot with spoon in hand ha ha .

In the winter they tell us to go play out side I was usually crying in the cloakroom with my hands under cold water trying to warm them up aaaaaagh misery...!

These Angela are some of the memories I have of that school is it still in existance and what is its location I have been trying to locate on Google earth.

If allowed ..my e mail address

Hope that this reaches you and opens some memories
for you school mates,,,,,,,,,,,

Schools In Bexhill Early 1900's

posted by Jean Rieder on 30 Apr 2012 at 5:57 pm

My father-in-law was born in 1900 and grew up in Bexhill-on-Sea until l920 when the family emigrated to South Africa. My husband is trying to find out what school he and his siblings went to way back then. They lived at 30 Devonshire Road (where Stead & Simpson are now) having a business downstairs and living upstairs. There were 6 children in the family - 4 girls and 2 boys. If anyone can throw any light on schools in that area at that time we would be very grateful.

Could You.?

posted by Tunku Mahmood Shah on 02 May 2012 at 7:49 am

it would be a great help if you could number the letters this would make finding them so much easier to scroll down and find a letter is quite a chore and a strain on the eyes ..numbered would make life so much easier ..
Many thanks for what you have done so far I really do appreciate all the time and effort put in ...
Tunku Mahmood Shah.

School Search

posted by Michael Oliver on 04 May 2012 at 12:17 pm

St. Mary Magdalenes Catholic School. Evacuated to Letchworth 1939 St. Francis school. Is there anyone who remembers and do they have a photo taken there in the playground ? Miss Cahill was headmistress and Miss Gorman was also there.

St Michaels Cooden Drive

posted by Cheryl Shearing on 09 May 2012 at 7:42 pm

Does anyone remember St Michaels and the Misses Marion, what was your experience of school life there, mine was not happy, look forward to hearing anyone's

Ridgeways School Wimbledon

posted by mike martin on 12 May 2012 at 3:50 pm

Did anyone attend Ridgeways Private School Wimbledon, and get evacuated to Kendel during the War, I would like to hear from you

St Michaels Cooden Drive

posted by Tunku Mahmood Shah on 16 May 2012 at 11:24 am

Cheryl Shearing
I did write a little about the school sounds like you too did not have such a wonderful time there..?
My E mail address is
What year were you there and tell me of some of your experiences.
Tunku Mahmood Shah

St. Francis School.

posted by Mary Almandoz ( Sargent) on 04 Jun 2012 at 12:18 pm

Going through some old photos, I have found 2 snaps of girls in my class, taken by the pavillion on the sports field. Sadly I can't put names to all the faces, and am asking if anyone in my class can make contact with me by email, in the hope of identifying everyone. So I am hoping that Ann Dodge, Sally Exley, Valerie Dent, Diana Etheridge, Martina Stanley might read this message and get in touch. maryalmandoz[AT]yahoo.com
It would be great to share these photos with you.

St Barnabas School

posted by Mary Upton (nee Turner) on 27 Jun 2012 at 10:11 pm

I went to St Barnabas school Reginald Road from 1950 Does anyone remember the teachers then? Miss Kirby, Mrs Carpenter, Mr Walker and a lovely head master called Mr Reece. I can remember the old air raid shelters in the playground. The pile of coconut mats in the lobby.
I married Brian Upton who came from Little Common and we live in Southampton. I am 68 now.
I would love to hear from anyone with any memories of those days.

Hello Mary

posted by jennie arthur on 02 Jul 2012 at 1:10 am

Please get in touch re St Francis reunion. Jennie Arthur nee CAWTHORN ( Miss Fulfords niece)


posted by Kathleen Moulin (Nee Searle) on 04 Jul 2012 at 9:30 pm


CTS Memories

posted by barbara Macfall on 21 Jul 2012 at 9:22 pm

Hi there to Gail Mason now Teal

I was at CTS from 1962 and your name def rings a bell...........my Grandmother ( Mrs C. D Finch ) actually founded the school but I learnt v quickly to keep quiet about that! If you remember me, or even if you don't, then please email me or get me on facebook!x

Memories Of Boarding School In Bexhill On Sea

posted by david [clout] now smith on 31 Jul 2012 at 1:56 pm

I remember being in a boarding school in bexhill on sea up to the age of 6 years,so i would have left in about 1958.I can recall,the head master, a very strict man who would pace up and down in front of his desk in his study,whilst berateing me for something or other,also I would often disapear from our beach outings only to be brought back by the police in a black wolsely with a silver bell on the front which they used to let me ring by pulling a rope inside the car.a long shot but does anybody remember me,Ialso had a toy saxophone,that I had smashed by the head master as I think it annoyed him somewhat.Oh happy days,NOT.

Bexhill Down Wendy Lewis Nee Griffiths

posted by Maria Lockwood nee Turner on 13 Aug 2012 at 8:09 am

Just found this site and your message. would love to hear from you. I still see Sharon around Bexhill. You can contact me at petermaria.lockwood@sky.com

Oak Bank Open Air School

posted by Linda on 22 Aug 2012 at 2:39 pm

Did anybody go to Oak Bank Open Air School for Delicate Children during 1954. I was sent their on 4th January 1954 and stayed for 11 months. My name then was Linda Moffat

Harewood School

posted by Andrew Brown on 25 Aug 2012 at 9:51 pm

I was at Harewood School from 1957-63 as a day boy, and remember well the abusive behaviour of Mr Morgan (Latin) and Mr Phillips(Head). Others like Messrs Mulverhill, Col Daltry, Miss Soundy were much more benign. The memory of freezing to death on the football pitch and the exhaustingly long crocodile marches are all too clear, but I certainly benefitted from the discipline and the Latin aand Geography knowledge benefitted me in future years.
I remember in the final year boys called William Konarzewski (became a doctor) Stuart Winchester, Ellis, Faulkner, Fewster, and famous alumni like Sir David Hare and Dr Andrew Pembroke (Cons. Dermatologist).
Unlike my contemporaries I went on to Bexhill Grammar School and after much catching up on the sciences finally got in to Medical School in 1969. The site of Harewood and Normandale were developed into housing in the early 70's and Mr Phillips retired to Bexhill. Happy to reminisce further on dramb@f2s.com

Merrydays Boarding School

posted by Hazel on 27 Aug 2012 at 7:08 am

My sister, Dianne, and I went to a school on Canteloupe(sp?) Road in Bexhill in about 1967/68. From what I remember it was run by two women - Mrs. Auer and Miss Warner. They had two little dogs; a Jack Russell named Toby and another terrier named Towser. I don't remember any other teachers though I would expect there had to be others.

Most of the children were very, very young - my sister, for instance was only 6 and I was 7. My memories were of an absolutely dreadful place with cold rooms, a few bunkbeds, daily walks - rain or shine - and I remember going to bed hungry most nights and comforting myself by imagining eating birthday cake or making plans to run away! Sounds decidedly Dickensian, I know, but.....

My Dad and Mum were stationed in W. Africa and only came to visit once while we were there. It was a surprise visit and I was distraught when they had to leave at the end of the day. I remember Ms. Warner telling me off about "blubbering" once my father had left, yet pretending to be so sweet to me as I cried while he was still there.

I don't remember the names of any of the children except for one boy named Mark who I remember wanted to marry me when we were older - how sweet; my first love at age 8!!

I'm now living in the US but would love to know if anyone can validate some of the names I've come up with. I see lots of mention of Wilton House, but I distinctly remember "Merrydays" which it most decidedly was not - at least not for me!


posted by Nick Burrows on 14 Sept 2012 at 11:43 am

for Hazel.

I can confirm everything you say - my brother Jason and I were at Merrydays at about the same time as you - and I have much the same memories. I planned escape every night! Miss Auer and Miss Warner were, as you say, sweetness and light when parents were around ( which in most cases was rare) but nasty. We had about 1 hour of TV in the winter and none in the summer when we were confined to the back garden and 1 sweet on a saturday morning - but these were small thing compared with the homesickness we all felt. I did visit the house about 10 years ago when I was in the Bexhill area - and Miss Warner was still there! - but the place was delapidated - the top windows were all broken and pidgeons seemed to be nesting up there - and Miss Warner wasn't in much better condition! She didnt seem to want to speak at all about Miss Auer (strange) but did recall me and asked how my brother was! I felt sorry for her - she seemed confined to the living room and the kitchen - she made me a cup of tea in a mug that was disgusting.
We were doubly homesick as we had to stay there through most holidays and got home about 2-3 weeks a year. I dont think such places exist any more - I'd hate to think my kids going through that sort of institution!! as you say 'Merrydays' was a complete misnomer!

Garth Place

posted by Peter Evans on 20 Sept 2012 at 11:45 am

Does anyone know anything about a school called or was in Garth Place in the 1920s/1930s ? My father was employed there as cook/caretakere

Beehive School

posted by Alex Allan on 22 Sept 2012 at 9:20 pm

Ref:Post by Sue Roe (nee Fogg).
My wife Clare (nee Heyworth) must have taught there in your time. She left to be Assistant Matron at Benenden and in 1961 became an Instructor at the Outward Bound school in Devon, where I met and married her. We led a very adventurous life together but sadly she died in 2010. If you would like more information my e-mail address is: alex@surfer.me.uk

St Barnabas School

posted by Jim Bloor on 24 Sept 2012 at 1:21 pm

Ref: Post by Mary Upton (nee Turner) on 27 June 2012 at 10:11 pm
I too went to St Barnabas school Reginald Road. I went there in, I think, 1949 or there abouts from St Peters school in Barrack Road. I do remember Miss Kirby, Mrs Carpenter, Mr Walker and Mr Reece. There was also a Mr Dipper who pointed at you with a bent finger. I do remember the old air raid shelters in the playground, the pile of coconut mats in the lobby and the toilets on the far side of the playground (or were those just for the boys toilets?)
The school has gone now, replaced by houses or flats. I have tried unsuccessfully to find a photograph of the school. There seems to be surprisingly little information available about it. I am now 70 and left in 1953 to go to the grammar school.

Remembering The Days @: Harewood Preparatory School

posted by Ian Bultitude on 30 Sept 2012 at 7:27 pm

I just found this site and it has certainly brought back memories. I would have been there fron about 1952 to 1957. It was a boys only school then as I recall.
Is there a Facebook page for this school? I can not seem to find one. It would be great if there is.
Regards to all Ian


posted by dave on 14 Oct 2012 at 8:30 pm

Does anyone remember mrs brockelbank ?

St Marys Boarding Schooll Bexhilll

posted by debra mcnicholl on 16 Oct 2012 at 2:58 am

Hi maria batty I remember you from st marys bexhill do you remember me? I was good friends with jeannie lake amanda taylor their was a black girl named susan mansa and nicola mochent she had a disabled hand and was a fantastic artist.iremember miss shaw. Miss randle was the french teacher.their were woods around the school.I remember the nite nurse who used to come round and check at us at nite.their was mavis ranking.I carnt even beleave I found this web site fantastic.I was from london I remember so much about st marys I could go on and on lol x

1955-1960 Bexhill Secondary Modern

posted by Alan Bradley on 19 Oct 2012 at 4:57 pm

Class of 3c.
Any old friends from school still about.
Peter Martin, stuart, John locke etc
Girl friends
Maureen Jarvis,Celia Barnes etc
Drop us a E-mail

St Francis

posted by Elisabeth Short/Whitfeld on 24 Oct 2012 at 8:22 pm

Hi All St Fanny's Girls. I'm so impressed that you managed to get so many old girls at the reunion in London last weekend. There are some lovely pictures on the Facebook page so if anyone who wasn't there wants to have a look, go to the page and become a friend. I've been re-reading all the messages above - perhaps we can even encourage more old girls to post messages now. I'm really sorry I couldn't make the reunion but I was back in South Africa on 9th October after a month in England. Anyway most of you are younger than me and don't remember me. It must have been great fun. Perhaps you remember me as Lizzie Whitfeld, rather than Elisabeth!

Original Beehive School

posted by Chrissie Birch on 18 Nov 2012 at 5:37 am

I have been researching my family tree and have found out that an ancestor of mine (Miss Mariana Alice Browning) was the founder and first headmistress of the Beehive School.

Interestingly, she started the original "Beehive Ladies School" at 12/13 Osborne Road, Windsor, Berkshire (shown on the 1881 census, and in google searches), and at some point between then and 1901 she had moved to Bexhill - and evidently moved her school with her!
I have traced her links to the Beehive school until 1904 in National Archives but can find nothing after that. She passed away in 1910.

On a side note - her brother was the famous Oscar Browning, the English writer and cofounder of the Cambridge University Day Training College. He has a wikipedia page.

Beehive School Bexhill

posted by Neil Bates on 18 Nov 2012 at 10:42 pm

I am a member of the Bexhill Museum Local History Group and have been researching the life of Oscar Browning who lived in the town during the early 1900s. His sister Mariana moved the Beehive School to Bexhill around the time he retired from his post at Kings College Cambridge. The school was based in Dorset Road, Bexhill. Another member of our group, Gillian Beecher, is a bit of an expert on the history of independent schools in Bexhill and can be contacted via the museum e-mail, which is education@bexhillmuseum.co.uk

Prep School

posted by Barbara on 02 Dec 2012 at 5:54 pm

My brother who would have been 90 in January was sent to a prep school in Bexhill or Cooden in the 1930s. I believe it had an evangelical Christian emphasis. I think it had 'hill' in its name. Can anyone help me?

St Francis

posted by Rosemary Dufour-Ensell on 13 Dec 2012 at 8:34 pm

would love to get in touch with anyone from Fanny's

Charters Towers 1959-1966

posted by GAIL LEAL on 13 Dec 2012 at 11:59 pm

hi everyone.not much activity amongst old cts inmates lately. i have remembered a few more names from the past, liz white, liz patterson ( i think she sadly died while we were still at school, not sure on that though),yinka shonabari,betina reeves, she was very good at art.elizabeth rushton. gillian merret, mary pike.mary joy langdon. i had a christmas car and letter from joc basto (baker). she is still in the usa. well,everybody, i hope you all have a wonderful christmas and that 2013 is a good year. if it helps to jog anyones memory as to who i am, i and three others who may not want to be named, decided that a few trips out at night to go telling ghosty stories in the church yard with members from another local school would be fun, after about 4 trips out we got sussed by garry and our parents were instructed to come and collect us and remove us from the premises. this happened just after we had finished our gce exams. for me it was wonderful. i left school, went to college, became a secretary, worked for the british hovercraft corporation, got married, had 3 children, stayed married for 21 years, got a divorce, 2 years later got married again, had number 4 child,have been married to number 2 for 20 years. have 3 grandchildren, 2 dogs, 3 cats, 1 polecat and no partridge in a pear tree......

Wilton House

posted by Lorna coles on 27 Dec 2012 at 12:32 pm

I have been posting messages onto the wilton house site and just came across this. I was at the original school in 1956 when I was 5. I left the next year and returned to the new school in Hastings road when I wad about 8. I was friends with Alice Maharg who had a sister Bernice. does anyone remember me or Alice ?

St Francis

posted by Ann. Black nee Dodge on 28 Dec 2012 at 2:29 pm

Hello Rosemary (Rome),
If you would like to email me, I can send you emails I have had from Mary Sargent. I am in contact with Valerie ( who is in contact with Diana) and I often see Sally. I would like to hear from Carol Williams. I sent a lovely picture I have of our last day at school to Benny,s sister, you are on it, I can send you a copy. Ann Black ( Dodge)

Ancaster Gate Contacts

posted by Nikki Sims on 29 Dec 2012 at 9:04 am

I went to Ancaster Gate from 1962 or 3 to 1966.I went by Jenny Sims ( now it's Nikki Sims).
I was seven. My friends were Diane Millis , Robin and Lucy , their surnames escape me but Lucy's parents lived in Africa .
Diane and I are in touch but would love to contact any others who might remember us .
Hope you are all thriving.
Happy New Year !!
Nikki .

Re School Reunion October 2012

posted by jo hallawell (nee Rooth) on 29 Dec 2012 at 7:10 pm

Hello to all! This msg is re a photo that was on Facebook. Eva had sent me a copy of that photo a couple of years ago. In the back row there is Eva, Fiona Crosfield, Mary Flavell, Jo (that's me), Tooty Carr and Gillian Bradford. As you say Gillian Breckon on the left of Mrs. Rhodes - there is Lisbeth Bennett in the front row - know the face but can't remember the names of the two other girls. I was at St. Francis from 1954 - 1959 and would be older than the girls at the Reunion. There was a reunion at the De la Warr of old Bexhillians but only a few (Ros,Carol d'Abo, Ann Mitchell, Teresa O'Meara and me) from St. Francis itself. That was in September. Hope to keep in touch. Jo

Ancaster Gate 62-65

posted by Joy Brook on 06 Jan 2013 at 11:21 am

Stumbled upon this site and how the years fell away, and yes there are names I recognise, do you remember we had to learn our class name order for fire drill Alison Brayne, Joy Brook, Mary Browne,Patricia Chambers, Jane Chesters, Janine Church, Christine Claxton, Diana Drew, Penny Duckham, Elspeth Evans, Hilary Harding, Sarah Hodgeson, Madelaine Lawson, Muriel Murray, Anne Pender-cudlip,Caroline Reyland-Tayor Annabella Yeo, I am sorry to have forgotten others, a catch up would be lovely, email me

Ancaster Gate

posted by Joanna Higgins on 20 Jan 2013 at 9:39 pm

Found this site and read the most recent message with what looks like the form list of the class ahead of me at Ancaster Gate (although I feel pretty sure Madeleine Lawson was in my year).
I have mixed memories of the Gate though similarly recall the register: Anderson Arnold (self) Blair Fish Clyde Constance Heathcote Heathcote Lawrence Lawson etc etc
All a mere 50 years or so ago!

Come On All You Charters Towers Girls From 1973 To 1976. GET IN TOUCH!!!

posted by Nickie Williamson (nee Smith) on 21 Jan 2013 at 6:01 pm

Have thought about the good and bad times at Charters Towers for many a year but life gets in the way and suddenly another decade has passed! Would love to hear from anyone who was there from 73/76. Are you out there Elaine Goldwyn, Dawn Teper, Alex Scherchen (? Spelling) Susanne Ferris, Alma, Isabelle, Desma Wilkes, Clare Watson to name but a few. Come on girls get those photos out, dust the cobwebs off the hockey sticks and get in touch. Would be a hoot to find out what you've all been up to. According to. Mrs Urquart (English) and Ms Boxall (Maths) I was a lost cause. However, Mr Gerrard (Geog) Mr Foster (Physics) kept the faith! and as for Mr Fox - ?! Anyone remember Ms Summervilles ' dogs and Ms Howes housekeeper? What we we would have done for a nice piece of toast and marmalade - hey. Anyway gals look forward to hearing from one or all of you. Nickie Williamson (nee Smith) nickiewilliamson[AT]mac.com

Winceby House School

posted by Andrew Portch on 26 Jan 2013 at 3:35 pm

Hi Im Andrew portch i went to Winceby house school from 1969 to 1975 message to Richard Hall about John wolf the head master he past away i think it was in the 90s las i heard his wife Margret was well .since i have left the school ive been trying to find an old friend i had there his name is Jimmy May ive checked facebook and friends reunited with no joy can any one help please I know he lived in plumstead london and was at winceby house from about 1970 to about 1976 im on facebook as Andy portch in Northampton or e mail andyportch[AT]live.co.uk

Old Days

posted by Sharon Lennox on 27 Jan 2013 at 11:19 pm

I remember wilamina and evet.Maria batty.I came to see you wilamina when you left school.Di you remember me ? my teachers Mr Evans miss Shaw mrs Randall.I loved all if them miss school still.get in contact if you remember me xx


posted by B Jackson on 31 Jan 2013 at 9:36 pm

I am trying to trace a Boarding School for Boys in the year 1902 onwards. Students were well educated and well spoken with exceptionally good manners.

Ancaster Gate 1962 - 66

posted by Nikki Sims - formerly Jenny Sims on 04 Feb 2013 at 1:06 am

Any other 57 year old's who attended ancaster gate from 1962 on remember , Jenny sims , Diane Millis , Lucy Duke or Robin Tucker?
I am having problems remembering names although Hilary Harding Elspeth Evans and Penny Duckham ring a vague bell .
I am in touch with Diane Millis and hoping to connect with more of you. Do you remember us Joy Brook?
Best to all on your search , Nikki .formerly Jenny.


posted by DAVID PARKER on 11 Feb 2013 at 4:09 am


Portsdown Lodge Prep School For Girls 1957

posted by wendy hasnip on 15 Feb 2013 at 11:22 am

Am asking if anyone who attended or worked at portsdown lodge prep school for girls remembers a miss kathleen dixon she taught pe in 1957She now lives in middlesbrough teesside and is celebrating her 80th birthday this weekend it would mean a lot to her if anyone had any memories to share.Many thanks!

St Francis

posted by Nick Buswell on 18 Feb 2013 at 6:40 pm

Hello Ann,
The e-mail address you gave in your post of 28 December doesn't seem to be valid. Please advise. Thanks!

The Beehive Scool

posted by Philippa French nee Ross on 19 Feb 2013 at 11:19 pm

I attended the above school 1958-1961 & would dearly like to make contact with old friends like Jenny Newcombe.

St Francis

posted by Ann. Black nee Dodge on 01 Mar 2013 at 3:33 pm

hello Nick,
My e-mail is valid.

Beehive School

posted by Yvonne Furman (nee Seeman) on 04 Mar 2013 at 2:18 pm

Ileft the Beehive when it closed in 1964. Would love to hear from anyone who was there then. My email is yf001@telstra.com. I think the school motto was "Better do than dream, better be than seem" Anyone remember?

Gunters Lane School

posted by jewelles wallis on 20 Mar 2013 at 12:07 pm

hi i have just moved into a bungalow in gunters lane .it used to be joined to the bungalow next door and was a school ..there is an Anderson shelter in the garden which i know was used by the school in war time. i would love to know the name of the school ..it was for young children and there is a girls and boys entrance still there.it is next to the driveway of the now charters ancaster school and was on the corner of what was old farm lane...can anyone help me plz

Harewood School

posted by john Webber on 30 Mar 2013 at 11:50 am

I was a boarder 1949 to 1953, although sometime I was a day boy. Mr woodrolfe was the head at the time, Mr Phillips, Mr Mulvihill, Mr Harris were some of the masters

Remember the playing fields especially during winter moths, rugger and football, in freezing cold. Summer Cricket was a delight.
Teaching was good, although a "marks system" was in place and if you failed to reach certain marks, a visit to Headmasters study, followed by a caning, was supposed to "encourage" you to better things!
The cane had quite a high priority in the discipline of Harewood
Church twice on Sunday, marched in twos there and back.
Sunday afternoons in summer, swimming at Cooden Beach and those bike ride, with Mr Woodrolfe leading the way on his "motorised" bbicycle.
Remember especially well Mr Mulvihill, taking orders when he went shopping on a Saturday afternoon, bringing back balsa wood and modelling kits.
The smells of cooking permeated the whole school, especially if anything was burnt. (BurntPorridge smell) as we were woken in mornings.
Palmer bros, Haslem, Bolton, Train, Brown bros, were just a few of boys I remember all those years ago

Harewood House

posted by Eric Michell on 04 Apr 2013 at 8:35 pm

Wonderful to see the memories of those at Harewood House appearing on this message board - which I have only now just discovered.

I was there from 1960 to 1965 and had totally lost touch with everyone until very recently when I established contact with Hannen Beith who was there at the same time. My name is Eric Michell. Amazing to see a posting from the elder Rivett-Carnac. I was good friends with Michael Rivett-Carnac in my last year or so and always wondered what happened to him. I seem to remember he may have gone to Oakham, he must have been the younger brother. I think matron during my time was Miss Wilson(?) a rather severe woman, and I have strong recollections of a foul tasting cough medicine being dispensed in Matron's 'room'. There was the incredibly cold winter of 1963 when the man who stoked the boiler almost died when he was overcome by fumes in the cellar and was dragged out up the stairs into the main corridor during lessons. Midnight feasts ( on the roof!) with food stashed under loose sections of floor board. Sneaking downstairs at night to steal boiled sweets from the jars in the big cupboard in the dining room. Ghastly semolina pudding sweetened by even more ghastly industrial strawberry jam. Tea in a huge urn ready mixed with sugar. Yes, boxing lessons in the Gym, Churchill's funeral ( we all had the day off)and Mr Philips bringing a record player into morning assembly to play the Beatles single (She Loves You or mabe please please me?) which had stormed to No 1 in the hit parade. Adventure games in the woods nearby, and certainly crocodile formation everywhere in public with raincoats neatly folded over our arms. Caps also to be removed when passing a grave yard - and the trouble caused when one boy ( his father was in the army in Germany) refused to remove his. His father had told him it was a ridiculous requirement.

The special nights when Mr Philips would come into the dormitory before lights out and read to us. Mrs Philip's red bubblecar. Their son was called Clive and elder daughter Alison. Mrs Philips was actually my father's cousin and her parents used to take me out on a Sunday for lunch occasionally, as they lived nearby. They ( Col. and Mrs Christie) bought Normandale just around the time I left with the intention of turning it into a Senior School.

Fire Practice in the middle of the night!

Very happy memories of cricket on long summer evenings, watching county sides play next door at Normandale and sitting on the pavilion there watching Farouk Engineer bat. I also remember Frank ( I think he was Francesco) Forte and his Uncle ( Charles) taking the two of us to the pier one weekend. As we slid out of the back seat of his very smart Jaguar heading for the pier and it's penny slot machines he gave us 10/- each to spend. I had never held so much money. There was Wilson who was a fast runner, Davidson who was a fabulous cricketer, Probyn who had a terrible accident with a detonator on the beach, Panda who's father was somebody very important in the Gold Coast government, the Patel brothers, Johnstone, Rice ( who had a very pretty sister who was a top model with Jean Shrimpton), Vos, Minnis - whose father had been a Spitfire pilot and had been badly burned on bailing out in the war, and many more. I was in Trafalgar House. Balsa wood kits, Creamola Foam, Jim Brooker the woodwork master , swapping War Mags, Miss ? who had lived all her life as the daughter of Colonial parents in India and taught us as a 'fill in'. The blue concrete boating pond with our home made boats on a summer's day. The swimming pool where Turtle, who I seem to remember lived in the Bahamas, reigned supreme as a diver and Faulds who had two different coloured eyes. Oh yes and Donald Elphick who's parents sent him a postcard telling him that home was no longer in newly formed Zambia but was now in Antigua - so to send his trunk there at the end of term instead
We were always aware that the hooks either side of the windows in the ground floor corridor had once held canes as curtain rails in the 'old days' and had been used at a moments notice for a beating on the spot.

There was one very nasty little creature whose name I think was Corner and who used to take great pleasure in tying whomever he did not like over the dormitory towel rail and, having removed their pyjama top, lashed them liberally with a dressing gown chord - making sure the tassle end did it's worst. I have never forgotten his activities.

The Royal Sovereign Light House and the 'sweep' of it's light across the dormitory wall at night.As someone else mentioned - the honking fog horn is still unforgettable.

Oh yes finally - mods and rockers. Do you remember watching from the dormitory window on Bank Holiday weekends as they rolled into town at dawn. 50 motorcycles in V formation, then minutes later, 100 or so scooters covered in mirrors on their front fairings. Then more bikes and so on. On our crocodile walk along the promenade later the sea would be full of floating deckchairs and many shop windows broken.

That's it for now. Anyone who wants to touch base and rekindle those days you can reach me at: emichell@fmtelevision.co.uk . It would be lovely to hear from you - where ever you are. I live near Henley on Thames.
Regards Eric Michell -

Charters Towers 1962 -1966

posted by sonia ellis (Goodwin) on 07 Apr 2013 at 8:15 pm

Wow, all the names I have just picked up from this site. Unfortunately I had not checked it since 2009.
Susanne (Bently) oh how I remember you, I was just looking at your wedding photos in Jamaica in 1967. Then do you remember we met up in Montreal, had dinner together and then I don't know what happened. We lost contact. I noticed all the postings had no email addresses so we could not contact the person who was posting...but alas we now have Facebook.
Thanks for names of Sally Worboys I have her picture but could not remember her name...yes the same dorm. Also Katy Lahantiatis, I had forgot her last name, Gillian Merrett is aso another name mentioned along with a post from Gail Mason.
I am now in contact with Esther Domowitz (Gruenfeld) who lives in Israel and came to stay with me July 2012...we had not seen each other since 1966. Also just got in touch with Beth Spencer who lives in Ann Arbour Michigan, she is in contact with Gwen. Also in touch with Brenda Hutton now in Venezuala and Mary (Glanville Smith)Grethe in Germany.
If anyone wants more info write to me at ellissonia@hotmail.come plus I am also on FB.

Where do you live Suzanne?

Wilton House School

posted by Peter Nelson on 11 Apr 2013 at 12:55 am

attended school 55/58 what happened to Mr.A

Lived At Wilton House

posted by Vivienne White on 11 Apr 2013 at 3:00 pm

I lived at the smaller house first. There was a woman named Nixon there. She was awful. I moved to the big house and lived there from 67-68. It was not a nice place, I have some horrfic memories of being sexually assulted at this school. Only in the first grade, shameful place. I remember the Headmaster used to walk around with a large chain in his hand.

Winceby House School

posted by paul pearce on 14 Apr 2013 at 2:05 pm

hi joe williams i was at winceby house from 1975-1979, your name rings a bell,long time ago now how life been treating you ,where have the years gone ,i was sad to hear the school was pulled down ,its nice to see some names on hear from them days .iam sure all of us had some great laughs when we went on camping holidays to the new forest ,be nice to hear from you take care all,paul pearce

Where Are You Keith

posted by paulpearce on 14 Apr 2013 at 2:22 pm

does anyone know where keith schofield is he attended winceby house school around about 1976 to about 1980-81. i heard he lived in bexhill for a while after leaving the school is he still living in bexhill .would like to hear from you keith or anyone who knows him ,thanks everyone for reading this .paul pearce.

St Johns School

posted by Bob on 16 Apr 2013 at 11:25 am

I am writing on behalf of Ann Melvill who was at St Johns School, near Collington Halt, in the 20/30's.
We can find no information about St Johns and would love to hear from anyone who remembers the school and/or Ann.
Thank you,

Harewood Prep School

posted by Eric Michell on 29 Apr 2013 at 12:48 pm

For any one who is interested, we have started a Facebook page for former pupils : Harewood Preparatory School.
Post your memories and images if you are an old boy, we'd love to see them.

Harewood School Bexhill-on-Sea

posted by Julian Beavan on 30 Apr 2013 at 7:24 pm

Good to read all the contributions, but I think the girls of Bexhill schools are way ahead of us boys. Let's have more from the chaps! More about the matrons, more about the Latin Teacher, the Music Teacher the Art Teacher and so on............

My best Days At St Marys School.

posted by sharon lennox on 01 May 2013 at 9:58 pm

maria batty .i remember. we were at girle guides on london road. you maria was standing near. kettle that eas boiling.youburnt yourself.that realy upset me .maria batty. get in touch.sharon lennox xx85

I Rember Thoes Best S Days Ever X

posted by sharon lennox on 01 May 2013 at 10:54 pm

hi i remember wilamina maria batty davud josling. jane evens.madaline reed .chritopher blunt. wendy. christine. sheperd.john patic michale o coners..mrs reed mr evens miss shae.mrs randle.the nite staff.so many friends xx

Sally Noye

posted by sadeghi on 09 May 2013 at 3:29 am

I have been looking for a friend ,we used to go out,she was living in Bexhill at that time any information would be nice

Normandale 1957-60

posted by Bishop NICHOLAS READE on 18 May 2013 at 5:54 pm

A great prep schoopl, and my brother Jeremy had been there before me. I have returned to Bexhill, having just retired as Bishop of Blackburn, and feel confident the seeds of my vocation came from Normandale, and John Palmer came to my ordination as priest in 1974. John and Muriel had a total dedication to the boys and the school, and so did his staff, and there was an absence of cruelty in the school. It was a brilliant cricket field, and all the profits from the school went on mowers and rollers. Other staff were Hugh Lazenby (Mrs Palmer's brother)who left in 1958, F.R.A. Smith (History and swimming)Ronald Hockley (French) Mothy (Latin)- with his little blue book - who had been a barrister and drank his tea out of a saucer, Frothy (Maths etc) who had been an Education Officer in the Army, Eric Kincaid who came for a year and explained the 1959 General Election to us, and two student teachers, David Holmes Burston and A.S. Witney Coates who was one of the first to drive up the M1. Victor Padgham from Christ Church S. Leonards came for the music. When the Chaplain, Father Steward was ill, the Archdeacon of Hastings, Guy Mayfield used to come for the services, and tell us jokes. He drove his Austin Westminster on the Preston by-pass at 80 m.p.h. I was Guy's successor as Archdeacon (1997-2003)! Mrs Phillips was the Under Matron, and Jimmy ? who played for Hastings United coached us for sport. I remember the Rivett-Carnacs, John Vella-Grech who went to Wellington, Joel Hollander, Peter Holloway (whose Father was a Group Captain)Peter Geldard (who is now a Roman Catholic priest)and Timothy Griffiths whose Father Jack was a solicitor in the Town,and Timothy Tung Ting Fok, Roger Nicholson (whose sister was an actress) and I'm sure many others! On Ascension Day we used to go to Highwoods after going to All Saints' Sidley (where I am based in retirement)and the old Swimming Pool there was out of bounds, but I managed to fall into it! Going home on the school train was enormous fun. We started off on the Sidley Puffer (axed by Dr Beeching)and then picked up the London train at Crowhurst. Mr Palmer was often occupied in the Buffet car (and would with characteristic generosity buy us drinks)but it left us free to get up to mischief! One boy (was it me?) thre a lavatory roll at a porter and knocked his hat off as the train pulled out of Tunbriudge Wells! The food at the school was, on the whole very good, and I have never had such good sausages since! I could go on. Happy memories. Before I went to Normandale I was at Mayfield Kindergarten at the bottom of Collington Avenue (1950-52) and then a border at Sandown School in Hastings Road (1954-57)

Ancaster House Lynette Dobbin & Sheila Gleason

posted by Jacobs Francois on 20 May 2013 at 2:32 pm


I have been looking for a friend, she was at Ancaster House around 1970 to 1974 i think. Her name was Charlotta Cristofas, and her parents stayed in Belgium at the time.

Do you remember her? Or do you know her?
please let me know. my e-mail address - kieron60[AT]hotmail.be

Thanks very much.
Jacobs F.

Old Schools

posted by peter miller on 25 May 2013 at 7:45 am

Hi'''I used to work in the kitchen at C/T on the weekends to fund my motorbike habit.must have been 67/68.
Also remember Fanny's Fortress..and some of the names listed...Carol Mahew was still in Bexhill when I left in 79..Sally Woodham I think ended up in Canada...I remember Wendy Smith and Jill Bennett to name but a couple..
My old school Bexhill boys Grammar has gone...I was there til 69 , met Dick Rumsby, geography teacher about 8 yrs ago..

Wilton House School

posted by Lynsey Sullivan nee Wheaton on 04 Jun 2013 at 10:44 pm

Message for pinkey isaacs-Mortimer . Seen your comments on Bexhill message board . My brother mark and I were at the school

Braemar Children's Home

posted by Bradley Woods on 05 Jun 2013 at 8:36 am

Does anyone remember Braemar children's home in De La Warr Rd, I was there for a couple of years in the 70s but can not find any info about it anywhere. I was told it was knocked down to make way for a new road about 36 years ago. would love to hear from anyone who remembers the house.

The Beehive.

posted by Margaret Lupton (Bobbie). Clements on 04 Jul 2013 at 8:39 pm

I have been reading with great interest all the messages from the 'old girls' from our school. I spent a lot of time with Yvonne Seaman, and Angela Collier, who shared a dorm. with myself and Jennifer Kendrick when we all first started.
I had a crush on Phillips Ross and Elizabeth Francis - as you do when you are 13 and away from home for the first time.
I have seen Valeria Beange in Spain. She was well at the time, doing lots of good works with dogs.
If anyone would like to contact me - my email address is : margaretylupton@hotmail.co.uk
I am particularly interested in trying to find Jean Downer who became Jean Styles and Diana Hanson. If anyone could give me any information, please let me know.
Thanks. Margaret.

Sandown School

posted by John Coghill on 08 Jul 2013 at 9:24 pm

I was interested to read the messages posted byPeter Gilbertson (16 Nov 2010) and John Bond (20 Feb 2011) who were at Sandown School from 1948-50 &. 1947-51 respectively. I went to Sandown in 1937 when the Headmaster was Mr Sulman and his wife''s name was Nessy. They had two sons, Tony and David (who joined up in the Royal Artillery) and four daughters - Betty (nanny to King Faisil of Iraq), Penny who taught Music and later married a Royal Marine ((Maj Garrett), Peggy (who played cricket for England) and Pat. The latter two joined the ATS. In 1940 the school was evacuated to Bude, Cornwall and I left it in 1941 to go to Stubbington House , a prep school that was evacuated from Fareham , Hants to near Launceston, Cornwall. Mention of "Radish" a Miss Radmore who was at the school in Bexhill in the late 1930's and went to Bude.

Schoool List Michaelmas Term 1938

posted by I E Dent on 04 Aug 2013 at 4:14 pm

The County School for Boys Bexhill

Second Form - 27 Boys
Ashby, Bending,Binnington .....Spikes, Thomas, Williamson II

Any still extant??

Name Of School

posted by rosemary scott on 12 Aug 2013 at 6:43 pm

There was a girls school in bexhill-on-sea england in 1920/30 starting with the name green - I don't remember the full name but there was a sign outside saying "Green...school for ladies". Does anyone the name?

New Secondary School For Bexhill

posted by Yee Lau on 17 Aug 2013 at 6:17 am

I am leading a group to campaign for a new secondary school in Bexhill, called South Cliff School. It will be a state school. We believe in choice for our children.

To be approved, we need 150 year 4 (In Sept) parents to sign our register. This register does not commit you to anything, but if we don't get the signatures, we won't get the choice.

We currently have 130 signatures so far for that year group. We need 150.

We need twenty parents of 7/8 year olds - will be year 4 in September 2013 to sign up with us.

Please email me if you can help make this happen.

My email is yeelau@me.com

Kindest regards

Would Love To Hear From Anyone

posted by Elizabeth Frank nee Kerin on 20 Aug 2013 at 4:22 pm

Just come across this site and see a few old girls from The Beehive-
would have been there from about early 50's
Was also know as bizzy!

Follow Up To Joanna Higgins

posted by Fiona Lever on 23 Aug 2013 at 1:51 pm

Just been looking on site and I was the Anderson before Arnold! and yes Madeleine Lawson was in our year! Be good to try and get in touch and if there is anyone else out there!?

The Beehive Record

posted by margaret wood on 27 Aug 2013 at 1:39 pm

i have a copy of the beehive record dated 1938 for sale

Thornbank School

posted by Bill Barnard on 03 Sept 2013 at 4:11 pm

Does anybody have any information on the above school.
I have several pictures and other information on this school.

Follow Up To Fiona Lever

posted by Joanna Higgins on 12 Sept 2013 at 8:08 am

I have tried to contact you before by some other means. Would love to hear: email me: Joanna.higgins[AT]hotmail.com

St Francis

posted by Elisabeth Whitfeld/Short on 13 Sept 2013 at 8:28 am

Hi Rome, I have just seen your message back last December (haven't been into this website for ages). You surely must remember me from our journeys on the train with your sister Judy (who was in my class), Helen English, Janet Beckley, Mary Flavell etc.? We used to have fights with the girls from the Grammar school with our water pistols. Where is Judy? Would love to get in touch. I wonder if you have kept in touch with Helen? We used to write when I first came to South Africa but then her letters just stopped. Hope to hear from you.

Lesmon House School

posted by John Greensmith on 28 Sept 2013 at 11:04 am

Does anybody know anything about Lesmon House School? A friend has an old photo of it, guessing between the wars as to the date as there is an old car half in shot which looks 1920's/1930's to my limited knowledge.

Ancaster House

posted by Tina / Sabine Pfundt on 29 Sept 2013 at 5:03 pm

Hi - does anybody has some photos of Ancaster House?
Would be great to see them - quiet good memories ...

Beehive School

posted by Fiona Hemsworth on 29 Sept 2013 at 11:16 pm

Margaret Wood, can you let me know what info you have for sale re the Beehive

Merland House School

posted by Noel Burn-Murdoch on 03 Oct 2013 at 5:07 am

I attended Merland House from 1947 to 1952 mostly as a dayboy then on to Bexhill Grammar school. Merland house a mixed primary school was next door to Ancaster Gate, a girls only school. Ancaster house the senior girls school was around the corner in Pentland road.

Merland House was not a good school. The headmaster behaved inappropriately towards the girls. Everyone was terrified of the headmistress so who could we report to? She once theatened to scalp my bottom!

Bexhill Grammar school was an excellent school with some truly top quality teachers (plus a few duds.

For those with enquiries about what happened to Harewood school the Headmaster Rev Woodruff was booted out for indecency. My friend was the whistleblower so provided the details. Pendragon was set up to provide for all the boys leaving Harewood after the scandal.

Lesmon House Scholl

posted by charles kaye on 05 Oct 2013 at 9:18 am

Does anyone know of a school of the above name in Bexhill? I have a postcard showing the building, with a 1920s car parked outside,no postmark. I've not been able to find any listing for it in yearbooks, etc.

The Beehive School

posted by Stephanie de Haas (nee Weekes) on 08 Nov 2013 at 11:13 am

Hi My sister and I returned to England from Rhodesia in 1952 and attended the Beehive -It was far too snobbish for my liking with Church services in the morning and evening in the School chapel .When we were there the Headmistress was Miss du Putron and the French Mistresses surname was Rollin.We were only allowed to talk French at mealtimes which meant that if you did not know the word you would miss out! I was also kept in after lunch for refusing to eat the terrible meat we were given and as a result I think I blocked up many a drain after that when I couldn't face the food. My Sister ran away from the School several times and the one time the Headmistress got to our house before she did. The main reason we went to the School was because my Mother had been there before as a child, but this time she worked in the kitchen to pay the School fees!!! Fond memories I think not. I was also at Merland House for about a term.Cant remember too much there but it couldn't have made much of an impression on me!

Bexhill Grammar School For Boys

posted by Terry McAlister on 09 Nov 2013 at 6:47 pm

I was at the school from 1956-1963 and would be interested to hear from anyone from that era. Some names I do remember are Chris Hyde, Peter Crews, Roy Wellard, Mick Isted, Sean Maloney, Dave Robins, Steve Smith (Sez), Dick Thompson, Mark Menhinnick, Roy Hales, Tim Hunter, Nick Leadbetter, Trevor Richards.

Collington Rise School Peter Manson

posted by Katherine Dodgshon on 10 Nov 2013 at 11:50 am

My father taught at Collington Rise school in Bexhill on Sea and in Carbis Bay during the war. Father = Edmund Simmonds

Reply To Peter Manson

posted by Katherine Dodgshon on 10 Nov 2013 at 4:32 pm

My father Edmund Simmonds taught at Collington Rise school in Bexhill and in Carbis Bay during the war.

Reply To Barbara

posted by Katherine Dodgshon on 10 Nov 2013 at 4:37 pm

My father Edmund Simmonds taught at Collington Rise school in the late 1930's and during the war near St. Ives.

Grammar School Pupils

posted by Terry McAlister on 13 Nov 2013 at 7:41 pm

A few more names to add:-
Terry Hedges, Julian Smith, Eric Chapman, Hoad ?,Rolt ?, Pitt, Stroud, O' Hare, Dennis Lade, Chadwick.
Sorry if yours is a name I can't recall.
Be good to hear from anyone of those mentioned or anyone from that era.
Terry McAlister.


posted by Bruce Montague on 27 Nov 2013 at 9:48 pm

I was at Harewood in the early 50s and all I remember is Woody (the Head called Woodruff) and the matron who kissed you better after you'd been to the study to bend over. Went onto Bexhill Grammar School where I can remember Mr Wispy (Latin). Mr Moffat (music) me Bullock ( history) Major Morris and Geoffrey Raymond (English) and Mr Brown (head). Memories of those days (so long repressed) still fill me with dread

Normandale School

posted by Jeremy Hodgkinson on 03 Dec 2013 at 4:50 pm

Nicholas Reade's posting (18 May 2013), and others before that, brought back so many memories. I was at the school from 1957 to 1962 as a day boy, before going on to Eastbourne College. I lived in Terminus Road, opposite the shops, and my father and his brother ran a furniture shop in Devonshire Road (my uncle had an ironmonger's in Devonshire Square). I recognise pretty well all the names that Nicholas remembered as well as David Tompkins and John Rivett-Carnac who left earlier messages. Other boys I recall were the Hart brothers, Ian Besley and Malcolm Watts.

'Mothy' Moore's whippet, Griselda reminded me of a standard April Fool's Day jape. Someone in the 5th form classroom would suddenly call out that Griselda had escaped from 'Mothy's' car and was running round the school field. Whereupon Mr Moore, who lived at Barnhorn, would jump out of his chair and rush to the window. there followed a chorus of 'April Fool!'. As well as drinking his tea from its saucer, he would smoke during Latin lessons and the ash on his cigarette would grow to a great length before falling on to the desk top; all the while he would be marking books.

Colonel Frith lived, I think, at Fairlight, and his daughter (who must have been in her twenties) came to the school sometimes to practise cricket in the nets. He used to peer through the small window in the partition between the 5th and 4th form classrooms and glare at anyone mucking about in Mr Hockley's class (where discipline was somewhat more relaxed).

The Palmers retained a cottage at Poundisford, near Taunton, where they used to retreat to in the school holidays and to where they retired. He was, inbdeed, fond of his drink and used to frequent the bar at Bexhill West Station in the evenings, striding past where I lived on his way. In earlier days he also used to be a stalwart of the Bexhill Light Operatic and Dramatic Society (the BLODS), and I have a couple of cast photos, taken in the late 1940s, of productions of The Mikado and Iolanthe in which he (and my mother, before she was married) took part.

Grammar School Recollections

posted by Terry McAlister on 05 Dec 2013 at 8:58 pm

As well as Moffat, who always got the choir on the BBC each year, there was R.C.Cochran ( Chemistry ), Major Shott ( French ), T.B.Williams, York, ( Assistant Head ), Delboux, ( Ancient History ), McCrory ( Art ) and here my memory fails me!
Yours, Terry McAlister.

Chess Teacher

posted by Terry McAlister on 05 Dec 2013 at 9:14 pm

Just remembered Hoppy. He took the class for chess and would take on any number of boys at the same time. One day Tim Hunter was messing about in the back of the class. Hoppy marched over to him, grabbed him by the hair, and dragged him to the front of the class, knocking desks flying in the process!
T.B.Williams, who was nicknamed Tibby, used to grab boys by the sideburns and give them a twist if they annoyed him. This was known as a Tibby twist.
Shott, or was it Shot, would rap kids over the knuckles with a ruler.
R.C., as he was known, would slipper boys for misbehaviour in front of the whole class, as would other teachers. This was common practice.
Caning was the prerogative of Johnny Brown alone. He had a selection from which to choose.
Not sure how the girls next door to us we're punished. I'd have to ask my sister, who went there.


posted by Malcolm Watts on 25 Dec 2013 at 4:12 pm

Just found this thread, which is bringing back memories from over 50 years ago. For anyone wishing to do likewise, some while ago I posted some old photos of the school and characters on Friendsreunited.co.uk. With knowledge now gained from this thread may have to go back and update a few names.
This sports chap from Hastings was Mr Green, I think.
Mothy used to spend a lot of time in The Lamb at Pevensey.

Ancaster House School

posted by Ayodele Orebowale on 17 Jan 2014 at 12:05 pm

Hi, I am looking for anyone who attended Ancaster between 1982-85 as I have lost touch. This is before Ancaster merged with Charter House. Look forward to hearing from you.

The Beehive School

posted by Mary Thompson on 07 Mar 2014 at 11:41 am

Hi, I am looking for the book, The History of the Beehive School by Pam Thomas. I have tried East Sussex Libraries catalogue and even Amazon but with no luck. Does anyone know where I can find this book? - or any others on the Beehive School. My great aunt lives in a flat that was built on the site of the school and we can see from her window where the old tennis court used to be. Many thanks.

Ancaster House Reunion

posted by Sally Ho nee Hill on 14 Mar 2014 at 10:57 am

Hello ,I am trying to organise a reunion for 2015 for people who were in my year. .we have names and addresses for some but if you remember me sally hill , or Fiona grey helen turnbull phili Hutson Juliet graham sue hart tc to name but a few. That's the year group I am looking for.
I think A levels finished in 1970, though I left in 69.
If you know anyone who was in our year pls can you contact me , many thanks , Sally.

St. Francis School

posted by Fiona Crosfield on 23 Mar 2014 at 10:39 pm

Looking for pupils attending St Francis in the 1950's

Antonia McArthy, Sylvia Wong, nee Godfrey, Carole Godfrey, Anna Stait, Sheila Read, Mary Flavell. Also any others from this form. Hoping to have a form reunion later this year. Would be great to get the form together.

Broad Oak Manor - Health Farm

posted by Mandy Bishop on 25 Mar 2014 at 4:04 pm

Hi in the mid 60's my grand mother Renie Bishop ran the Broad Oak Manor Health Farm with her partner Jack Price (Pryce)? Not sure if any relation to Edward Rhys Pryce. I remember spending a lot of time there in the holidays and my father Eddie Bishop and Uncle John Bishop did the out of season maintainance. As well as the house there was a bungalow, a row of terraced cottages and a chapel. My father sketched the house and it hangs in his hallway now, and we have photos in the woods and in the cottages which were in the grounds. I remember the outdoor pool on the lawn with the big glass pots containing mosses etc. My grand mother designed 3 mirrors for the house and I have one in my home now as well as a lamp. It was a very grand house with its' own full sized gymnasium, Fountains, spa, gardens etc. Unfortunately Jack was taken ill and after a short illness died and the family (his son) took over house as there was no will and my grand mother had no say in what happened to it. It was then sold to build the estate and my grand mother moved back to near where we were living at the time in Hampton Hill, Middx. Although only a young child I remember a lot about the house.. :-) Happy memories... and of being on the beach at Bexhill too.


posted by Stephen Mustchin on 25 Mar 2014 at 6:55 pm

Hi, i went to St mary magdelene school from about 1971 for about 4 years my sister Andrea was there too, i remember David and Vernesa ring and Teresa hobbs who lived in Nazareth house, Sister Aquines was my tutor, she was so lovely, does anyone kow if she is still with us ? Other teachers i remember Mr mrs connern, Mrs brignal, Mrs Watkin jones, Mr girodot, does anyone remember us there ? Oh and also carlos and maria Lazarno were there, carlos was in my class

Bexhill Grammar School For Boys

posted by Susan Hardwicke nee Smith on 01 Apr 2014 at 4:24 pm

Found this thread while looking for something else .
To see my brother refered to as Sez was a heartstopper.
Haven't heard him called that for 50 years.
Sadly Terry, Stephen died in 2012 in Rwanda. He had been teaching in Nairobi since 1990 and then Kigali after the genocide.

Ridgeway's School Wimbledon

posted by mike martin on 04 Apr 2014 at 7:27 am

Anyone attend Ridgeway's school in Wimbledon, if so do you know when it closed down?.

St Marys School Bexhil

posted by janie on 02 Jun 2014 at 1:48 pm

I was a teacher at St Marys from 1981-1988 my father was the bursar Col JAJ Higgins OBE many happy memories with great staff and great children do you remember Mrs Saunders the music teacher- Mrs Arguile and Roger Arguile and Mrs Larkin PE not forgetting Malcolm Evans who was the deputy and of course Miss Shaw and Mrs Randall we had a great time there sUch a wonderful atmosphere of teaching and learning which has since not been repeated I am now coming up to retirement!!

St Francis School

posted by Eiisabeth Whitfeld on 06 Jun 2014 at 9:48 am

I was in the class below these girls mentioned by Fiona. Carol Godfrey was in my class (1956 - 1961), Mary Flavell and I used to travel from Battle to Bexhill on the train together. Stella Houston, Jane Clare, Judy Ensell, Judy Greig, Mary Field, Pauline Neath were also in my class.

The Beehive School

posted by Nicky Bell on 08 Jun 2014 at 11:00 am

My Aunty , Maureen Fox went to the Beehive school. Also her cousins Mary and Vivian. During the War, I think the whole school was evacuated to Lydham in Shropshire, near to where I live now. I believe the girls went to the Beehive as the family originated in Guernsey and had connections with the De Putrons. My father and his brothers attended school in England and due o the occupation in Guernsey were not able to return during the holidays. They too came to stay at Lydham manor with the Beehive. Does anyone remember them. Tony, Pat and Michael Fox? I would love to find out more.

St Francis School

posted by Fiona Crosfield on 10 Jun 2014 at 9:20 pm

Hi Elizabeth. I remember you very well, I usually walked to the station with Mary Flavell and Lysbeth Bennett ,and the others, and many times you all stopped at my house for a cup of tea and biscuits en route to the West Station. I have recently made contact with Lysbeth and several others from my form,and I am trying to find the others, to hopefully meet sometime this summer. Would you or any of the others with whom you are in contact have any clues of their present whereabouts? I spent several decades living around the world, but mostly in Greece and lost contact with pretty well everyone. It would be great if you can help. All the best.

To Susan Hardwicke

posted by Terry McAlister on 24 Jun 2014 at 11:18 am

Hi, Susan.
I've not visited this site for a while and have just found your message.
It's sounds as if your brother was doing good and needed work before he died. I was sorry to hear of your loss.
' Sez ' was friendly with everyone as I remember and he and I shared a common interest in cross-country and also steering our house team, Bodiam, to a resounding victory one year to gain the sports cup. He was a tough and determined competitor.
I'm so glad you got in touch.

Downs Secondary Modern 1964 Onwards

posted by Rosalind Levine on 02 Jul 2014 at 12:59 pm

Hi all. I am wondering if anyone remembers a student who went to Downs Secondary Modern called Patrick Mackay. He would have attended from about 1964 and he went on to commit several horrific murders. I am currently producing a documentary on the subject and would really welcome speaking with anyone who has any memories of him. I can be contacted on 020 7612 3307 or 07739 965221. Alternatively my work e mail is rosalind.levine[AT]crackitproductions.co.uk Many thanks for your time.

Old Bees

posted by Sarah Welbourn nee Lamburn on 06 Jul 2014 at 5:47 pm

Remember you - Elizabeth Kerin Margaret wilkinson phillippa Ross Helen Piesse would so love to hear from you, I have just been to broadoak lane and felt so sad that there was nothing and I mean nothing there, I saw Miss Wilson and the matron who were living together near me in East Sussex. Juliette Dwen, Sarah Taylor Carol Campbell Horsfall in my class.

Buckhurst Road Junior School

posted by Rosemary Breach on 21 Jul 2014 at 8:00 pm

Proper name for the school was St Peter & St Paul's, which opened in 1956. The best teacher in the world was Miss Brocklehurst, who later became Mrs Spencer. She instilled a love of English literature in us, which rests to this day with me, now aged 67. Thank you Old Brock!

Down County Secondary School 1969 -1974

posted by Brian Guy on 22 Jul 2014 at 12:41 pm


I went to Downs between the years posted and am trying to trace old classmates. This is proving more difficult than I could have imagined.
I would be very pleased to hear from anyone who went to the downs between these years.

Ancaster Gate And Ancaster House

posted by Alison (Michelli) Wiley on 30 Jul 2014 at 9:54 pm

I was at the Gate and the House from 1960 to 1967 and would love to catch up with anyone out there who remembers those days. I note past posts from Carol Percival, Sally Walker and Sally Robertson who were all in my year, but I also remember Joy Brook (whose birthday was the same day as mine, I seem to recall) who was in the year below as was Lynette Dobbin who I remember having tea with in Dublin when I visited with my grandmother in about 1966 or so!
I am particularly interested in trying to get more information about Ancaster Gate - anyone with memories they'd like to share are welcome in get in touch!

Bexhill Schools

posted by Sebastian Fairweather on 05 Aug 2014 at 3:17 pm

There are a number of items I could add to.

1. St John's - my mother went there in 1916ish leaving is about 1924. I possibly have a photo or two. It was in Collington Rd, (between there and Cranston Ave) opposite what then became Normandale and Harewood/Pendragon. It later was taken over by the Merchant Taylors School and in the 1960s Hastings & Thanet B Soc, and then the NHS.

2. Beehive, Charters etc
My mother, Falvia Armstead-Fairweather, started teaching at the Beehive in the 1950s, and then (after other schools) Charters Towers. I formed the view that the Beehive was a particularly happy school. I met the headmistress socially, and she invited me on a school trip, I think to the Tower of London, and then from Stains to Windsor on the river - anyone remember a shy readhead??

My mother was very fond of the girls at Charters and was particularly appreciately of the international mix and the delightful manners of the vast majority.

3. St Michael's primary - I was there from 1952 to 1955 and remember the Misses Marians well.

4. Normandale I was there as a day boy from c. 1955 to c.1962.

Mr JLI Palmer (JLIP ? we called him) was very kind to me, and had me to board when there were explosions at home. I visited them (?1965) in Somerset after they had retired, and they seemed exactly as before, Mrs being master of the kitchen.

Mrs (?Muriel) also played to piano in chapel twice daily - she was a good sight reader.

Mr Victor Padgham helped me with the piano, and had me over to St Leonards to play the vast machine in Christ Church. I used to visit him after he retired with angina.

Mothy Moore was exceptionally kind to me. I am not sure that eccentric is the right word for him; I think he was bored, was not afraid to say things as they were, and was rather short of money. He gave me my first job (painting his front door), and I used to row his boat fishing on Darwell resevoir - and what a treat to cook and eat the catch later.

He certianly had oddities - for one he used to call me Seb (which I did not then think was an elegant shortening of Sebastian) while at the same time berating me for beeing so common as to say 'cherio' rather than good bye. He made a point of asking me in to watch the funeral of Winston Churchill on his Tv (we did not have one), saying that I would never see anything of the like in my lifetime.

It is also true that he used to get me to help him mark the class for latin. He would make a list of the boys in the order he thought about right, and would then consult me if bloggs-a was worth 85% and then graded marks randomly under that, adjusting things if bloggs-z turn out to be too low. He used to put me somewhere in the middle which was a substantial over-estimate.

I think the reason why he drank his tea from the saucer is that he probably had an oesophageal stricture, or achalasia or similar. He had difficulty swallowing and was very thin, and I suspect anything hot hurt his gullet.

Lots of memorable people there, memorable in different ways. I remember almost nothing about the other boys except a friend (from ? Mill Hill in London) who used to come out to our home sometimes on Sundays, and the name(s!) Rivett-Carnac mentioned above

St Francis School

posted by Elisabeth Whitfeld/Short on 06 Aug 2014 at 11:45 am

Hi Fiona, have just gone on to the Message Board for the first time for ages and seen your message. Great to know that at last someone remembers me! And how good it was to have tea on the way to the station! I am not in contact with anyone unfortunately, in spite of trying for years. I live in South Africa; came her in 1966 for a working holiday, married a South African from Durban and have lived in Johannesburg ever since. Lysbeth used to get off the train at Crowhurst and Mary and I went on to Battle. Hope you manage to find some others through this or the St Francis Facebook Page. Best wishes and thanks for the message!


posted by Peter John Kent - Now in 60's adopted as Heath on 09 Aug 2014 at 12:18 pm

Between 1949 & 1953 my mother worked as a Housekeeper in Bexhill, I recall going to a prep school on the coast in a building like the Delaware Prom building. School run by French lady & part of curriculum was to learn french. My stay was quite a short period as with a single mum we had to move wherever work was. Can't remember name of school or road where we lived. Does anyone else remember this school?? HELP!!

St Francis School

posted by Patricia Leadley Kach on 09 Aug 2014 at 4:39 pm

My sister and I went to St Francis as day students in the early 1950's. Took the bus from Little Common. We moved to the US in 1954. Her name is Heather Leadley and I am Patrica. She doesn't recall much about St Francis but I have many fond, vague recollections. Especially Miss Violet and the smelly dog. The gray, blue ( viyella shirts) and maroon uniforms.?

Ancaster House Reunion Sally Ho

posted by Jacobs Francois on 10 Aug 2014 at 7:52 pm

Hello,Sally,i saw that you are trying to organise a reuinon for people who attended
Ancaster House in 1970 , what i wonne know is
i met this girl in 1972 her name was Charlotta Cristofas and she was at the boarding schole Ancaste House, do you of anybody else know here or what happened to her? Lost all contact with her in 1975 would love to hear from her if she alright?
Please let me know, thanks a lot.
just wanne know if she is oke e-mail me please

Bexhill Grammar School

posted by Tony Rolt on 11 Aug 2014 at 1:03 pm

Yep, I was there at the same time Terry. Sad to hear about Stephen "Sez" Smith. You may remember my best friend at the time (we both came from Pevensey Primary) Nick Murrell. We sadly lost Nick in February after years battling diabetes and stuff. You mention another friend Michael Pitts. Had not seen him for over forty years but he did a reading at Nicks funeral. He lives in Jevington. Last saw Denis Lade 40 years ago in Hailsham. I believe we started in form 1W after Harry Wallis who despaired of me ever getting physics at all. Do you remember Moggy (Major Morris) who taught English. Very eccentric. My wife and I are good friends with his daughter who lives nearby in Little Common. There was a vicioys geography teacher called Davison. Found him scary. Tim Hunter and Noel Martin I believe are in Oz because Nick used to look them up when he visited sisters out there. Loads more coming back to me now but this maybe enough to be going on with. Great to hear from you after all this time.

Bexhill Girls Grammar School

posted by Tony Rolt on 11 Aug 2014 at 6:00 pm

I can confirm that Angela Davis is still active and with us. I only know because I joined a bridge club when I moved to Bexhill a couple of years ago and she was one of the leading lights of the club. Her married name is Bittan and she and her husband live down Cooden Drive way somewhere

Nick Murrell

posted by Ron Sargent on 20 Aug 2014 at 3:41 pm

Hello, Tony. Just learned - from your message - of the death of Nick Murrell and have to say how very saddened I feel at the news. I remember Nick as a fine sportsman and all round good chap whose company was always enjoyable.

Apropos 1. Major and Bryony Morris at BGS 2. Tim Hunter and Noel Martin in Australia 1. the Major bemoaned the passing of the age of sportsmanship (this was the 1950s) citing the breaking of his nose in a boxing match decades earlier, after which his opponent studiously avoided landing another blow on or near the damaged nasal organ for the rest of the bout. "That would not happen now" he insisted. "Quite the opposite!" 2. I met up with Colin Harbour in Bexhill a couple of weeks ago. Colin has lived most of his adult life in Sydney. He looked fit and well and sounded, to an English ear, somewhat Australian. Best wishes Ron

Nick Murrell

posted by Tony Rolt on 29 Aug 2014 at 3:27 pm

Hi Ron - great to hear from you after all this time. I live in Bexhill now and am in town most days. Odds are we could pass each other by and not recognise each other after all this time. I remember Colin Harbour. I recall you were both leading lights in the Arundel and school football teams.
Your tale of the good Major sounds typical of the gentleman. He must be turning in his grave at the standard of sportsmanship around nowadays!
I think A coincidence of the alphabet placed us next to each other in the early years at school.
Very sad about Nick and his funeral was one of those really down days that life throws at us from time to time. I still get a little haunted by that very hearty chuckle he always had on tap, even when I took a cup of tea with him when he was really struggling.
Good to see Michael Pitts again however. He looked very well
Hope you are keeping ok. I seem to remember you started work in the prison service so well done for surviving that.
Best wishes
Tony Rolt

Student Records For Jobs Hill Closed

posted by karlena on 08 Sept 2014 at 6:59 pm

Hi trying to help a friend to get some papers sign by his School that was closed down the name Jobs Hill, but he was told to go to Port Antonio but where in Port Antonio who keeps the records for closed school

St Francis School Bexhill

posted by martin cass on 17 Sept 2014 at 5:57 pm

Hi girls of st francis. I am the brother of carro and was the one nursed by Vi fulford in the rafters of the school, when I ended my national service with an attack of malaria. Our Mum taught some of you drama, and also retold to me the many in house dramas of the school. Mrs Gurney ,as you knew her, died in 1958 at only 48 years old. Caroline sadly died in 2012 in a Hastings hospice, also much too young After malaria I went for a year to South Africa . First Vryburg, the Cape Town. Reading your posts is history retold in colour. Malcolm muggeridge was a well known agnostic who made 180 degree turn in later life. He retired to Robertsbridge in a cottage next to my DAD.

St Francis School Re Caroline Gurney

posted by Brenda Wright. on 22 Sept 2014 at 12:42 pm

To Carolines brother , interesting to see your message on here . I was in same class as Caroline . mY name then was Brenda Goddard.
Have a photo of her somewhere when she came to a birthday party , think in 1956 .

For Tony Rolt

posted by Terry McAlister on 06 Oct 2014 at 3:51 pm

Hi, Tony. Haven't looked at this thread for a while. Good to hear from you too. Sorry to hear about Nick. I can see his face now. Any news of Roy Hales?
As I remember, Michael was the youngest in our class.
I can remember Ron's face and Colin's ( our redoubtable goalie ). I also remember Tim Hunter being useless at French until he went there on a trip and returned with a great accent and the motivation to learn the language ( which changed Shott's attitude towards him considerably ). He then wanted to train as a chef. Do you know if he did?
I've lived in London for many years but occasionally get down home to Boreham Street, Herstmonceux, Hailsham etc..I like going to Pevensey and down Rosetti Road to the sea where we used to go swimming. I see Norman's Bay is cut off from non-residential traffic now. I like the beach at Cooden occasionally too. This is my e-mail address if you fancy catching up at all:-
Warm regards,

Broomham Preparatory School Guestling

posted by Trevor Gale on 09 Oct 2014 at 7:19 am

Anybody went to Broomham Prep. between 1975 - 1978 when I was there? Headmaster at the time was Claude Rackett and Head Mistress his wife. The toughest and best teacher ever was Mrs Jennings, English....great memories there and great food....I was in Churchill House and have very good memories of Broomham.

St Francis

posted by Elisabeth Short/Whitfeld on 23 Oct 2014 at 11:12 am

Hi Martin. How very sad that your Mum died so young - she was a wonderful drama teacher. That must have been when I was still at school because I was there till 1961. I don't remember hearing about it but it was a long time ago... Caro shared a room with us on a school trip to Montreux in 1961 with Fanny Fulford who was good fun and not the daunting headmistress we knew at school! I was in the class above Caro. I have lived in South Africa since 1966 when I came out here as a single girl to work and met my husband the day after I arrived! We live in Johannesburg. I remember Brenda Goddard too. Hope more people put messages here because it's great to catch up with news of old Fanny's girls.

Normandale School

posted by Diana Pedersen nee Davis on 14 Nov 2014 at 5:50 pm

Thank you Sebastian Fairweather for your comments about Mothy Moore. He was my Grandfather.
My brother James and I were also taken fishing on Derwell Resevoir. We were made to change ends in the middle of the resevoir with Griselda sitting in the middle. No life jackets! I have had a fear of small boats ever since. He was definitely eccentric and I have never met anyone else like him. It takes a lot before our family thinks anyone is odd compared to Grandfather.
The name Fairweather rings a bell. Did you have a sister called Teresa. I have a picture of her at one of my birthday parties. We lived at Beeches Farm on the Barnhorn Road just down from Barnhorn Manor.
I will send your comments to my siblings. They will find them very amusing and so true. Grandfather did have an operation removing some intestine, but he probably would drink his tea from a saucer anyhow. It was more like pale dishwater!

Ancaster House

posted by Sally Ho nee hill on 15 Jan 2015 at 6:41 pm

If you remember me and our year left in about 69--72 ish going to be 60 this year .
I am trying to organise a re union for oct 2015
Please contact me

Southome School Bexhill 1940/50's

posted by nicola Bickerstaffe on 15 Jan 2015 at 7:22 pm

Does anyone remember a school called South home, a girls boarding school run by my aunt Margaret Berry with her partner Mary Stevenson (Minkie & Maggue.I went there for 1yr in 1952 having been left there by my parents, after our annual summer hold with them! I learnt to read and swim during that yr.Also in Bexhill were two more of my aunts, Christabel and Barbara, who moved there when they retired, at the same time as my parents who also retired there and lived in Southlands Court, Southlands Rd. The school was in that area but cant remember the name of the rd.They later mined to a Bungalow off the Cooden Rd where my father died, (in fact on Hastings Pier with his fishing friends). I was married at St.Peters Church in 1967. Sorry for lack of information but hope it will catch someone's memory.
Nicola (nee Berry)

Monica Godwin Riley Teacher

posted by Lucy Riley Godwin on 22 Jan 2015 at 4:14 am

Does anyone remember and have photos of my mother, Monica Godwin-Riley who taught at the Beehive from about 1962 to 1965. She was a popular teacher who spoke French fluently. Sadly I have no photos of her with her students at the Beehive or of the Beehive school during those year. I am coming back to England for a visit for the first time in over 30 years so would love to make contact with anyone who lives around Bexhill area and wants to get together for a cuppa.

Bexhill Girls Grammar School 1962 To 1965

posted by Lucy Riley on 22 Jan 2015 at 4:17 am

Was anyone in my class from 1962 to 1965 at BGGS? Love to make contact as I have lived in Canada and am coming back for the first time in over 30 years in April. Love to reconnect with old pals if anyone sees this and is interested in having a cuppa. Any old photos would be super to see. Hope to hear from you. my direct email is lulu_godwin[AT]yahoo.com.

St Francis School

posted by Elisabeth Short/Whitfeld on 15 Feb 2015 at 11:30 am

Hi all old St Fanny's girls. This means of communication is great, seeing so many people suddenly coming up and remembering our little school. Am thrilled to see a message from Jane Clare on another thread and hope more from our class come to light. Am now in contact with Stella Houston. Thanks everyone - such wonderful memories!

Bexhill Evacuees To Ancaster Gate

posted by Jane Addison on 04 Mar 2015 at 10:03 pm

I was at Ancaster Gate, coming from Bexhill age 7 in 1940, then called Jane Cooper. To escape possible bombing on the main rail and road from Guildford to Portsmouth. We were also sent to a Winwick Manor, Back yard had old stables on one side, and a narrow path to a small church. Yes, Miss Huxley (famous family) and Miss Mumford were in charge. We also had our matron, Miss Veale, with wonderful long red hair in braids tied round her head. Miss Huxley taught a magical class on mythology. I remember the smallest children sat on potties in a large bathroom. After (or before) I also remember we were moved to ?Pemberton Grove in ?Bucks. We shared these large country houses with other small schools evacuated schools. Yes, discipline was strict, and I was spanked with a hairbrush or gym shoe. I waited for punishment once, outside an office, and I was standing on a black and white large marble- tiled hall floor. I remember being back in Bexhill after the war, and we walked across a field of peas to get to the beach, where we held hands and waded in the water (Maybe this is imagination not memory). We also at one point in Bexhill were taken to a concert where Yehudi Menuhin played the violin accompanied by his sister on the piano. Since those times I have never liked hearing the sounds of planes overhead at night.

South Home School

posted by Voni Anderson (nee Randall) on 08 Mar 2015 at 9:42 am

I was sent at the age of 5 to a very small boarding school in Bexhill, approx 1949. My memories were that it was run by two women and to this day I remember being spellbound that one of them wrote with two pens in her hand, writing with each one a different sentence! I am now 70 and the memory is very clear. The house was large Tudor villa with a big sloping garden out the back. We were taken for long walks into Bexhill and I remember that on the way we passed Gas Works. At the bottom of the garden (or nearby) was a wood that we were taken for nature rambles which was heaven in Spring with a sea of bluebells.I have just read everyones blogs and South Home seems the closest description to my memory.I would love to hear back from anyone else who may have been there at the same time as I am coming to Bexhill for a brief stay in May from New Zealand.


posted by Mina on 28 Mar 2015 at 4:25 pm

Wow, its great to remember everyone

Is anyone in touch with or knows Gillian Altman and Balbeer (Bobby) Kurr's whereabouts?

Any future re-unions planned?

Ancaster Gate School

posted by Carlina Oliver nee Winterbotham on 28 Mar 2015 at 8:46 pm

In response to Jane Addison's post, although I attended AG many years after you, Jane, 1954 - 1958, Miss Huxley and Miss Mumford were still going strong, as was Miss Veale, complete with her long red braids. I have very fond memories of my time at the school especially, like you, of Miss Huxley's lessons which were never less than fascinating. We also were taken on wonderful nature walks which sparked in me a lifelong interest in natural history. If anybody from AG reads this and remembers me (I was known as Carlie) it would be fun to hear your memories too ! I do remember Judy Whitlam nee Frye who posted a message here three years ago but which I have only just found. I am still in touch with Diana 'Dumpy' Peter from my era.

Re:Mary Upton's Post 27-6-12

posted by Tony Oliver on 28 Mar 2015 at 9:04 pm

Mary - scanning through these notes, looking for 'old' school friends of my wife, I came across your note mentioning that you are Brian Upton's wife. I knew Brian all through my childhood in Little Common - I may even have met you back in the old motorcycle days in the village. Great to hear that you are both in the area and hope you are both well, I now live near Lewes after an unlikely career as a college lecturer, now retired. All the best 'Fred' Remember your nickname? Tony Oliver

Selling The Old School Photo

posted by George Scott on 02 Apr 2015 at 2:16 pm

Hello again, I forgot to add my phone number.

its 0131 445 1572.

Lindum House (in Hastings Road)

posted by Bev Mitchell on 10 Apr 2015 at 11:45 am

My sister has just moved into a flat at Chart Court in Hastings Road, Bexhill; and she was informed that the building used to be a school.

Some internet research has revealed that the school in question was called Lindum House (aka Lindum House Girls' School) and it was run by a Miss C M Richardson.

I have established that it was open during the early part of the last century (I have found archived newspaper job adverts with dates ranging from 1904 to 1922), but that is as much as I have been able to find out.

If anyone has any information about the school, I would be most grateful.

Thank you!

Southome School Bexhill 1940/50's

posted by nicola Bickerstaffe new Berry on 12 May 2015 at 1:12 pm

Hi Voni, I am 71yrs. and was at South home for 1yr.in 1952. It was run by my father's sister, Margaret (Minkie) with her old friend Mary Stevenson. We went there every summer for Hols.and that yr I was left there to learn to read!? I also learnt to swim in the local pool on the end of a long pole with ring at end!!!. Mum and Dad finally moved to Bexhill when they retired and I was married at St.Peters in 1967.

Merland House Remembered

posted by norman wheatley on 23 May 2015 at 6:07 pm

Seth, I remember you ... I tried to stop you from snoring by holding your nose .... it didn't work. Poor old Myer, what did he have, Parkingsons? The shakes anyway. He was a nice boy and it was a real shame. I remember Stephanie and her little brother Freddy and the vegetable patches ... someone put a garden fork through their foot .. Sah Yamba?
Saw my first rock band - at the fete at the boys school down the road... Pretty Flamingo always brigs back those memories.
I recall Mr Smith as a nice man, always let us eat the toffeed edges of the rice pudding tin and lick the mashed potatoes pan clean! We had two sweets dished out every night after dinner if we'd been good little kids.

Peter, my brother, fainted in church one easter. We were choir boys and he had too much chokky and it was hot and you're on your knees for so bloody long - he was holding a big candle and the altar cloth caught fire!

some unpleasant memories in the girls dorm just before we left ... I think Mrs Smith was probably too lenient!

Anyway, if you want to email me i'm at norm[AT]no-worries.net

St Peter's School, Barrack Road

posted by Sharon White on 24 May 2015 at 7:51 pm

Does anyone have any information about this school? It seems almost impossible to find anything on the internet! My mum went to this school in the 1920s/30s and tells me she remembers walking up a hill to the church (assume St Peter's) but the boys and girls were kept separate. They lined up outside the church and filed in and used to pass notes to each other in the pews! Does anyone have any photos of it? Is Chantry Community Primary now on the site of this old school? Thanks for any information.

Royal Merchant Navy School

posted by judith peacock on 03 Jul 2015 at 8:45 am

I was a pupil at this school from 1948 before moving to the upper school in Wokingham.
Can anyone tell me what happened to the school buildings after it closed.
I am visiting Bexhill next week and would love to know what happened to the school.

For Terry McAlistair

posted by Hilary Higgins (DART) on 29 Jul 2015 at 11:15 am

Terry, you mentioned you have a sister who was at BGGS. Is it Rosamund? In the 5th in 1966? If so I would love to hear from her as I am trying to organise a reunion of the 61-66 girls.

Reply To Hilary Higgins ( DART )

posted by Terry McAlister on 29 Jul 2015 at 11:30 pm

Hi, Hilary.
You have my e-mail address from my previous post. If you send me contact details for this event I can forward them to Rosamund.

Ancaster House School

posted by sally Ho NEE HILL on 03 Aug 2015 at 4:19 pm

I left a message a while back re a reunion for my year,aprox 69-72
i am still looking for
canaan barlas
mahnnaz dahesh
carol denley
cathy gibbons
suzanne hart
belinda inness
terri king
sue manwaring
jill pollock
judith robertson
jill scoones
if you have any knowledge of these people i would be glad to hear from you
many thanks

1980 To 85

posted by Simon Flint on 15 Aug 2015 at 12:51 pm

I am Simon Flint
I went to Winceby between 1980 and 85

I also went to Bexhill High School during the day....I was one of the lucky ones. Colin the bursar used to look after the boys that went to Bexhill High.

Be good to catch up with anyone who rembers me :-) teachers or pupils.

Best wishes


Normandale School

posted by David Walker on 07 Sept 2015 at 6:05 pm

I attended Normandale beginning 1959,as a boarder,I remember the Palmers well,Johnnie,I also remember feeling the miniature cricket bat!
End of term Johnnie Palmer used to take the train to Waterloo station London along with most of the boarders,I also remember the Maths teacher a Colonel Frith,what days indeed.

St Francis - Jennifer Beresford

posted by mary bremer on 13 Oct 2015 at 5:52 pm

hi to all those who remember my mum Jennifer Beresford, I was research about my mum and an post from eva popped up mentioning my mum and a reply from Elizabeth Whitfield so I have had great fun looking through all the posts , my mum is still with us, does anyone remember a Nicola wood ? , it would be great to be able to go back to my mum with some memories as she suffers from Alzheimers

Our Dad In The Early 1950s

posted by Vicki Moore on 14 Oct 2015 at 12:08 pm

My brother & I have been clearing through some old photos in our parents loft & have found one from Sandown School. Dad looks to be 10 or 11 years old which would be 1950 / 1951. Does anyone remember Robert Ian Montgomery, known as Ian to his family?
Many thanks

Wilton House School- 1953-1956

posted by S Dass on 30 Oct 2015 at 6:24 pm

To all those who may still have memory of the school from 1953-1956.

I know my recently deceased brother for a very short period around 1953-1956 went to a boarding school which I think was Wilton House,

I am puzzled to read it was a state run boarding school, is that the case?
I cannot understand why my parent placed him in a state boarding school as he later went to a good private boarding school in another country. But I think he was put in boarding school because my parents were not fully settled at the time having a lot of change going on.

What was the colour of the school uniform?

With no one alive to piece some family chronology with I hope there are some boarders of WHS at this period (my brother would have been about 7-9 years old), who may recall this time..

Ian Montgomery

posted by John Bond on 04 Nov 2015 at 1:08 pm

Hi Vickie
I remember your father, I was at Sandown School with him in 1950/1. I have my school photos from those years and could probably recognise him. We knew him as Ian at school.
Most of us left at around the age of 10 and sadly lost touch. It was a fun school, at least for those of us who lived nearby. I have been surprised at how many "Old Sandownians" I have come across later in life.

S Millner

posted by c peacock on 07 Nov 2015 at 10:37 am

Hi does anyone know of a girl 'S Y Millner, that attended charters towers?

Normandale To David Walker

posted by K.Weithaler on 11 Nov 2015 at 10:54 pm

Colonel Frith!! Dear Lord, what a memory! Thanks for that.
Also, do you remember 'Mothy' Moore?

And the miniature bat, the Tuck Shop, the horror!

My e-mail is k.weithaler@ntlworld.com if you would like to revisit!

Best wishes!

St Francis

posted by Elisabeth Whitfeld on 15 Nov 2015 at 12:53 pm

I remember Jenny Beresford - so sorry to hear she's got Alzheimer's. I don't remember Nicola Wood though. I left St Francis in 1961 after doing 6th form. Would love to hear more memories!

Ian Montgomery

posted by Vicki Moore on 16 Nov 2015 at 10:11 am

Thank you John so much for your message. Dad is in the middle of the photo with his curly hair & sticky outy ears! He very sadly passed away in 2000 & we have recently lost our Mum too. Life is cruel.
I wish you well & thank you so much for your reply.
Best wishes

Sandown And Harewood

posted by Bernard on 21 Nov 2015 at 12:50 pm

I came across this thread when looking for references to Harewood. I have just been passed a beautiful copy of Swift's Gulliver's Travels given as a prize for Classics at Harewood to my late father Dick Boase in April 1929 (he would have been 95 this week had he survived the war). I wasn't even aware that he'd been at a prep school before his 'real' prep school of Highfield (which is still a going concern at Liphook in Hampshire). The book is signed 'A C D Mitton Head Master', so before Spud Spooner.

As for Sandown, it's nice to be reminded of my four terms there in 1951-52. Like John Bond, I too remember the alarming occasion of the hire double-decker smashing its upper windows into a tree. I was on the lower deck and don't remember whether any of the children were hurt.

Apart from Tony Sulman's lumbering artificial leg and his immense kindness, memories are hazy, though I do recall the classroom and moment when the death of George VI was announced to us in February 1952. Now why should that have made such an impression!?


posted by lynne on 24 Nov 2015 at 8:28 pm

Have just read letter from Bev Mitchell posted April 2015. This is such a coincidence as only yesterday I came across three postcards of a Lindores School Wrest Wood, Bexhill. and decided to look into it. Could this be the same place? I would love to know a bit more about this. Anyone out there with more info?


posted by PRUE iBBS (NEE PADDLE) on 06 Jan 2016 at 2:27 pm


Merland House School

posted by Gerald Boudreau on 28 Jan 2016 at 12:04 pm

I attended Merland House School in 63 & 64. I read correspondence that indicates I was one of the youngest boys there. I have good and bad memories like most who have written in this forum. I recall watching Dr. Who and Wagon Train, 6:30 bed times or maybe that was television time. I recall the red carpet. And, sitting in the dining hall until bedtime for failing to eat my dinner. Bird's custard and other delicacies. I too experienced strange dreams that continue to this day. The boys dorm was interesting to say the least.

Merland House School

posted by Al Somani on 02 Feb 2016 at 8:40 am

I attended Merland House School from 59 to 65 reading Gerald Boudreau message brings back memories of my time at Merland House

Pendragon School

posted by gail on 27 Feb 2016 at 9:51 pm

sheilajs@gmail.com writing in 08. Just stumbled across the site. We (Ancaster House) used to play Pendragon at cricket once a year and I felt very sorry for them all. Think they had a raw deal. Stories of home life at times seemed as rough as school.

The Beehive

posted by Pamela Stevenson on 20 Mar 2016 at 3:11 pm

I was there and remember Ronnie Shaw, Liz Moseby, Susan Fogg, Gill Rawlings, Dozy Beale, Bizzie (Elizabath) Francis, Sarah Parr, Frankie Head, Paola Morrison Wells (who I loved but after a silly childish argument she left and I never saw her again which I always regretted) - she was Spanish/French and had a little sister called Sybille. I boarded there from Trinidad and I loved Bizzie, Sarah and Liz but never managed to find any of then. My email is peecox@aol.com should anyone read this. The head at the time was Mrs Benson Davies and she often wore odd shoes if I remember correctly! She had a daughter called Helen!

French Teacher At Charters Towers

posted by Miss Bishop on 16 Apr 2016 at 9:04 am

Anybody out there remember the old school 1983-5?
Whether you were a colleague or a student, it would be good to hear from you.
I carried on teaching for a few years until illness got in the way.
However, I have done a Masters Degree with the Open University and published a novel, entitled 'From A Safe Distance' and available to order from e.g. Waterstones.
Do get in touch!

Teacher At Charters Ancaster

posted by Roy Masters on 07 May 2016 at 10:50 am

Can I have some more details about the Dan Dare cartoonist who was at Ancaster Gate School who was someones uncle? I am trying to find out about the school logo which just happens to be an eagle any help would be fantastic thanks

For Carol Percival Ancaster Gate

posted by Karen Mackenzie on 09 Jun 2016 at 2:35 pm

I was at Ancaster Gate from 1960-63 and remember horrible food, Miss Carey, the Maths teacher, obviously Miss Mumford and Miss Huxley plus other quite disturbing memories. I did not go on to Ancaster House though.

St. Francis School In The 1950's

posted by Fiona Crosfield on 26 Jun 2016 at 12:02 pm

Still looking to find any knowledge of Sylvia Wong nee Godfrey, CarolGodfrey, Antonia McCarthy, Mary Flavell, and Anna Stait , all who attended St Fanny's in the 1950's we are having a reunion in October,and would love to see you all. Please do get in touch.

Harewood School 1954-59

posted by Tony Davidson on 09 Aug 2016 at 11:19 am

Found this site indirectly through my brother Ian Davidson ! And I thought Matron thought I was special ! Janet Homer , Yvonne you can only have been about 20 in 1959.
I remember my "best friends" Nicky Buswell and Hugh Bishop very well . Are you out there ?
Also Brian Tozer (Matron,s favourite)
The Fountain brothers - Barry you broke my front teeth ! Campbell Haslam Sherwood Sergeant Lamdin the Mills brothers Iliffe Bultitude Bondy Kirby .
Masters were Mouldy Mulverhill Drag Morgan Mr Gadsden Mr Young(music) and the Headmaster Mr Phillips although it was Woodrough for my first year or so. Amazing what you can remember when prompted by memories of others and photos on the Facebook site. David Hare and I playing chess in the Library and I had no idea it would have such an effect on his career as a writer ! He went to Lancing and I went to Ardingly.
I remember football and cricket matches against Falcondale Pendragon Normandale and St.Bedes over at Eastbourne and Claremont at the back of Hastings. Rides in the Headmasters Vauxhall car for away games. All a long time ago. Happy memories of friendships matron and sport less so the caning , ruler on the knuckles, hair pulling and the food. Tony Davidson

Collington Manor

posted by Robert Penny on 09 Aug 2016 at 7:41 pm

Hello to all those who have posted messages about Collington Manor. I was there I believe around 1946-47. I don't have any really bad memories but I do remember refusing to go back after a home visit. I do remember being told off for picking the scabs on my grazed knees and for breaking my pencil during a lesson. I also remember the garden where we used to play and meeting my Mum there on a visit. She brought me a toy bus.
Would love here from anyone else who was there at the time

Collington Manor

posted by Robert Penny on 09 Aug 2016 at 7:42 pm

Hello to all those who have posted messages about Collington Manor. I was there I believe around 1946-47. I don't have any really bad memories but I do remember refusing to go back after a home visit. I do remember being told off for picking the scabs on my grazed knees and for breaking my pencil during a lesson. I also remember the garden where we used to play and meeting my Mum there on a visit. She brought me a toy bus.
Would love here from anyone else who was there at the time

Ridgeways School

posted by Sue on 23 Aug 2016 at 12:13 pm

Ridgeways School Wimbledon
I am trying to help an old friend discover more about his past, but I am struggling to find any information at all about Ridgeways School and would be grateful for anything you can remember. I can't even find out what the school is called now!

posted by mike martin on 12 May 2012 at 3:50 pm

Did anyone attend Ridgeways Private School Wimbledon, and get evacuated to Kendel during the War, I would like to hear from you

Change Of Email Address. CTS

posted by Julia Bishop on 20 Oct 2016 at 5:49 pm

Please get in touch! I have changed my email address.
I remember the Bird twins, Esther and Caroline, Zeynep, Tolu Yesufa, Tess Siddhu, Reon Park among others.
It would be great to hear from you!

St Michael & All Angels Primary

posted by David Gower on 19 Nov 2016 at 12:47 pm

I was there from Summer '45 to Winter term '46 under the strict eyes of Misses E and H Marian. The school was founded in 1928 in Albany Road Bexhill and was moved to 107 Cooden Drive in '36. It closed down in the '70's and is now a rest home. I am not thinking of returning there in my dotage! I recall being punished for 'slouching' by pulling my arms behind my back and having a broom handle passed behind my back so my shoulders were held back by the crook of my elbows. I would spend break times walking around the garden like that; I am now 76 with a military bearing and have no back problems; but I do have a nervous twitch which is probably because I was force fed tripe and onions which was often on the lunch menu! Apart from that I loved it!

Ancaster House

posted by Christine Bolton (nee Bentley) on 24 Nov 2016 at 7:02 pm

I have been trying to find people who went to Ancaster House in the late 50s to early 60s. Gill Dodds, Nicola McCount, Annette Bazire, Sally Thackeray, Vanya Bennett, Katy Pockley and more. Food was awful - I was always hungry! They put in a swimming pool after I left and started the home economics and cooking again after I left. I was in Devonshire House for a while. Do get in touch if you recognise any names!

St Marys Bexhill.

posted by paul pearce on 07 Dec 2016 at 4:39 pm

hi all looking for JOANNA EDWARDS WHERE IS SHE NOW, does anyone remember her. IAm asking on behalf of my wife , think he was there around 1979. Any info welcome thanks paul.

St Francis School Bexhill

posted by Fiona Crosfield on 10 Dec 2016 at 1:47 pm

Looking for anyone who remembers Antonia McCarthy. She attended St Francis School, Bexhill in the 1950's , she had a small business, ( Kleenaphone ) I think it was called, in the 1960s I know she was in the Bexhill and Hastings area. Would love to hear any news of her.

Wilton House School

posted by Lawrence Spiers on 22 Dec 2016 at 9:58 pm

I was in Wilton house school around 1961. I remember Mrs Auer and her husband, the head-master was a lot older. there was a scandal, and her husband disappeared. A man called Mr Farmfield came to work as the Gardener, and him and Mrs Auer had an affair. I remember the piano in the dining room, and it had a huge field behind with a playground and a Sandpit. We used to walk in groups in the woods and were fascinated by an old castle there. Ten of us travelled by mini-bus to Hastings to see the film " Summer Holiday " I was 6 years old, I'm now 60....What happened ? love and best wishes to you all. Lawrence

Ancaster Gate

posted by Lucy Schupbach on 09 Feb 2017 at 10:53 pm

This site has been a revelation! I was at AG from September 1959 and remember so many of the names posted: Alison Michelli, Carole Percival (wasn't your father something in the music business?), Judy Frye, Carlie Wintherbotham, Annabella Yeo (and her older sisters, Catherine and Susan), Kate Wyatt, with whom I've been in email touch some years ago. I also remember Gail and Jane Allen, Elisabeth Balmer, Elisabeth Saunders (parents in Singapore), Anne Maslen, Maggie Belsham, Katie Whitcomb, Angela Buck, Hilary Clifford. Teachers: Miss Bowden, Mrs Carey (not the nicest person in the world), Matrons: Miss Taylor, Miss Bishop. Do you remember Eurythmics in those ridiculous "Greek Drapes", and lying on our backs on the floor after lunch for our deportment? I can remember the climbing net out in the back garden, Miss Huxley crashing away at the piano, their dachshund, those double doors to their flat, the School Secretary (Miss Satchell or something like that), walking to church in crocodile on Sundays, doing "housework" and on and on....
If anyone wants to get in touch, please do. email: jimothydringle@gmail.com I live in Hertfordshire.

School In Bexhill

posted by Brian King on 23 Feb 2017 at 11:36 am

My grandfather was at a boys' school in Bexhill - the 1901 Census has him (with loads of other boys aged 8 - 12) at 62 Sea Road. Does anyone know what the school might have been called. Looking at Street View it is now just an ordinary semi-detached house. Maybe the houses were renumbered at some point?

Message For Brian Guy - Down Country Secondary Bexhill

posted by Nancy Davey on 28 Feb 2017 at 9:40 am

Hi Brian

I wonder if you ever go on this site I just found your message from 2014! I went to the Downs from 1968-1972 and would love to catch up on news of any friends. Some names I remember were Gillian Banks (now in Canada) Sarah Jenkins, Tracy ?, Karen Black, Honeysett twins,Sarah Hall and Amanda Code. Sorry I don't remember any boys names but you may jog my memory if you read this. I guess from the date you started you must have been one year older than me. Please email if you have any memories of the school as it has been demolished for some time and my favourite chip shop on the corner of London Road as also gone to make way for the bypass. Email - daweshouse@gmail.com


posted by gisela on 05 Mar 2017 at 11:31 am

In 1959 I stayed with Jo, Sue and Rosie and their parents in Hastings Road. The girls were pupils at BGGS I think.
Please contact if you recognise. Vielen Dank.


posted by gisela on 05 Mar 2017 at 11:39 am

Email address understudy@btinternet.com.


posted by Lucy Schupbach on 06 May 2017 at 5:15 pm

Message for Carol Shipley (Percival), Alison Wiley (Michelli),Judy Whitlam (Frye), Jo Barton (Mount), Karen Mackenzie, Carlie Oliver (Winterbotham)
I was at AG from 1959. I've seen the posts from all of you. Do email me if you'd be interested in exchanging memories or having a met-up.


posted by Lucy Schupbach(now Broomfield) on 13 Jun 2017 at 4:34 pm

I've now heard from three people from Ancaster Gate and have put a group on Facebook called (wait for it,,,) Ancaster Gate. If people are prepared to sign up and put up any photos they may have ( like the brilliant Ann Dunlop (now Taylor) it would be very encouraging. Even if you just sign up with your name and any other details (such as dates you were there) it would prove a central and growing point of connection. Otherwise, do just email me: jimothydringle@gmail.com

Janie St Marys School

posted by paul pearce on 28 Jul 2017 at 3:30 pm

Hi janie. you said you were a teacher at st marys school.please could you tell me if you knew a girl called Joanna Edwards.iam asking on behalf of my wife she has always wondered where she is now. any info would be much appreciated thanks paul Pearce. Ps she also went to woodlane school in london.

Charters Towers School 1964-65

posted by Liz McKenzie (Walliker) on 15 Aug 2017 at 4:58 am

I have just discovered this site it has been great seeing the names of people i remember from my time at CTS. Even though it was only one year, it has strong and positive memories. I live in Australia and would love to catch up with any from our class. And i am looking for Sandra Spells - we shared the same birthday. I found her and met up with her many years ago, but lost contact after that and i cant recall her married name.

Catching Up With The Past!

posted by Elizabeth Frank nee Kerin on 08 Oct 2017 at 2:15 pm

Anyone who was at the Beehive around 1958 to 1960 ish
was known as Bizzy.
some of the names in this site I remember.
would love some contact

Forgot My Email Address.

posted by Elizabeth Frank nee Kerin on 12 Oct 2017 at 10:00 am

to hear from anyone at the beehive between 1951 until 1958 /59
known as bizzy (emfrank@gmx.ch)

Ancaster House School

posted by Johnnie Manckiy on 12 Oct 2017 at 4:44 pm

My name is Johnnie Manckiy, I am researching British Country Houses which were used by evacuated schools during the war. I am working on a book and I would like to include a chapter on Ancaster House School and the time it spent at Buscot Park during the war.

I would love to hear from any old girls who were with the school during the Buscot years.

My e-mail is jmanckiy@gmail.com

Thank you,


Merland House School

posted by Roelof Vuurboom on 05 Nov 2017 at 7:35 am

I passed through Bexhill a couple of years ago and found the location of the old school. The building had been torn down and replaced by a nursing home.

And I do remember those bright green blazers and yellow and green caps. And of course the yellow and green striped tie.

The boys dormitory was on the top floor and you had a great view of the bay and you could just make out sailing boats.

Looking For Old School Photo

posted by Gwen Bell née Weaver on 08 Dec 2017 at 3:11 am

Hi my name is Gwen bell née weaver I was a pupil at the school in 1943 /48 and I'm looking for photos of that ere of pupils in the commercial course. There was Pauline pilbeam and Janet Bridges that I remember. I was there on a scholarship from Hailsham high school. I would be willing to pay if anybody has any photos with me in it.I don't have any photos of myself as a young girl . The first photo I have of myself I was 23' I left England and have never been able to go back because of funds. Miss Taylor was the headmistress during my time there I would appreciate any information Thank You Gwen

Happy Christmas

posted by Sylvia on 20 Dec 2017 at 9:11 pm

Would just like to wish Alan and Kaye and anyone else who remembers me a very happy Christmas and a healthy, happy 2018. I really can’t believe that it’s 50+ years since we were all at WHS in Hastings Road.

Pru Paddle

posted by Sarah Knight on 22 Jan 2018 at 9:16 pm

Hi Pru
My maiden name was Sarah Paton.
I remember you and others in your list - Karen Sinclair, Susan Bligh (who I have seen recently). Alison Dunn is in the States but haven't seen her for years. Looking for Dilys Lyon.

Merland House

posted by paul hanbury hutchinson on 18 May 2018 at 11:28 pm

Hi all you ex Merlandians I attended this school round about when it formed in about 1946 I was nearly 7.At the time it was in Buckhurst Rd almost opposite number 8. It was called by another nameWhen I joined they had a whooping cough epidemic which I caught and my mother took me out to recover and when I returned the name had changed.Stanley B.L. Smith and his wife ran the school.They had a daughter called Dorothy about my age.The Smiths were very strict but caring.Noel Burn- Murdoch you must have been there when I was.My claim to fame was swallowing an inch long nail which luckily I passed and then shown round the school.do you remember Cynthia Hughes also a day pupil.I have posted other stories on the other tread site which may have seen.Do you remember entering a national handwriting.competition. Noel if you want to contact me Text me on 07486699163

Normandale Cricket

posted by Brian Hamilton-Smith on 15 Jun 2018 at 2:28 pm

Following a posting made by Shiv Anand about a cricket score of 240 for 1 I have to tell you that I was one of the trio! On the photo I was on the left in the middle was a boy called Hart ( he was the other opener) and on the right was Westrup
He went onto Lancing and became a first eleven cricketer
I am not sure who we were playing but I think it was Falconbury
In any event I do remember winning this one!

St John's School For Girls

posted by Mel on 23 Jun 2018 at 4:23 am

As per a very old enquiry above, I happened upon these tweets when looking for info about this school:




Photos from 1912 and 1928.

Collington Manor

posted by william saich on 24 Jul 2018 at 3:48 pm

I went to to Colligton Manor about 1949 I would have been about 7 .I was a rather sickly child .It was an open school I think boys only. I had a relatively short stay, a few months .It was a rather grand place with a barn. I can remember a large hall in which we had to rest after lunch .I think I have a picture If anybody is interested I will try to locate and send a copy

Prep School In Bexhill 1947-1948

posted by Andrew Fyfe on 23 Sept 2018 at 11:38 pm

I was as a small school that had children from about 5 to 9. I remember I was one of the oldest at 8 years old. It was mixed boys and girls and was close to Charters Towers school if not next door. I do not remember the name. The school entrance faced north. The back looked out towards the sea and a lightship and below our garden was an abandoned golf course from pre-war days. My mother took me out after two terms. Our physical activity was maoinly long walks in crocodile. I remember walking with a Patricia and also Dawn Frazer (?) I think. I went to look for it a few years ago. I thought it was on Dorset Road but Hastings Road looks more probable looking at maps.

Beehive School

posted by Sally Woods (Kingston) on 27 Sept 2018 at 9:01 am

I was at the Beehive from around 1959 to 1963. I remember Doxy Beale, Pamela Montgomery and Kirky . My dormitory was usually in the cottage and I remember scrumping apples from a nearby field and collecting chestnuts from the grounds and roasting them on the little electric fire we had to heat the cottage!

Merrydays Preparatory School, Bexhill 1965

posted by GAYE POWELL on 15 Oct 2018 at 11:17 am

For Nick Burrows and Hazel . Yes, I was also a 'Merrydays' young girl ! Gaye Jenner - I was there aged 7 - 10 , started around 1965. Also my older brother Nicholas was there. Your posts brought it all back so clearly ! the cold, bleak rooms, freezing dorms, terrible food and sooo strict by those 2 terrifying women. The only pleasant bit for me was those two little dogs. Dragged out for long walks rain or shine, but at least we learned all about nature I suppose ! luckily for me my parents were in the UK, it must have been unbearable to have to stay in the holidays. My parents came I think one day a month. One time they bought us lots of sweeties to share with the other children. but when we got back they were confiscated and put into the sweetie cupboard. One night a few of crept down to steal back our own sweets, got caught and were beaten black and blue with the slipper . Wow, cannot imagine a place like that being allowed to be open these days. Interesting to read that Miss Warner was still there , and sounds like a sad lonely existence. Would love to hear of anyone elses experiences - I cant really remember any one else there except a girl called Shirley Squibb.

Bexhill Grammar School Friends 1961-66

posted by sarah benton on 30 Oct 2018 at 9:25 pm

Would love to contact friends from Bexhill county grammar school for girls, 1963-66

Trying To Find Old Beehive School Friends

posted by Caole Heller on 14 Nov 2018 at 9:20 am

i went to the Beehive School from 1959 until it closed. I have a wonderful time and have a lot of happy memories.
I have been looking for 2 dear old friends without any luck. We were in the school house Shell. I think these 2 girls must have married and that why I can't find them.

Clare Jenning. She lived at Potrchester Lodge Wybridge near to where Cliff Richards used to live.

Pricella Schaffner. Her father was in the army and was an senior officer stationed in Gibraltarat the time

Does anyone have any information that could help me find them.
I would love to see them again.


posted by Lesley Beverley (nee Gee) on 15 Dec 2018 at 8:26 am

I last posted a message years ago and have just read a more recent contribution. I’m sad to hear unhappy memories of the school. For me it was like a big family although I accept it was strict. I came from London and the experience of seaside & country walks was , for me, a wonderful experience. I even have fond memories of the food. I remember o think the only time we went into the front downstairs lounge was to watch Churchill’s funeral on the television. I even went back for a holiday in the summer after I had started secondary school back home. When I had to go to a local primary school between the ages of 6 & 9 I was way ahead of the other children in reading, writing & maths. I’m sure this was down to the personal attention we had and that there were so few of us in class- little ones downstairs and big ones on the first floor. I remember an incident when one of the girls in my dorm climbed out of the attic window and was spotted by someone in the police station across the road! I got into trouble as I was supposed to be a sort of monitor and had spent too long lazing in the bath!
Linda Astore- I’m currently in NZ till March - I know you’re in Australia- do let me know if you’re ever thinking of visiting here.


posted by Lesley Beverley (nee Gee) on 15 Dec 2018 at 9:56 am

I last posted a message years ago and have just read a more recent contribution. I’m sad to hear unhappy memories of the school. For me it was like a big family although I accept it was strict. I came from London and the experience of seaside & country walks was , for me, a wonderful experience. I even have fond memories of the food. I remember o think the only time we went into the front downstairs lounge was to watch Churchill’s funeral on the television. I even went back for a holiday in the summer after I had started secondary school back home. When I had to go to a local primary school between the ages of 6 & 9 I was way ahead of the other children in reading, writing & maths. I’m sure this was down to the personal attention we had and that there were so few of us in class- little ones downstairs and big ones on the first floor. I remember an incident when one of the girls in my dorm climbed out of the attic window and was spotted by someone in the police station across the road! I got into trouble as I was supposed to be a sort of monitor and had spent too long lazing in the bath!
Linda Astore- I’m currently in NZ till March - I know you’re in Australia- do let me know if you’re ever thinking of visiting here.

John Billings Teacher At Beehive

posted by Helen Genty on 30 Dec 2018 at 6:16 pm

Do any former pupils of the Beehive remember Mr John Billings who taught there - I think in early fifties? I would be interested to hear any memories that I can remind my father of. It appears to have been a happy time in his life.

Collington Manor

posted by Christine Smith née Marks on 09 Feb 2019 at 9:43 am

I was at Collington Manor about 1957/8. Miss Parr was the head mistress and a teacher I really liked was Miss Ead, she used to be a ballet dancer in her time. I Rembrandt a boy called Stephen who I called “my boyfriend” and a African boy named Claude. I was head girl and used to help comb the other children’s hair. I have very happy memories of Collington Manor and still see the lovely staircase in my mind. Also I remember movie nights in Miss Parr’s parlour and being given Edinborough rock. I was 9 years old when I left Collington Manor I was there a year


posted by Margaret Lupton (clements) on 23 Feb 2019 at 3:15 pm

I was at the Beehive at roughly the same time as Sue Rogg new Fogg. We called her Foggy.
I was known then as Margaret Clements (Bobbie)

St. Francis School, Bexhill

posted by Fiona Crosfield on 18 Mar 2019 at 1:03 pm

Trying to find Teresa O’ Meara and Carole Piggot, possibly still living in or around the Bexhill area.


posted by Lucy broomfield on 09 Jun 2019 at 3:20 pm

Any old girls please look at and join the ANCASTER GATE Facebook group which is still very small. I’m wondering if it would be a good idea to rename it to include both schools? Thoughts please, and do get in touch!

The Beehive 1953-58

posted by Margaret Morley on 10 Jun 2019 at 11:50 pm

I am looking for old classmates ANNE BALLANTYNE, CANDY FURLONG and any others from their class. Have just come across postcards from these two! Also LORNA ROBERTS, all in their 70s now! Contact margsmorley@hotmail.com

Merrydays School Bexhill

posted by victor darbon on 27 Jun 2019 at 4:19 pm

Merrydays was in Canterlupe rd Bexhill. I was there from 1958 - 1960. The school was run by 2 women : Mrs Aur (not sure of the spelling) and a Miss Warner.There were 2 dogs: Mrs Tamm and Mr Meekus (yes the dogs were called mr & mrs).I do not remember the names of all the other children but there were 2 boys (twins) and David wexworks and Malcolm Tomlinson. Quite a few girls but the boys and girls really did not mix. I spent 2 very happy and educational years at this school.

St Marks C Of E School 1954-1960

posted by Dave Hemsley on 18 Aug 2019 at 6:15 pm

I would like to know if there are any former pupils still around from St Marks during the years that are shown above. as I'm now aged 70 it would be great to get in touch with anyone still around, in the past few years I've been back in touch with Alan Thomas and Ron Gurr, Trevor Franks and Gordon Moore but I'm sure there are a few more about.

Orchard House School

posted by David Marten on 20 Aug 2019 at 5:25 pm

In the ‘40s and 50’s I went to St Barnabas and Bexhill Grammar school. But before that I went to Orchard House School, now Orchard House Care Home,. The Headmaster was Mr Kerrigan who in around 1946 came to the school highly recommended. He was recommended as a disciplinarion (i.e cruel) I was only 7 when I went there after a year I could stand it no more and while locked in the Headmasters study awaiting punishment I climbed out of the window and went to an aunts house who was sympathetic (my father wasn’t!) I was then sent to St Barnabas and subsequently to BGS in 1952. I understand that Mr Kerrigan was sent to Lewes prison for 18 months for child cruelty. However I cannot find any information about this, does anyone have any knowledge of Orchard House. I had a better time at Orchard House when visiting with Neville Sarony, son of the comedian Leslie, who move into the house after it stopped being a school.

Orchard House School

posted by David Marten on 20 Aug 2019 at 5:36 pm

In the ‘40s and 50’s I went to St Barnabas and Bexhill Grammar school. But before that I went to Orchard House School, now Orchard House Care Home,. The Headmaster was Mr Kerrigan who in around 1946 came to the school highly recommended. He was recommended as a disciplinarion (i.e cruel) I was only 7 when I went there after a year I could stand it no more and while locked in the Headmasters study awaiting punishment I climbed out of the window and went to an aunts house who was sympathetic (my father wasn’t!) I was then sent to St Barnabas and subsequently to BGS in 1952. I understand that Mr Kerrigan was sent to Lewes prison for 18 months for child cruelty. However I cannot find any information about this, does anyone have any knowledge of Orchard House. I had a better time at Orchard House when visiting with Neville Sarony, son of the comedian Leslie, who move into the house after it stopped being a school.

Ancaster House - The Glory Days??!

posted by Louise Trott-Fenning on 22 Aug 2019 at 4:34 pm

Hi Rosey de Silva and Denise Dawes....remember me!! ~responding to your old posts. I thought I would give it a go, even though I'm not into being retrospective about life ....

Sandown School

posted by Michael Naish on 11 Oct 2019 at 6:43 am

I've only just discovered this massive amount of posting on Bexhill schools. I was at Sandown school from 1946-8 just after they returned from Bude and have a great number of memories - playing cricket with Peggy Sulman, walking in a crocodile to church on Sundays, being taught algebra by the fearsome Mr. Sulman, and many more...anyone interested in sharing?

Sandown School

posted by Michael Naish on 11 Oct 2019 at 1:54 pm

I've only just discovered this massive amount of posting on Bexhill schools. I was at Sandown school from 1946-8 just after they returned from Bude and have a great number of memories - playing cricket with Peggy Sulman, walking in a crocodile to church on Sundays, being taught algebra by the fearsome Mr. Sulman, and many more...anyone interested in sharing?

Ancaster Gate

posted by Trish Saunders on 13 Oct 2019 at 4:49 pm

Only just found this site! I was at Ancaster Gate from 1966-68. I am trying to find the address of the school, but no luck. Was it Dorset Road? Presumably it has been knocked down by now. Miss Huxley and Miss Mumford were the joint heads when I was there. I think it merged with another school in '68. And I remember Eurythmics in the garden and doing Midsummer Nights Dream. Walks on the beach at weekends.

The Beehive

posted by Katherine on 18 Oct 2019 at 10:18 pm

We’ve just moved into, what we believe to be, part of the old Beehive school in Dorset Road.
Has anyone got any photographs of the building - as it was in the early 1900’s, before evacuation and repurposing - inside or out, I’d be so intrigued!!
Thanks in advance!

Normandale Remembered

posted by Simon Brister on 23 Nov 2019 at 6:00 pm

Just seen this thread and many memories brought back. I was there 1957-1962. I will remember MrPalmer and his cricket bat and felt 4 wacks from that many times, mainly for talking after lights out. Not surprising as we were sent to bed about 7 or 7.30 even as 13 year olds. I don't remember being enamoured with the food but we did have a lovely chocolate sauce pudding which we lovingly called Thames' mud. I was caught using that name and resulted in JP's cricket bat. Like the time I was idly playing a magnifying glass in the sunshine on a fly leaf on some decrepit bibles on a classroom window sill and was called up in front of the whole school for 'burning bibles'. I will remember many who have posted including 3 Rivett-Carnac and Sebastian Fairweather. (I was on one of Mothy's fishing trips with him. Why do I remember your full set of 4 first names and surname of Armstead-Fairweather? Have I got that right? The Corpus Christi visit to woods for a play day was the highlight of each year. I didn't exactly shine at Normandale but remember that there were a good number of kids of RAF fathers at the school such as JCKBarber and Wiley.I think the best I did was to be Cricket scorer and in charge of rolling up sleeves. Like Hodgkinson, Martindale and Chapple I went on to Eastbourne collage where I am pleased to say I thrived.

Simon Brister

St Barnabas Old School

posted by Michael Wood on 31 Dec 2019 at 6:03 pm

Hello Jim Bloor,
We followed one another up until we left St Barnabas. You went to the Grammar School and I went to the Bexhill Down Tech. I remember all the school teachers you mentioned as I was in each of their classes. Like you found the amount of information on the old school is limited to say the least. I have lived in Canada for the past 50 years but if you want to drop me a line I would like to hear fro you.
Mike Wood

School Images

posted by Jacqueline Young on 04 Jan 2020 at 11:11 pm

Does anyone have a picture of what Sandown School looked like before it was demolished to make way for the housing development known as Sandown Way in 1967. I livew in Sandown Way and I am curious to know what the school looked like and the grounds.

Merland House

posted by Nigel Craven on 13 Jan 2020 at 7:17 pm

I attended Merland House in the 60's and remember a few names Larry Cooper.,Ricky Jagger and a French lad called Claude
I still have vivid memories of the red carpet and the strap

Ancaster Gate 51-56

posted by Sally on 27 Jan 2020 at 5:31 pm

Jovial miss huxley, miss Mumford in her trousers and smoking pipe, horrid miss Carey, nice miss Bowden, miss veale with her Auburn plaits. Her assistant who checked on her clipboard if we had been to the loo each morning! Eurythmics in ghastly tunics, freezing compulsory dips in the sea at easter and lovely woodland rambles learning the difference between cow parsley and Vetch! Building hideouts at the bottom of the gardens and our favourite game of "one two three block in". Walking round the garden with a book on ones head for deportment, and mid night feasts. Oh the Joy's of simple childhood!!!

Orchard House

posted by john shepherd on 01 Mar 2020 at 5:58 pm

I was trying to research Kerrigan to find out details of his court appearance as I was seven when it happened and that's how I came across the schools thread. I was sent to Orchard House in 1948 because a rather dippy aunt who lived locally told my guardian of a school with a smart nice uniform. I was the youngest boarder and was beaten mercilessly by Kerrigan. When he was arrested I was sent to Harewood School in Bexhill where the headmaster, who reeked of B.O., also enjoyed using the cane on a daily basis. Ghastly memories of two men who would now be classed as paedophiles! At O.H.S only remember one name - John Calverley. The other boys seemed so much older than me.
Best wishes
John Shepherd

Harewood School 1949-1955

posted by john shepherd on 01 Mar 2020 at 6:17 pm

Your post took me back to the dark days of Woody, who stank of B.O., and the contrasting days of Mr. Phillips as head who engendered in me the love of English with his readings on Saturday mornings in class. "The Adventures of Brigadier Etienne Gerrard" and "The White Company" were two reading books. I remember most of the names you mentioned. John Bishop, a great cricketer, was a good friend and I believe lived in Rhodesia. Others were Andy Anderson and Douglas Cromar who I felt so sorry for. He was Woodroffe's step-son and his mother was Matron. They may have been before your time at Harewood. Pupils were overjoyed when Mr Phillips and family took over the school. I owe him a great debt for the career path I followed.

Best wishes
John Shepherd

St. Francis

posted by Gillian Breckon/Ackland) on 28 Mar 2020 at 4:38 pm

Jenny Campion (St. Fanny's/Ancaster) has just told me about the schools message board.

St. Francis

posted by Gillian Breckon/Ackland) on 28 Mar 2020 at 4:42 pm

Jenny Campion (St. Fanny's/Ancaster) has just told me about the schools message board.

St Francis

posted by Fiona Crosfield on 05 Apr 2020 at 5:21 pm

Hi Gill, do you remember me. When all this is over, I will be arranging a meeting of my year and some others, we had one a few years ago which was great. Would you be interested in joining us, and maybe know anyone else from either of our years, or even the form below? Are you by any chance in touch with many others? It would be great to meet again. Fiona

Wanting To Contact Any Older Students That Attended St Paul's School

posted by Arthur novis on 08 Apr 2020 at 9:47 am

I can't even give the exact location, but back in 1940s I attended St Paul's school, I would catch a trolley bus from the vicinity of the "observer" office in Bohemia Rd and get off opposite the school. I ' m anxious to ask some questions of any one who remembers, they will be quite elderly. There was a lad Nicholas I think, we knew the path home thru the woods past the old East Sussex hospital. Any one help please.

Looking For Joanna Edwards

posted by paul pearce on 13 Apr 2020 at 1:20 pm

Hi all iam trying to find joanna edwards on behalf of my wife penny.she left woodlane school in london about 1979 to go to st marys near hastings. Any information would be mu appreciated thanks Paul.

St Francis

posted by Gillian Breckon/Ackland) on 14 Apr 2020 at 9:24 am

Fiona - It was good to hear from you, I never expected anyone to respond after my pathetic effort at sending a message which I lost!! Yes I do remember you. I would love to join the next reunion, Jenny told me about the last one. I am not really in touch with any other old girls, but do have Joey Rooth's address though I see she's been on the message board. Carole Piggott has moved away from Bexhill but I expect Teresa O'Meara knows her whereabouts. Sheila Read married my brother Jeremy but both sadly are no longer with us. Anna Stait, sister married my brother John, and lives in London, I do have her address, she an architect. I was sent to the Junior School housed in that splendid gatehouse - Miss Wood was the teacher. Do you remember Miss Tait (maths) and Miss Brook (cookery), they were cousins(?) and lived opposite the Staits in Cooden - years later I met them at Anna's wedding and they had not aged at all and I always thought they were ancient. And Mrs/Miss Todd (biology/geography can't remember) another very heavy smoker? I have a few photos of the school life. I married Warwick Ackland (Bexhill), he sadly died in 2003, he was RN so we moved around quite a bit. I am happily settled in Worcestershire. miles away from the children! Hope you keep free from this ghastly virus. Gillian


posted by Michael Mclaws on 21 Apr 2020 at 12:35 am

Was there in the late 1950's. Names I remember....Timothy Fok...Sheik Fareed...Roger Christie and his brother....Peter Wilmot our goal-keeper...Roger Nicholson...Moey Swann. I played a lot of cricket for a kid from the U,S.....I was in Dorm 5. I have lots of pictures of rugby...cricket...football teams. Playing cricket there was one of the highlights of my life. Mr Palmer worked that pitch beautifully. My first year there a fellow named Charles Worthington Eyre was cricket Captain. Memories!!

St Francis

posted by Fiona Crosfield on 03 May 2020 at 12:34 pm

Hi Gillian. Can I contact you, are you on Facebook? You can PM me. The Jenny you mention? Can you let me have Anna Stait’s address and anyone else you have, I have Jo’s. look forward to hearing from you. Stay safe. Fiona

Sandown School Photos

posted by David Porteous on 05 May 2020 at 2:04 pm

Hello Jacqueline
I too am looking for a photo of the old Sandown School. I was a student between about 1944 and 1946.


posted by Elizabeth Collison(nee Leathes) on 13 May 2020 at 1:01 pm

My brother John and I were at Sandown from 1946-1949. We went originally for 6 months but we were so happy there that we stayed for 3 years. The teaching must have been very good as I went to school in Paris in 1951 quite able to speak french and the latin I learnt there got me through OL several years later. I was in both the cricket and football teams and also learnt boxing. I would love to hear from any one who remembers us.

Memory Lane

posted by John Bond on 18 May 2020 at 2:58 pm

Yes! I remember you both. I have the school photos of those years, and somewhere I have a photo of John at a picnic in Ashburnham Woods, for a birthday I suspect. I was at Sandown from 1947 to 1950.
We met Averil Waters a few years ago, now living in Australia. I can remember everybody's name in the photo but I cannot remember what I did last week! Rosanne O'Reilly, Maxine Hodgson, Richard Persse, David Holland, Andrew Morrison ( nephew of the Sulman's)
Where has the time gone? Hope all is well with you both.


posted by Gillian Breckon/Ackland on 24 May 2020 at 2:16 pm

Fiona - good to hear from you. Yes please do email me - gillian@acklandgg.plus.com - and I will give you the address. I am not on face book.

Merland House

posted by Norman Wheatley on 30 May 2020 at 1:51 am

I've just google-earthed Merland house ...wow! It looks so suburban. I remember back in the early 60's it had a shady gravel driveway and a bathtub down the right side where we washed our wellies after our walks.
My parents say that sending us from Germany (Dad was in the Army) to a Prep school so we could pass our 11+ and go to Uni was the biggest mistake in bring me and Peter up.
I disagree. In retrospect, I cherished Germany more because of the experience and I liked the english gardens a lot. I think it made me grow up a lot faster than being in an Army school in Germany.
I think the Smiths were all right and did well to restart their lives after India (my Mum's side of the family did the same but with less success). That said, I expect their qualifications were sub-par by today's standards. Oh, I liked the fish fingers :)

no worries


Merland House

posted by Norman Wheatley on 30 May 2020 at 2:28 am

I'm exceedingly pleased to learn the St Vitus Dance is not fatal (well, at least not today). That makes me very happy as I liked Myer Kelley. I hope he's still around and doing ok.

Thanks you Seth and Owen for helping me get tot this conclusion :)


St Barnabas 1949 - 1953

posted by Michael Wood on 01 Jun 2020 at 4:54 pm

Hello Mary
It was last December (2019) I sent a posting to Jim Bloor, 71/2 years after your original posting dated 27 June 2012. I never received a reply from Jim so I thought I would see if I can make contact with you.
Similar to Jim Bloor, I moved into St Barnabas in 1949 and left in 1953 when Jim went to the Grammar School and I went to the Bexhill Down Secondary School. This puts me about one year ahead of you in passing through St. Barnabas.
Along the front of the school was a garden area which I can never remember being well cared for although there were a couple of times students dug some of the ground for a reason. There was a single step up from the pavement to the entrance to the school grounds proper
As you entered the school through the iron gate the first entrance to the building on the left lead directly into Mr Walkers classroom and if you took a sharp left a you entered Mr Walkers room it took you in to Mr Reece’s room. A thing to notice as you walked through the school is that each classroom had a fire place and all the fireplaces backed onto the central wall of the school house building. Just before entering Mr Walkers room if you turned off to the right you went into the coat room and in the far corner was a stone sink and cold water tap with a tin cup for you to get a drink; the water was nice and cold. As you stood in the doorway to Mr Walkers room the windows were on your left and the wall on the right was of a folding glass and wood design. One of the folding panels had a door in it allowing access between Mr Walks room and Mr Dippers room. The size of the class was about 36 students; 6 seats deep and 6 rows across.
At the second entrance, on the left, to the building there was an air raid shelter on the right facing the building entrance. The shelter was in two sections with a common entrance to the two sections. The section closest to the rear of the school house building was bricked off so you could not gain access. The section closest to the road had a lot of odds and ends in it the most outstanding being the stuffed head of a swordfish.
Turning into the school house on the left was a glass cabinet mounted on a double cupboard. The object of attraction in the cabinet was an Ostridge egg. Behind the cabinet along the left outside- wall was a sink with accompanying cutlery and dishes that the teachers used for making a cup of tea and having a midday sandwich. The remainder of the area was the home for the large coconut mates, oval woven mats and high jump stands etc. for outside activities.
The class room immediately in front of you was Mr Dippers class which seated about 30 students. In the front left-hand corner of the classroom, next to the folding glass and wood designed wall, was a raised rectangular podium (I can never recall seeing it used). The outstanding feature of this room was the floor (or a large part of it) which was inlaid wood blocks with brass studs inset into them outlining the world atlas.
Immediately to your right on entering Mr Dippers room was a door which lead into the class room in the north east corner of the school house building. This school room seated about 20 students. There were no outstanding features. On the right just before entering Mr dippers room was a door that lead into the classroom in the south east corner of the school house building. Like the classroom in the north east corner it seated about 20 students and had no outstanding features. These last two classrooms were those of Miss Kirby (NE Corner classroom and Mrs. Carpenter SE corner classroom).
Behind the school was a pathway (track) which ran from Terminus road through to Victoria road. The track was separated from the school by an iron fence with a gate. At lunch times those pupils that stayed for lunch were escorted by teachers from the playground along the track to Victoria road then along Victoria road to the Church hall where Victoria road joined London road. At the point where the track met up with Victoria road was a bottling factory for R, Whites lemonade (The best that’s made - being the slogan).
The church hall was set up with bench tables according to the respective classes. We were call ed table at a time to be served our food which was dished up from flat aluminum trays and thick- walled round aluminum kettles.
The playground between the back wall of the school building and the track was where they set up the mats and stands for practicing the high jump
The large portion of the playground covered an area from the fence between the school building and the track (East end) to the fence alongside the footpath at Reginald road (West end); the width of the yard was from the school wall on the South side to the washrooms and old bicycle shed on the North side.
At the West end of the yard nearest to the school building was an air raid shelter (maybe two). Half way along the wall on the South side was a large door that lead into Mr Dippers room. They opened this door to let the cool air in on hot summer days. There were three steps from the yard level to the floor level in the school.
On the North side of the Yard about half way up was an old bicycle shed then a brick constructed section which I think housed the girl’s washroom when the girls came to the school and then came the boy’s washroom which ran up to the track fence.
The big school yard event was on the days weather permitted we each collected a mat to sit on and chose one of the available Enid Blyton children’s booklets to read and made ourselves comfortable.
At the end of break and lunch periods we would line up according to class in rows from South to North (facing the bicycle shed and washrooms) with Mr Reece standing in front of the washrooms signaling each class in turn to forward march into the school house and classrooms.
If you started at St Barnabas in 1950 and I started in 1949 you would have been in Mr Walkers class as I was in Mr Reece’s class. If that was so you probably new my favorite girl at the time, Mary Cliffton.
Did you have an Uncle George and Aunt Rose and a cousin David?

Sarah Paton At Ancaster House

posted by Prue Ibbs on 09 Jun 2020 at 2:00 pm

Hi Sarah, have only just noticed your note. It's so nice to hear old familiar names like you mentioned. I saw Sophie Adams, Karen Sinclair and Jessamy Stamp but that was many years ago now.
We drove to Bexhill about 5 years ago, but didn't recognise it and of course the school has now gone.

Charters Towers Girls School 72/74

posted by Jyoti mehta on 10 Jun 2020 at 10:18 pm

Hi there all!

My name is Jyoti Mehta and I attended Charters Towers in 1972-1974 and was senior student in charge/prefect. I came from Mombasa, Kenya.

I’d love to get in touch with anyone who was there during this time. My dear friends who or me we fondly but have lost touch with were Antoinette Durham, Peggy Yeo, Giji. Theodora Cannaries , Anne Hopkins, Paulette Faulton, Julia
and Franchesca (from Brazil, Suzanne Rainer and Jennifer Patterson (from Connecticut I think)

Some of the most wonderful
Years of my life we’re had there and so blessed to have been a part of such a wonderful and diverse school.

Would love to hear from anyone who was there during that time. (Jackiepatel@mail.com).

Reply To Sylvia Freeman

posted by Beverley Poole on 13 Jun 2020 at 5:46 pm

Sylvia Freeman. I went to this school. It was Ancaster House. Happily now demolished, wish I'd been there to see it. I was there in 72/73 until 75. I left at 16 which was the happiest day of my life up until then. The green baggy knickers were called green bombers and the nicest part of the uniform was the sports sweater.


posted by Lesley Beverley on 28 Jun 2020 at 12:25 pm

I have created a Facebook page for Merrydays- I hope people will join it.


posted by Lesley Beverley on 28 Jun 2020 at 1:44 pm

I have created a Facebook page for Merrydays- I hope people will join it.


posted by Mary Evelyn Porter on 14 Jul 2020 at 7:54 pm

I attended AG from 1952-55. The Heads were Ms Huxley and Ms Mumford. Would love to hear from anyone who was there during that period. I am looking for Chandra Noble and Patricia Drew.

Merland House Mid 60s

posted by Tony mcmurdo on 25 Jul 2020 at 2:00 pm

Went there mid to late 60s remember catching the coach to go swimming in Hastings and Mrs Smith cutting her leg there and the ravens at the bottom of the garden learnt to skip there also a young girl who would take us for walks butter on weetabix pottys under the bed have a school photo if any one wants

Harewood School - Like To Contact John Shepherd

posted by John Harvey 1951-56 on 02 Sept 2020 at 8:46 pm

I saw John Shepherd’s post of 01 March 2020. I still have a Harewood ‘whole school’ photo taken in 1955 or 56. The back row includes the three pupils mentioned by John, as well as others whose names he would probably recognise: Lease-Smith (uncertain), Dyer (uncertain), Philip Inman, ‘Andy’ Anderson (actually Arthur, I think), John Shepherd, Douglas Cromar, John Harvey (myself), Norman Mitchell, John Bishop, and Alastair Leask. In the centre of the second row is Campbell (mentioned by John in a post of 28 February 2020) and he has the 18 month old Alison Philips on his lap. Riley is in the front row.
From Harewood days, I am still in touch with Philip Inman (by email – he lives in Hungary) and Nigel Wigzell (in British Columbia). In 2008 I met John Bishop for a pub lunch near Petersfield in West Sussex.
I agree that the school improved greatly when Mr Philips took over. I also remember the Saturday morning readings from Brigadier Gerard. Mr Philips died in 2005. I wrote a sympathy letter to Mrs Philips and received a kind and gracious reply.
I remember John Shepherd very well. I believe that we exchanged a letter or two after leaving Harewood – but then lost contact. I should like to make contact again – so if you see this, John, you could email me on: john@hundredwords.org - I live in Dorset.
John Harvey

Harewood School - Would Like To Hear From Contemporaries

posted by John Harvey 1951-56 on 10 Sept 2020 at 10:48 am

I have just seen Allastair Leask’s post of 28 Feb 2010 - only 10 years ago!. I still have a Harewood ‘whole school’ photo taken in 1955 or 56. The back row includes Allastair, as well as others whose names he would probably recognise: Lease-Smith (I think), Dyer (I think), Philip Inman, Arthur Anderson, John Shepherd, Douglas Cromar, John Harvey (myself), Norman Mitchell, John Bishop, and Allastair Leask. In the centre of the second row is Campbell (mentioned in Allastair’s post) and he has the 18-month-old Alison Philips on his lap. Allastair also mentions Riley and he is in the front row.
From Harewood days, I am still in touch with Philip Inman (by email – he lives in Hungary) and Nigel Wigzell (in British Columbia). In 2008 I met John Bishop for a pub lunch near Petersfield in West Sussex.
I agree that the school improved greatly when Mr Philips took over. Mr Philips died in 2005. I wrote a sympathy letter to Mrs Philips and received a kind and gracious reply.
I believe Allastair’s parents ran a café on the sea front at Bexhill and I remember a gang of us cycling there with Allastair and being given a fizzy drink ‘on the house’. The café is still there – as Kerry’s Café.
If you see this, Allastair, you could email me on: john@hundredwords.org. Of course,
I should also be interested to hear from any other contemporaries. I live in Dorset.
John Harvey

Norman Dale School

posted by Chris Hawkins on 11 Sept 2020 at 8:18 pm

I came across this website by chance and saw a number of messages about Normandale, which I attended from 56 to 59. Some of the names in earlier messages ring bells. It was certainly a happy place and I believe it’s track record in getting boys into public schools was very good. By today’s standards probably rather lacking in facilities etc. The head Master, John Palmer was a cricket fanatic, very keen groundsman, high church man and lover of the bar in Bexhill West Station. A school with only 50 to 60 pupils provided a personal education, a great change from the Primary School I attended before with 50 to a class.
Bexhill thrived on prep schools then changes in education in the 60s more or less finished the small private schools. Sadly Normandale and the adjacent Harewood are now a housing estate and the Merchant Navy School opposite the HQ for an insurance company.

Wilton House

posted by Vincent Wade on 14 Sept 2020 at 10:22 am

To those who went to Wilton House school. I knew very little about the school as I only worked there through one summer holiday, as an EFL teacher, connected to a French group from the Champagne region, France. However, I do know something about the former Headteacher called Jon Shryane, who worked with me after Wilton House closed c.1999. He was and could still be head of science at Buckswood School, on the old site that was called Broomham School. Broomham officially closed in 2000, about the same time as Wilton House. I left Buckswood in December 2019. Mr Shryane, was not well, so may have retired (I am not sure). The owner of the site at Broomham, until about 2006, was Jan Auer, the son of Mrs Auer. When I last spoke to him in 2006, he was living in Catsfield, near Battle, as his family were extensive landowners in that area. A friend of mine, who also knew the family, last spoke of them in 2016. I hope that this is of small help. I believe that Wilton House became a hotel, for a short time at the beginning of the millennium, but might have reverted to a family home afterwards. I periodically drive past its entrance, but have not been on site for over a decade.Vince

Looking For Joanna Edwards

posted by paulpearce on 16 Sept 2020 at 10:58 am

Hi on behalf of my wife penny we are trying to find out where joanna edwards is now she came from woodlane school in west london to st marys in bexhill around 1979_1980 my wife would love to know how she is and been up to all these years .so would love to hear from anyone who remembers her thank you all. Paul.

Merland House Mid 60s

posted by Tony mcmurdo on 04 Oct 2020 at 12:17 am

Anyone there from merland

Breamar School

posted by michelle finemore on 19 Nov 2020 at 8:52 pm

I saw the msg from Bradley woods about Breamar school
I remember this strange school and went there for a few Summer holidays with my sister in the early 70s ran by two very Stern women.
It wasn’t a nice place and remember being separated from my sister
alot and being left for hours in a locked up garden alone. I think a lot of children were sent there when parents were working away or travelling. I remember a really squeaky rocking horse on springs that annoyed the hell out of the women who ran the place. It was knocked down many many years ago.

Ancaster House 74-76

posted by Irene Cheong on 21 Nov 2020 at 8:30 am

I was at Sixth from 74-76 and boarded in Dorset house and the Upper sixth house. My sister Linda was in the same houses in the same years. I am still in.touch with Judy Watkins.
It would be so nice to catch up with biardin and classmates. I remember some names but can still rremeber some faces whose names have not remembered yet.
Helen Featherstone
Flavia (forgot your surname sorry) Hawkins?
Sally Robinson
Caroline ?
Sarah Gelespie
Arinola lawson
Nirmala Jacobs
Umi ?
Hope to hear.from you.

Ancaster House 74-76 #2

posted by Irene Cheong on 21 Nov 2020 at 8:37 am

Some.more names i remember
Terri from Switzerland

Ancaster House 74-76 #3

posted by Irene Cheong on 21 Nov 2020 at 7:52 pm

I got your sirnames now tjanks to Linda s memory
Terri Gertzner
Sabine Pfunt
Robab Azarmi
Flavia Hawksley
Karen? Loved near Richmond
Julie from US
We would love to hear from you=)

Collington Manor

posted by Richard Hayden on 10 Dec 2020 at 8:04 pm

I have a few photos of Collington Manor from around the late 1930's which was around the time (I believe) when my two aunt, Lottie and Elenor Hayden, worked at the the Manor when it was a 'home for children from Middlesex who needed a holiday or a place to convalesce. I believe one was probably the Matron (she was a qualified teacher), and the other was the full time nurse. Both passed away many years ago in the late 70s. Somebody mentioned an Irish member of staff - not sure when this was but Aunt Lottie and Elenore were Irish

St Francis

posted by Sue Caldwell (Knight) on 15 Dec 2020 at 7:52 am

Hello Lizzie et al. I only just found this amazing thread! It’s really great to hear news of so many folks from school days. But really sad to hear about Caro and Sheila and Jeremy. I forget we are all getting ancient. II did try and make contact on Friends Reunited in the early days of the internet but didn’t recognise names. I was in the year above with Sylvia, Gail, Bug(Drusilla) Burbridge, Theresa, Anne, Carol and now I’m muddled about which year you were in Lizzie! We ccertainly went on Fannys wonderful trip to Montreaux at Easter among the mountains and magnolias and Philly? And Caro and Stella.
I live in Devon now with my civil partner also Sue (so I use my middle name Ronni)
I’d quite forgotten about the glorious fire drills out of the art room window...... And I was friends with Mary but didn’t know the mystery man was M M ! I wonder if she still plays the piano.
I’d really love to get in touch with Stella and I see you are in contact with her Lizzie.

St. Francis School

posted by Fiona crosfield on 16 Dec 2020 at 2:50 pm

Sue Caldwell do you remember me, Fiona Crosfield? Several of us had a meeting in London a few years ago, great to catch up with them. I have now contacted 16 + across three years, yours mine and one below. I would love to contact you. My contact is feecro@gmail.com look forward to hearing, meanwhile stay well and safe and have a very good Christmas

St. Francis School

posted by Fiona crosfield on 16 Dec 2020 at 2:50 pm

Sue Caldwell do you remember me, Fiona Crosfield? Several of us had a meeting in London a few years ago, great to catch up with them. I have now contacted 16 + across three years, yours mine and one below. I would love to contact you. My contact is feecro@gmail.com look forward to hearing, meanwhile stay well and safe and have a very good Christmas

St Barnabas 1949 - 1953

posted by Jim Bloor on 18 Jan 2021 at 4:00 pm

Hello Mike Wood.
Just stumbled across your message of 1/6/2020. You have an excellent memory. I can recall most of the details you mentioned about the school but some escape me. My gran lived at 30 Reginald Road so I occasionally went there at lunch time. I have a photo of the playground at St Barnabas when my dad was there back in the 30's. It hadn't really changed by our time. If I can find it I could send it to you - but how?

5 Local Schools 1940s-50s

posted by Steve Larkin on 02 Feb 2021 at 11:47 am

I've just published as an e-book a childhood memoir of my years growing up in Bexhill (1942-1961). It includes Trinity House school for girls, St Peter's school, St Barnabus school, the Downs junior school and the Grammar school. The title is Lucky Boy: memoir of a Sussex childhood 1942-1961 and it can be found on Amazon/ Kindle store.


posted by Elizabeth Collison on 15 Feb 2021 at 8:35 pm

John Bond. I think you must be the same age as my brother John Leathes who turned 80 last week. We were so happy at Sandown and I would love to see an old photo. Do you remember the Chettles. Dawn and I shared a birthday and she had a younger brother who would have been your age. I am using Lockdown to write up a bit of our family history.

Wilton House School Bexhill

posted by Karen (nee Hudson) on 16 Feb 2021 at 5:51 pm

Hi all. I have been trying to find some info on WHS and stumbled onto this thread. Wow. I don’t remember much about my days at the school but I do know I hated it. I don’t even remember the year I was there - early 60s I believe. So sad friends reunited not around anymore! Maybe someone may remember me and lead me to where there is mor info on the school. My mother was an art teacher and matron at the school. Her name was Joyce Hudson. She was in a fire in her room at the school and ended up in intensive care for a few days. Sadly the fire damaged her lungs and it affected most of her life. She died the day before Princess Diana. I think I remember a girl called Naznin?? She was in my dorm. I also remember buttering the bread and once a week we gathered and the bags of fruit were dished out. Can anyone guide me to where ex pupils meet on line now?

Wilton House School Bexhill

posted by Karen (nee Hudson) on 16 Feb 2021 at 5:55 pm

Hi all. I have been trying to find some info on WHS and stumbled onto this thread. Wow. I don’t remember much about my days at the school but I do know I hated it. I don’t even remember the year I was there - early 60s I believe. So sad friends reunited not around anymore! Maybe someone may remember me and lead me to where there is mor info on the school. My mother was an art teacher and matron at the school. Her name was Joyce Hudson. She was in a fire in her room at the school and ended up in intensive care for a few days. Sadly the fire damaged her lungs and it affected most of her life. She died the day before Princess Diana. I think I remember a girl called Naznin?? She was in my dorm. I also remember buttering the bread and once a week we gathered and the bags of fruit were dished out. Can anyone guide me to where ex pupils meet on line now?

Collington Manor

posted by Daphne Watson on 19 Feb 2021 at 12:15 pm

Hi, I attended Collington in the mid 1950s and would be grateful if someone could point me towards any photos they may know of.
I have been looking for several years but have only just discovered this thread.
I'm not sure what the protocol for contact on this site are but will check back here regularly
Daphne Watson

Beehive Links

posted by Pam Thomas on 14 Mar 2021 at 4:39 pm

I was at the Beehive 1960-63 parents were in Ghana - Remember several names on the message board. I left a copy of the history of the Beehive at Bexhill Library some years ago and my blazer went to the Museum. I did not write the book but was given it. I kept in touch with Liz Moseby and Paola Morrison for a while but moved about quite a bit and lost touch. Now not too far from Bexhill. email is pae123@aol.com

St Ives And Sandown Schools

posted by Robert STAPYLTON-SMITH on 22 Mar 2021 at 3:57 pm

My cousin Pauline went to Charters Towers, Hastings Rd – very posh. My sister Anne Stapylton-Smith went to St Ives, on the opposite side of the road in the 1930s Not so posh. My first school was further down the road – Sandown-in about 1937. I shall always remember the headmaster, Sulman, dog-whipping me for scuffing along a cinder path behind two other boys who were meted out the same punishment. I must have been about six and my pleas to be forgiven fell on infertile ground. I can remember the man’s study where I was whipped. It smelt of cigar. Horrible man.
Those were very different days. i am resident in The Algarve, Portugal for health and tax reasons. Aged 89 years!

St Ives And Sandown Schools

posted by Robert STAPYLTON-SMITH on 22 Mar 2021 at 3:57 pm

My cousin Pauline went to Charters Towers, Hastings Rd – very posh. My sister Anne Stapylton-Smith went to St Ives, on the opposite side of the road in the 1930s Not so posh. My first school was further down the road – Sandown-in about 1937. I shall always remember the headmaster, Sulman, dog-whipping me for scuffing along a cinder path behind two other boys who were meted out the same punishment. I must have been about six and my pleas to be forgiven fell on infertile ground. I can remember the man’s study where I was whipped. It smelt of cigar. Horrible man.
Those were very different days. i am resident in The Algarve, Portugal for health and tax reasons. Aged 89 years!

Wilton House School

posted by Peter Naylor on 01 Apr 2021 at 3:12 pm

My sister Mary, brother David and myself attended Wilton House School in 1962. We had arrived from Canada and were fortunate to discover Cliff Richard, The Beatles and all the other great music of the time. We returned after the school was closed and have a few photos if anyone is interested. We would be happy to hear from anyone who remembers us.

Wilton House School

posted by Peter Naylor on 02 Apr 2021 at 3:37 pm

My sister Mary, brother David and myself attended Wilton House School in 1962. We had arrived from Canada and were fortunate to discover Cliff Richard, The Beatles and all the other great music of the time. We returned after the school was closed and have a few photos if anyone is interested. We would be happy to hear from anyone who remembers us.

St. Francis School

posted by Lissie Short on 24 May 2021 at 12:48 pm

I haven't looked at this thread for ages but saw your message Sue, and also Fiona's. Of course we have been in touch on email which is such a lovely way to communicate and we can do it in spite of Covid. Miss Todd was the Geography teacher and I well remember Miss Tait and Miss Brook (wonderful basic cookery instruction which I have never forgotten: carrying home dishes of delicious goodies balanced on my bicycle handlebars after walking to the station and taking the train to Battle and then biking home all uphiill in the dark). How spoilt is the modern child, especially in this country (South Africa). We are into the third wave of Covid but so far, touch wood, have kept free of it and have had our first jabs.

Effingham School, Bexhill

posted by Douglas Denham St Pinnock on 30 May 2021 at 10:53 am

My grandmother, Bessie Drughorn, b1894, boarded at this school and was certainly there in 1911 with her younger sister, Maud.

Where was it in Bexhill and is there a record of it anywhere? Does any one have antecedents who were also pupils. Any photographs, any information would be interesting.

Effingham School, Bexhill

posted by Douglas Denham St Pinnock on 30 May 2021 at 10:53 am

My grandmother, Bessie Drughorn, b1894, boarded at this school and was certainly there in 1911 with her younger sister, Maud.

Where was it in Bexhill and is there a record of it anywhere? Does any one have antecedents who were also pupils. Any photographs, any information would be interesting.

Effingham House School

posted by John Harvey on 31 Aug 2021 at 9:56 pm

In reply to post of 30 May 2021 by Douglas Denham St Pinnock: Effingham House School was on the south side of Collington Lane West about 1/3 mile before Collington Lane ran into Little Common. It was adjacent to and immediately east of Falconbury School, which was a boys' preparatory school. I attended Harewood School in nearby Collington Avenue and I remember playing in an inter-school match at Falconbury. Bexhill museum has a compendium of Bexhill Schools, in which both these schools have an entry, and which is available online at:


The names of these schools are preserved in two roads built over the sites of the schools - probably in the 1970s: Effingham Drive and Falconbury Drive. Try a Google Maps search on the road names (adding 'Bexhill')

If you search on Google for 'effingham house school bexhill' you will find several references and pictures.

Best wishes
John Harvey

Sandown School 1940-1946

posted by Malcolm Baird on 21 Sept 2021 at 12:19 am

My time at Sandown included the Bude period, then a year or so in Bexhill.. In about 2010 I wrote a history of the school including a few pictures and recollections from people who were there. It is on a pdf and I can send it to anyone who is interested.

Sandown School

posted by Jonathan Smith on 29 Oct 2021 at 2:29 pm

Reading the many accounts of the school today for the first time was like taking a trip down memory lane. i attended in 1965/66 and left in 67. Also have memories of the dog lead and Tony (peg leg) Sulman, and they arent particulalry fond ones. I have school photos for 65 & 66 & the cricket team phot for 66- would love to have a copy of the pdf Malcolm if your happy to share this.

Effingham / Seafield / Falconbury Schools

posted by Jonathan Aston on 22 Dec 2021 at 11:46 pm

Further to John Harvey's messgae on 31 August 2021, there were three schools all next to each other - Effingham School was in the middle between Seafield School and Falconbury School. (Both Seafield & Falconbury were boys Prep Schools, Effingham was a Girls School). All three schools attended a service every Sunday at Little Common Church, back in the 1960's.

Reply To Tony Mcmurdo

posted by Nigel Craven on 10 Jan 2022 at 12:27 am

Tony I was at Merland House in the sixties would be pleased to see any photos you may have.

Merrydays 1956

posted by Alan Godfrey Brewster on 27 Jan 2022 at 7:25 pm

Maybe a few names for those in late 50's (Victor Darbin).Front bedroom,2 brothers Bruce and Adrian Chandler.Believe their father worked in Egypt as they gave me a stamp depicting the Suez Canal.Also a younger blue eyed boy who could do no wrong.In the side bedroom was Malcolm from Ribble area Cumbria,Roy from Luton whose Dad worked in the automobile industry. and myselfThat was all the boys,6off.We had a competition of best bedroom and we won.The prize was a picture of a red Austin Healey which we named Almalroy 300 and it hung on the wall.

Effingham House School

posted by Sarah Vertigan on 29 Jan 2022 at 5:32 pm

Further to John Harvey and Jonathan Aston's messages. I attended Effingham House School from 1959-1964.
It is correct that there were three schools: Effingham was sandwiched between Falconbury to the left and Seafield to the right, all with a fair acreage of sports fields behind them. Clearly it was valuable real estate land to knock them all down and build across the land. I remember attending St Marks Church, Little Common every Sunday and we even had a visit from Archbishop Tutu in about 1963.
The school was started by a Miss Ismay in 1908 - it had moved from Folkestone to the new location. It finally closed in 1969.
The headmistress during my time was Mabel Onslow (aka MO). Her son Cranley became chairman of the 1922 Committee in the late 80s. I believe she and her husband might have taken over the school in about 1925, which is when they married. MO died in 1974 at the age of 89.

Normandale 51-56

posted by Michael Johnston (now Mathew) on 18 Feb 2022 at 3:49 pm

"Fascinating to come across names from the past, I was taught, also, by the same foursome: Colonel Frith, (geography) Wing Commander Ingram-Johnson (Latin), Lazenby (variuos) Moore (extra Latin), Hockley (French) and Palmer (scripture) as mentioned.
I came across a photo of the 1955 school rugby team with B. Smith, A D Tobogan, DJ Hart, DR Westrup, MJ Smither (captain), RJ Dennis, A Burke. MD Johnston (me) et al. Fortunately their names were written under the photo otherwise i would not have remembered more than one or two.
I remember a Jeffrey Bishop (later went on to to study at the Royal College of Music, I believe) who was a close friend - would love to hear from him.
I note that Sebastian Fairweather was there between 1957-62, brother of Alastair, who also attended Normandale and who was my contemporary. Perhaps Sebastian could fill me in on Alastair, not to mention the Fairweather family - he will be aware that our respective parents came to be close friends.
Ingram-Johnson's accuracy with the chalk duster aimed at dozy maths students was something to behold. On weaponry, I recall aiming my catapult and releasing paper balls at Moore's posterior whilst he wrote on the blackboard, The reinforced stitching on the seat of his trousers took the form of concentric circles. This natural target was too much of a temptation to ignore. He certainly was a character and he, also, invited me to go fishing which was nice of him. I recall he drove a green Sunbeam Talbot. I would be delighted to hear from anyone who attended Normandale in the early to middle fifties. I went on to Wellington College".

NB I used my stepfather's surname at Normandale (Johnston), later switching to my real father's surname which is Mathew.

Beehive School Wellington Road Taunton

posted by June Reynolds on 13 Mar 2022 at 7:09 am

Does anyone remember it the head was John Garrett. it was a small boarding school with day students, started i believe in 1970, John was teaching at another school near Taunton, it could have been Beehive at Bexhill, the school was demolished about 1995 or so, some of the teachers were Ann......... Shirley and sarah Garrett. I would be graetful fo any information to complete a family history, June.

Wilton House School

posted by Sharmini on 27 Apr 2022 at 1:10 pm

Not sure if this thread is still active, but Wilton House does still stand (they are neighbours). It reverted to being called Catsfield Place, and for a time became a country retreat hotel, before becoming a private residence. It is still currently a private house - a very imposing building!


posted by Sarah Redgrove on 01 Jun 2022 at 4:43 am

Hi Maria batty how's you doing they were the days remember me hope to keep in touch do you remember Debbie myhatt


posted by Sarah Redgrove on 01 Jun 2022 at 4:43 am

Hi Maria batty how's you doing they were the days remember me hope to keep in touch do you remember Debbie myhatt


posted by Sarah Redgrove on 01 Jun 2022 at 4:50 am

Hi Maria batty how's you doing they were the days remember me hope to keep in touch do you remember Debbie myhatt

Info Pls

posted by Tracy Bothma on 12 Aug 2022 at 3:57 pm

Hi. Can you please tell me the date the the Charters Towers School was opened. Could it have been as early as 1890?

Harewood Girls

posted by Sally Brook ( ne Banfield) on 24 Jan 2023 at 11:46 am

Hi; just found this interesting resource; i am on the Harewood Facebook page too. I was one of four girls who attended what was really a boys school in its latter days; guess from about 68. We were sisters of attending boys ( i think a sort of BOGOF offer; to keep Mr and Mrs Philips younger daughter Juliet company! I remember so much about Harewood; Latin lessons, the smell of plymsolls and cricket shoes and whitening fluid; the terrible bread and jam; served in the refectory on long dark wood tables; Saturday morning school and lining up one by one in the corridor to have a maths question fired at you by Me Philips which has given me a fear of maths to this day! If you got it wrong you had to trail back into the classroom while everyone else were released down the echoey corridor between the school and gym into the lovely playing fields. Boys i remember; Ian Wakeford, Ian Murray; Panda; Morris minor; Ian Wells, Clive Philip, Ian Stringer. Girls Susan and Juliet cant get last girls name. The freezing cold swimming pool ( must have done something as still like cold water swimming!) the uniform ( very nice colours) crocodile walks; matrons room ( much faking of illness as was sunny and nice). Boys getting the slipper or worse a “sugar plum” which was a length of rope with something on the end from Mr O’ Rourke the gym teacher. And sewing lessons with mrs Philips with the smell of hyacinths. And of course riding in the bubble car! Anyone wanting to contact me i am sally@brookmail.co.uk; i live in Eastbourne but often pass by the remaining Harewood wall when visiting friends.

St Bernards

posted by Rob Fryer on 13 Feb 2023 at 10:52 am

My mother addended St Bernards School in Bexhill in 1914-15. It was boarding and may have moved from London, where my Granny attended it in 1888. Does anyone have any address?

St Bernards

posted by Dave Hatherell on 20 Feb 2023 at 1:29 pm

The building no longer exists but was in Hastings Road, north side, near to present day Sandown Way.

St Francis School

posted by Fiona Crosfield on 07 Mar 2023 at 2:35 pm

For Pippa Williams. Your sister Nicki was not in the same form as Mary Flavell, but the form above.

For Mary Almandoz. Are you still in touch with Rosemary Ensel?
Elisabeth Whitfeld is coming over to U.K. and would love to meet up with both the Ensel sisters and Mary English, can you help please?
Many thanks, Fiona known as Flea

St Bernards/Sandown/Ancaster

posted by Rosemary Gransden on 18 Jun 2023 at 6:08 pm

Ref post by Rob Fryer, my step mother, Trudie Pierce or Pearce attended St Bernard’s in the 1920s. She told me St Bernard’s later became Charters Towers which was in Hastings Road. My brother and I were sent from our home in Singapore to Sandown School between 1956 to 1960 …Sandown holds very happy memories although we were very homesick to start with. I went on to Ancaster House which I hated and luckily in 1962 my mother took me away and I went to Beresford House in Eastbourne.

Merland House School

posted by Chris mallett on 18 Jul 2023 at 4:34 pm

To Owen bray.i was at merland house between 64/67. I'm sure that we shared the dorm with sahr and gabby. I was a altar boy at the church I'm not sure but I think it might have been St barnabas, correct me if I'm wrong.

Where Is Keith Scholfield

posted by Paul Pearce on 23 Oct 2023 at 2:24 pm

Where are you now Keith scholfield from winceby house school .

Ancaster House School Penland Road

posted by Ruthie Tustin on 13 Jan 2024 at 7:05 pm

Where are you all now 5th-6th form Cottages Class of 1978-81?

Normandale Etc

posted by seb fairweather on 03 Apr 2024 at 12:08 am

Mainly a reply to Michael Johnston/Mathew posting about Normandale.
I can certainly fill him on on the Fairweather family (of which I am the last one standing).
But also, though very out of date,
My mother went to St John's in the early 1900s. She later taught at the Beehive, Charters Towers, the Convent in Filsham rd (St Leonards) and then at Mayfield.
I knew the Palmers and Mothy Moore, particularly the latter, very well. Very fine people in their different ways, though whether they were fine teachers is a different matter.
My email is osler@gmx.com
sebastian fairweather

Trinity House School, Bexhill-on-Sea

posted by Dawn Bloomfield on 09 Apr 2024 at 6:17 pm

My Mother was a pupil at Trinity House School in the 30s. She was very modest, but, used to tell me that she was good at drawing and was awarded Certificates by The Royal Drawing Society. I have recently found her Certificates. She gained 3, one aged 12 & 2 aged 13, a Pass & 2 Honours standards. On one of the Certificate, it states "Title Royal Granted by HM. Queen Victoria 1892, Confirmed by HM. King Edward VII 1901, and by H.M. King George V 1910. Underneath is stated HRH The Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll, President. The date on that Certificate is July 1936 and the qualification is Honours Standard. Finding these Certificates now is bringing back many treasured memories, not only conversations, but, our many family trips to Bexhill.


posted by Dawn Bloomfield on 09 Apr 2024 at 6:38 pm

I grew up in Surrey from where we often travelled to Bexhill so that Mum could revisit her childhood memories. She grew up living in a coastguard cottage on Galley Hill. I now live in Somerset and understand the "pull" to rediscover one's childhood experiences & family memories. I plan to be doing just that myself in the next few months, maybe even staying for 2-3 days to do some painting.

Charters Towers Ex Pupils

posted by Elaine Grear (nee Hall) on 02 Jul 2024 at 9:45 am

I went to CTS from 1961 to 1965 and have on the odd occasion caught up with some of the girls l was there with. I have lived in New Zealand since 1989 and as the years are catching up with me would so love to hear from some of my old classmates. Nostalgia must be taking hold. The years seem to have passed so quickly but l still remember Miss McGarry telling me l was a vulgar little hoyden and speech day at the De La Warr pavilion. Love to catch up.

A Few Connections 1955-67

posted by Caroline Mary smith on 27 Jul 2024 at 7:10 pm

Following on from several posts: I was at BCGGS from 1960-67, and recognise not only some names from posts from there but also from the Boys' Grammar School, and Ancaster Gate and St Francis. Ancaster Gate; my Mum - Freda Shott -taught there part time (French, I think, but maybe also Latin and German) but then left to teach French at the Girls' Grammar School. My Dad (Doug Shott) taught French at the Boys' Grammar during all that time until his premature death in 1971. St Francis; Jo Green was in my year at the BGGS and had come from St Francis, and a few other names are very familiar although I didn't know they were St Francis's girls- Susan Rooth was a few years older than me, Hilary Wilkes and Hilary Woodfine were a couple of years younger and were friends of my friend Mandy Meekins. I went to the Downs County Primary before the Grammar School, where our Headmistress was Miss Kirby - I see that a Miss Kirby was a teacher in one of the other schools but I don't now remember which one; I assume it was the same Miss Kirby. Iron hair in receding waves and a bully. I had piano lessons in Edgerton Road but not with Miss Tucknott, but with the younger woman who was the sister of a well-known pianist whose name I've forgotten. Other names: Wow, Sebastian Armstead-Fairweather; my mother was very friendly with Catherine DeVass and taught her daughter, and was instrumental in arranging an exchange for a French student (Françoise Granet) to stay with the De Vass family. I was there one day and met Sebastian briefly..Mr De Vass asked me what my recently acquired degree class was, and when I told him, he turned to Sebastian and said "What was yours - 1:1? Humiliating and very cross-making. But one moves on. I used to recognise the Ancaster Gate and House uniforms when I was in town after school, and the Charters Towers uniform, but had no idea of the number and variety of other schools. Absolutely mind-boggling. I wonder where all the children go to school now, who would in those days have gone to those boarding schools. It's interesting too how many of us have ended up overseas. I have lived in the US (Southeast PA) for nearly 40 years, and usually come back to Bexhill twice a year now I've retired.

The Beehive School

posted by Patsy Bell (Menzies) on 09 Aug 2024 at 9:48 am

I was at The Beehive from 1957-1961 and am trying to trace 2 friends from that time, Sandra Smith, always known as Smith. Her parents lived in the Ascot/Sunningdale area and she had a baby sister called Karena. The second friend was called Jane Firebrace and her parents lived in Chislehurst and she had a brother called David. I haven’t seen or heard anything of them for many years and hope someone can give me news of them.

Effingham House

posted by Gillian Peard on 22 Aug 2024 at 10:51 am

I was at Effinghm House in Little Common from 1955-1960. Mrs. Onslow was the Headmistress.
I have old newsletters if anyone is interested

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