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Memories of Bexhill Thread

posted by Richard Errey on 12 Jan 2007 at 5:26 am

G'Day, I was born in Bexhill in 1940, my family migrated to Australia in 1950 prior to that I attended St Mary Magdalen's School which then was opposite the Bexhill Station. I lived at No 10 Pembury Grove Sidley. I came back to Bexhill in 2000 and just spent the day there bringing back memories, I intend to revisit Bexhill in July 2007, I was wondering if anybody remembers me or my family I had a cousin called Michael Bishop.

Re: Barry's question on another posting - I was also an ABC minor and went to the Ritz also the Savoy.

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National Service

posted by Peter Westwood on 12 Apr 2007 at 4:35 am

As a 70-year old now living in Macau (China) I still retain the warmest memories of Bexhill in the 1950s. At that time I was a National Serviceman stationed at RAF Wartling (Upper Barnhorn, Little Common) and courting a local Bexhill girl who lived in Downlands Avenue.

My most vivid memories relate to our regular attandance at many performances by the Penguin Players at both the De La Warr Pavilion and the little theatre in Egerton Park. Many residents will remember that Richard (Dicky) Burnett and his wife Peggy Paige managed the company and acted in these weekly productions. The company also included many other actors and actresses, some of whom went on later to become familiar faces in TV dramas. I recall the players in the 1950s (1956-58) included James Irwin, Honora Burke, Adele Strong, Pilton Wilson, Anthony Cornish, Ron Pember, Edgar Metcalf, Clyde Pollit, Richard Simpson. The very first play we attended was "Captain Carvello", followed later by "The Amazing Dr Clitterhouse", "Separate Tables", "Certain Joy". ...and many many others.

I also remember the summer variety show (was it called "Starlight Rendezvous"?) with Freddie Frinton as the host and star.

After I left the RAF I attended teachers' college in London but returned regularly to Bexhill in 1957-58. One Christmas (probably 1957) I took a part-time job as a mail sorter at Bexhill post office; and the following summer I was employed as a waiter at the Eastcliff (?) Hotel, owned and operated then by a Mrs McCoy and her husband.

During my time in Bexhill I attended services with my girlfriend at the Beulah Baptist Church. At that time the pastor was Rev Edmund Heddle.

Having lived overseas for many years I visited Bexhill again for the first time in 1999. Many things were much the same as in the 50s, but there had been some significant changes too. I had expected to arrive by train at the Bexhill West Station, but then discovered that it no longer exists. The building was still there (now an antique shop or something of the sort) but the rails have gone. Gone too was the little theatre in Egerton Park. At the time (1999) the De La Warr Pavilion appeared to be very rundown and neglected; but I believe that recently it has been refurbished. I looked for, but could not find, the Thalia School of Speech and Drama, run in the 1950s by the Portch family. I was at teachers' college with the daughter Yvonne Portch.

I left England permanently in 1974 to work and live in Australia. More recently I was teaching at the University of Hong Kong, but retired from there in 2004. I still retain the fondest memories of Bexhill.

Peter Westwood

Errey Family

posted by Dorothy on 10 May 2007 at 8:41 am

Hi.Just saw your message and wondered if we could possibly be related in someway,I was born in Bexhill in 1934 and have lived in Bexhill all my life.
My grandfather and my mother were an Errey.

Looking For The Erreys

posted by Rosalie Southam on 16 Jul 2007 at 9:24 pm

I have been researching the Errey family history for several years now. My Mother Frances Bryant (nee Errey) was born in Bexhill in 1915 and is now 92 and she is anxious to find some of her nieces and nephews who are still living in Bexhill. In particular my cousins Maureen, Sylvia and their brother, children of my Auntie Ada. Also any sons or daughters of her other sisters.

I was born in Portsmouth in 1940 and moved back to Bexhill in 1945. I went to St Peters School and for a very brief time The Downs Sec. before moving to Kidderminster.

My telephone number is 01562 743512, but I am regularly down in East Preston, West Sussex with mother who unfortunately broke her hip last December. You can always leave a message on my phone and my husband will pass it on.

Thanks for reading this message and lets hope that it will bring results.

Dalhousie School

posted by Gudrun Gisladottir on 16 Dec 2007 at 5:21 pm

I have wonderful memories from Bexhill-On-Sea. The summer 1967 I spent three months at Dalhousie School which was on Buckhurst Rd. This was a boarding school for girls who wanted to learn English. I met girls from many countries e.g Sweeden, France, Italy, Thailand, Lebanon and Germany.

Now, 40 years later I often think of this summer 1967 and how Mr. and Mrs. Konverswezky (excuse my spelling) made this summer unforgettable. I visited Bexhill-On-Sea 1979 but at that time the old houses were gone and no sign of my old school. Can someone tell me more about the school, when it started and when it closed and also about the Konverswsky.

Gudrun from Iceland

Roots In Bexhill

posted by Paulette on 09 Apr 2008 at 10:11 pm

My grandmother "Maud Margeret Hancock" was born in Bexhill 1898 (or there abouts). She lost her first husband, Reginald Munn, in WWI, remarried after the war and came to Canada with my grandfather Octaff Lefebre. How I love my grandma! My sister and I had a surprise trip to London given to us and we travelled to Bexhill on April 15, 2006. What a beautiful time we had, visited St. Mary Magdeline church where Grandma and Grandpa were married. Our time was all too short, and how I long for more information. I visit this website often, admiring all the beautiful pictures and information. If you are related to me, let me know!

Wright's Cafe In Bexhill On Sea

posted by Roger Foss on 23 Jul 2008 at 9:41 pm

In the early 1960s, when I was a boy actor with the Penguin Players at the De La Warr Pavilion, members of the company used to go to an unbelievably cheap cafe in Bexhill town centre called Wright's. It was run by three middle-aged sisters (one of them with Downes Syndrome) and I'd love to hear from anyone who remembers these wonderful ladies or knows what happened to them.

Memories From Abroad

posted by Professor Nigel Bennett on 31 Aug 2008 at 2:58 pm

I lived in Bexhill for many years 1961-1884 before emigrating to South Africa. During my time in Bexhill I made several very good friends. Indeed I owe my success to the great schools at which i attended. I often think back to my wonderful days in Bexhill and the good friends I made in this beautiful town. Bexhill is a special place and I often wonder why I left! Africa is an amazing continent with lots of amazing places to visit, but at the end of the day your heart remains where you had the best memories. I still come back periodically to visit and I have to agree it is a hard place to beat for beauty and tranquility.

National Serviceman Mid-50's Memories.

posted by Michael Montague on 29 Jan 2009 at 8:59 am

My many happy memories of Bexhill begin with my arrival at RAF Station Wartling at Upper Barnhorn(e) in mid-October, 1952. The camp establishment, which served as the domestic site for the crews manning the radar stations at Pevensey, had recently transferred from its original site at Wartling Village into its newly-built quarters close to Little Common.
My trade was Fighter Plotter, manning the giant map table where the tracks of aircraft were plotted based on information received from various radar stations. We were transported daily by troop carrier truck to and from the Operations site which was located on the east side of the Pevensey-Wartling road (the now empty site can still be discerned in satellite imagery). A most happy memory of my time is of Anne Crouch, a lovely local girl who lived at "Hillside" at Hooe, and who I went out with for several months until communications and the association broke down after an enforced silence over NATO exercises (the Cold War was still very much "on"), non-delivered verbal messages, a possible imminent posting to Korea and becoming quite ill after injections had been given to me prior to the planned overseas posting had affected me adversely, and then a temporary short posting to another camp.
If anyone knows of the existence of Anne I was be really most glad for someone to remember me to her, and I hope she has had a very happy life.
I played football for Little Common FC for a season until a back injury determined that goalkeeping was out. Through Paddy O'Laughlin who was a Corporal Admin clerk at the camp SHQ and an official of the footall team, Little Common could call on a seemingly endless supply of fit and young skillful footballers from the RAF camp, and I remember that on one occasion we played an away game at Sidley with no fewer than 9 RAF boys in the side, and as we ran out onto the pitch to play the home supporters were calling out "Come on the RAF!"
I swam with the Bexhill Swimming Club (based at Egerton Park) during the summer of 1953, also swimming and playing water polo with Hastings.
I was a member of the two companies of RAF personnel from the camp who took part in the Parade in Bexhill on the anniversary of the Battle of Britain. After the march-past, we paraded at the De La Warr Pavilion for the Thanksgiving Service.
Movies at the three Bexhill cinemas in existence then were a welcome pastime; the
"Wheatsheaf" at Little Common was a popular watering-hole for the boys from the camp just up the road.
Dances were held regularly at the camp, and local girls attended. I know several romances grew to marriage status, one I recall was by one of my colleagues from the camp by the name of John Bell, who married a Little Common girl (her name could have been Cecily or Cicely) and I'm sure he stayed on to settle in Bexhill after his RAF service was completed.
In a pub, holidaymakers and locals were always generous to we RAF boys, and many were the times when we wandered into local hostelries - especially in uniform - we gratefully accepted kindly offers of refreshment.
There were several good walks in the area. A frequently-used footpath was the one which led from Barnhorn Road near the camp down across the fields to near Cooden Beach station. It was used, when time and weather permitted, to make our way to and from the station. On summer weekends the walk would be extended along the beach itself, maybe having a swim, or along the road behind the beach-front houses and bathing huts.
The walk to and from Bexhill was a very pleasant one along leafy lanes.
Many more memories abound but I suspect I,ve taken up enough of Alastair's valuable space.
In May 2003 I re-visited Bexhill and my old camp itself while on a trip from Australia where I have been living since 1966, but you know what nostalgia is, and the now observed overcrowded main and side streets of the town bore little resemblance to the Bexhill of the happy memories of my youth.

RAF Radar Station

posted by Trevor Hoskins on 31 Jan 2009 at 6:59 pm

I was stationed at an RAF underground radar station, just outside Bexhill in 1955 controlling both RAF and US aircraft. I have lived and worked in the USA since 1974 but will be returning to the Bexhill area in Sept 2009. Can you tell me if this RAF station still exists?

RAF Radar Station

posted by Jude on 01 Feb 2009 at 12:42 am

There aren't any RAF stations around here now. There was one at RAF Wartling, just west of the main town but it closed many years ago and became the site for Northeye Prison. The prison closed and the site is now used for housing students from the UAE.

This site may be of interest:


The Hole

posted by dave on 01 Feb 2009 at 4:31 pm

The hole still exists but the lower levels are full of water now, i havn't been done there in many years now, the top guard room has been converted into a house, but the blast doors and many fixtures are still done there, I have found some really good pictures on the web over the years,the only person i can remember was mr fox who now lives over at west field.hope this is of help.

Bexhill Holidays

posted by Jim Sinar on 23 Feb 2009 at 12:21 pm

In the mid 1950s I would go to Bexhill with my Mum & Dad for a holiday to my Aunts .From Lancshire that was along journey by steam train which took all day with stops in Manchester and London to change Trains .
Bexhill was great it was so hot one year it burnt the paint of pub sign , the pub was the Cock . My Uncle worked at the De La Warr Pavillion . Going to Bexhill for me aged 8 or 9 , was like going to another counrty , I was surprised they had Cornflakes . Happy Days .

Info Needed About RAF Wartling

posted by Alan Watson on 30 Mar 2009 at 2:29 am

My dad served at RAF Wartling in the early-mid sixties and as a child I lived at 21 AMQ RAF Wartling. This is the address that I found on my medical records along with the date 18 March 1966.I would like very much to find this address. I believe it is or was on the site of the then HMP Northeye. I am trying to trace this particular part of my past which has been quite difficult to achieve.If anyone has any information I would be extremely grateful

RAF Wartling

posted by Jude on 01 Apr 2009 at 2:32 pm

HMP Northeye was taken over by UAE for students but the housing that was used for prison officers is still there and was sold off at the same time. I'm not sure when the houses were built but the names of the roads are Pleyden Rise and Ticehurst Avenue. It might be worth contacting Rother Council to see when these names were adopted and what they were called previously.

It also looks like there are files about the disposal of RAF Wartling lodged with the National Archives so that may help as well.

Good luck.

Peter Westwood

posted by andrea head on 05 Apr 2009 at 3:48 pm

hi my grandmother, was called violet westwood, her sister was ivy, and their mother was hannah, they lived in bexhill, violet was the mother of the little boy who was killed in station rd in 1935,he fell off the back of a lorry aged 7. violet married frederick head, they had 6 children, venn westwood who was killed, as i said. Victor, michael, dennis, patricia and darlene.there is mention of a darren and peter in the news paper from the time, also aunties, breachy, putty and dahler. i just wondered if we may be related?


posted by Alan Watson on 09 Apr 2009 at 9:27 pm

Hello Jude
Thanks for your info.I'm now in the process of tracking down this house. Bit of a mission now. All I need to do is piece together my life from 63-69. The rest I know.
Nothing sinister about my life just need to know!!

Thanks again


Bexhill My Home Town

posted by Rod Waite on 30 Jun 2009 at 10:22 pm

I was born in Bexhill in 1949. lived at 173 london rd,went to bexhill infants,junior & senior school.spent many happy years at the athletic club in little common rd,remember such lovely people as Reg Cane,Colin Cotton,Jim Steneford.played football at sidley.later golf at cooden beach.My father Ken Waite was Mayor of Bexhill in 1980 and was a councillor for many years.I can remember most of the people who have written massages on this site,Carolyn Shott I used to go to infants school with,who now lives in America.I have found memories of the Queens Head in bell hill before they took it down to build the old town by-pass,the friday night dances at The de la warr.I now live in the North of england and still have family in Bexhil,still visit a few times a year and am disapointed to see the awful flats that have been built opposite the sackville roundabout,thats town planning for you.

Michael Bishop

posted by Eve Kiff on 09 Aug 2009 at 7:37 pm

I think there must have been two Michael Bishops, as I remember this question being asked before. The one I knew lived at the top of Belle Hill, and had a sister called Rosemary who now lives in Australia. Michael became an actor. He was in the original film, "The Day of the Trifids.

Nigel Bennett!!!

posted by Theresa Kiff on 30 Aug 2009 at 11:15 am

Nigel Bennett! I went to school with you. I'm in New Zealand now. I do miss dear Bexhill - the sound of the seagulls and the sea, and the foghorn (Moaning Minnie my Grandad called it), and the south-west gales, and the Highwoods, and Devonshire Road on a Saturday morning...

Hello Theresa Kiff

posted by Nigel Bennett on 12 Oct 2009 at 12:03 am

Dear Theresa,
I remember you well and your brother Gary. I have lived in South Africa for 25 years now, but I still think about dear Bexhill and all the good friends I had in the past. I will never forget the beautiful town and all it has to offer. Keep in touch

Anne Crouch

posted by ingrid crouch on 15 Nov 2009 at 3:33 pm

Anne is my x sister in law, she has been married for many years with two daughters 7 one son & now grandchildren, She is still living in Bexhill, as are her family. i will pass on your message to the family.

Bexhill Rock And Roll

posted by Sue Marchant nee Keeley on 04 Dec 2009 at 3:39 pm

Who else remembers the Rock and Roll dances at the Athletic club, Friday nights at the De la Warr Pavilion, Tuesdays (I think) at Battle langton hall. Not to mention the Witch Doctor in St. Leonards. Those were good times even the odd good group on the pier. Rolling Stones for instance. We all managed to have a good time without the use of alcohol or was that just me!!!!!

Memories And Regards

posted by Christine on 28 Dec 2009 at 9:23 am

Hi, my name is Christine and I come from Germany. I was in Bexhill during the summer of 1998 - its a beautiful town. I met there a nice man, Mick Cooper. I lived at his father's house. I really liked Micks father Robin Cooper. The time in Bexhill with Mick (my guide) was very interesting and wonderful. Mick showed me Bexhill and also Hastings, Eastborne and London. Many thanks! I enjoyed the time and Robin's hospitality. I hope this message will arrive to Mick and Robin. Unfortunately I don't remember the address. Mick and Robin, I hope you are fine and happy! By the way, Mick, my son is student and speaks perfect English. He was in the UK for many times. I give my best regards and a happy new year for both of you

Childhood Memories

posted by John Wells on 25 Jan 2010 at 2:33 am


First, we survived being born to mothers who smoked and drank while they were pregnant. They took aspirin, ate blue cheese, tuna from a can, and were not tested for diabetes.
Then after that trauma, we were put to sleep on our tummies in baby cots covered with brightly coloured lead-based paints.
We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles, special locks on doors or cupboards and when we rode our bikes, we had no helmets, elbow or kneepads.
As children, we would ride in cars without child seats, booster seats, seat belts or air bags.
Riding three up on the cross bar of a friends bicycle on a warm summer day was always a special treat, and we walked to school.
We drank water from the garden hose and not from the water filter.
We shared one soft drink with four friends, from one bottle and no one actually died from this.
We went scrumping apples, ate too many and got the bellyache.
We also ate chocolate cake, white bread and dripping (lard) and drank homemade lemonade made with sugar, but we were not overweight because,
On weekends we would leave home in the morning and play all day, we did not care if it was raining or snowing as long as we were back before dark, our parents were unable to reach us all day, but we were OK.
We never heard of paedophiles, but we had flashers and two bob men, we just made fun of them and ran away.
We would spend hours building our go-carts out of scraps of wood and old pram wheels, then race down Hillside road, and for brakes, we would wear out the heels of our shoes in no time at all.
We did not have Playstations, Nintendo's, X-boxes, no video games at all, no television, no video movies or DVD's, no surround-sound or CD's, no mobile phones, no personal computers, ipods or sms, no Internet or chat rooms....but
WE HAD FRIENDS and we went outside and played with them!
We climbed trees to steal bird?s eggs, sometimes we fell and broke bones, we got cut, lost teeth and we let dogs lick our wounds clean.
For pets, we collected slow worms, newts, bucket loads of frogs and any other reptile that would fit in a shoebox.
We played conkers with string and horse chestnuts, we made swords with sticks and half tennis balls, fought each other with stones and catapults, although we were told it would happen, we did not poke out very many eyes.
We rode our bikes or just walked to a friend's house and knocked on the door, if we wanted to talk to them.
We had Saturday morning cinema, with Donald duck and Flash Gordon, but first we had to complete our chores, to earn the sixpence to get in.
We had street football and cricket and everyone made the team, rules were made up along the way. We gathered blackberries on the Downs, enjoyed the pies, and jam our Mothers made from them.
We walked the Seventeen Arches viaduct, put our ears to rail line to listen for the train, then put pennies on the train line to be squashed flat, what fun.
In summer, we scrounged old car tyre inner-tubes to float on, and went to the beach, and still we never drowned.
In winter, we had a bath every Friday night whether we needed it or not, then Vicks rubbed into your chest and off to a freezing bedroom with a hot water bottle to cuddle, what luxury.
The idea of parents bailing us out if we broke the law was unheard of. They actually sided with the law.
When we were naughty, we got a good hiding and it was not called child abuse.
The past 50 years have seen an explosion of innovation and new technology.
We had freedom, failure, success and responsibility, and we learned how to deal with all of it. We had the good fortune to grow up as kids, at a time before the governments regulated so much of our lives for our own good.
I would like to mention some of the people who helped make me the person
I am today, Geoff Lade the schoolyard bully who taught me it is better to fight back even if you lose; you still have your self-respect.
Tony Lambert, whose father owned the bike shop in Belle hill and could fix anything, Bobby Williams and the other tough boys who lived down Salisbury road, our very own no-go area. Sonya Moore, the tomboy who could bash up anyone. Raymond Penfold who grew up to be a gentle giant. Another boy who shall be nameless, whose older sister introduced pre-pubescent boys to the mysterious naughty bits of girl?s bodies, Leonard Rawlins who could run for hours and never got tired.
David Welford, who taught me what fun it was to throw pebbles at our head mistress Miss Reeve?s steel clad house. Jackie and Peter Scotcher my best friends who had a lovely cuddly mum called Jessie. My brother Brian who would wrestle me for hours and never give up. My sister Marilyn who was too young to play with the big boys and we would run off and leave her home, Sorry?Marilyn. Mr Bird who owned the grocery shop in Belle hill where we bought two ounces of boiled ham for Dads tea, and he gave us rides in the back of his delivery van for free.
And Mrs Mocket who ran the cake shop in London road, where you could go late Saturday afternoon and buy a big bag of fresh cream cakes for a shilling.
Makes you want to run through the house with scissors, doesn't it
John Wells, Queensland, Australia.

What Wonderful Times

posted by gwyneth bishop on 01 Feb 2010 at 7:40 pm

Hi John Wells
I have just read your wonderful memories of bexhill,I was living there in the fifties and your piece brought it all back to me,I lived in london rd,with my older brother brian elliott and younger one rodney waite can you remember them.Funny thing my older sister Joan married ernie wells from hillside rd,was he a relation of yours,before I married and left bexhill I worked in the cake shop in london rd for Mrs Mockett. you mention Jackie and peter scotcher,my best friend was mavis scotcher and I have been trying to trace her do you know if they were related? once again thanks for the memories it was so wonderful to relive the past again,such happy times

To Gwyneth

posted by John Wells on 18 Feb 2010 at 12:35 am

Hi Gwyneth,
I lived in Bayencourt south number 18, my Mother is still there, I do remember Rodney and my auntie Joan and uncle Ernie. Mavis is the older sister of Jack and Peter Scotcher, Jack I believe lives in Pebsham and his brother Peter lives at Battle. I am travelling to the UK later this year and will catch up with Peter and Jack Scotcher, I will ask about mavis, Good to hear from you, John Wells.


posted by gwyneth bishop on 18 Feb 2010 at 6:49 pm

Hi John
Thank you so much for your message,My brother Rodney read your message and remembers you well,my sister Joan lives in Eastbourne now,but three of her sons are still in Bexhill.it would be lovely if you could trace Mavis for me,as I haven't had much luck so far.I hope you enjoy your trip to England.my e-mail is as follows gwyneth.bishopATgooglemail.com (replace AT with @) thank you again

You Hit The Button John

posted by brian welford on 24 Feb 2010 at 12:24 am

read your letter,everything you remembered was spot on.My brother Dave is your mate who threw the stones at Miss Reeves house in Silvester road.When you're next in Bexhill I,am sure Dave will want to chew the fat.Get in touch.Good memories.Regards Brian

Hi Brian

posted by John Wells on 28 Feb 2010 at 2:08 pm

Your Brother David was an old school pal of mine, we used to hang out a lot as kids, and as teenagers we used to ride motor bikes together, I remember he had a Royal Enfield.
We had a habit of getting into all kinds of trouble.
Regards John Wells.

Bexhill Visit April 2010

posted by Sandra Millwood on 07 Mar 2010 at 12:29 pm

Hi John,

I lived next door to you, our family moved to Australia in 1956. I will visit your Mum in late April. I now live in Hobart Tasmania.
Do you know where the Bayeux Tapestry that we all helped embroider at St Peters School is now? I am planning a memory lane trip.
I loved your 'memory lane' post.
Regards, Sandra Millwood.

St Peters School

posted by Janet Izzard (nee Golledge) on 10 Mar 2010 at 2:09 am

I left St Peter's in 1953 but I remember working on the Bayeux Tapestry. I also wonder what happened to it. Does anyone recall our first male teacher - Mr Dipper? He took what we now call Phys Ed and he always wore a string vest. Or Miss Brocklehurst who sat on a chair in our newly paved playground on a hot day, while we watched fascinated as the chair legs sank into the asphalt!!!!

Hi Sandra

posted by John Wells on 11 Mar 2010 at 8:20 am

I remember all you girls next door, my brother Brian and your sister Trudy used to play together, I moved to Australia in 1980, and visited your Mum in Frankston in 1981, your Mum come to see me in Sydney a few years before she died. My brother brian now lives in France, My sister Marilyn is still in Bexhill, I`m sure she and Mum will be happy to see you.
Good to hear from you. John.

St Peters School

posted by Sandra Millwood on 13 Mar 2010 at 10:01 am

Hi Janet, I left St Peter's in 1955, you may have known my sisters, Barbara and Monita. I remember Miss Brocklehurst well, a great teacher, but very strict. Did Mr Dipper also take Class 4? I will let you know if I track down the Bayeux Tapestry.

Bexhill Visit April 2010

posted by Sandra Millwood on 13 Mar 2010 at 10:17 am

Thanks John,

Fancy having to live next door to six girls. Andrew our baby brother was only four y/o when we left for Australia. I look forward to seeing your Mum and Marilyn very soon.

To John Wells

posted by Sandra Millwood on 01 Jun 2010 at 11:52 am

Would love to hear how your Mum is going.
I left England on the 4th May.
sandrantarcticaATyahoo.com.au (replace AT with @)

Nazareth House

posted by Rena on 06 Jun 2010 at 12:45 am

I am looking for anyone connected with Nazareth house in 1977. It was a good year, I was 18 years of age and came from Ireland to work with children. I thought it was positive, would love to hear from anyone. Caroline worked there, I don't remember her last name, but she got married the same year or the next.

Looking forward to hearing from anyone


Info On AMQ's At RAF Wartling For Alan Watson

posted by Mike Montague on 14 Jun 2010 at 4:34 am

Hi Alan,
The houses which served as AMQ's and OMQ's during the life of the camp are now private residences and the roads ate now named Wartling Drive, which runs right up to the gate of the camp, Pleyden Rise and Ticehurst Avenue.
If you have Internet access and go into Google Street View you can have a virtual walk-by of the houses in all the streets mentioned. The addresses of the houses shown are given. but these may have no relation to the original AMQ numbering.
You can also visit Bing Maps, which give excellent sharp 45-degree bird's eye images.
If this is not easy for you, I am happy to download a few images for you and email them to you.
Greetings from Down Under.
Mike Moa41b5ntague

Happy Memories

posted by John Thorpe on 21 Jul 2010 at 11:52 pm

In the Early 50's I lived in Hastings but my first girlfriend came from Bexhill.My connections were around Old Town and indeed if you read Spike Milligan's life in the Army, mention is made of Dances and his playing in the band at the Church Hall Old Town.Later in 1957 I was posted to RAF Wartling (Soon after to RAF Fairlight)
Around this time I recall the Nephew of Mannie Shinwell MP moaning about his employment as a National Serviceman in the Station Pigsty, a side line of the camp.A National Newspaper picked the story up and big commotions ensued. I worked in the MT section and soon after, the station commander rang through for his car and a fellow Welsh driver friend of mine found himself in trouble when he picked up the phone and said
"Station Piggery, Duty Pig Speaking" Jankers was his reward for that.
Can anyone remember the name of the bands that were on the Hastings Pier for dance nights on Saturdays in the 50's? Did they play in Bexhill too?

Phyllis Errey

posted by Anita Hay on 28 Jul 2010 at 10:17 am

Hi am trying to trace Phyllis Errey. She lived at 40 Sidley Street in 1939 and had a little girl named Patricia. I believe she moved to Scotland in or about 1950. If you have any info it would be much appreciated.

Memories Of Bexhill

posted by Dorothy Hodgson on 15 Aug 2010 at 8:13 am

Hi Anita, Phylis Errey was my aunt and she used to live in Barrack road before moving to Scotland,my mother was Elsie Barker, dont know if you knew her or any of the other sisters.

Nazerath House 1977.

posted by Peter Richardson on 18 Aug 2010 at 12:43 am

Hello Rena, Me and my sister were in Nazerath house in 1977.. we were young at the time (I was 4 and my sister was 8).. would really like and appreciate if you could let us know anything about the house at that time. With thanks and regards, Peter.

One Errey To Another

posted by Judith Errey McLean on 26 Aug 2010 at 10:26 am

Just reading your message on the Bexhill message board, was wondering if there is a connection, as my side of the Errey family came out from Sussex England in 1857....Judith

Re One Errey To Another

posted by Dorothy Hodgson on 30 Aug 2010 at 8:09 am

hello Judith. Yes it is a certainty that we are related ,there were quite a few of the Errey's who emigrated to Australia and also some to USA. but there are still many more living here in Sussex. Dorothy

One Errey To Another

posted by Judith Errey McLean on 03 Sept 2010 at 3:00 am

Would be great if I could hear from you Dorothy

Nazareth House

posted by Rena on 08 Sept 2010 at 9:54 pm

I would like to connect with anyone who lived in or worked in Nazareth House in 1977.
Looking forward to hearing from anyone

Nazareth House

posted by rena on 13 Sept 2010 at 12:44 pm

Hi Peter,

If memory serves me, you were the youngest of the children when I was there. If you are the child I'm thinking of, you were adored. Especially by an older woman who lived in Bexhill, but didn't live at Nazareth house.
There were three homes within. The top floor, where I was had nine children. The second beneath is where the younger children were, there were no babies. You were probably the youngest. It was a kind environment, the staff and nuns were caring and really put the welfare of the children first. I look forward to hearing from you, so that I can tell you more

Re Post By John Thorpe

posted by Edward (Ted) Chivers on 13 Sept 2010 at 9:33 pm

I was stationed at RAF Wartling from 1955 to 1958 and well recall the event when the grandson of Emanuel Shinwell (Labour MP) was taken by the press to London to give info re morale at the station. I recall having to take part in staying in the Guard Room of the old site on the Pevensey Marshes. One of the first radar stations in the country. Food was delivered from the new site and was normally stone cold by the time it arrived.
I met my wife(of 52 year) at an RAF dance at the De La Warr Pavilion. Her maiden Name was Doreen Hoad and she lived in Bayencourt South (off London Road)an address mentioned by John Wells.
Looking forward to hear from anyone.

Kids From Nazerath Convent In 70s

posted by lizzie totham on 20 Oct 2010 at 10:57 pm

Hi im looking for any kids who were in nazerath house convent in the 70s.im one off the 6 totham kids,george,lizzie,jimmy,robert,geoffrey and marie.please get in touch be good to see how far we have all come.lizzie

The Brown House

posted by Ann.Black (formally Ann Dodge) on 20 Dec 2010 at 4:33 pm

Does any one remember The Brown House, a childrens home in the old town? I worked there in 1962 for a year.It was run by Mrs Hanne and her daughter Christine.I still have some photo's of the children there at the time.Does any one remember some off my old friends Liz Ray,Penny Thorpe,Jenny Morris,Peter Dale,Peter Dyer,John Locke.I would love to hear from any one.

Nazareth House

posted by Adrian (Neil) on 03 Jan 2011 at 7:55 pm

Hi Rena, Peter, I was one one the babies a few years before 77. Peter were you in the baby unit?

perryadrianAThotmail.com (replace AT with @)

Peter Richardson

posted by andrea head on 12 Jan 2011 at 2:17 pm

Hi, are you Jackie's brother? i went to St Mary Madeline's, Jackie was my best friend, we shared her apple everyday, but i left in the 3rd year and sadly never saw her again, i used to come to your house, my mother and yours (Breda?) used to be pals.

Bexhill Memories Of A Mispent Youth!

posted by kenneth DaSilva-Hill on 20 Jan 2011 at 8:08 pm

Hi, As a small child in the 50s I often spent the summer months with my aunt & uncle, Bob & Bet Spruce at their house in Reginald Road, Bexhill. Bob was a local fireman, and many times I have seen him cycling like made down the street when " the bells went down'. They were great days and, being allowed to wander wherever I wanted on my own, I met some interesting people. One of these was a Mr Ball who was a model boat builder of some skill who used to sail his models of full rigged sailing ships on the model yacht pond, adjacent to the garden for the blind in the local park. We built up a rapport and I was allowed to help him sail his boats, a rare honour apparently. I have never forgotten this very kindly old gentleman, who enjoyed playing boats with a seven year old, and who started me on a professional career of fine model making and restoration ~ some of my models are in very well known museums, including the Tower of London. Does anybody know anything about this nice gentleman? I would dearly like to know if any of his fine sailing models still exist, as I hope that they do!
It was great fun in Reginald Road in the mid to late 50s, I remember I had a friend, Charlie Anderson, a little older than me, and who lived further up the road. We used to cadge lemonade from the local soft drinks factory which was situated at the end of the road, and spent many happy hours playing in the sand in the local builders yard, just as you enter the street. In those days the little Bexhill station was still operating, running tank engine steam trains, and I remember a dairy bottling plant next door to the station where we made a nuisance of ourselves. I taught myself to swim in the local lido, and investigated every air raid shelter I could find.
There we are, 63 next birthday, but still in love with the place even though I have not been back for many years! In those days I was known locally as Kenny Hill, I wonder if I am remembered too?

Nazareth House

posted by rena richardson on 28 Feb 2011 at 10:07 pm

I'm so anxious to get to know the wonderful people I met while I worked at Nazareth House. Peter, hopefully you'll participate and whomever else has any experience, memories or information on Nazareth house.

Plummer Family @ Bexhill

posted by Sally Plummer on 28 May 2011 at 7:27 pm

My great-grandfather built 'Oceana' on West Parade and I have a photo of my grandfather, Arthur Herne Plummer and his wife Janet (nee McCormick) sitting on the front steps. He is in military uniform as it was 1914. My great-Aunt Daisy McCormick lived with her little dog in a flat just along from Oceana. By the 1950s Arthur & Janet had retired to Bexhill and lived at White Lodge in Richmond Grove. My parents, Desmond & Pat Plummer and I had many happy holidays with them and I remember donkey rides on the beach and shrimping in the shallows. My grandmother and my father were great swimmers although the Portuguese Man o' War Jellyfish could be a hazard. At the time of writing this I'm about to go to Bexhill Cemetery with my father's ashes for the Plummer family grave..

Ted Chivers

posted by Bob Cooper on 25 Jun 2011 at 8:47 pm

Greetings from your relatives in Canada.Doreen is my cousin,It would be so good to hear from you. My email address is coopercl[AT]telus.net (replace [AT] with @)

Record Rendevouse

posted by Betty Webster on 01 Jul 2011 at 12:50 am

Hi I lived in Sidley on dalehurst rd in 1955 for a few months with Mr&Mrs Goodwin. I used to go to the record shop and I made friends with the boy who worked there and I think he was called Michael. I hope someone remembers

Nazereth House In The 1970s

posted by melanie clifton on 04 Jul 2011 at 6:25 pm

hi i was put into the convent in about 1971 [ish]there was 3 of us sisters,eldest being tina then tracy then me...melanie,i cant really remember alot but do remember a family i used 2 stay wiv [they had a daughter called michelle]i was always happy in the home and loved sister madelaine to pieces,we stay in contact and she even came to my wedding 6 yrs ago this august,was just wondering if anyone remembers us,wud love to hear from u if u do.

Mock Cream

posted by Sheila Varian on 05 Jul 2011 at 9:19 pm

I can remember going to the bakers in London Road to get mock cream and having to take a jar to collect it in.
Also buying biscuits from large tins with clear lids. One lb of mixed or, if you were really pushing the boat out, mixed fancies.

Hi Rena Richardson

posted by melanie clifton on 09 Jul 2011 at 8:57 pm

hi rena, me and my two sisters left the convent in 1976 to go live back wiv my mum and her partner,i to want 2 find people who were in the convent or had 2 do wiv the convent from 1971 to 1976.i think i remember my sisters talk about a caroline who worked there.do u remember sister madelaine at all,i hope u find out lots.

Nazareth House

posted by rena richardson on 18 Jul 2011 at 5:11 pm

Hi Melanie,

You left before I got there in the Summer of 1977. There was a house mother, caroline. She did get married in 1977 and all the children, as well as sister madeline, went to the wedding.


@ John Wells

posted by Brian Scotcher on 28 Jul 2011 at 10:19 pm

Hi John.

Did you ever get hold of Jack Scotcher? If you haven't yet, I can help you get in touch with him as I'm his youngest son. I currently live out in Suffolk serving in the forces. Let me know if you need a hand getting in touch.

Reginald Road

posted by Nikki on 05 Sept 2011 at 6:31 pm

Don't know if anyone can help me. I am trying to find out about my great nan - Gertie Lilac Owen who was put in care with her sister Ethel. They were originally from Bermondsey and the next record I can find of them is on 1901 (they would have been 7 and 9yrs old) census address at 79 reginald road, bexhill with about 13 other girls listed from 6-12yrs old. I just really need to know if this was a childrens home or what the names are of local homes or any other info that may be of use as I am not familiar with the area. Thanks v much...

Phyllis Errey - Bexhill

posted by Anita Hay on 09 Dec 2011 at 12:48 pm

Hi would love to hear from Dorothy Hodgson or anyone else who has information regarding Phyllis Errey. I saw the posting from Dorothy in response to my message last year. My mother was the eldest daughter of Phyllis Errey and James Mara. They had a baby son who unfortunately passed away. They seperated and I understand that Phyllis remarried.

Childhood Memories

posted by Derek Polwin on 24 Jan 2012 at 3:34 pm

Hi John Wells
Your message brought back memories. My family loved the top end of Hillside Road and your mention of Mr Bird (do you remember the shop further up Belle Hill belonging to Mr Luck?) I remember Mr Lambert, Mrs Mockett, Miss Brocklehurst. Wasn't Raymond Moore another of the tough lads from Salisbury Road yet I recall him rescuing me on one occasion. Happy days!!

RAF Wartling

posted by Howard Rackliff on 06 May 2012 at 8:30 pm

My Parents Pat Hay and Bernie Rackliff served at Raf Wartling in the late 1950`s. Dad sadly deprted but mum still going strong . I am invololved with a programe to preserve but not restore The R3 bunker at wartling which was flooded for many years now largly pumped out but stripped and in a state of some decay it is able to be visited by appointment contact me for for details

Nazareth House

posted by Maria mclachlan on 08 May 2012 at 12:47 pm

Hi, was wondering if anyone remembers my mum's family.... Marsh( Jean, Maureen and Maria) not sure of the year, but would have been in the 60's..... I think maybe there older sisters( Christine, Vicky and Linda) may have also been at the convent.... Would love to hear from anyone that remember this family.x

Nazareth House

posted by Rena Richardson on 14 May 2012 at 9:34 pm

Before my time Maria. There were 2 three sister families in my dorm. One was Helen Maria and Ester,
the other had a Vicky, but I can't remember her 2 sisters names. I wish I could be more help.



posted by Nigel RIDER on 08 Jun 2012 at 9:50 pm

My parents were living in Bexhill when I was born, in 1950. They moved out to Ninfield soon afterwards, but my earliest identifiable memory is of the coronation in 1953. We stood on the promenade in a cold wind listening to a speech by the mayor (Mrs Green), which made no sense, since we knew where she lived, but my father had constructed some of the town's decorations; then back to St Mary's in Ninfield where a TV had been set up to watch the ceremony...I went to sleep. My father's architecture practice was in Sea Road, and I spent my teens at the (boys!) Grammar School (1961-68) and found my first serious girlfriend living by the Egerton Park duck pond. Since leaving for univesity my contacts with Bexhill have been mainly dog walking on the beach, and the occasional lunch at the de la War (hasn't it changed?!). Apart from that girlfriend, I have pretty much lost touch with the people of Bexhill, but I often wonder what happened to them all. A life-long space cadet, I'm now working at the spacecraft launch site in French Guiana. Anyone interested in making contact will find me on LinkedIn (I refuse to use FaceBook).

Nigel Bennett

posted by Mary on 10 Jul 2012 at 10:22 pm

Looking through memories page and read your message. Are you the son of Jean and Doug Bennett? I used to visit them and they had 2 sons . One was Nigel who I am sure went to South Africa.
I was a friend of Jeans Brother Colin who had a twin Bill.
Would would Love to hear from you with news of your family
Good wishes Mary

Reply To Richard Errey's Message

posted by Jacqui Shaw on 22 Jul 2012 at 4:11 pm

Richard, You asked if anyone remembered you and family and mentioned that you had a cousin called Michael Bishop. I have just found your message by Googling his name, followed by Bexhill. I believe your cousin is the fellow who was my boyfriend in 1962, when I was 17. Was he a male model? I remember seeing him in the Sylvikrin Shampoo ad and that he had a small part in both "Cleopatra" and "Zulu" (his one line was "Name of Jones, Sir, carpenter"!). I have a really nice photo of him still and have often wondered what became of him. Any idea of his whereabouts? I remember him as a really nice fellow.

Message For Lyn Edwards

posted by Mary Beard on 18 Aug 2012 at 10:19 am

Lyn.. I dont suppose that your father, Leslie Smith, worked for the BBC. I am trying to get in touch with him (or his children, if he has passed away). I know he lived in Bexhill!

If my email isnt displayed, you can find it on the Cambridge Classics Faculty Website.

I Worked In Nazareth House

posted by Sheila Clarke on 24 Aug 2012 at 10:19 pm

Hi, I worked as a nursery nurse in Nazareth house , in 1962 I was with another girl and we took care of the toddlers , cxant remember her name but use use to take two babies out in their prams , the one I had was an Irish Indian baby called Jackie I would love to contact anyone from that Orfanage in Bexhill

Post War Memories

posted by Geoffrey Williams on 17 Sept 2012 at 1:23 pm

I was at Harewood Prep School and lived in Collington Avenue. Fellow pupils included actor Bruce Montague.
Supported Bexhill Wanderers FC and remember the visit of Arsenal' first team to the Polegrove.News of the World journalist Norman Rae organised it and such legendary names as Laurie Scott,Leslie Compton and Jimmy Logie appeared.
Also enjoyed summer shows atbthevDe La Warr including Bubbling Over and Starlight Rendezvoue.i remember Dick Emery as a supporting comic .Also took a juvenile part in a Peguin Players production and Dennis Chinnery was in the cast. Sadly he died earlier this year after a distinguished career.f8486

Re Erreys

posted by Steve Harmer on 18 Nov 2012 at 6:16 pm

Hi rosalie,
My mother is Maureen Harmer (Baker) daughter of Ada Baker (Errey), she still lives in Bexhill so does Ivan her brother. My Aunt Sylvia died earlier this year. Send me a reply if you would like to get in touch?
Many thanks

My Mother Worked At Nazareth House

posted by Sue on 29 Jan 2013 at 10:10 pm

Hey Sheila,
My Mother worked at Nazareth House, I believe around the same time. I was very young & only have a few memories of our time there. Her name was Helen Reid, I wonder if you remember her...or me?


posted by Brian Sinclair on 23 Feb 2013 at 11:56 pm

Because I was effectively made redundant in 1978 with no compensation in those days, I moved to Essex for work and to some extent still think I escaped from my birth town of Bexhill. I have fond memorise of the Athletic Club, the Church Army Youth Club, the Sea Angling Club and the Rowing Club (especially the dances in the East Wing of the De La Warr) and sausage and chips in the cafe near the railway arch on the way home.

Three Cinemas, the sea, lovely girls and good friends. I have lost touch with all.
My new life in Wivenhoe, Essex was as good if not better. It is really East Anglia with maritime heritage and I have learned boat building and proper sailing (not yachtie) amongst other careers. Even ended up as Mayor. My returns to Bexhill, rare now, have been sad as I see a town with little of what I left but at least the old De La Warr is still standing. I might get back one day before I fall off the perch but to all my old friends, you are never forgotten.

RAF Wartling

posted by Roy Simmons on 08 Apr 2013 at 9:55 am

Reply to Alan Watson's post in April 2009. I lived in Barnhorn Road as a teenager. During the period 1959-61 i was a regular visitor to the RAF Camp to 'hang out' with the few teenagers who resided there. I used to be able to visit the NAFFI and the makeshift cinema that were beyond the Guard Room gate. I recently visited the site which has changed considerably since those days the AMQ (Airmans married quarters)houses were on the lower road and the OMQ (Officers married quarters)houses were higher on the hill. As one descends from Barhhorn Road into what is now known as Coneryburrow Lane (it was known as Picknel Green Lane, note the spelling as i remember it). and bears sharply to the left onto the estate, the AMQ houses started at 1, and proceeded as 1,2,3, etc as the road bears to the left. No 6 situated on the corner itself was the Cater household, my good friend Colin Fitton lived at number 8 and was just a little further along on the straight approaching the guard room. This road is now known as Wartling Drive.The AMQ houses may have been upwardly numbered around Ticehurst Avenue in an anti clockwise direction. Those in Pleyden Rise must have been the OMQ's, as i recall. There were also single storey accommodations at the western end of what is now known as Ticehurst Avenue. One of the cook's in the camp lived in those quarters. Hope this helps.

Nazareth House

posted by Debbie Kyte nee Hall on 09 Apr 2013 at 12:16 am

Hello Rena
I'm replying to your comment about 2 families of 3 girls were at Nazareth House during your time, my sister was Vicki, I'm Debbie and the oldest was kim, our surname was Hall.We were there from 1970 till at least 1979 I think, we all remember sister magdelaine and our memories are ever so special, we all loved being there and we lived on the top floor, we all remember the other 3 sisters, they were Helen, Hester and Maria I think. There was a lovely lady who worked there called mrs Kelly and she lived not far from us. If anyone remembers us, do contact me as it would be great to hear from other children who were with us.

Re: Nazareth House

posted by vicki on 10 Apr 2013 at 1:00 pm

My sisters Kim,Debbie Hall and I lived there from 1971-78 We have many happy memories living there and have told many tales to our families about it. I Remember Mrs Kelly who looked after us and we all have fond memories if Sister Magadalene and I think the other Nun was Sister Aquinas. Our memories of this time are very precious and would love to thank the staff that looked after us.

The London Road Garage

posted by Roger Dunbar on 27 Apr 2013 at 4:09 pm

Very interesting to read the lovely stories from those who lived in Bexhill in the 1950's, and I wondered if there are memories of the London Road Garage located near the crossroads of London Road and the A259 at Belle Hill. The garage was previously a stable block I believe, perhaps for the nearby Sussex House, and later became the early home of Elva Engineering who built Elva cars which now compete in historic racing around the world. A second workshop was behind the York Hotel a few hundred yards away, very close to the Queens Head pub , in fact so close that a pint of beer could be passed out of a pub window into the hands of a grateful recipient in the Eva workshop! Any stories would be of great interest.

Nazereth House

posted by Melanie on 04 May 2013 at 5:21 pm

Hi vicki. Me & my 2 sisters were at the convent, went in February 1972, left April 1976, sister madelaine looked after us, we still keep in contact with her. Such a lovely lady and such a lovely home. Missed it so much when we left. Sisters were Tracy & Tina, Tracy was dark haired/ Tina blonde. Then me Melanie I had blonde hair too, be gr8 to get to know few more people from there again. There was a little girl called ivy n a handicapped little boy called Antonio, he was gr8:- lots of fun, can u remember us?

Nazereth House

posted by Neil on 11 May 2013 at 11:30 pm

Hi Guys... I was at Nazereth from 71-73 under Sister John and Sister Marcellus anyone remember them??

Jacqui Shaw Re Michael Bishop

posted by Richard Errey on 18 Jun 2013 at 7:03 am

Yes Jacqui Michael was my couson he passed away im America 12 months ago from lung cancer I hadnt been in contact with him since I left Bexhill for Australia in 1950 but was able to contact just before his passing

Michael Bishop

posted by lesley on 22 Jun 2013 at 2:42 pm

Richard did you know that Mike's son has written a book about Michaels's life it is called
"My Dad was nearly James Bond"
A good read but not if you are feeling down at all.

Michael Bishop

posted by Richard Errey on 30 Jun 2013 at 2:27 am

Hi Lesley I have the book but cant work out if it fiction or non ficton some things in the book dont sit right with me I knew Michaels dad my uncle Stan and his mum Aunty Annie they were good peaple but as I said beforeb I left Bexhill in 1950 a lot could have chaged I have been back twice for a visit Bexhill has the biggest seagulls I have ever seen

Nazareth House

posted by Helen Warburton on 21 Jul 2013 at 8:24 pm

I used to help there on Saturday mornings, in the early 1970s,,,,I remember Antonio, and one or two other children....Derek who was nearly blind, and a brother and sister called David and Vanessa I think, and some little kids aged about 3, called Liam and Neil I think, and a girl who used to do a Gary Glitter impression....don't remember you 3 sisters specifically....there was a Sister John....

Bexhill War Baby

posted by Bob Warburton on 23 Jul 2013 at 7:49 pm

I was born in Bexhill in July 1945. My mother met my father whilst serving in the Land Army and he was in the Royal Artillery. My mother (nee Jarrett) lived with my Grandmother and her brother and sister in St David's Ave in Bexhill. When my father was demobbed after the War my parents moved up North to Altrincham in Cheshire where my father lived with his parents. However for two wonderfull weeks every summer in the 1950s the three of us returned to Bexhill where we stayed at my Grandmothers house or my Aunties house for our annual holidays. I remember these days with much fondness, they were simple days but full of pleasure. I remember loving going into the joke shop in Sackville Road or going to buy foreign stams at the philatelists. Sunny days spent on the beach near the clock tower, rides on the rowing boats in Egerton Park or trips to the museum where there was a giant crab fixed to the end wall! Oh yes, having a 'knicker-blocker-glory at Fortes :)
Oh such happy, happy memories - I love Bexhill on Sea

Nazareth House

posted by Tony Bittan on 12 Aug 2013 at 8:36 am

Hello Debbie Hall

I think I remember you. I went to St Mary Magdalene's School in the 1970s. I remember Sr Aquinas and Sr Philip. my Mum worked in the convent.

Calling "Paulette" Re Reginald Munn

posted by John on 15 Sept 2013 at 9:35 am

I recently moved into Bexhill and love it here. Though I wasn't born here, and have never lived in the area before, I have connections with the town, through relatives, going back to WW2, so I'm not a total stranger but I never thought that I'd live here - now I do! As a child, a cousin took me shrimping off the beach and, for the very first time, I tasted freshly cooked shrimp sandwiches!

I'm researching Reginald Victor Munn and I've only just (on 15th September 2013) come across a message posted by "Paulette" on 09 Apr 2008. I would love to contact her to continue my research as I can find so little information on him.

I hope she reads this, though the chances are very slim, after all this time If anyone can help me in any way, I'd be very grateful.

Nazareth House

posted by Nigel Hitchcock on 10 Nov 2013 at 7:43 pm

My mum worked at Nazareth House In the early 70's and we all left Bexhill in 1976 so definitely before that.

Her name was Win Dennis. I can remember Some of the children as my younger brother and I would sometimes visit / go to work with her. (Nigel & Grant).
I remember a boy called Oscar who my mum was so fond of and 3 Afro carribean brothers. Another I believe maybe had cerebral palsy I can't really remember but I think he was in a wheel chair - was this Antonio.
Today my dad told me he and my mum would sometimes take some of the children out for the day, one boy was almost blind and he led him on a woodland walk.
I remember a sister Leuchia (spelling?) and sister Rudolph. My mum sadly passed away 10 years ago aged 70.
Love to hear if anyone remembers her and where is Oscar?

John Wells Memories

posted by Terry McAlister on 02 Jan 2014 at 10:09 pm

Hi, John, if you are still in touch. I lived in Boreham Street but went to school in Bexhill. If Len Rawlins went to the Downs School in the late 50's to early 60's I ran cross-country both against him ( schools ) and with him as a former member of Bexhill Athletic Club.
Although brought up on local farms I share most of your memories and have been attempting to write some of my own for the sake of my children who tell me I should get them in print. They were hard times for our parents but great fun for us. Thanks for sharing your own memories. I was transported back in time and enjoyed the trip!
Terry Mcalister.

Nazareth House

posted by sandra woods on 13 Jan 2014 at 7:10 pm

Hi to you all with memories of Nazareth House. My half sister was Janet Dover who drowned in August 1953 I have read Judith Kellys book and read the comments posted here and there seems to be a different impression to that portrayed. Does anybody have any further info regarding the drowning and also when did Nazareth House close. Many thanks Sandy Woods

Nazareth House - Kim, Debbie, Vicki Hall And Rena

posted by Ester on 21 Jan 2014 at 5:49 pm

Hi my name is Ester was the youngest of 3 sisters you mentioned. Lived in Nazareth House from 1973/4 to 1979/80 would like to get in touch. Do you know what happened to Derek? Also remember a Shane in our group on the top floor. Mrs Kelly was one of the staff and Larry and remember a Sister Colm . Was friends with Mrs Kelly's daughter Denise. Would like to know how you all are.

Nazareth House 1971-1981

posted by Kim Keanie (Hall) on 24 Jan 2014 at 7:40 pm

Hi, i was in Nazareth house with my sister debbie and vicki, as my sisters have said we have great memories of being here. There was Antonio, he was disabled, Helen, maria and ester amadu, they were three sisters. i remember Sister marcelus, sister colm and mrs Kelly. Nazareth house closed about 2000. The childrens home closed first then the old peoples part. Its now residential flats.
If anyone remembers me or my sisters would be nice to hear from you.
Kim keanie

Nazareth House- Ester

posted by Kim Keanie ( Hall) on 28 Jan 2014 at 11:18 am

Hi Ester, wow..what a surprise to see your message!!! How are and your sisters, i remember you all very well. What happened when you left nazareth house, i often wondered where everyone went and how they're doing now. xx

Nazareth House

posted by Carlos Lozano on 01 Feb 2014 at 10:50 pm

Hi i remember and still know the Amidu sisters i went to School with Maria and the eldest sister Helen was in the same year as my brother Luis. Have not seen or heard of any of the sisters in a while good memories of Nazareth House and St Mary Magdalenes and the sisters there. St Aquines St Phillip they were lovely Sister Annette and there was a Sister Mildred.
Also some great teachers Mr Conearn Mrs Brignell Mrs Watkins Jones and the secretary Mrs Trumbell , good happy memories and loving caring Nuns in general.

Nazareth House - Kim, Debbie, Vicki Hall And Rena

posted by Ester on 04 Feb 2014 at 5:36 am

Hello Kim it has been good to make contact. I remember you and your two sisters. I think at one time we had a photo of us all playing in the adventure playground. Helen actually went to work as a cook at Nazareth House for a short time in the 1980s were you still there then? Visited Nazareth House a few times when the nuns were still there and after it had closed to remenise - the nuns let myself and Maria into the building in the late 1990s. We went up to group 4 and it was all the same as when we were children. Would be good to have a reunion with the children of Nazareth House Bexhill who were there in the 1970s.

School Journeys

posted by Malcolm Vincent on 04 Feb 2014 at 5:21 pm

I have very happy memories of two "school journeys" to Little Common in the summers of 1956 and 1957. The London County Council would hire a complete train to take kids from London schools down for two idyllic weeks at the seaside. Apart from local activities, rock pools, etc. we were taken to Bodiam, Battle, Lewes cattle market. I loved it all and still have the book that my prize for "school journey work".

Reginald Victor Munn

posted by Kevin Regan on 23 Feb 2014 at 2:24 pm

Seeing Johns message in September 2013, did Collette make contact?
Reginald is in our Ninfield Roll of Honour and this is all we have on him, so if other memories are about, please let me know kevin.regan3ATsky.com

MUNN, REGINALD VICTOR. Rank: Private. Service No: G/8653.
Date of Death: 03/04/1918. Royal Sussex Regiment. 11th Bn.
Panel Reference: Panel 46 and 47. Pozieres Memorial.
Name: Reginald Munn. Birth Place: Hastings. Death: 3 Apr 1918.
Enlisted: Bexhill. Rank: Private. Regiment: Royal Sussex Regiment. 11th Battalion. Number: G/8653. Type of Casualty: Killed in action.
Name: Reginald Victor Munn. Date of Registration: 3rd Qtr 1895.
Registration district: Hastings, Sussex. Volume: 2b. Page: 42.
Name: Reginald Munn. Age in 1911: 16. Birth year: abt 1895. Birth Place: St Leonards, Sussex. Street address: Woods Farm, Glovers Lane, Sidley, Bexhill. Assistant Grocer. Harry Munn, 40, born Hooe; Emily Munn, 40, married 19 years, 5 children, 3 still alive in 1911. Reginald Munn, 16; Edith Munn, 10; Lilian Munn, 5; George Munn, 67; born Ninfield, gas engine driver, grandfather, married 44 years, 10 children, 7 living in 1911; Ellen Munn, 65, born Ashburnham.
His Service records survive. Attested aged 20 years and 5 months old on 11 December 1915. Address 2 Sidley Street, Bexhill. His Soldiers Will is dated 4th August 1916 which may be shortly before being posted Overseas. He married Maud Margaret Hancock on 15 July 1917 at St Peters Parish Church, Bexhill.
On 10 July 1916 he sustained gunshot wounds (flesh wounds) and 23 August saw him being treated for shell shock and on 10 September he had gunshot wounds to his right knee and left hand, which needed at least 9 days treatment. He had been mobilised on 21 January 1916 into 3rd Battalion for training after which he was posted to 2nd Battalion on 10 May 1916.
Following his wounding he was posted to RSR Depot from 15 September to December whilst recuperating then transferred to 3rd Battalion on 6 December 1916. Back to Command Depot on 29 January, to 3rd Battalion on 28 June 1917 then back to Depot 21 August and to 11th Battalion on 28 August 1917. Reported as Killed in Action on 3 April 1918. His records show he was in the UK from 15 September 1916 to 21 August 1917. He was treated at No 2 Western General Hospital in Manchester from September to 17 November and the gunshot wound to his right knee saw him out from 29 January 1917 until 28 June.
His medals (British War and Victory) were sent to his widow at 50 Preston Road, Sidley. but no personal effects returned. Maud wrote to the War Office on 16 April asking for information, stating he was in B Company, 5th Platoon 11th Battalion. She stated he had been unofficially reported as Killed in Action on 24 March, but she had received a field card from him dated 26 March.

Braemar Children's Home - Del-a Warr Road

posted by gail on 01 Mar 2014 at 2:10 pm

Does any one remember from the 1970's Braemar on Del a Warr road run by Di Berminister and Mumfie Mumford (older ladies then even then). Big house within big grounds with a massive garden and a big boat in it? lot of helpers came in to look after the children. Never see anything about this one!

Nazareth House Bexhill

posted by Sharon Ives maiden name was skingsley on 08 Mar 2014 at 11:02 pm

Wonderful to see some of the children who were at Nazareth house when I was there. I worked in the kitchen from 1977-1982 I was kitchen assistant then became a cook here under sister Clare she left to go to Hammersmith just before I left to get married.i worked with a lot of the barker family and their father Brian was the Gardner.happy memories here sad it all got pulled down :( love to hear from anybody if you remember me or this place?

Nazareth House Bexhill

posted by Sharon Ives maiden name skingsley on 18 Mar 2014 at 5:05 pm

I see several of you have mentioned Derek who was well liked in the childrens home when I was there he now lives up north but does come down to see my mum in bexhill now and then. He is almost blind but I have passed on this website to my mum to give to him.his friend maybe able to help him text on here so he can catch up with you all. I know he has very fond memories of Nazareth house and all the people that were there .

To John Wells

posted by Kevin Brett on 01 Apr 2014 at 9:12 pm

Hi John,
My name is Kevin Brett, I lived at 3 Bayerncourt South, directly across from you, until we moved to Brisbane in 1964. My older brother Ron hung out with Bobby Williams and his group, he married Jenny Wilson. I attended the local Grammar school. My best mate was Joey Gladwish and I'm sure Brian used to hang around with us. I well remember playing football, cricket and even tennis in the street. The lamppost on the island was the wicket during cricket season and reaching Hillside Rd on the full was six. I went back in '98 and was disappointed that the island is gone. I remember the arches and a place where there was a tower, we used to go there with our bows and arrows to play. I still look back in wonder that no one lost an eye during those escapades. I have a lot of fond memories of Bexhill and often wonder what happened to the people I knew back then. Funnily enough I was thinking about your family not long ago and that they'd bought a fancy car that had a long boot on it, possibly a Hillman of some sort. Real fancy for those days. All the cars we'd owned had a little cubby hole at the back. lol.
So much I'd like to write about.


Janet Dover

posted by irene holbrook on 19 Apr 2014 at 6:23 pm

I recently read a book about Nazereth House,I was so moved by the fact that Janet and Frances were in an unmarked grave after a letter to the observer the nuns put a plaque with their names on it. Only today I went to the grave with a vase and flowers I also trimmed round the edges. I will continue to visit them. I hope this helps.

Irene Holbrook of Bexhill on Sea.

Contacting Janet Dovers Sister

posted by irene holbrook on 19 Apr 2014 at 7:33 pm

I have just read that Janet Dover half sister
is looking for girls that attended Nazareth House in the early 1950s. Today I visited Janet and Frances grave to put a vase of flowers on. I also trimmed the grass away from the grave in order to see their names. I read a book about the convent and what took place there. I was so touched by this tragedy that I was determined to find their grave. I will continue to do so.

Irene Holbrook of Bexhill on Sea.

Nazereth House 1971 To 1977

posted by Melanie Adams on 27 Apr 2014 at 2:38 pm

Hi I remember Antonio, cheeky little boy always making us laugh, when me & my 2 sisters were there we were in sister madeleines care and we still keep in contact with her, in fact she came down to the Isle of Wight to my wedding 9 yrs ago. Such fond memories. Best friend was called ivy. Someone must remember me & my sisters... Tina/ Tracy and Melanie Clifton!
Would b amazing to find others that were there at same time.

Nazereth House 1970s

posted by Melanie Adams on 27 Apr 2014 at 2:51 pm

Hi has anyone thought of doing a Facebook page where people can see people from the convent? People can then tell thier stories and how they are now?
I'm rubbish with names but do remember faces. Don't know if anyone would be interested?

Nazereth House Coventry In The 70s

posted by Melanie Adams (Clifton) on 02 Jun 2014 at 12:30 pm

Hi iv set up a page on Facebook for people to join who were in the convent or had friends from the convent in the 1970s, why not pop on and put your story on there with pictures if you have any. Be great to see some faces and hear some stories.
FB page is Nazereth house convent, Bexhill in The 1970s.

St Leonards Road

posted by Jill Hards on 08 Jun 2014 at 5:13 pm

Does anyone know what shop was where Frenches jewellers is now before they were there. My husband is painting the outside and we have uncovered some writing on the wall. ERS and gentlemans. This is all we have. Maybe a gentlemans outfitters.? Can anyone throw any light on it for us please.

St Leonards Road

posted by Dave Hatherell on 15 Jun 2014 at 7:13 pm

Jill, pop along to Bexhill Museum. In the Access Centre there is a folder of shop histories arranged by street and street number

Dalhousie School

posted by Judith Warren on 18 Jul 2014 at 12:33 pm

Answer for Gudrun Gisladottir from Iceland : I remember this very well because I went to school with Karolin Konajeski and used to visit their home, which was part of the school, often. She also had a brother, William, and their parents ran the school. I moved away to London so don't know when it closed, but I did catch up Karolin via Friends Reunited a few years ago.

Old Photograph

posted by Nicole Martin on 26 Oct 2014 at 5:30 am

Hello. I am a Canadian woman that has found a picture in an old box of photographs. The two little boys in the picture (taken 1922) are unfamiliar to my family but their names were on the back so I googled them. Apparently Derek Vernon Beadon and his older brother Clive Vernon Beadon both served in the RAF in the 1940's in Bexhill. I assume they are both deceased but I thought perhaps someone would know of their family so I can mail this 92 year old picture to them! You never know.

St Mary Magdalene School 1978-81

posted by Lisa on 30 Dec 2014 at 6:45 am

Hi, we used to live in Buckholt Avenue and I grew up in Bexhill. I went to St Mary's until I was 7 nearly 8 in 1981. I remember the swimming pool and the high sides, the adventure playground, visiting the nuns in the reception and nursery classes and being excited about Tetra Pak drinks as we weren't allowed them at home. Mrs Arkle was my reception teacher with her dog Brindy and Mrs Ryan took me for the next two years. Lived in lots of places but now just settled with my family in Dorset. My name was Lisa humm. Would love to hear from any of you who I might have gone to school with. I remember Susannah Deveril, Hazel Dumford, Alistair Anderson and Caroline ,... Thanks, lisa

Lisa Humm

posted by lesley on 07 Jan 2015 at 2:00 pm

Lisa, Alistair Anderson is on Facebook, and to my knowledge still lives in Bexhill


posted by nicola Bickerstaffe on 22 Jan 2015 at 11:55 am

Does anyone remember the Berry sisters, Margaret, Christabel and Barbara. Brother Peter was solicitor in Eastbourne.Edward and wife Audrey moved to Bexhill on retirement.Daughter (me) was married at St.Peter's Church.

Braemar Children's Home - Del-a Warr Road

posted by John Culme on 16 Feb 2015 at 4:32 am

In reply to gail's post of 1 March 2014 regarding the Braemar Children's Home, I was there and knew Mumfie and Di very well on and off between about 1949 and 1954. The last time I saw Mumfie was on a visit to Bexhill about 1965. I thought that she wouldn't recognize me after such a long time but of course I was wrong. I have happy memories of those two lovely ladies of Braemar.

Braemar Children's Home - Del-a Warr Road

posted by gail on 01 Mar 2014 at 2:10 pm

Does any one remember from the 1970's Braemar on Del a Warr road run by Di Berminister and Mumfie Mumford (older ladies then even then). Big house within big grounds with a massive garden and a big boat in it? lot of helpers came in to look after the children. Never see anything about this one!


posted by Colin D Campbell on 29 Apr 2015 at 2:14 pm

Hello, Before the war our family visited Bexhill most years for a holiday. In 1939 our family lived in Twickenham and all the London hospitals were closing in readiness for war casualties. My mother needed a hysterectomy and was advised by her GP to find somewhere in the country that she could go and have the operation. My mother wrote to Mrs Kemp at 14 Edinburgh Road Bexhill and asked her if she and my younger brother and I cold stop for as long as the operation took. Mrs Kemp wrote back saying that she would be pleased to accept us.

So we went to Bexhill and my mother had her operation. There's a lot more I can say, so email me if you are interested.

My email address is cdcnottm[AT]gmail.com

Wished I Had Found This Earlier

posted by Alan on 05 May 2015 at 1:40 pm

Just found this link and it bought back memories of the late 1950s to early 1960s. Mocketts the Bakers
and the tasty Cream Horns, Paynes Newsagent on London Road complete with hairdresser who would to strike fear in any boy who fidgetid. Would very much like to hear from ex members of 2262 squadron of the ATC and Dorothy nee Parker. and anybody who might vaguely remember me.

Stevenson Fruit/Green Grower On London Road In 1950's?

posted by Carol on 12 May 2015 at 11:22 am

Does anyone recall a Fruit/Green grower merchant on London Road back in the 1950's please?

Nice To Hear From Any Old School Friends J

posted by stuart george matthews on 27 Jul 2015 at 6:23 am

Grew up in Bexhill and now live in North West. Great memories of my school days. Visited Bexhill whilst my mother was alive but don't seem to get back any more. I see someone mentioned Len Rawlins I also ran cross country and remember Len well as I do another good local school boy runner Martin Locke. I often wonder what happened to some good old school friends and would love to hear from any that attended Bexhill Down Boys school 1961-67

Stuart George Matthews

posted by Bob Wicks on 20 Aug 2015 at 5:57 pm

Stuart - are you the George that was in the 9th Bexhill Scouts in the early 60s. Did you also marry Wendy Mewett (brother of Brian)? I was nicknamed 'Duke' in the scouts and my best pal at the time was Ken Westgate, nicknamed 'Toby'. I seem to remember I was your patrol leader at some stage. I went to to become a Queen's Scout when I moved up to the Seniors.

I've only just come across this website and reading through the contributions I'm amazed at how names from the past crop up. My family moved down to Bexhill in the early 50s and initially we stayed with the Pearsons (Leonard and son Paddy) at 11 Bayencourt South. Paddy is still there and he must be in his late 80s! I remember some of the other residents - the Wheelers (Johnny), the Hoads (Elaine), the Rawlings (my sister was friends with Eileen), the Mills (before they went off to Australia). I also remember the Scotchers in Bayencourt North.

I now live in Cooden, having lived in various places in between over the last 60 years. I always think you've got to live somewhere and here is as good as any place!

And George, if you are the George I knew, get in touch, and if you aren't, well......

Alan Posting 2 May 2015 - London Road

posted by Graham Kent on 25 Aug 2015 at 8:38 am

Alan who? In London Road, I remember back to the 50s and 60s Searches toy and bicycle shop (next door to Bexhill Motors), Christmas' post office, The Cosy Cafe, and a Triumph motor cycle dealers (name escapes me at the moment). I remember Bert and Fred Unicome' garage in Leopold Road too. I bought my 1958 350cc Triumph T21 from there in 1964. The garage then moved to Victoria Road. Any other 1960 motorcycle riders (rockers)! On here? I know loads and we still meet up regularly. Some still have bikes!!

Brian Sinclair

posted by Graham Kent on 26 Aug 2015 at 1:19 pm

Only very recently found this website. Some of the postings cast me right back to my childhood. I was born in the upstairs bedroom at 97 Windsor Road on 15 February 1946 and lived there until I married my Tina in 1968. We now live in Brighton. Post some sort of acknowledgement here Brian. Many of your old mates regularly meet up in Eastbourne. Me (Graham Kent your crew when we used to go fishing in your boat with your Mum, Denis Parkinson, Keith Cull, and many others. We often talk about you and wonder if you would like to meet up with us again? I have some photos and cine footage of us our motorcycling, fishing and camping adventures. Hope you see this and reply old buddy! Regards, Graham

Search Old Friends Ect

posted by jan on 13 Sept 2015 at 1:03 am

After leaving Nazareth House Bexhill East Sussex U N K in the 1950s ALONGE WITH LORINA AND CLIVE The free of us where placed
in a foster home in Staple Cross
I had a lot of foster brothers and sister we were like a family Our foster mum Mary looked after us well is there any one that remembers us from that time if you would like to contact me feel free it would be very nice to hear from you

Foster Home Overlooking The Polegate Bexhill

posted by Catherine Kennedy on 27 Sept 2015 at 10:08 pm

does anyone remember a foster home in a house on Ccoden Drive, overlooking the cricket pitch in 1952. I stayed there with my brother.

Converlesant Home

posted by christine francis nee parkin on 10 Oct 2015 at 11:51 am

in 1949 I was three years old and was sent to Bexhill on sea for six months from my home in nottinghamshire I have no idea which home I stayed at I no its a tall ask but that's all I have

can anyone help

Mike Bishop

posted by Steve Farnham on 09 Nov 2016 at 3:15 pm

I liver in Bexhill from 1946 to 1953. I spent 3 years at Bexhill Grammar School.
Whilst in Bexhill I had a chum named Mike Bishop who attended the Downs School.
Years later I met him in London, he was then working as a male model.
Since then I know he moved to the USA and did modelling work in New York. The last I heard of him was that he worked for a clothing Retailer in Long Island.
Could this be your cousin Michael Bishop.

Sir Norman Wright Kemp And Lady Kemp

posted by Paul Gordon on 21 Nov 2016 at 10:11 pm

Does anybody have any information about the family of Sir Norman Wright Kemp and Lady Kemp from Cooden? They had two sons: Neil and Peter.
Sir Norman was Chief Justice of the High Court of Bombay from 1923-31.

My Bexhill Memories

posted by GRAHAM BARNARD on 03 Dec 2016 at 2:55 pm

We moved down from Blackheath in SE London on Nov 5th 1945, i was 3.
Mother was on her own having lost Dad in Burma in 1944. She took a mortgage on 38 Wickham Avenue together with her mother. She ran a small boarding house for several years, putting up some of the members of the local rep company, the Penguin Players. I remember playing tennis in the park, the childrens sports days on , i think, tuesdays in the park. Falling into the lake at least twice, days on the beach with lemon curd sandwiches (always with a little bit of sand attached...crunchy!!
I went to a kindergarten school at the far end of Collington Avenue, run by to sisters the Misses Leigh. I went to Harewood School, opposite was the Merchant Navy School, adjoining was Normandale school. There were many schools in the town in those days, mostly all gone now. I went on to boarding school in surrey which in hindight may have been a bad decision as when i came home i hardly knew anyone sao was a bit lonely really. To have gone to the local downs school may have been a better option but will never know.
Went to work for Southern Airframes, and then Veego Engineering, anyone remember them??
Fishing off the beach wiith my bestb friend Graham Saunders, sandlining, selling the fish we got to buy cigarettes,,,oh what memories!!
Then i got married in 1966 and moved to Eastbourne.
Still have fond memories of Bexhill, we like walking along the front and admiring all the charity shops in the town !!
If anyone remembers me email me on gericb@hotmail.co.uk.
Now approaching 75 i dont suppose many will. However, thanks for reading my memories of a lovely sleepy town.

Hello Bob Wicks

posted by stuart george matthews on 15 Dec 2016 at 6:23 am

Hi Bob Iam the George that was in the 9th Bexhill Scouts with you in fact we did the county camping competition together. I now live in NW you must let me have some contact details and I will make contact


posted by paul pearce on 26 Dec 2016 at 3:05 pm

hi all i liked bexhill very much, i was a winceby house school ,south cliff about 1975_ 1979 .we used to go in to town centre every saturday on our bikes .i remember a little sweet shop on the other side of the road from the pavillions, my favourite sweets back then were cola cubes and cough candy i think they cost 3p or some 5p a quarter .yes wonderful times back then we would cycle everywhere to the highwoods and the old empty haunted hotel.there was once an old swimming pool in the high woods it became a home for frogs ,and not forgetting the hermitt who didnt bother anyone,i still miss it all now .is there anyone out there who lived near the old school who might know anything about the school would love to hear from you,or did any old pupils stay to live n bexhill.do any of you ladies out there remember any of the boys from winceby were any of them your childhood sweerheart .well thats it for now hope to hear from you all take care .paul pearce

Hillside Road 60s

posted by Gill Bennett (Toghill) on 16 Jan 2017 at 12:25 am

I don't know if all you folks from the 50s and 60s still read this thread but we lived in Bowery Place just up from Bayncourt. I remember the Brett family as Bobby Brett of the dark hair and green eyes was my first passion just before they up sticks and left for Oz! All John Wells post memories are our childhoods exactly! Hide and seek after dark too, the "Big Game" with the older kids in the evenings after dark. Picking armfuls of bluebells in the woods in the spring and trying to sell them to the poor neighbours. I seem to remember on my last visit that the old houses had been demolished. I remember them putting in hot water. A major step forward.

Hello George!

posted by Bob on 24 Jan 2017 at 2:25 pm

Good to hear from you. No idea where NW is where you live! My e-mail is rjhwicks@hotmail.com.

Hello Again Bob

posted by Stuart George Matthews on 26 Jan 2017 at 6:07 am

Hi Bob
Sorry to confuse NW I mean North west England .I live in South Cheshire on the Staffordshire borders also have a house in Cholsey Oxford which I use in the week as I am still doing a bit of work down south.I will e mail you with more news now I have an e mail address. Mine is stuart-matthews@live.co.uk

St Barnabas Junior School

posted by Jim Bloor on 01 Apr 2017 at 9:59 am

Does anyone remember St Barnabas Junior School which was in Reginald Road? I went there in 1950 from St Peters Infants School, Barrack Road. I can't find any information about either of these schools. Does any one have any memories and/or photos of these schools? St Barnabas school has been torn down and replaced with houses. St Peters has been replaced by Chantry Community school but is still recognisable.
I lived in Bexhill from 1947 until 1955 in Havelock Road.

The Brown House, Childrens Home

posted by Barbara on 06 Jun 2017 at 5:50 pm

Hi Ann Black,

I have only just discovered this site so it might be too late to reply to this thread now but, I remember The Brown House childrens home. I was there from the age of 5 in 1965, for a short while before returning to live with my parents. I am black british and moved there from London when my mum became ill. I vaguely remember two lovely ladies who ran the place (Christine and her mum I presume) and a big rambling, warm country house. I remember they had a budgie when I first arrived that later escaped, but this might be a false memory.

There were other kids there at the time but can't remember their names which is a shame. Does anyone else remember anything about this place from around this time, 1965 - 70?

posted by Ann.Black (formally Ann Dodge) on 20 Dec 2010 at 4:33 pm

Does any one remember The Brown House, a children's home in the old town? I worked there in 1962 for a year.It was run by Mrs Hanne and her daughter Christine.I still have some photo's of the children there at the time.Does any one remember some off my old friends Liz Ray,Penny Thorpe,Jenny Morris,Peter Dale,Peter Dyer,John Locke.I would love to hear from any one.

The Brown House, Children's Home

posted by Georgina Evans on 09 Aug 2017 at 3:14 pm

Hi Ann Black and Barbara,

I am trying to find out more about The Brown House. My aunt was placed there before being adopted by my grandmother.

Anything that you can remember would be fantastic.

Many thanks,


The Brown House, Children's Home

posted by Barbara on 18 Nov 2017 at 7:38 am

Hi Georgina,

Unfortunately I can only remember the vague info I put in my last message. I think Ann might have more info to pass on to us. Just wish I'd seen her message at the time, she may have given up thinking she'd get a reply, Ann if you're there we'd love to here from you.

Can I ask Georgina, what was your aunties name before she was adopted does she know? And what year she was there? It might help jog my memory.

Best wishes,


posted by Jackie morrison on 30 Nov 2017 at 8:23 pm

My grandmother, Ellen Dengate, and the rest of her family were born in Hastings/Bexhill and some continued to live there including Colin Barstow a cousin. Does anyone know any of them or how I might find them. I once had an great aunt Mary who lived in Sedgwick Road Sidley.


posted by DIANE DARBY PRE- TOWNER on 07 Dec 2017 at 4:09 pm

Does any one remember my Dad Pat Towner .If you do ,would you have any old photo's as only ever seen one at the age of 21yrs in Korea -National service .

The 156 Bus Route And Bob Wicks

posted by Caroline Smith (nee Shott) on 06 Mar 2018 at 2:51 pm

Does anyone remember the route that the old bus 156 took? For some reason I woke in the middle of the night and tried to piece together my memories of bussing up from London Road to the Grammar School, and from Belle Hill up through the Old Town to my friend's house in Penland Road. All the journeys were on the 156 but I can't fit them together!
Also, I see Bob Wicks has written some notes in this thread....I remember him from the Infants and Junior School .....nice to see someone from the old school still lives locally - otherwise we all seem to have moved to very far-flung places!

In Reply To Sandra Woods

posted by Mike Durham on 08 Mar 2018 at 4:41 pm

Hi Sandy,

Not sure if you're checking back here for replies to your query. If so I would gladly put you in touch with my mother who received a gallantry medal for rescuing two girls during the tragedy that took your half sister's life: she still has the newspaper cutting from the local Bexhill Paper.

She was furious to read Kelly's travesty of a book and ended up being interviewed by The Independent (I think it was) to refute her claims.

Best regards,

Mike Durham

posted by sandra woods on 13 Jan 2014 at 7:10 pm

Hi to you all with memories of Nazareth House. My half sister was Janet Dover who drowned in August 1953 I have read Judith Kellys book and read the comments posted here and there seems to be a different impression to that portrayed. Does anybody have any further info regarding the drowning and also when did Nazareth House close. Many thanks Sandy Woods

Nigel Benett

posted by Mark hawes on 10 Mar 2018 at 7:34 pm

Just to say I remember Nigel from bexhill downs school , he was always mad on animals must have been why we got along .all the best Nigel

Natzareth House

posted by Kerry Mullen on 24 Mar 2018 at 7:09 pm

I have just read judith kellys book. Rock we gently. I am horrified by the tragic deaths of Francis n Janet n that they r left in unarked grave why was this allowed.?

Wonderful Memories

posted by paul pearce on 26 Mar 2018 at 4:16 pm

Hi everyone keep all them past memories coming in all very interesting stories of the past love reading them take care everyone. Paul.

Old Mates

posted by colin fitton on 16 Apr 2018 at 7:47 pm

to roy simmons like to get in touch

Memories Of Bexhill

posted by Frank Barker on 25 May 2018 at 3:15 am

I have recently found this message board, whilst trying to locate information to the whereabouts of the family of my uncle Ron Barker.
Reading the article by John Wells and others i noticed many names,places activities I knew.I was born in 1947 and lived in Bending Crescent. Attended St Peters school Barrack Rd, St Peters and St Paul primary school Buckhurst Rd and the Downs secondary school.My Father was the cub-master of the 1st Bexhill scout group and worked for the builders Strange & sons. I was also in the 1st Bexhill Scouts from Cubs to Rovers and assistant Scout Master. Moving to Perth Western Australia in 1966, Ihad the pleasure of taking Reg Cane around Perth, when he visited the old chums of the Athletic Club in the seventies. I remember the football and cricket games we played in the recreation ground between Bending Crescent and London Rd. We started with two people and ended playing 30 aside.using 3 goals in the football games. Jumping off the air raid shelter to see who jumped the furthest.
These are a few of the memories of growing up in Bexhill
Frank Barker

Salisbury Road/Hillside Area

posted by Dave Nattress on 11 Jul 2018 at 9:29 pm

Just found the messages from John Wells and Gillian Bennett (was Toghill). All these memories and names and places are mine also as I lived in Salisbury Road. I recall Gillian I think! Did we not used to go to school together? Marilyn Wells I remember well and Joe Gladwish and The Bretts and Bayencourt S and N and Bowery Place. Bending Crescent recreation area, London Road, Belle Hill, Birds Grocers. Great memories. Joey Bollington and Terry Smith were friends also from Bayencourt South.

St Barnabas Junior School

posted by Steve Larkin on 15 Jul 2018 at 7:12 pm

Hallo Jim Bloor. Not only do I remember St Barnabas - I spent at least a year there in Mr Dipper's class - but I also remember playing with you occasionally in the road outside your house (I lived in Wrestwood Road). I can't be sure just when I was at St Barnabas, but I think I started there around 1948 or 1949.I have 3 small photos of a trip to London zoo with Mr Dipper for the top 6 pupils in the class (don't know how I made that group!).

St Barnabas Junior School

posted by Steve Larkin on 15 Jul 2018 at 7:12 pm

Hallo Jim Bloor. Not only do I remember St Barnabas - I spent at least a year there in Mr Dipper's class - but I also remember playing with you occasionally in the road outside your house (I lived in Wrestwood Road). I can't be sure just when I was at St Barnabas, but I think I started there around 1948 or 1949.I have 3 small photos of a trip to London zoo with Mr Dipper for the top 6 pupils in the class (don't know how I made that group!).

Mark Hawes

posted by garry bignell on 15 Jul 2018 at 10:16 pm

Lived in Hillside Road as a kid, best mates with Mark Hawes and Kevin Izzard, where are you now guys?

The Waite Family

posted by Jill on 27 Jul 2018 at 4:20 am

Hello Gwyneth and Rodney, I believe you are my cousins along with Joan, Daphne and I think Brian. My mother Ivy Atkin was your mothers sister, Although we didn't see much of each other I do remember going to Gwyneth's wedding and the reception being in the hall opposite St Peter's Church. Our Grandmother, Mildred Williams (nee Ball) led a very colourful life. She left for Canada with her husband Harry Gander, Ivy was born there. She returned to England by herself with Ivy and your mum a few years later - we don't really know what happened, but there is family gossip of course. I could go on, but if you want to get in touch it would be lovely. I live in Perth, Western Australia these days.

Tessa Margaret Kelland

posted by Jocelyn Faith on 01 Sept 2018 at 3:33 am

Hi, I'm Jocelyn. I'm looking for anyone that might know of a woman named Tessa Margaret Kelland. She preformed as an opera singer at the De La Warr in the late 1970's. If you have a picture of her, I would die! I can't even try to explain how much it would mean.

Looking For George Gladwish Brother Eddie From The 60's/70's

posted by Sue Matthews on 27 Oct 2018 at 5:12 pm

Be interested to hear of the whereabouts of George Gladwish who lived in Bexhill in the 1960's. Was a painter, and a deck chair attendant in the summer.

Looking For Anyone Who Knew Mr And Mrs Lovell Who Owned The Auckland Guest House

posted by Vivi Steels on 01 Feb 2019 at 5:48 pm

I remember having the most lovely summer holidays at The Auckland Guest House in Bexhill on Sea in 1958, 1959 and 1962. It was run by Mr and Mrs Lovell, who were so kind. They grew a lot of their own food & Mrs Lovell was a very good cook. They had a beautiful black Labrador called Bessie and a Siamese-cross cat called Miss Sammy. I can't remember what road it was on, but it was on a corner and am sure it was painted yellow and green. I can't find any information. Does anyone remember Mr and Mrs Lovell and The Auckland Guest House?

Royal Merchant Navy School

posted by John Shield on 03 Feb 2019 at 7:16 pm

I attended the Merchant Navy School in Collington Avenue from Spt 1957 to July 1958. I was amongst the last cohort as the school was scheduled for closure in my last ter, it is no longer there but has been demolished. The school was mixed and had about 60 pupils of Lower School/Prep age. The Head was called Pritchard, known as Polly’. My dorm was run by Miss Kay, armed with a long bristled clothes brush. She was assisted by Miss Hancock, a young woman who read us Famous Five stories at bed time. The playground was The Asphalt. The girls ganged up on me one day and tied me to the netball posts with some skipping ropes. I wasn’t missed until lunch. I was the one who got into trouble! One night ELLIOT AND dale and a few others from Dorm 7 sneaked down to the school kitchens. They were caught cooking sausages at 3.00 am. After a public caning Elliott was expelled. Not a happy time for me but I loved the walks on the Downs. I remember the lightship foghorn very well and a group of mummers who played to the children at the front of the school as Christmas approached. I learnt to swim at the age of eight in their onsite pool. I went on to Wanstead and then to Bearwood. 70 years old this year. It seems like yesterday!

For Graham Barnard

posted by Fiona Crosfield on 07 Feb 2019 at 7:22 pm

The school at the end of Collington Avenue was Mayfield School, owned and run by Miss Leigh, headmistress, and Miss Louie Leigh,her younger sister. My brother and I went there in1947, he went on to Normandale and I eventually went to St Francis School.

Nazareth House 1970s

posted by Jackie Richardson on 18 Mar 2019 at 12:18 am

Hi Rena, Andrea

It would be lovely to hear more about our time at Nazareth House. I remember bits. Do you remember our teachers Andrea?

Look forward to hearing from you.


Nazareth House

posted by Mel adams on 12 Apr 2019 at 9:04 am

Hi I’ve commented on here before but just wanted to say if any of you guys were interested i set up a facebook page called Nazereth house convent, Bexhill in the 1970s
It’s an open group so anyone welcome. Maybe post any pics and stories. Me n my 3 sisters were there from 72 till 77, loved it there, felt so safe and happy


posted by MR. R. W. EDWARDSON on 04 Dec 2019 at 8:26 pm


Fond Memories

posted by Kristbjorg Agustsdottir on 15 Feb 2020 at 2:58 pm

I attended Dalhousie School 1961/62 and I loved every momnet of my stay.


posted by paulpearce on 13 Apr 2020 at 4:12 pm

Hi all does anyone remember any of the boys from winceby house school on south cliff from the 70s or 80s would be interesting to hear any stories from back then about the school or if anyone worked there.thanks. paul.

Braemar Children's Home

posted by Derrick on 10 Jul 2020 at 8:48 pm

Trying to find anyone who knows anything about Braemar Children's Home from the late 60's into the 70's. What number of De La Warr Road was it? Would be great to get connected with someone from that period. I was there from 1969 - 1971

Braemar Children's Home

posted by Mark on 01 Aug 2020 at 12:30 pm

This is an answer for DERRICK (and hopefully for GAIL, who posted a message about Braemar six years ago!). The nursery house was at number 37 De La Warr Road, until they knocked it down to build a major road.
I am a Spaniard who stayed at Braemar for several summer periods in the mid-70s, so I couldn't have met you, Derrick, though you might have met my older sister Berta or my brother Óscar. As for Gail, in case you're reading this, I remember you! I wouldn't mind exchanging memories of that time: Mumfie, Di, their dogs Katie and Sophie, Mr and Mrs Roberts, the neighbours...and I remember a few of the children's names.

Love Bexhill

posted by Sean Wynne on 18 Oct 2020 at 4:14 pm

I remember going to school in Bexhill on Sea I love the town use look towards going to town every Saturday I went wincbey house school from 79 to 83 was known as Sean Cox now known as Sean Wynne i went to Bexhill last year it still look the same a part from some new flats that stand where the old sweet shop used to

George Gladwish

posted by michael edmonds on 02 Nov 2020 at 2:02 am

My next door neighbour is Rosie Gladwish who is George's sister and twin of Joe Gladwish.iknow George died in about 2014 he had been in a residential care home in Eversley Road for some years and I often sat with him whilst Rose got him sweets from the coop, jelly babies were his favourite however he was generally quite bad tempered refusing to get out of bed he watched horse racing continuously.Hope this has been of help.i know sister Josie and another from America Geraldine came to Bexhill for the funeral.

St Barnabas Junior School

posted by Jim Bloor on 25 Nov 2020 at 4:52 pm

Hello Steve Larkin. Yes I do remember you. I believe your parents had a builders company in Wrestwood Road. Can't actually remember playing in the street with you - what sort of things did we get up to? My other friends in Havelock road were Mike Nye and Mickey Payne. Did you ever meet them? Did you go to the Grammar school too? I left in 1955. My dad got a job at Aldermaston so we moved to Basingstoke. Love to hear more from you.

St Barnabas Junior School

posted by Steve Larkin on 15 Jan 2021 at 11:04 am

Hallo Jim Bloor. Just read your message. The builders' company in Wrestwood Road was R.A. Larkin's - they were no relations to us. I'm afraid I can't remember what games we used to play in the street. I don't recall meeting either of the friends you mention. Yes, I was at the Grammar School from 1953 to 1961. Where do you live these days? I've been in the north-east since 1968.

George Gladwish

posted by Steve Larkin on 15 Jan 2021 at 11:09 am

I didn't know George, but when I was at St Barnabas Junior School in the late 1940s there was a lad in my class called Freddie Gladwish. Any relation?

Memories Of Bexhill 1942-1961

posted by Steve Larkin on 02 Feb 2021 at 11:54 am

For detailed memories of this period, see my e-book Lucky Boy: memoir of a Sussex childhood 1942-1961, available from Amazon/Kindle store.

Gladwish And Waite

posted by Sue Smith on 04 Apr 2021 at 3:01 pm

I lived in London Road from the 60s - 80s and my next door neighbour was Rodney Waite. My mum still lives there now. I'm pretty sure my dad (Sammy Baker) worked with George Gladwish and went in the British Legion and Athletic Club regularly.

Braemar Children's Home

posted by Claire WOODLEY on 12 Jul 2021 at 11:50 pm

A message for Gail
I remember you very well
We were always playing in the town houses in priory Court out the front with my brother guy and egbert .. I wud come to tea sometimes and u came to tea and my mums
I really hope you get this Gail..
I moved at 9yrs old in Collington we must of been 5 or 6 or7 yrs old
I'm 53 now and me and brother always talk about egbert and my best friend Gail...near on nearly every Christmas 🎄

Mark Hawes? As In From Sidley

posted by Mandy Field was knapp on 18 Jul 2021 at 7:00 pm

Hi Mark Ate with you your mum sister and Roland many a Sunday over 35 years ago !

Mark Hawes? As In From Sidley

posted by Mandy Field was knapp on 18 Jul 2021 at 7:01 pm

Hi Mark Ate with you your mum sister and Roland many a Sunday over 35 years ago !

Bexhill Memories

posted by Bob on 01 Oct 2021 at 4:07 pm

My sister and I both lived in Bayencourt north from 1950 . Remember John Wells , Peter and jack scotcher, Mavis used to walk me past the dog at number 14 as I was scared of it. Belonged to the leopard family. Remember most of Johns comments funny how so many of that era ended up going to Australia including my sister Diane who became a school teacher. Used to play cricket un the square with John wheeler. Different world we lived in back then at least i can still remember some of my childhood.

A Short Stay Near Bexhill In The 1950s

posted by John Lack on 31 Oct 2021 at 11:38 am

Hello, I have just caught up with this website and feel entitled to add my twopennoth to it’s large collection of memories. Although not a long-time resident of Bexhill I did my National Service at nearby RAF Wartling during 1954 to 1956. Thus I came to know and appreciate Bexhill. I spent many happy hours at the De La Warr Pavilion for productions by the BLODS and bantering with our regular bus clippies on the way back to camp. I see that a number of your contributors were in the RAF around the time I was there. There can’t be many of us left of course. We National Service types were largely surplus to requirements by then and, with no intention of staying in the services, were mostly ignored. I spent my time keeping in touch with my education at Brighton college preparing for A-levels, giving elementary lessons to the haemophiliac son of the officer commanding and running the station library! Happy days but a severe waste of everyone’s time which delayed the start of my career in the Met Office. One person I recall is my flight corporal , Dennis Hillman, who later represented us at weightlifting in the 1960 olymipics. He is still around at 90+. Another was a psychotic cook who terrorised us and eventually purposefully chopped off his own finger!

I have lived in Burgess Hill since 2004. Strange to find myself back in this part of the world after so many years. It was great getting re-acquainted with the area after such a long absence looking out old haunts. Having enthused to my wife about the Art Deco De La Warr I was desolated to find it in such a sorry state when I arrived but the restoration is splendid.

Thanks for the many interesting posts. Regards John

SCRIMSHAW:Ninefield Riding Stable Little Common

posted by Barbara Jarvie on 01 Jan 2022 at 6:16 pm

Hi I’m looking for any photos or information on ninefield riding Stable at little common Bexhill in the 1930’s -1950’s ran by by mr William Henry scrimshaw and Alice May Scrimshaw ,their son was Henry and daughter stella
I feel there must be photos as there was many gymkhanas and I think they had the hunt dogs?
Thankyou for any help

Edward And Esther Turner (local Butcher)

posted by katrina fuzesi on 02 Feb 2022 at 11:29 am

Hi Does anybody have a memory of Edward Turner and/or his wife Esther Simpson. Edward also known as Ted ran a butcher's shop in Bexhill. Esther was my grandfather's sister. I'm not sure of the dates but it was sometime between the 1940's and 1970's. I'd love to find out more about them, where the shop was, when they were there etc. Thank you for any help.

Buxton Drive & Bexhill Downs Boys School

posted by KEVIN DILLISTONE on 28 Aug 2022 at 9:01 am

Have just found this site and have spent a few hours reading and enjoying all the memories. I notice there has been no mention of Buxton Drive. I lived there from 1949 until 1957 when we moved to Shepherds Close in Little Common. I went to St. Michael's School in Cooden Drive until 1957 then St. Mary Mags. then the Bexhill Downs Secondary School for Boys. I also went to the Thalia School in the evenings for several years, I must admit my school years were great. Especially at the Downs. At that time 1960 - 1966 there were some great teachers or should I say memorable teachers. Dennis Brooke (art), Middleton (English), Alf Cornish (science) and several others. I recently met one of my best friends at the time who I lost touch with for years Paul Purkis (originally from Hooe) now living in Australia. I know he has been trying to locate an old school friend of his Christopher Cliffton, also from Hooe. If anyone can shed any light as to where Chris is I will pass it on.

Message For Claire, Mark & Derrick

posted by Bradley Woods on 22 Sept 2022 at 10:22 pm

Hi, My name is Bradley. I was at Braemar around the same time as Gail, Stephen, Tammy, Markie, Mitchell etc. I remember lots about the place. Message me if you like 07785 283041.

I Was A Good Friend Of Your Cousin Mike Bishop

posted by Stephen Farnham on 16 Dec 2022 at 3:37 pm

I new Mike in Bexhill in 52/3 He if I remember right went to secondary modern school, I was at Bexhill Grammar.
If it is the same Mike Bishop I met him again in the sixties as we were both working as Male Models.
The last I heard of Mike was that he went to America.

Bodle Crescent Buxton Drive

posted by Colin hearn (Todd) on 12 Jan 2023 at 2:36 am

I’m wondering if there is anybody that remembers me and I’m trying to find anybody who was living in those roads in the late 40s 50s also anybody that went to downs school at that time especially form 4MB

Bodle Crescent Buxton Drive

posted by Colin hearn (Todd) on 12 Jan 2023 at 2:36 am

I’m wondering if there is anybody that remembers me and I’m trying to find anybody who was living in those roads in the late 40s 50s also anybody that went to downs school at that time especially form 4MB

Kevin Dillistone

posted by Todd hearn on 17 Jan 2023 at 6:37 pm

I’ve only just found this web site I was born and at 1bodle cres until I was 26 your name does ring a bell in my old brain but I don’t think you lived there that length of time I remember names such as the scorcher family.garlands.oatens Willard’s crouch any many more we all went to downs school and played over the recreation ground and all ways played football on a Sunday morning can you remember any of us it would be great if we could communicate because most of all of that I’ve mentioned have all gone which is such a shame but still those memories are still with the ones who are left hope to hear from you all the very best Todd

Mick Bishop

posted by Todd hearn on 21 Jan 2023 at 11:13 am

I new a Michael bishop in the 50s the only thing I can remember is he used to go to the athletic club and also he was in the RAF does any know if he is the same person

Maureen Moore?

posted by Allison Bolt on 02 Mar 2023 at 9:49 pm

Hi, long shot but my dad, John Leadbeatter is in hospital and has dementia but keeps talking about Maureen Moore and feel there is a loose end maybe. His family lived at 1 Salisbury road in Bexhill and he said she lived opposite No2?. Does anyone know of her or remember either family, would have been around 40s to 70s?

Moore Family

posted by Bob on 04 Mar 2023 at 1:19 pm

Hi Allison. I lived in Bexhill from 1950 to 1970. I lived in Bayencourt north quite close to Salisbury road and your dads name seems familiar. I remember the Moore family who lived at number two Bayencourt north maybe they were related. Ernie Moore and his sister Sally Moore are names I recall. Maybe that might jog someone else’s memory if they read this to assist you further. I went to the Downs secondary modern school from 1955 to 1960. Don’t know if your dad remembers Tony Lambert his dad owned the bicycle shop in Belle hill.
He sat next to me in classroom. Wish you luck in your search.

Moore Family

posted by Bob on 04 Mar 2023 at 1:20 pm

Hi Allison. I lived in Bexhill from 1950 to 1970. I lived in Bayencourt north quite close to Salisbury road and your dads name seems familiar. I remember the Moore family who lived at number two Bayencourt north maybe they were related. Ernie Moore and his sister Sally Moore are names I recall. Maybe that might jog someone else’s memory if they read this to assist you further. I went to the Downs secondary modern school from 1955 to 1960. Don’t know if your dad remembers Tony Lambert his dad owned the bicycle shop in Belle hill.
He sat next to me in classroom. Wish you luck in your search.

Message For Claire Woodley

posted by Bradley Woods on 16 Jun 2023 at 11:04 pm

Hi Claire, if you still would like to get in touch with Gail I could maybe help.

Braemar Children’s Home

posted by Sarah Bowles on 08 Nov 2023 at 8:42 am

Hi, I spent all of my school holidays at Braemar in the 1970’s, often with my brother Hamish. Di Burmester was my Granny! I loved that place. I was friends with a boy called Mitchell King (named after Joni Mitchell, I was told) snd Egbert and Richard. I remember Oscar, Berta and Mark very well. It was a wonderful house with a fantastic vegetable garden and it seemed to me at the time that the outdoor space was vast. The house was huge. I fantasise about going back one last time to appreciate its fading magnificence, but it was heartbreakingly demolished in the 1980’s to build that horrible dual carriageway- destroying the Old Town… I hope everyone who stayed at Braemar is thriving.

Meadow Cresent Bexhill

posted by DIANE DARBY on 14 Mar 2024 at 8:28 pm

Can anyone remember my father ,Patrick Dennis Towner born 1937,lived at 42 Meadow Cresent Sidley .He had one sister Jocelyn ,brothers Don ,Wyatt and Tony .My dad is now 87 .I know he was a Teddy boy and played Table Tennis .He did his national service in Korea .His father ,my grandfather was a cabinet maker married to cathleen but everyone called her May .Any memories from my dad's earlier years would be much appreciated .He married Merle ,my mother .He was 21 and she was 16 .They are still married with 5 children ,many grand children .Any memories or photos would be much appreciated .My father worked for British Rail .I have special memories of the Railway christmas part at The White Rock Pavillion .Thank you in advance ,Diane


posted by Helen on 21 Mar 2024 at 6:17 pm

Does anyone remember twins linda and Ann vale lived in St james crescent bexhill in the 60s

Diane Darby

posted by Todd Hearn on 07 Jun 2024 at 11:17 am

I remember a Tony Towner he used to be involved with my brother John with the sidley cycle speedway unfortunately he passed any sometime ago

Allison Bolt

posted by Todd hearn on 07 Jun 2024 at 11:41 am

You’re dad John Ledbetter was in my class at the downs school hope he gets better soon

Tony Towner

posted by DIANE DARBY maiden Towner on 13 Jul 2024 at 10:24 pm

Hello Todd ,
Tony was my dad's brother .He also passed away some years ago .I knew he was very involved with football in Bexhill .I had no idea about the Sidley cycle speedway .
Interesting because my husband was very good at trials riding .And his brother Philip Darby speedway .Was very sad to hear about Gordon Kennet passing away .He was Eastbourne Eagles speedway champion .
Going back to my dad ,it's sad as I have so many questions I wish I'd asked sooner .My dad's alzhemers makes that difficult .
I can remember my father mentioning his brother Tony being involved in a fire at a Bexhill cinema .

Diane Darby

posted by Todd hearn on 06 Aug 2024 at 1:13 pm

Hello Diane I was born in sidley but now live in Tunbridge Wells I would love to meet and tell you all I can remember my mobile no is 07512149330 hope I hear from you yours todd

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